GARTLAND CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, INC. CHILD’S APPLICATION Pre-screening Date of Center/ Home (____________________) Date of Admission of Child (___________________) Child’s Full Name___________________________________________ Child’s Date of Birth (________________) Child’s Age ___________ Home Address _____________________________________________ City ____________________________, TN Zip Code_____________ Home Phone #________________Parent’s Work #_________________ Name of the School Child Attend(s)______________________/______ (grade) Parent Information: MOTHER’S NAME; WORK NUMBER; EMPLOYER; EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS; WORK HOURS MOTHER’S INFORMATION NAME: FATHER’S NAME;WORK NUMBER;EMPLOYER EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS; WORK HOURS FATHER’S INFORMATION NAME: EMPLOYER’S NAME EMPLOYER’S NAME EMPLOYER’S NUMBER EMPLOYER’S NUMBER EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS EMPLOYER’S ADDRESS WORK HOURS: WORK DAYS: WORK DAYS: WORK DAYS CELL NUMBER: (615) CELL NUMBER: (615) EMERGENCY INFORMATION: (In Case of Emergency) Name of Doctor/Physician__________________________/ Office #_____________________ Address of Office:_______________________________________________________________ A Person Authorized to Act for the Parent:_________________________________________ (Name) /Relationship Employer Address__________________________Employer #__________________________ Hm Address____________________________/ Hm Number___________________________ Work Hours____________________________/Cell # _________________________________ Transportation Plan: Person(s) authorizes to provide transportation for your child (Name and relationship to the child) 1. _____________________________________/ 2. _________________________________ 3. _____________________________________/ 4. _________________________________ PAGE 2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION CHILD’S APPLICATION Family members (other children) birthdates ages (what ?) school Eating Habits: At what time does the child eat: Breakfast? __________ Lunch __________ Dinner__________ Does your child feed him/herself? Yes_________ No___________ What is the Child’s Attitude toward eating? __________________________________________ Favorite Foods ___________,_____________, ______________. Disliked Foods or foods prefer not to eat. ____________,_____________, _______________. Foods he/she is Allergic Too: _______________, _________________,__________________. Infants: Formula is given how often: Every How many Hours? _________. How many ounces every feeding? __________ oz(s) Sleep Habits: Does the child have his/her own room? YES__ NO___ Does the child sleep alone? YES___ NO___ Toilet Habits: Can the child manage their clothing at the toilet? YES____ NO____ Can the Child tell you when they need to go to the bathroom? YES____ NO____ ******Please initial after reading and agreeing to each statement. ******** I have received a summary of licensing requirements. ______ I do hereby authorize emergency medical care. _______ I have received a copy of the agency policy (Parent’s Handbook). ________ My school-age child’s immunization record is on file at the school attending._________ ___________________________________________/________________________________ Signature of Parent(s) Date (For Office Use Only - Below) Date child is withdrawn____________________ Wkly. Fee(s)_______________ Reason for withdrawal___________________________ EMERGENCY INFORMATION (PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY, WE ALSO NEED PROOF OF SCHEDULES FROM YOUR EMPLOYERS AND/OR SCHOOLS SHOWING THE HOURS AND DAYS YOU WORK IF YOUR CHILD IS HERE LONGER THAN 8 HOURS.) * REMEMBER TO FILL OUT NEW FORMS WHEN YOUR INFORMATION CHANGES CHILD’S NAME (first)__________________(middle)_______________ (last)_______________________ MOTHER’S NAME ____________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ NAME OF EMPLOYER______________________________ HOURS YOU WORK _______________ WORK #(____)_____-________ EXT._____________ DAY-TIME PHONE # (That you can be reached at all times throughout the day) (____)_____-________ NAME OF SCHOOL (If applicable) _______________________________________________________ DAYS & HOURS YOU ATTEND_________________________________________________________ SCHOOL #(____)_____-_________ EXT.____________ FATHER’S NAME _____________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ NAME OF EMPLOYER______________________________ HOURS YOU WORK _______________ WORK #(____)_____-________ EXT.________ DAY-TIME PHONE # (That you can be reached at all times throughout the day) (____)_____-________ NAME OF SCHOOL (If applicable) _______________________________________________________ DAYS & HOURS YOU ATTEND_________________________________________________________ SCHOOL #(____)_____-_________ EXT.____________ EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME (other than yourself or your spouse if possible): ______________________________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ PHYSICIAN’S NAME __________________________________________________________________ OFFICE # (____)_____-________ HOSPITAL PREFERENCE:_______________________________________________________________ ANY KNOWN MEDICAL PROBLEM:_____________________________________________________ ALLERGIES IF ANY:___________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY INFORMATION (PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY, WE ALSO NEED PROOF OF SCHEDULES FROM YOUR EMPLOYERS AND/OR SCHOOLS SHOWING THE HOURS AND DAYS YOU WORK IF YOUR CHILD IS HERE LONGER THAN 8 HOURS.) * REMEMBER TO FILL OUT NEW FORMS WHEN YOUR INFORMATION CHANGES CHILD’S NAME (first)__________________(middle)_______________ (last)_______________________ MOTHER’S NAME ____________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ NAME OF EMPLOYER______________________________ HOURS YOU WORK _______________ WORK #(____)_____-________ EXT._____________ DAY-TIME PHONE # (That you can be reached at all times throughout the day) (____)_____-________ NAME OF SCHOOL (If applicable) _______________________________________________________ DAYS & HOURS YOU ATTEND_________________________________________________________ SCHOOL #(____)_____-_________ EXT.____________ FATHER’S NAME _____________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ NAME OF EMPLOYER______________________________ HOURS YOU WORK _______________ WORK #(____)_____-________ EXT.________ DAY-TIME PHONE # (That you can be reached at all times throughout the day) (____)_____-________ NAME OF SCHOOL (If applicable) _______________________________________________________ DAYS & HOURS YOU ATTEND_________________________________________________________ SCHOOL #(____)_____-_________ EXT.____________ EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME (other than yourself or your spouse if possible): ______________________________________________________________________________________ HOME #(____)_____-________ CELLULAR #(____)____-_________ ALT. #(____)_____-_________ PHYSICIAN’S NAME __________________________________________________________________ OFFICE # (____)_____-________ HOSPITAL PREFERENCE:_______________________________________________________________ ANY KNOWN MEDICAL PROBLEM:_____________________________________________________ ALLERGIES IF ANY:___________________________________________________________________ PHOTOGRAPH RELEASE FORM: CHILDREN I hereby grant permission for photographs to be taken of my child’s activities at Gartland Child Development Center, Inc. for the use of training teachers or the public about early childhood care and education. I understand that these photos may appear in forms such as display panels or teacher-made books and that I am to receive no compensation for my child’s appearance. I also understand that my child’s participation confers on me no ownership rights to the photographs or negatives whatsoever. Child’s Name--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents or Guardian_____________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________State________________Zip_____________________ Phone_______________________________Cell_____________________________________ Date_________________________________ Signature of Parents or Guardian__________________________________________________ Form HS-19f9 Revised MaY2011 Tennessee Department of Human Services (TDHS) Child and ActultCareFood Program(CACFP) INCOME ELIGIBILITY APPLICATION FOR CHILD CARE CENTER PARTICIPAN PART 1A - NAME OF CHILD CARE CENTER(Enterthenameof thechildcarecenter): PARTlB_PARTIclPANT(m(Entertheinformationbelowforallchildrenfromyourhouseholdthatare enrolledfor careattbechildcarecenter): Name Checkif FosterChild Age NUTRITION PART 2A - HOUSEHOLDSWHICH ARE CUNNENTIY RECEIVINCBENEFITS THESUPPLEMENTAL TI.IROUGH ASSISTANCE (SNAP),OR FAMILIES FIRST(FF)CASHASSISTANCE OR FAMILIES FIRST(FF) CHILD CARE PROGRAM ASSISTANCE(lf yourhouseholdis now receivingbenefitsunderoneor moreof theseprogralns,completethis pargandsip the OR FF Child statementin Part 4 - Do not complete Part 28.): ACCENTCaseNo, for SNAPor FF CashAssistance: CareAssistanceCaseNo.: PART 28 - ALL OTHERHOUSEHbID MEMBERS(tf no informationis enteredin Part2A above,completethispart for all householdmembersnot identifiedin Part lB aboveandsip thestrtementin Part4. Attachadditionalsheetsasnggglqgry)from Received Payments Namesof All OtherHousehold ChildSupport, Alimonyor fromWork Eamings & Retirement" Pensions, Members (Before Otherlncome SocialSecuritY Deductions) I $ - PctYear I ocr vcar $ PerYear 2. $ PcrYgal $ ocl veat ( DCt VCAi 3. $ Per YEat $ ocr vcar ( DCr YCA' 4. $ Pcryca $ ocr vcar S Pcr ycar iot"l norUci follons:MultiplyWccklyincomcby 52,Bi-wccklyin*r.irroi"cd as calculated Monthly and 24, by nticc i month) 26, Scmi-monUfy rncom.@G-O wccks) by everytrvo incorrrc bv 12 Do not round rrn mv nrrmhcn - Pleasecheckif you do not wantthe informationin thts FSRT 3 - N{"di""id -d Statechildrd;i Hiilth tnsumnceFrograrns lnsurance Programs:- DO NOT WANT AP?LICATION Aiplicationto be sharedwith the MedicaidandStateChildren's=Health INFoRMATIoN To BE SHAREDwITH THE MEDICAID AND STATECHILDREN'SHE-ALTHINSURANCEPROGRAMS. *tton I peXnLrlES FORMISREPRESENTATION: that this informationis beinggivenfor thereceiptof Federal I understand I certiff that all of theaboveinformationis trueandcorrect. of the andthatthe deliberatemisrepresentation Fpnds;that institutionofficialsmay verifi the informationon thestatement; . , . informationmaysubiectme to prosecutionunderapplicableStateandFederallaws' (ontylastfour GfiC'r-; Adult; of Signaturc hintcd Nunc of Adult : digits): Sbe€t: StateandZip Code. City: HomcTelcPhone: F". Eth"tcitfiiease checkoneof the American following: - Hispanicor Latino Not Hi"panicoi t-urino.For Race,pleaseiheck oneor more'of the following:-_ White' Islander Paeinc other lndian or AlaskanNative _ Asian _ alaci or AfricanAmerican- NativeHawaiianor Dl-^-- --- d.- ,|-G-:r-:^-^ ^f EIL-:^:|, ^-r D^^^ ^- rlra hanlr ^f thic nnnlicafion of theenrolledchildrenidentifiedabove,prcas€crsrs; FOR INSTITUTION USE ONLy: To identifytheeligibiliryctassificarion Eligibleor lncomeEligible Free,Reduced-price or paid. To identifuttreUasisfor cllsifiiation, pleasecircle:Categorically DeterminingOfficial Simature: Date: Gartland Child Development Center, Inc. POLICY AGREEMENT 1. The approximate hours my child will attend the center will be _______ to _______ . 2. I understand that my child cannot be left at the center more than 9 hours unless I can prove in writing that I work longer hours. Also if, I only attend school the day care will need a copy of my class schedule. 3. I agree to pay my parent fee of $_______ in advance each week whether or not my child is in attendance until he/she is officially withdrawn from the center. I understand that this amount is to be paid in full each Friday, no later than 9:00 a.m. Monday morning and a late fee of $5.00 will be charged each day it is not paid in full. 4. I agree that my child will participate in the curriculum program for which he/she is enrolled, this includes the summer program for my school age child(ren). 5. I agree to pay $5.00 per minute late pick-up fee if my child is not picked up by 5:30 p.m. This fee must be paid as soon as they are picked up or no later than by the next morning or the child cannot stay or return until paid in full or arrangements has been approved. 6. I understand that in accordance with the state law the required health records must be submitted to the center as a prerequisite for any child’s attendance as they are updated. 7. I agree to bring my child into the building each morning (me or my designated person), establish contact with a staff member, sign the child in and out with my complete signature and accurate time or (pay a $5.00 fee if not completely filled out), and put the child’s belongings in the child’s designated location. 8. I agree to submit in writing a (two) 2-week notice before withdrawing my child from the center. I understand that I will be charged a full week’s rate even if my child is withdrawn prior to the end of the week. 9. If the center determines your child cannot adjust to the program’s curriculum, the child will be withdrawn after one weeks notice and this agreement will be terminated. 10. I have received a copy of DHS’s licensing requirements. 11. I understand that this agreement is subject to change with proper notice. 12. I have received a copy of the Parent’s Handbook and read the policies of this Center and agree to comply with these policies. 13. I understand that my child cannot be left at the Center for more than 10 hours on a daily basis without paying additional fees. 14. Any DHS certificate child cannot be absent over five (5) days during a 2-week period without having to pay the total weekly fee. DHS will not pay any of the weekly parent fees. The only exception is a written statement of approval from the DHS Certificate Program. Name of child ______________________________________ Parent’s Signature __________________________________ Director’s Signature _________________________________ Date __________ Date __________
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