FORT WAYNE/SOUTH BEND DIOCESE ENGLISH SPEAKING CURSILLO MOVEMENT CURSILLO Volume VII Issue 3 March, 2015 Secretariat SCHOOL OF LEADERS Lay Director: Tony Luber (574) 291-0656 The April session of the School of Leaders has been moved from the 1st Saturday because of Holy Week. S.O.L. will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 11, 2015, at St. Martin dePorres on the south edge of Syracuse. All Cursillistas are welcome as we pray, learn and share in our mission to utilize the Cursillo method to evangelize Asst. Lay Director: Vacant (574) School of Leaders: Patti Hobbs (260) 424-5314 Treasurer: Amy Curry (574) 528-0076 Secretary: Dan Kuzma (574) 247-0469 Pre-Cursillo: Sheri Garwood (574) 287-0496 Cursillo 3-Days: Tim Weber (574) 289-2269 Post-Cursillo: Brant Howe (317) 446-5307 Palanca Leader Tony Hardy (574) 226-8204 NEWSLETTER ROSARY Holy Saturday April 4 7:00 a.m. A Rosary will be prayed at the Grotto on the Notre Dame campus. A Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed. Parking is available in the lot serving Sacred Heart Basilica. Region V Cursillo Coordinator Greetings Cursillista's, Happy Spring! Lent is almost over. We will soon be in Easter Joy! You are invited to share that (Joy!) at our April 17th & 18th Region V Spring Encounter. We will have time to pray, celebrate our faith, learn, and play together. Everytime we get together we discover more about this wonderful gift from God (Cursillo). This will be my 30th Regional Encounter and I still walk away with a deeper knowledge of the Charism each time. Please take this opportunity to share with us at Sacred Heart Parish Center April 17th &18th. If you need an Application you can reach me at 574 3400790 or e-mail at [email protected]. God Bless and De Colores Steve Sulentic Women’s Cursillo Weekend 10/8-10/11 I am so blessed to be chosen as Rector for the next Women's Cursillo. We had our first meeting in March and it was nice to have everyone together. Shirley Haggenjos is the Assistant Rector for the weekend. I am so honored to have a great team supporting me Spiritual Advisors: Rev. Robert Nogosek, C.S.C. for this weekend. The weekend will be held at the Episcopal Center in Syracuse. Please pray for us as we continue this movement and help it grow and blossom. (574) 631-0184 Sr. Margie Lavonis, C.S.C Rev. Paul Doyle, C.S.C. (574) 631-7427 De Colores, Amy Curry Be a friend, make a friend, bring your friend to christ 1 Are you grouping? If you look at the service sheet that guides you through your review of piety, study and action, you will encounter an item “Activities in your own group”. If your group is wondering what could be an activity that your group could engage in, why not make a group visit to an Ultreya? There are Ultreyas gathering on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursdays of each month. They meet at 7:00 p.m. and last about an hour and a half. On the 2nd Thursdays of the month, Ultreyas are held at St. Vincent’s in Fort Wayne and at St. Patrick’s in South Bend. On the 3rd Thursdays Ultreya is held at St. Robert Bellarmine in North Manchester and on the 4th Thursdays Ultreya is held at the K of C in Syracuse. If your group does decide to go to Ultreya, why not invite a Cursillista you know that is not grouping or attending Ultreya? Do you have an idea to encourage Cursillo action? Let one of the Cursillistas on the Secretariat know. Names and contact information are on the front page. Preparations are underway for a Men’s and Women’s Weekends this fall. It is not too early to consider sponsoring a friend. The application forms are available on our website. Sponsoring a candidate is a responsibility and you should read the material on the webpage. Most important of all is to talk to Jesus about your friend before you talk to your friend about Jesus. P A L A N C A stands for the Privilege and Power of Prayer, and for Personal service to the Pilgrims. stands for Anytime, Anywhere, by Anybody, to Anyone, for Anything, which expresses the when, where, who, and why of Palanca. stands for the "Lever" (palanca) of our knees bent in prayer; for the Love of God towards us, and for our Love one to another; for the Light of Christ, and for His Light which we bring to the world; and for the Letters of love which are our evidence of palanca to the pilgrims. The second "A" stands for the Acts we do (Anonymously, if possible) to Affirm God's love in our lives, Ascribing all Adoration and praise to God our Father, rather than pointing to ourselves. stands for Nourishment - both in the spiritual sense, and also by providing for the Pilgrims' physical needs with food, snacks, and refreshments. stands for the Core of palanca - the Caring Community with Christ at the Center. : The last "A" stands for the Abundance of God's gifts to us, and for our need to Accept His love. CURSILLO NEWS FROM THE UNITED STATES AND THE WORLD The National Cursillo organization publishes the bi-monthly National Cursillo Newsletter. It contains information about Cursillo and important events . You can read or download it from The World Cursillo organization publishes a Monthly Newsletter. It contains information on Cursillo and events around the world. You can read or download it from 2 CURSILLO WEEKEND CHAIRPERSON—Tim Weber At our last School of Leaders we broke into groups to discuss the different chairs of the Secretariat. In the Cursillo group we talked about locations for the weekends. One place we discussed was a retreat center in Rome, IN but it was quickly dismissed as the facility is still a long way from being completed. We also talked about moving the weekends around the diocese since it is a diocese wide movement. This would help in spreading the word that Cursillo is alive and welcoming to every area. Another topic we discussed was the time of year for the weekends. In our group it was obvious that fall would be the best time as it gives the team members good weather to drive back and forth for team meetings and the weather is much more agreeable for facilities without air conditioning. The final topic broached during our discussion was that team members need to have a commitment to Cursillo and the formation process. This group had a good mix of men and women coming from different locations. The best part for me as a facilitator was that all I mainly did was ask questions and listen to what the community had to say. I am sure we are not done discussing these topics or other ideas so if you would like to have input, please come to School of Leaders or let me know of your ideas. I am still looking for people to help head the committees for the upcoming men’s and women’s weekend. I have information and contacts for anyone who would step forward to head the Nocturnal, Kitchen, Set-up-Take-down committees. I am still looking for people to help head the committees for the upcoming men’s and women’s weekend. I have information and contacts for anyone who would step forward to head the Nocturnal, Kitchen, Set-up-Take-down committees. De Colores, Tim Weber We have been trying to have people serve as parish representatives to facilitate contact with and communication with Cursillistas in parishes throughout the diocese. PreCursillo Chair Sheri Garwood can be contacted if you have the time to help out in this effort. It would take only a small amount of time and it would be an excellent action. Her number is listed on page 1. Hello Fellow Cursillistas, Thank you again for all the donations we have received. Your support is greatly appreciated. The Lord always provides.. Spring is finally here and the sun is shining more and more! Our movement is growing and it is very exciting! We have weekends coming up and always need help with time, talent and treasure. Every little bit helps. Please continue to pray for everyone who is sick or struggling. Have a Blessed Easter and thank you all for your continued donations. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:3-4 God Bless, Amy Curry 3 FORT WAYNE/SOUTH BEND DIOCESE “The Cursillo Movement is a movement of the Church which by means of ENGLISH SPEAKING its own method makes possible for people to live what is fundamental for CURSILLO MOVEMENT P.O. Box 1613 424 S. Michigan St South Bend, IN 46634 being Christian. By living it with others, it helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations. The Cursillo Movement promotes the creation of core groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel. “ The Fundamental Ideas of the Cursillo Movement SPRING 2015 REGION V ENCOUNTER April 17-18, Sacred Heart Parish Center, Notre Dame Beginning at 6:00 p.m. E.D.T. on the North edge of the Notre Dame Campus, Cursillistas from the Midwest dioceses that comprise Region V will meet and pray and discuss and eat and sing and work to strengthen Cursillo. This is excellent opportunity to share the Cursillo experience with others and to strengthen our efforts at evangelizing that part of God’s creation that we occupy. The costs is $40 if you stay overnight in the rooms available and $30 otherwise. Details and reservation information is available from Region V service director STEVE SULENTIC, 63021 State Road 23, North Liberty, IN 46544, (574) 340-0790, [email protected] . UPCOMING April 9 7:00 p.m. Ultreya—F.W. - S.B. April 11 9:00 a.m. S.O.L.—Syracuse April 16 7:00 p.m. Ultreya—No. Manchester April 23 7:00 p.m. Ultreya—Syracuse May 2 9:00 a.m. S.O.L.—Syracuse Many people think of Cursillo as the 3-day Weekend. And, for many, the Weekend is a focal point, but it is only the most visible aspect of Cursillo. Pre-Cursillo and PostCursillo are integral parts of Cursillo and with the.Cursillo Weekend form a tripod similar to the tripod of Piety, Study and Action. A Cursillista who has participated in the 3-day Weekend knows that the 4th Day is the goal. Your help and prayers in all aspects of Cursillo are needed to allow the gift of Cursillo to be shared in our diocese. Fort Wayne/South Bend Cursillo needs Thank you and God Bless You Your Prayers and Financial Support Please return this form with a check made payable to: Consider making a contribution of: ❑ $100 ❑ $75 ❑ $50 ❑ $25 ❑ Other ________ ________________________________________________ Your Name ________________________________________________ Address Fort Wayne/South Bend Cursillo Mail to: Treasurer, Amy Curry Fort Wayne/South Bend Cursillo P.O. Box 1613 ________________________________________________ South Bend, IN 46634 City, State and Zip Code ________________________________________________ E-mail 4
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