2015 Fisheries & Wildlife Graduate Scholarships Checklist Please indicate which awards you are applying for by clicking on the boxes. You must indicate in the space below each award selected how you meet the criteria (500 character limit). Aquatic M.A. Ali Graduate Chair Award in Fisheries Biology, awarded to graduate students recognized for their accomplishments in research, communication of their science, and participation in the graduate program and evidence of leadership. David J. Ashkenas Memorial Fellowship, awarded to graduate students who wish to study abroad, or a student from abroad who wishes to come to OSU. Preference given to students working in freshwater riparian ecosystems, followed by marine ecosystems and then by terrestrial ecosystems Neil Armantrout Graduate Fellowship, awarded to a full-time graduate student conducting research on wild salmon. May be used for travel. H. Richard Carlson Memorial Scholarship, awarded to a graduate student with research emphasis in marine fisheries biology. Two letters of recommendation are needed. Oregon Council Federation of Fly Fishers Scholarship, two awards to graduate students researching native fishes of interest to the Oregon Council. James Sedell Graduate Award in Fisheries and Wildlife, awarded to graduate students working on native fish conservation, aquatic habitat restoration, and landscape conservation planning. Full-time graduate students based on merit, research potential, leadership and financial need. May be used for travel. Sunriver Anglers Club Scholarship, two awards to full-time graduate students conducting research on fish or habitat ecology in Eastern Oregon. Preference to Oregon residents. Charlie Taylor Memorial Fishin’ Friends Graduate Award, to full-time students conducting research on freshwater salmon/steelhead ecology and mgmt. in OR, WA, or Northern CA. Can be used for travel. Washington County Flyfishers, awarded to a full-time senior or graduate student conducting research on freshwater salmonid ecology and management. (text box is on the top of the next page) Terrestrial David B. and Georgia Leupold Marshall Wildlife Graduate Scholarship, full-time graduate student conducting research with strong management implications for wildlife or wildlife issues of special interest. Preference given to members of OR-TWS. Munson Wildlife Graduate Scholarship, awarded to a full-time wildlife graduate student with an interest in interdisciplinary natural resources management and research. Oregon resident preferred. May be used for travel, supplies, etc. General Briggs Scholarship in Biogeography – Recipients should have completed their undergraduate degree at another institution in the US or abroad. Preference to students with a strong interest in the distribution and evolution of terrestrial, freshwater, or marine organisms. Santiam Fish and Game Association Endowed Scholarship Fund – First preference will be given to Linn or Benton County residents, second preference to students who are residents of any county in OR. Thomas G. Scott Achievement Award: multiple awards to outstanding M.S. students; and outstanding Ph.D. students; to recognize research potential in graduate students majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife. Two letters of recommendation are needed. Charles E. Warren Award for Ecology and Sustainable Societies, preference given to students whose research best integrates ecological and social sciences in the quest for sustainable relationships between communities and their natural resources. Your thoughtful response here is important. 850 character limit. Ted Thorgaard Student Research Fund, awarded to a full-time graduate student conducting research in conservation biology. May be used for travel, supplies, or other expenses. Instructions for submitting applications for FW graduate scholarships. Due by 9am Friday, April 17, 2015 • Submit ONE application to be considered for any or all departmental awards. • Submit your application in the order listed below; save as a .pdf file in this format: last name.first name.pdf • No paper copies please, ask letter writers to email only. • If faculty are submitting letters separately, these will be added to your application packet. • Email pdf file to [email protected] by 9 am Friday, April 17 Application form with checklist, make sure you included how you meet the criteria for each award selected. 2. CV Name Address Phone Email Education Scholarship and Awards Related Experience and Research Publications Presentations Professional Service 1. 3. Letters of Recommendation Two letters of recommendation are required only if you are applying for either the Richard Carlson Memorial Scholarship or the Thomas G. Scott achievement Award. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD APPLICATION Application Deadline: April 17, 2015 Application must be typed OSU ID# ____________________ Name (last, first, middle) Did you come to OSU as an Oregon resident? Y N County and State of permanent residence_________________________ Graduate Program Fisheries Wildlife MS PhD PSM OSU GPA (graduate hours only)___________________ Expected graduation date____________________ GRE Scores: Q Your phone number _V_ AW Hours taken (including current) at OSU ___________ E-mail address Please give us one statement about what your research topic is, what species you are working on, and in what geographic location. One to two sentences (no attachments): Please list three bullet statements about your career goals: STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL NEED: Indicate if you have funding or not (GRA, GTA, or other & duration) and what your financial burden will be to complete your degree. Please indicate if you feel that you qualify as a diversity student and why (ethnic minorities, those with disabilities, first generation in college, etc): 2015 Guidelines for Scoring Graduate Scholarship Applicants Each applicant will be evaluated based on the following categories. Need 5: GRA, GTA funding running out or only tuition covered. 3: Needs additional funding for research. 0‐1: Fully funded. Research Goals/Abstract 3: Clearly defined and well written 1‐2: Goals not well articulated Related Experience and Research (including volunteer work) 5: Three or more jobs or research projects related to their field of research 3: Less than 3 jobs or projects related to their research or 3 or more unrelated. 0‐1: Little or no work experience or research. Publications 5: Several pubs including peer‐reviewed, lead author – two or more for PhD, at least one for MS. 3: Fewer pubs or no peer‐reviewed pubs or not lead author. 0‐1: Few or no publications Service ‐ Professional and Community (leadership) activities and presentations 3: Currently involved in leading activities within student association, professional society, or other organization. 2: Regular participation as a member of an organization, but not leading (e.g., serving as an officer or organizing major events). 1: Involved only intermittently and not leading. 0: Little evidence of leadership, presentations, or volunteer activities. Quality of Application 3: Clear, well written application 2: Average quality application 0‐1: Poorly written, grammatical errors, not following instructions
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