Sedigas Workshop: Biogas- Biomethane Italy Injection of biomethane in natural gas grids: the first steps in Italy Luciano Baratto Anigas - Regulatory Affairs Madrid - April 14, 2015 Italian Natural Gas Sector and Anigas Regulation for biomethane injection in networks and incentives for biomethane Procedures and technical standards to injection in networks Present status of biogas/biomethane plants in Italy 2 Italian Natural Gas Sector (data 31/12/2013) Number of DSOs: 224 Operate 24.200.000 gas meters Operate 253.580 km of local network Distribute 34,1 billion mc (10% of the DSOs distribute 81% of the volume) Serve 22.940.000 customers living in 7.043 Municipalities Number of TSOs: 10 (3 National & 9 Regional) Operate 34.500 km network (93,5 % of Snam Rete Gas) Transport more than 86 billion mc of NG Serve 3.350 industrial users , 115 power plants e 3.800 delivery points to connect DSO’ grids Number of Storage Companies: 5 Operate 15 storage sites Capacity – working gas 16,5 billion mc of natural gas Number of LNG Companies: 3 Operate 3 LNG terminal Capacity 54,4 million mc/day Number of Shippers & Suppliers: 397 229 only Suppliers 67 only Shippers 101 Shippers & Suppliers Natural gas demand 70,1 billion mc Number of employees: 37.000 Number of NG vehicles: 850.000 Household penetration of natural gas 85% Biogas and Biomethane Number of Biogas Plants: 1,713 1,388.4 MW Total Power Plant Number of Biomethane Plant: 2 Sources: Italian Energy Regulator 2014 Report – GSE 2015 Report – Anigas estimates 3 Anigas: Italian Association of Natural Gas Industry 29 1 1 3 38 1 DSOs TSO: Snam Rete Gas STORAGE: Stogit LNG: GNL Italia, Adriatic LNG, Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG SUPPLIER & SHIPPERS NG VEHICLES Association ( 60% of Italian Gas Market Our Associates: 4 Italian Law Framework for BioCH4 injection Italian Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Environment and Sea, Ministry of Agriculture Dec 05/12/2013 ( ) Scope: to regulate the biomethane (BioCH4) use for vehicles & power/heat generation and to inject in TSO/DSO NG grids Main measures: Only BioCH4 produced with agricultural, agro-industrial and domestic waste is allowed to be injected into NG grids The BioCH4 must be compatible with NG quality specifications The NRA provide the responsibilities of grid operators, the quality and technical specification, the rules to access the grids, the TSOs and DSOs tariff the BioCH4 flow metering and metering reading The NRA provide the BioCH4 injected allocation rules. The TSOs and DSOs provide the upgrading of own Network Codes (technical standard and cost to connect the BioCH4 plant to own grid) The national incentive schemes for BioCH4 5 BioCH4 – Producer’s incentive scheme 1 PRODUCER’s INCENTIVES Biogas/BioCH 4 plant BioCH4 injection TSO/DSO grids 2 PRODUCER’s INCENTIVES BioCH4 = CNG for vehicles Power/heat generation 3 PRODUCER’s INCENTIVES CNG fill station BioCH4 = power & heat generation Power/heat generation CNG fill station 6 BioCH4 Producer’s incentive scheme Producer’s incentives 1 BioCH4 injected into Incentives TSO/DSO networks with no specific use 2 BioCH4 injected into Biofuel TSO/DSO networks (or not ) certificates with specific use : fuel for (CIC) transportation 3 BioCH4 injected into Tariff/incentiv TSO/DSO networks (or not ) es for CHP with specific use : power & heat generation (CHP) Gov. Decree 05/12/2013 Gov. Decree 0 03/03/2011 Gov. Decree 06/07/2012 7 Producer’s Incentive Value + NG Networks Injection Injection for CHP Injection for CNG Fill Station CAR No injection CNG Fill Station No injection Incentives only for Producer BioCH4 plant with flow rate > 250 Sm3/h to inject • • • • • Producer is always guaranteed to sell its BioCH4 Incentive for 20 years Price = twice the average Gas Balancing Market 2012 value – the price of the month of the present year Plus 10% of the price if the flow rate is < 500 Sm3/h Minus 10% of the price if the flow rate is > 1,000 Sm3/h 8 BioCH4 – Injection Gas Quality Specification Decree of 19th February 2007 "Approval of the technical regulations on the chemical and physical characteristics and on the presence of other components in the fuel gas to be carried." Gross Calorific Value (“PCS”) Components Components Methane Ethane Propane Iso-butane Normal-butane Iso-pentane Normal-pentane Hexanes and above Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Hidrogen Carbon oxide Accept. Value (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) ≤ 0.6 ≤3 ≤ 0.5 < 0.1 Meas. Unit % mol % mol % Vol % mol (*) for these components the acceptable values are intrinsically linked with the acceptable range of the Wobbe Index UNI EN 437 “Trial gas – Trial pressure – Categories of equipment” Trace compounds Parameters Hydrogen Sulphide Sulphur by mercaptane Total Sulphur Mercury Chlorine Fluorine Ammonia Silicon Hydrogen Carbon oxide UNI-TR 11537 “Injection of Biomethane in NG transportation and distribution grids” Physical properties Accept. Value ≤ 6.6 ≤ 15.5 ≤ 150 <1 <1 <3 <3 <5 < 0.5 < 0.1 Meas. Unit mg/ Sm3 mg/ Sm3 mg/ Sm3 µg/ Sm3 mg/ Sm3 mg/ Sm3 mg/ Sm3 ppm % Vol % mol Property Gross Calorific Value Wobbe Index Relative density Water Dew Point Hydrocarbon Dew Point Max. temperature Min. Temperature Acceptable Value Measurement Unit 34.95 ÷ 45.28 MJ/Sm3 47.31 ÷ 52.33 0.5548 ÷ 0.8 ≤ -5 MJ/Sm3 ≤0 °C < 50 >3 °C °C °C Other properties The gas, during operational conditions, should contain no traces of the following components: • water and hydrocarbons in liquid state; • solid particulate in such quantities that would damage the materials used for gas transportation; • other gases which may affect the safety or integrity of the transportation system. 9 BioCH4 Injecting in TSO’s Networks Scheme Biogas/BioCH4 Upgrading Plant BioCH4 Quality Control BioCH4 Metering System BIOCH4 PRODUCER TSO 10 BioCH4 Injecting in DSO’s Networks Scheme Biogas/BioCH4 Upgrading Plant Gas Quality Control Gas Metering System BIOCH4 PRODUCER Odourisation System DSO 11 Regulation: TSO / DSO Responsibilities The TSO / DSO has to: Safeguard the safety and technical efficiency of own network management Define and publish on web site: • the quality specifications • Identify the maximum and minimum pressure value • Identify the point of entry after verifying the compatibility of the input profile Ensure BioCH4 odorization Ensure that the injected BioCH4 is compatible with the technical specifications and in case of incompatibility: • • refuse the connection to network proceed to immediate interruption of gas flow 12 BioCH4 Producer Responsibilities BioCH4 Producer has to ensure: the compliance of the injected BioCH4 with the quality specifications and the pressure or capacity restrictions the BioCH4 can be odorized and its features do not nullify or cover the effect of odorant substances admitted 13 Regulation: procedure for connection request Procedure Steps for examination of the connection request 1. Prod: request 1 for connection 2. Grid Operator: detection of network entry point, feasibility study of connection and cost estimation, 3. Prod: accepted the cost estimation and issuing of warranty (bank guarantee or deposit) 4. Prod: Construction of the connection The Grid operator: • Makes all technical specifications available • Has the right to verify that standards are met • Is responsible for putting into service, managing and maintaining the works carried out by the producer 1The request can be submitted to Grid Operator directly by the producer or through the future shipper (the producer may not be the shipper) 14 Economic conditions and network tariffs Capex cost of connection • It is only the cost strictly related to the construction of the connection (NOT foreseen for reinforcement of existing networks) • Payments up to 20 years max Opex tariffs • DSO – no charge for use of network • TSO – tariffs are determined as injection from NG national production 15 BioCH4 metering e meter reading The BioCH4 Producer is responsible for: • Installation and maintenance of measuring systems • Meter reading • Transmission the measuring data to the TSO/DSOs The TSO/DSOs are responsible for: • Collect, validate and record the measuring data • Transmit the data to third Part (GSE Gov. Company) to recognize the quantities of BioCH4 admitted to incentives The TSO/DSOs have the right to: • access the measuring system (in order to verify its functioning and maintenance) • be present at verifications of measuring systems. 16 Regulation next steps AEEGSI (National Energy Regulator): Approve the TSO / DSO Network Codes for BioCH4 injection Allocation and balancing procedures GSE (Gov. Company): Procedures to transmission the meters data for certification of quantities and quality of BioCH4 admitted to incentives CIG (Gas Technical Standardization Committee): Upgrading UNI/TR 11537 17 Present status bio-energies production: 2000-2013 TOTAL Bio-energies Biogas Other bio-mass Bio-liquids Landfill Sources GSE 2015 Report 18 Supply and demand forecast in the period 2015-2014: BioCH4 “ …..The gas demand in Italy will grow over the decade 2015 2024 of about 2.1% per year, both for an expected recovery in the macroeconomic and electricity demand, both for the possibility to activate additional forms of support such as biomethane and the progressive increase in the use of natural gas in transport. In particular, for biomethane, is possible a contribution to the demand for natural gas of about 5.1 billion cubic meters in 2024, with significant growth in the last years of the current decade. …… “ 19 Thank for your attention ! 20
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