Freshwater Creek Steiner School Mar 25 Issue 8 FROM THE FACILITATOR Dear Parents and Community, Thank you all for your wonderful hard work and support for our growing school. Our Autumn Harvest festival went beautifully, thanks to the generosity of parent helpers and cooks; - the atmosphere of celebration went on throughout the day after the fine assembly, singing and play. The Harvest table proceeds were received by Lifeline with thanks and they wished me to convey this to our school community. It has been a very busy term with many projects becoming ready for the next term. Our library will be in place to support all the classes, and particularly the senior end of the school having benefit from our catalogued and organised literacy resources. There will be many avenues for parent help with our curriculum, and we look forward to bringing great additional enrichment to the children. Thank you to all parents and to our remarkable school council, especially Gabby Brennan, for conducting such a fine school forum. Points of view are always taken into consideration when planning or operating the school. The Easter celebration too, is a time for reflection and renewal; - the theme after all having to do with re-birth and transformation. We can all come back refreshed from our break and ready for a fabulous term 2. Happy Easter and warm regards, Joseph 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 2015 Upcoming Events to Diary Wed Mar 25 Evening Talk—Joseph “The Cultural Impulse of Parent’s Choir TBA Music, classes 3-6 Thursdays Steiner Education and the fusion of Arts and Sciences” Fri 27 Mar Friday 9-9.30am All welcome Autumn Festival (Wetlands room) Craft Circle Fridays 9.30-2.30 (Honey House) Teachers’ Meetings Tuesdays 3.30-5pm Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm Term 1 ends Mon Apr 13 Term 2 begins Wed Apr 15 Assemblies 6.15pm for 6.30pm start (Early childhood) Fri Mar 27 (Please bring instruments) Prep Class Meeting Class 1 Meeting Mon Apr 20 Emergency Drill Tue Apr 21 Class 4 Meeting Fri Apr 24 Curriculum Day (please note that teachers are unavailable for parent discussions during these times) Working Bees 4hrs—Sat/Sun as advised May 23/24 Sept 5/6 Oct 10/11 Nov 28/29 (No school) Tue Apr 28 Class 2 Meeting Wed Apr 29 Open Day Fri May 01 Chai Café (Class 5/6) Mon May 4 Class 3 Meeting *These dates are subject to change at short notice. Please continue to check your newsletter or the school website : for the most current dates. 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 FROM SCHOOL COUNCIL Whole School Forum THANKS! Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Whole School Forum. We had a great attendance from parents and staff. I also received comments and questions by email. Mary Rose and Kelli told us how the school was started parents and built up from its Geelong beginnings to what we have now. We discussed how parents are currently involved and in what ways their contribution could be valued and streamlined. Many people said afterwards that it was a great opportunity to get a better understanding of how and why things happen. It was acknowledged that the school could not run without our wonderful volunteers!. I will let you know when the notes are available, via this newsletter. The next Whole School Forum is scheduled for Term 3. I'd also like to thank Jemma and Dom for the childcarewhat a generous gesture! Gabby Governance and Council – so what is it all about? Do you have something to contribute? FWCSS is an Incorporated Association. We are legally governed by the Associations Incorporations Act 2012. As parents or guardians of children enrolled at FWCSS, you are our members. We are now seeking and encouraging nominations from our members of suitable candidates to be considered for election to the School Council. Our school is a living organism. A happy and healthy education for our children is our core task and the fruit of our daily work. Management and governance work together to support this core activity. The School Council takes on the role of governance. While our current Council members are parents of children in the school, in stepping onto the Council they move out of the personal role of being a parent of particular children in particular classes. They take on a broader stewardship role where they oversee the governance of the school as a whole. Council therefore commit to work impartially in the best overall interests of the School. It is not the Council’s responsibility to become involved in the day-to-day management and operations of the School. This is the responsibility of the Facilitator and the School’s Management Team. Council maintain a role in providing an overview of long term strategy, maintaining the school’s financial solvency and protecting the school against risk. They are responsible for appointing the Facilitator, and ensure a strategic approach to the School’s future by setting major objectives, policy frameworks and strategies. Council members are volunteers, contributing their service to the school. Our AGM is coming up on Wednesday 27th May. If you would like to take up the challenging and rewarding role of being on Council and have a voice in the future of our school, we warmly welcome you to nominate. The number of Ordinary Members will be decided at the AGM. 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 Please feel free to talk to a current Council member if you are interested or have any questions. President – Dipika Delmenico-Voss 0411 735 849 Vice President – Gabby Brennan 0422 733 484 Treasurer – Vanessa Ritchie 0434 832 953 Secretary – Louise Poon 0427 779 113 Ordinary Members Louise Murray – 0427 779 113 and Karen Jepsen – 0415 659 880 Nominations are to be submitted by Wednesday 6/5/15 to Louise Poon, Council Secretary. ([email protected]) and may be collected from the office. FROM THE TEACHERS Autumn Festival What a beautiful Autumn Festival—thank you to all the parents who helped with preparations and on the day, who came along to participate in our special assembly , watch Class 4’s fantastic play and who donated items to our beautifully decorated Harvest Table. 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 FROM ADMIN Playgroup in the Park Thankyou to Leanne F and Kelli, our Playgroup Leaders who braved the elements to participate in the City of Geelong’s Playgroup in the park earlier in the week. x Lost Property Hmmm, are there any children with clothes left in their cupboards?? The lost property box has done a particularly amazing job this term, with everything from lunchboxes to keys to toys to hats to socks to jumpers to coats etc etc…. At pickup on the last day of term, we will display the items on the deck—PLEASE 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 take the time to check for your child’s clothing as any unclaimed items will be bundled up, washed, and donated to charity. x FROM PARENTS FRIENDS AND Hello everyone, What an amazing Forum we had at school last weekend! I feel inspired. In the spirit of community, I am inviting you all to come and (bring your own) picnic to Connerwarre Reserve. It’s a great space with swings, tennis courts, BMX bike bit and skateboard ramp etc. Bring food, play clothes and equipment and let’s spend the day there with the kids. Shall we meet at 10am? If there are many families interested then I will book the hall, if it is free and just ask for a gold coin donation to cover the hall hire. It has a very nice kitchen and big space for inclement weather play. Otherwise there is a BBQ outside. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks Mayan 0405070693 When Tuesday 31st March Where: Conneware Reserve, Randles Road, Connewarre. What: BYO picnic, bikes, skate board, tennis gear etc Simple Easter Ideas 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD House for short term rent We will be going away for 10 weeks from June 18th - August 27th and would like to rent out our house. If you know anyone who is doing a reno, or visiting and is looking for a fully furnished, 3 bedroom house in Breamlea, please give them my number. Gabby (Yannick and Barnaby, yr 6) 0422 733 484 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066 You are invited to a talk on... “The Cultural Impulse of Steiner Education and the fusion of Arts and Sciences” How we work with sensory education to develop heart thinking and the intelligence of feeling. Presenter: Joseph Kecskemeti, Facilitator Freshwater Creek Steiner School Venue: “The Wetlands Room” Freshwater Creek Steiner School 52 McIntyres Rd Freshwater Creek Date: Wednesday 25 March, 2015 Time: Please aim to arrive at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start (Not suitable for children - babes in arms excepted) 52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216 – Ph (03) 5264 5077 – Fax (03) 5264 5066
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