www.gaylordlondon.com 79-81 Mortimer Street, London 020.7580 3615 BEVEragE MEnu C o c kt a i l s 1S affrontini - our signature mix C o c kt a i l P i t c h e r s £ 10.00 Saffron Gin, Cointreau, Lime Cordial, Tonic 2 E spresso M artini 3 C lassic M artini £ 10.00 4F ig & B lue M artini £ 9.50 5 C osmo 6S harabi S affron T handai 7 B loody M ary £ 9.50 8 M ojito 9S trawberry B ellini £ 9.50 10 E lderbubble £ 10.00 £ 11.00 £ 11.00 Ketel One Vodka, Elderflower Cordial, Champagne 11P ina C olada £ 9.00 Malibu, Bacardi Rum, Pina Mix, Pineapple Juice 12T he L ong W alker £ 10.00 JW Black Label, Apple Juice, Ginger Ale 13L ong I sland I ce T ea Bacardi Rum, Havana Club Tequila, Absolut Vodka, Gordon's Gin, Tri Sec, Lime Juice, Coke 18F izzy W atermelon £ 5.00 19S ea B reeze £ 5.00 Melon Syrup, Kiwi, Pineapple Juice, Fizz £ 11.00 20T hree T o T ango £ 5.00 Orange, Pineapple and Cranberry Juice on ice 21 V irgin P aan M ohito £ 5.00 Glazed Rose Petals, Fresh Mint, Lime Juice, Fizz Crème de Fraise, Prosecco £ 5.50 Watermelon Syrup, Lime Cordial, Lime Juice, Soda Bacardi Rum, Mint Leaves, Sweet n Sour Mix, Lime Juice 17 C oconut C olada Pineapple Juice, Pina Colada Mix, Lime Juice, Coconut Cream £ 10.00 Absolut Vodka, Tomato Juice, Tabasco, Worcestershire Sauce, Celery Salt, Lime Juice, Pepper £ 28.00 N o n -A l c o h o l i c C o c kt a i l s Bacardi Rum, Saffron Gin, Malibu, Saffron, Thandai (mix of Almonds, Rose Petals, Pepper, Vetiver Seeds, Cardamom, Milk and Sugar) Contains nuts 16S angria S picy £ 10.00 Absolut Vodka, Cranberry Juice, Lime Juice £ 27.00 Prosecco, Tri Sec, Brandy, Mild Green Chillies, Cinnamon, Fruits Bombay Sapphire Gin, Figs, Blue Curacao 15S angria Red Wine, Tri Sec, Fruits, Spirit Mix, Simple Syrup Bombay Sapphire Gin, Dry Vermouth, Olives £ 25.50 Pimm's No.1, Fruits, Lemonade Grey Goose Vodka, Baileys Irish Cream, Kahlua, shot of Coffee, Cinnamon. Shaken not stirred 14P imm ' s N o .1 22 V irgin T amarind M ojito Tamarind, Rock Salt, Mint Leaves, Sweet n Sour Mix, Lime Juice £ 5.50 Sparkling & Champagne White Wine 750 ml (bottle) 125 ml (glass) 23 C a D el C onsole P rosecco NV £ 25.00 £ 5.90 24 C ava R osado , R ene B arbier NV £ 27.00 £ 6.50 25 C hampagne D rappier B rut C arte D’ or £ 48.00 £ 9.90 26 C hampagne D rappier B rut R ose £ 59.00 27 C hampagne D rappier M illesime E xception 2006 £ 63.00 28 M oet & C handon B rut I mperial NV £ 65.00 29 V euve C licquot B rut NV £ 69.00 30 B ollinger C uvee S pecial NV £ 75.00 31L aurent P errier R ose NV £ 85.00 32 C uvee W illiam D eutz 1998/99 £ 135.00 33D om P erignon 2004 £ 185.00 34K rug G rande C uvee NV £ 220.00 35 C ristal , L ouis R oederer 2006 £ 258.00 36 C abernet S auvignon R ose , S anta R ita 2013/14 37 M ateus R ose Saint Tropez, France £ 21.50 £ 5.90 43 C hardonnay , L es T empliers 2013/14 V dp D es C otes D e T hongue £ 21.90 44P inot G rigio , T erre D el N oce 2013 £ 24.00 Dolimiti, Italy 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) 45W hite R ioja , C onde D e V aldemar V iura 2013/14 £ 25.50 £ 23.50 £ 5.90 £ 25.50 47 V iognier , D elas F reres 2013/14 V in D e P ays D' oc £ 27.50 £ 7.40 France £ 24.00 £ 27.50 46 C hardonnay , W oolloomooloo 2013/14 Australia 38S hiraz R ose , £ 24.00 G rover A rt C ollection , 2012/13 39 C otes D e P rovence R ose , S aint R och -L es -V ignes 2011/12 42S auvignon B lanc , S iete S oles 2014 France 48O rganic C hardonnay , C asa L apostolle C uvee A lexendre 2012/13 £ 31.50 Casablanca Valley, Chile Nandi Hills, India £ 19.90 Valdemar Viura 2013/14, Spain Portugal 41 C henin B lanc , K leinkloof 2013/14 Central Valley, Chile Maipo Valley, Chile £ 5.75 South Africa £ 19.50 France Rose Wine 40L e B ouquet D e G eorges D uboeuf B lanc 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) 49S auvignon B lanc , C oopers C reek 2013/14 Marlborough, New Zealand £ 33.50 £ 8.90 White Wine 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) 50G ewurztraminer , R ene M ure 2012/13 Alsace, France Red Wine £ 34.50 (half bottle) 51G avi D i G avi ‘L a M eirana B roglia ’ 2013 £ 18.90 £ 34.90 52R iesling K abinett , £ 36.00 S chloss R eichartshausen 2012/13 53W hite Z infandel , B laauwklippen 2011/12 £ 36.90 (half bottle) £ 38.90 55S ancerre 'L es B offants ', C harles D upuy 2013 Loire Valley, France £ 21.50 £ 5.90 63 M erlot , T erres D' azur 2013 V in D e P ays D’ oc £ 21.90 (half bottle) 56R ully 1 er C ru G resigny 2012 64P inotage , K leinkloof 2012/13 £ 23.50 £ 21.90 £ 42.00 65 C hateau T errefort L escalle 2011/12 £ 24.90 Bordeaux, France £ 23.50 62 C abernet S auvignon , S iete S oles 2013/14 Paarl, South Africa £ 19.90 France 54 C hablis , J ean M arc B rocard 2012/13 Burgundy, France 61T empranillo C nadidato 2013 V dt D e C astilla Central Valley, Chile Stellenbosch, South Africa £ 5.75 Spain Balthasar Ress, Rheingau, Germany £ 19.50 France Piedmont, Italy 60L e B ouquet D e G eorges D uboeuf R ouge 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) £ 47.50 66S hiraz , S oul T ree 2013 £ 25.50 Nasik Valley, India Jacqueson, France 57 M eursault V ielles V ignes , V incent G irardin 2011 £ 57.00 Burgundy, France 58 C ondrieu 'L a G alopine ', D elas F reres 2012 59 C hassagne M ontrachet ‘L es E mbrazees ’, V incent M orey 2010 Burgundy, France Maipo Valley, Chile £ 65.00 Rhone Valley, France 67 M erlot R eserva , S anta R ita 2012 £ 27.50 68L a R eserve , G rover V ineyards , 2011/12 £ 28.00 Nandi Hills, India 69 C otes -D u -R hone 'S aint -E sprit ', £ 28.50 D elas F reres 2012 Rhone Valley, France (half bottle) £ 16.00 70P inot N oir , F eatherdrop H ill 2011/12 £ 78.00 £ 29.50 Marlborough, New Zealand 71 V ery S exy S hiraz , C loof 2011 Darling, South Africa £ 29.90 £ 7.40 Red Wine 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) 72D indori R eserve S hiraz 2010/11 £ 30.90 Sula Vineyards, Nashik, India 74R ioja C rianza , C onde D e V aldemar 2009/10 £ 33.00 75 M albec , N orton F inca P erdriel 2010 85 C harmes D' angludet 2006/07 £ 72.00 86G evrey -C hambertin , H enri P errot -M inot 2009 £ 73.00 Burgundy, France £ 33.50 Mendoza, Argentina £ 71.00 Margaux, France £ 8.90 Spain 84A marone D ella V alpolicella , R iserva D i C ostasera , M asi 2008/09 Valpolicella, Italy 73 C abernet S auvignon , H of ' s 2004 £ 31.90 South Africa 750 ml (bottle) 175 ml (glass) 87 C hateau K irwan 2007/08 £ 84.00 Margaux, France 76Z infandel , S ebastiani 2012 £ 33.90 Sonoma - California, Usa 77F leurie 'L a M adone ', G eorges D uboeuf 2012 Beaujolais, France (half bottle) 78 C hianti C lassico P eppoli , M archese A ntinori 2011 Tuscany, Italy (half bottle) S w ee t W i n e £ 35.50 £ 19.50 £ 37.90 79 C hateau M ontaguillon 2008 £ 21.90 £ 41.90 Montagne Saint Emilion, France 80P inot N oir , J ulicher 99 R ows 2010/12 £ 45.90 Martinborough, New Zealand 81 C hateauneuf -D u -P ape , D omaine D e B eaurenard 2009 £ 53.50 Rhone Valley, France 82 B arolo , P runotto 2009/10 £ 59.00 Piedmont, Italy 83N uits S aint G eorges , D omaine A lain M ichelot 2010 Burgundy, France £ 23.50 Spain 88L eyenda P edro X imenez NV 375 ml (bottle) 75 ml (glass) £ 59.50 89L a F leur D’ or 2011 Sauternes, France £ 30.90 £ 5.00 B ee r L i q u e u r s ( 50 D raft ml) 110 B efore & A fter £ 8.00 90K ingfisher P int £ 6.20 111A maretto D isaronno £ 7.00 91K ingfisher H alf P int £ 3.40 112A rcher ’ s P each S chnapps £ 7.00 92 C obra P int £ 6.20 113 B aileys I rish C ream £ 7.00 93 C obra H alf P int £ 3.40 114 B enedictine £ 7.00 115 C hambord £ 7.00 116F rangelico £ 7.00 117G alliano £ 7.00 118G rand M arnier £ 7.00 119K ahlua £ 7.00 120T ia M aria £ 7.00 121 M alibu £ 7.00 122S ambuca £ 7.00 123S outhern C omfort £7.00 B ottle 94K ing C obra 7.5% £ 9.80 95 C obra 660 ml £ 6.80 96 C obra 330 ml £ 3.75 97H eineken 330 ml £4.10 98S tella 330 ml £4.10 99P eroni 330 ml £ 4.10 100G uinness D raught 500 ml 101 C obra 0% N on -A lcoholic B eer 330 £ 4.95 ml £ 3.75 Spirits A p e r i t i f ( 50 ml) V odka (50 102 C ampari £ 7.50 103P imm ’ s N o .1 £ 7.50 104P ernod £ 6.00 105 M artini B ianco £ 7.50 106 M artini R osso £ 7.50 S h e r r y & P o r t ( 50 ml) 107 B ristol C ream - S weet £ 7.00 108A montillado - M edium D ry £ 7.00 109T aylor ’ s L bv £ 7.00 ml ) 124S mirnoff R ed £ 9.00 125S tolichnaya £ 9.00 126A bsolut B lue £ 10.00 127K etel O ne £ 10.00 128 B elvedere £ 11.00 129G rey G oose £ 11.00 130 C iroc £ 12.50 Spirits G in (50 S cotch W hisky (50 ml ) ml ) £ 9.00 152 C hivas 25 Y.O. £ 35.00 132 B ombay S apphire £ 10.00 153JW B lue L abel £ 30.00 133T anqueray £ 10.00 154R oyal S alute £ 22.00 134H endricks £ 10.00 155D imple 15 Y.O. £ 12.00 135S affron G in G abriel B oudier £ 11.00 156 C hivas R egal 12 Y.O. £ 11.00 157JW G old L abel £ 14.00 158JW B lack L abel 12 Y.O. £ 11.00 131G ordon ’ s R um (50 ml ) 136R on M illonario X o , R eserva S pecial , P eru £ 19.00 159JW R ed L abel £ 9.00 £ 11.00 160J&B R are £ 10.00 138 C aptain M organ S piced £ 9.00 161F amous G rouse £ 10.00 139 B acardi £ 10.00 162 M onkey S houlder £ 10.00 163K uch N ai £ 9.00 164S untory H ibiki 12 Y.O.(J apanese ) £ 12.00 137D iplomatico R eserva E xclusiva , V enezuela T equila (50 ml ) 140H avana C lub B lanco £ 9.00 £ 10.00 141J ose C uervo T raditional M alt W hisky (50 ml ) I rish & A merican W hisky (50 ml ) 165J ameson £ 9.00 166J ack D aniels £ 10.00 £ 10.00 142G lenmorangie 10 Y.O. £ 11.00 143G lenfiddich 12 Y.O. £ 12.00 144G lenlivit 12 Y.O. £ 12.00 145 M acallan 10 Y.O. £ 12.00 168 M artell V.S. £ 10.00 146T alisker 10 Y.O. £ 12.00 169R emy M artin V.S.O.P. £ 11.00 147L aphroaig 10 Y.O. £ 12.00 170H ennessy F ine £ 11.00 148O ban 14 Y.O. £ 14.00 171H ennessy X.O. £ 25.00 149D elwenie 15 Y.O. £ 18.00 172J anneau V.S.O.P. £ 11.00 150G lenlivit 18 Y.O. £ 22.00 £ 11.00 £ 27.00 151 M acallan 18 Y.O. 167I rish C offee C ognac & A rmagnac (50 ml ) 173 C alvados V.S.O.P. Soft Drinks 174L assi S weet , S affron , M ango , M asala , S alted £ 5.00 £ 5.50 175L assi F ruit F lavour O f T he M onth P r em i u m W a t e r 176 V oss – S till O r S parkling (800 ml ) 177S pring W ater – S till O r S parkling (750 £ 5.50 ml ) £ 3.95 P r e s e r ve d J u i ce s 178A pple , C ranberry , O range , P ineapple M ango , T omato £ 3.95 C a n ’ t S ee Y o u r F a v o u r i t e C l a s s i c C o c kt a i l ? A s k F o r T h e B a r t e n d e r ... Alcoholic drinks will not be served to any person below 18 years of age. Gin, rum, vodka, tequila and whisky are offered in quantities of 50 ml & wine by the glass in quantities of 175 ml, unless mentioned otherwise. Aerated Drinks 179 C oke , D iet C oke , L emonade , G inger A le 180F resh L ime S oda /W ater M ixers £ 3.50 £ 1.50 T he K w a l i ty G r o u p www.kwalitygroup.com We levy a cover charge of £ 1.50 (Includes papad, pickle, chutneys and salad) • 12.5% recommended service charge shall be added to your bill • All prices are inclusive of V.A.T. • Take away and home delivery services available • Special orders for a variety of Indian foods and sweets are welcome at short notice • Outdoor catering for parties undertaken • The management does not accept any responsibility for the belongings of customers • Food may contain nuts or traces of nuts. We do not work in a nut free environment • Kindly consult your order taker for allergens and gluten free options. Copy of listed allergens available upon request
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