presents ** RISING STARS SKATING CAMP ** on WEDNESDAY 15 APRIL 2015 11.30AM – 03.00PM At Ayr Ice Rink, Limekiln Road, AYR – Cost £20.00 Please make any cheques payable to: Suzanne Otterson Macdonald Following the success of our previous Rising Stars Camps, we are looking forward to another fun, action packed afternoon of on ice and off ice activities. The camp is open to participants from Skate UK Grade 7 to full Level 4 standard. As always, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so please return your application form and payment quickly!! Forms must be returned by Monday 23 March to Rosemary Otterson, 15 Northfield Avenue, AYR, KA8 9AL. In the afternoon, skaters should wear warm skating wear and bring their skates, trainers, inhalers, if required, snacks and plenty of energy!! A timetable and further information will be posted on the “Gain the Edge” website, So keep looking. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Name: …………………………………………………………………. Contact Telephone No: ……………………………………………………………. Age: …………………………………………….. e-mail address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Club: ……………………………………………. Coach: …………………………………… Current Standard/Grade: ……………………………... ** DO YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDITIONS OF WHICH WE NEED TO BE AWARE OF? IF YES, PLEASE SUPPLY DETAILS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I hereby apply to participate in the Gain the Edge Rising Stars Skating Camp at Ayr Ice Rink. I understand that there are many risks inherent in, and incidental to participation, in the skating camp. I assume all risks inherent in and incidental to such participation and hereby release, absolve and hold blameless, Ayr Ice Rink and Gain the Edge coaching staff and employees of any claim arising from any injury or damage sustained, however caused, resulting directly or indirectly from participation in the skating camp at any time preceding, during or after such camp is in session. I DO/DO NOT give consent for the above named child’s first name and/or photograph to appear on any promotional material or websites. I hereby agree that should any first aid situation arise, I give my consent for a Gain the Edge qualified First Aider to administer first aid. Signed (Skater/Parent if under 18) …………………………………………………………………………………. Date: ……………………………..
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