FIRST UNITED METHODI ST CHURCH MONT BELVIEU Address Service Requested 10629 Eagle Dr. (FM 3180) Baytown, TX 77523 P.O. Box 530 Mont Belvieu, TX 77580 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2 open hearts. open minds. Phone: 281-576-1832 Fax: 281-576-5402 E-mail: [email protected] Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. First United Methodist Church Mont Belvieu April 2015 Rev. Jamie Lea Greetings from the Parsonage Family, 832-472-3575 Cell As you read this we are in the midst of, or have just completed, Holy Week & Easter Celebrations. We have honored another Confirmation Class. We are well into publication of a new directory. Summer is taking hold and plans are being made for graduations, the end of school, crossed fingers and prayers for acceptance to that just- right college or entry- level job-- and we think we are going to have a break in our busy schedules. Think again! 281-576-1832 Office 281-573-5402 Fax [email protected] Small Wonders Christian Academy Michelle Comeaux Time sensitive material We’re on the web! Official Church Business NOT junk mail DO NOT discard First United Methodist Church Mont Belvieu Small Wonders Christian Academy “Fishermen for Christ” Mark 1:17 First United Methodist Church Mont Belvieu [email protected] 9:00 am - 9:45 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am - Noon Traditional Worship Administrative Assistant Cyndi Cook [email protected] Financial Secretary Jan Hutcherson [email protected] Music Director/ Accompanist Ray Reese [email protected] Church Council Youth Leader Jayson Tramel Worship Schedule 9:50 am - 10:40 am Sunday School [email protected] Nursery Attendant [email protected] Office Hours First United Methodist Church Mont Belvieu Service 10629 Eagle Drive Mont Belvieu, TX Open Hearts, Open minds, Open doors 8:30 am - 3 pm Wednesday’s Schedule (Closed 30 minutes for lunch) Food Pantry - 9am Fridays UMYF - 6pm 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Michelle Comeaux Director Church: (281) 576-1832 The flare Cell: (713) 305-6554 Mon - Thu Reverand Jamie Lea With graduations and/or job acceptance comes making living arrangements and getting to know new people and certainly taking on new responsibilities. Vacations are about as busy a time in our lives as any other with all the planning, saving, spending, looking for deals or that just right memorable experience. Summer means kids are home who have to be entertained, fed, and chauffeured to and fro. So now is not the time to slow down. Same could be said for the Church. Summer brings opportunities such as VBS, Church Camp, UMYF trips, and many other activities. Summer also brings challenges as many folks will be out on vacations. Bell Choir, Vocal Choir and some others normally take a hiatus. Worship attendance becomes more important quite frankly because the fewer people we have in the area, the more important it is for everyone to try and be present. We will have people visiting our Church for the first time, and the last image we want to project is a small unenthusiastic congregation, which is exactly what we are not! So I urge you to make it a point to step up on your attendance. You may find that it actually becomes a habit that helps in all areas of your life. Finances also become a challenge in the summer. Because of some unexpected and generous offerings we are in fairly good shape at this time, but it takes more than many people realize to keep the Church operating effectively. We have bills that don’t take a vacation: insurance, electricity, payroll, office expense, and the list goes on. A convenient and quite frankly painless way you can help is to sign up for our on- line giving at our web site or at your local banking institution. This is a great way to make sure that your tithing continues even when you are out of pocket. Kandace and I have been using this method for our tithing and Needs & Dreams commitments, and it just automatically becomes a part of our budget. Talk to your family and see if this fits your lifestyle. Lastly, but most importantly, I ask you to keep our Church in your prayers. We are in the midst of many decisions that will affect the future of our Church in this community, and as with all decisions there are always many opinions that must be considered. Please pray for God’s Discernment as we move forward. Bells Practice- 5:30 pm God’s Peace Choir Practice - 6:30 pm Pastor Jamie, Kandace, James, and John, Kasondra, Frankie, & Johnnie Praise Team Practice - 7:15pm March Attendance 3/1 - 192 3/8 - 172 3/15 - 143 3/22 - 212 3/29 - Go to Click on Online giving in the left margin Go to “Click Here to Give” Follow the online instructions PAGE 15 T HE F LA R E V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Ted Anderson Jr. February 1 Pat Kelly February 19 Carolyn Simpson February 6 Terri Malona February 21 Mandy Pomykal February 10 Dayne Hobbs 4/1 Sherry Farningham Ethan Baker February 11 4/2 Mike Sawyer 4/3 Helen Conley February 13 Ernie Salter 4/4 Al Mills JT Franzino February 144/10 Bryan Williams 4/13 Wes Lide February 14 Eddie Yarter 4/15 Judy Duncan Franklin Morin February 154/15 Melodee Schaller 4/17 Zac Thompson David Dusek February 154/21 Lisa Dean 4/23 Nathan Wood February 16 Vicki Summersill 4/24 Jon Fowler Carl Manchaca February 174/24 Ryan Northrup 4/26 Phyllis Ray 4/26 Cory Willey 4/27 Ray Herrod 4/28 Sharon Richard 4/29 Stacey Brandon Lily Garner Terina Babb Keith Carlile Bobby Richard Heidi Babb Heather Dean AustinMotte Snell Kim Kevin Eddy Kandi Harris Aaron Palms JamieTovlin Lea Abby Kelli Enderli Gary Hook Timmy Gil Charles Cauthen Hailey Kloesel Shelby Weckwerth Julianna Turi Luke Lide Drake Motte Torrence Loviette Becky Anderson Bruce Simpson Lori Presnall UMW will be presenting gifts to Mother’s and Father’s during church service. David & Becky Anderson April 5 Billy & Jimmie Reese April 11 Ted & Melodee Schaller April 11 Matthew & Crystal Heller April 16 February 22 4/1 4/2 February 23 4/3 February 25 4/6 4/10 February 25 4/13 4/15 February 27 4/16 February 27 4/17 4/22 February 28 4/23 February 28 4/24 4/25 February 28 4/26 4/27 4/28 4/29 4/30 V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 T HE F LA R E PAGE 14 Pastor Jamie and his family ~ Marinelle Atwell ~ Don Babb ~ Gary & Susan Hook Margaret Hook ~ Don Carwile ~ Ercel Porter ~ Travis Warren ~ Bruce Simpson ~ Colt Sawyer ~ Phyllis Ray ~ Freida Dillon ~ Valerie Richardson ~ Stephanie Rainey & Family ~ Bettye Pomykal ~ Jill Christian ~ Betty Carlile In Our Prayers……... Marie Clanton-Tince Flower’s friend Irland Beyer, Lupus, friend of Melissa Doucet Ryan Allen-Great grandson of Babb’s Debbie Payne - Liver Cancer Mark Eitleman diagnosed with ALS-Mike Enoch’s Cousin Betty Urbanovsky, Lori Thompson’s Grandmother Joann Wagner Jean Kraemer Health Issues aunt of Shelly Lee Everett Kraemer -Health Issues uncle of Shelly Lee Don Northrup- Shawn Northrup’s father - stroke Janee’ Hutto Andrew Livingston-Cancer-friend of Jimmie Reese Mrs. Durham –Cancer-Robert Harrison Karen Stitler—Marge Bercaw’s sister Brenda Coffin (lost her husband) sister to Margaret Hook Andrew, Tyler & Harlee Nelms Family of Colleen Meadows Barbara Johnson cancer-Friend of Melodee Schaller Dusty Kemp Eugenia friend of Kandi Harris Len Hodges-Lukemia-Kathy Sailer’s Brother Terry Schiska Shannon Dickens Laura Santos remission/cure for lyme disease –daughter of Lois Work Kim Moseley, bone cancer, cousin of Elaine Best Leslie Meyer—surgery-Melissa Doucet’s cousin Ryan Barton friend of Kenlee & Jaycee Palms Dick McGary - Father of Stacey Brandon Brooke Franklin - Friend of Elaine Best Kyle Wayne Elledge - Infant Stephanie Rainey—swollen leg, mother of Carl Rainey Joshua Rainey - broken arm, brother of Carl Rainey Cathy Coleman, Cancer—friend of Teresa Schwendeman Stuart Mankin, Cancer—friend of Teresa Schwendeman Phyllis Keoth, heart problems - friend of Margaret Hook Jane Hall, Heart Problems, Jo Ann Simkins’ twin sister Jay Shultz, complication from surgery - Son of Jan Shultz Debbie Tallent (needs a kidney transplant) Brenda Gagliano—Friend of Tince Flowers Judy Bennett’s Step Sister, Kansas City, Mo– Cancer Rhett Fergia—cancer Zoe Guillot -Patricia McCan's granddaughter Debby Fevay - Shelbie Ballard’s Grand Mother— Cancer in remission Donna Whitmer Jan Johnson- Breast Cancer- cousin of Phyllis Ray Gavin Nettles Maddie Stone —Melodee Schaller Tom Narbit-liver transplant-friend of Melodee Schaller Tobi Mendenhall-Breast Cancer-Friend of the Motts Christopher Bowman, relative of Shawn Northrup Bill McClung Candi & Robert Young Kimberly Hardung—Liver transplant Laverne Ladd-Colon Cancer-Elaine Best Cousin Billy Perran Gail Patrick battling cancer-Friend of Jimmie Reese Cassidy Visudez & Family –In accident Shirley Lavergne Robert Klaus Connie Campbell Cameron Ward—Melodee Schaller’s nephew John Keene-Kitty Keene’s son Mike Bagwell, Scott & Deanne Wallace Mary Smoke friend of Kandy Harris surgery Renee Entrekin, cousin of Scott & Deanne Wallace Beau Ray—on strike at Lyondell Basell, son of Phyllis Ray Jodie Vasely, health problems - Lori Thompson’s brother Robert Campbell - brother of Cyndi Cook Family of Doug Hakemack—Katie Jamerson’s Grandfather Jo Smith, knee replacement - Gloria Enloe’s mother Our Prayers go out to Those Serving in the Military Staff Sgt. John Stefan Morin Pastor & Kandace’s son-in law Clark Brubaker - Korea Cousin of Stephanie Rainey Michael Wood - Marines nephew of Helen Conley Kalen Baker—Navy Joshua Mitchell - Navy Son of Josh and Joanna Mitchell Open Letter to the Congregation from the Texas Annual Conference Of the UMC T HE F LA R E T HE F LA R E PAGE 13 PAGE 4 QUARTERLY "HANDS ON MISSION" REPORT The "HANDS ON MISSION REPORT" is reported monthly as part of the pastor's annual report to the Conference. Rather than waiting until the end of the year, this year the ministries will be reported in THE FLARE on a quarterly basis. It is surprising and encouraging to see the many outreach activities in which our congregants are involved! The guidelines for the Conference report state that each volunteer's name may be used only ONCE; therefore, a member may have helped with several ministries during the year but his/ her name will appear only once! HANDS-ON MISSION REPORT - 2015 JANUARY (TOTAL: 24) WEST CHAMBERS COUNTY FOOD PANTRY (4) Glennice Morgenson; JoAnn Simkins; Margaret Hook; Phyllis Ray NEEDLE ARTS (2) Carolyn Simpson; Judy Themis PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY (3) Kandi Harris; Kandace Lea; Tina Stanley SCOUTING PROGRAM - PINEWOOD DERBY (4) Shawn Northrup; Michelle Northrup; Ray White; Miki White CONFIRMATION (FIELD TRIP CHAPERONES) (2) Charlotte Duckworth; Ray Reese FAMILY NIGHT - SQUARE DANCE (4) Bruce Simpson; Joanna Mitchell; Willie Thompson; Josh Mitchell, Sr. DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TRAINING (4) Tammy Shaw; Lori Thompson; Terri Malona; Jeremy Malona SOUTH DISTRICT ACADEMY FOR LAY LEADERSHIP (1) (Participant’s name already recorded: Bruce Simpson) FEBRUARY (TOTAL: 39) SOUPER BOWL DAY OF CARING (10) Ted Schaller; Melodee Schaller; Noah Schaller; Teddy Schaller; Bert Rainey; Lucy Ambler; Jimmy Reese; Billy Reese; Tammy Yarter; Lucy Ambler VALENTINE SOCK TREE – SWAN MANOR MINSTRY (6) Mindy Hall; Meghan Hall; Lindsey Hall; Chloe Patty; Thomas Patty; Cali Thompson KIDS BEACH CLUB – SPRING SEMESTER (7) Mary Curry; Pastor Jamie Lea; Gary Holmes; Corinna West; Hope Flint-West; Jaycee Mitchell; Yoon Sun Briggs CHURCH VISIONING – INTRODUCTORY MEETING (12) Nick Bercaw; Marge Bercaw; Matt Thompson; Janelle Harvey; Michelle Comeaux; Tanya Sandefur; Tom Wade; Dave Goundrey; James Curry; James Schultz; Edith Schultz; Valerie Thompson (plus 12 names recorded previously in other ministries) CONFIRMATION – LAKEVIEW RETREAT CHAPERONE (1) Kristin Franzino NEW MEMBERS’ DINNER (3) Eddie Yarter; Janelle Harvey; Beth Jernigan MARDI GRAS PARTY– UMW MEMBERSHIP DRIVE April 2015 SUN MON TUE WED 1 THU FRI SAT 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 Youth 6pm 5 6 7 Youth 9:45am 12 Youth 6pm 13 14 Youth 9:45am 19 Youth 9:45am 15 Youth 6pm 20 21 Youth 9:45am 26 8 22 Youth 6pm 27 28 29 Youth 6pm 30 THE F L A RE PAGE 12 T HE F LA R E PAGE 5 Confirmation Class to Congregation Emanu El We are SOO proud of you!!! MARCH (TOTAL: (3) (Names listed previously) X Y Z (EXTRA YEARS OF ZEST) FOR SENIORS Nick Bercaw; Marge Bercaw – Facilitators (names listed previously) SAN JACINTO METHODIST HOSPITAL VOLUNTEER SERVICE (1) Glenda Enderli CHURCH LIBRARY (1) Mary Cobb NEEDLE ARTS MINISTRY (1) Carolyn Burleson KITCHEN MODIFICATION (CARPENTRY) – PARSONAGE (1) Ted Schaller (Name listed previously) FOCUS GROUP LEADER – UMW SPRING CELEBRATION LAKEVIEW CONFERENCE CENTER Pastor Jamie Lea (name used previously) UNITED METHODIST WOMEN - SPRING GARAGE SALE (Names will be listed in the next FLARE---April issue’s deadline before event) As always, thank you so much to everyone that contributed both their time and resources to the Food Pantry. The kindness of others is what makes this all possible. The pantry is in need of the following items this month: Jelly Mixed Vegetables Tomatoes Fruit PAGE 6 11 21 31 41 91 101 102 110 115 120 130 135 141 151 161 171 181 T HE F LA R E Conference Apportionments World Service Ministerial Education Fund Black College Fund Africa UM University Interdenominational Cooperative General Administrative Fund Jurisdictional Apportionment Center for Congregational Excellence New Church Transformation Dev. Center for Clergy Excellence Center for Missional Excellence Center for Connectional Resources Pensions (Conf. Claimants) District Superintendent's Fund Episcopal Fund Equitable Compensation Fund Medical Benefits Program (Hosp) Total Conference Apportionments Fair Share Goals Oklahoma Indian Mission Conference Advance Special 2015 Lakeview Summer Camp Schedule Texas Methodist College Sch Total Fair Share Goals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ T HE F LA R E Budget Amount Paid 4,037.00 1,386.00 553.00 124.00 108.00 487.00 286.00 1,287.00 2,326.00 1,176.00 1,893.00 4,260.00 824.00 2,102.00 1,211.00 247.00 3,966.00 26,273.00 $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Balance 4,037.00 1,386.00 553.00 124.00 108.00 487.00 286.00 1,287.00 2,326.00 1,176.00 1,893.00 4,260.00 824.00 2,102.00 1,211.00 247.00 3,966.00 26,273.00 $ $ $ $ $ Balance 14.00 47.00 236.00 353.00 650.00 Budget Amount Paid 1,372.00 $ 1,061.00 $ 2,433.00 $ $ Balance 1,372.00 1,061.00 2,433.00 Budget $ $ $ $ $ Amount Paid 14.00 47.00 236.00 353.00 650.00 $ - Special Offerings Golden Cross UM Senior Foundation (Methodist Retirement Comm. UMC O R One Great Hour of Sharing - UMCOR Peace with Justice Native American World Communion District Apportionments Programming Missions Total Fair Share Goals $ $ $ PAGE 11 PAGE 10 T HE F LA R E T HE F LA R E SPOTLIGHTING MEMBERS O.J. AND BETTYE POMYKAL Seldom missing a Sunday service at FUMCMB are O.J. and Bettye Pomykal, faithful members since 1960. Ogene and Bettye (Hrozek) Pomykal both grew up in Rosebud, Texas and were married after his stint in the Air Force. They have four children: Nancy Nelson of Bryan; Mike Pomykal of Mont Belvieu and a local city councilman; Jeannie Sonnier of Georgetown; and Peggy Meyers of Mont Belvieu. In 1990 they decided to try a lakeside lifestyle for a while and moved to Lake Limestone. They sold their Cherry Point home to Doug and Mary Oehler (deceased), members of FUMCMB, with PAGE 7 Don’t Start shopping without us……..Methodist Market is a web portal to a shopping adventure of about every (or almost all) web sites you can shop at such as Amazon, Lowes, Macy’s, Sears, and many more. How does this work you ask? Go to and register. Select FUMCMB as your church and then search for the companies where you want to shop. Log on to that company with your existing account information, and you are then on the companies’ accounts just as if you had logged on directly with them. The difference is that these companies rebate a varying percentage of your spending to the church – at no extra charge to you. Check it ou t today at:w w w .u m hom e March YTD Income the understanding that if the Oehlers ever chose to sell the home, the Pomykals would have first choice at buying it back! After a few years, that happened! The Pomykals were ready to move back to be nearer their children, and Mary Oehler was ready to move to an apartment! Budget YTD Immediately, the Pomykals restored their membership at FUMCMB! Received YTD 47,237.00 Bettye was a long-time food service worker at BHISD, and her cooking skills are legendary! United Methodist Women’s cookbooks through the years are filled with Bettye’s great recipes! Short YTD O.J. is known as a “master gardener!” His flowers, especially the roses, make his yard a standout on Cherry Point Drive. He grows vegetables in abundance and willingly shares these with friends and with the West Chambers County Food Pantry. Well into his 80’s, O.J. could be seen edging the walkways on the church grounds, quietly performing this important ministry. With appreciation and honor, the Pomykals are being recognized as the FIRST family to be spotlighted in THE FLARE! This new “spotlight feature” in the monthly newsletter is an effort to introduce or re-introduce both new and more seasoned members to one another. Please take a moment and introduce yourself to the Pomykals and future featured members. 68,601.00 -21,364.00 As part of their Motorcycle Ministry, Pastor and Kandace Lea were chosen as “Kickin Customers of the Month” at Stubbs Harley-Davidson. A nursery is provided upon request with all scheduled events. Sunday’s Worship Schedule Contemporary Service 9:00 am Worship Service 10:45am 9:50 am Sunday School Fellowship @ noon UMW United Methodist Women SPRC-Staff Parish Relations Committee LL - Lay Leadership UMM -United Methodist Men KBC—Kids Beach Club CMC - Children’s Ministry April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat Food Pantry 9a 2 Bells Practice 5:30p Holy Thursday Svc. 7:00 UMYF 6p Choir Practice 6:30p Praise Team Practice 7:15p 3 Church Office Closed 4 10 XYZ Game Day 12p 11 Southeast Texas Choral Society 7p 5 6:45a Sunrise Service 6 7:30a Breakfast by UMM Staff Meeting 11:30a 9:50a Easter Egg Hunt 10:00a Church-wide photo 10:15a Confirm. Recp. 7 8 12 Children’s Ministry after worship 13 14 Trustees 6:30p 15 Food Pantry 9a 16 Bells Practice 5:30p Finance 6p UMYF 6p Church Council 7p Choir Practice 6:30p Praise Team Practice 7:15p 17 18 Family Day 19 20 SPRC 6:30p 21 Evangelism 6:30p 22 24 25 Church Picnic 10a-4p Guy Matthews Residence 26 XYZ Out to Eat 12:00p VBS Planning Mtg 12:15 27 28 29 Food Pantry 9a Bells Practice 5:30p UMYF 6p Choir Practice 6:30p Praise Team Practice 7:15p 9 Worship 6p Youth Ministry Council 6:30p Food Pantry 9a 23 Bells Practice 5:30p UMYF 6p Choir Practice 6:30p Praise Team Practice 7:15p Food Pantry 9a 30 Bells Practice 5:30p 6:00 UMM Meeting UMYF 6p Choir Practice 6:30p Praise Team Practice 7:15p
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