COUNCIL AGENDA - Glenorchy City Council

The General Manager certifies that the reports contained in this Agenda
have been written by qualified persons under Section 65 of the Local
Government Act 1993.
3.00 p.m.
In attendance:
Leave of Absence:
Workshops held since
last Council Meeting
Date: Monday, 30th March 2015
Purpose: To discuss:
AAV Adjustment for Rates
Cash in Lieu of Parking Policy
Date: Wednesday, 8th April 2015
Purpose: To discuss:
Draft 4 Year Annual Plan
APOLOGIES ................................................................................................ 4
CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES .................................................................... 4
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE CHAIR .............................................................. 4
PECUNIARY INTEREST NOTIFICATION ......................................................... 4
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (15 MINUTES) ....................................................... 4
PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS .......................................................................... 4
COMMUNITY .........................................................................5
ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE MAYOR ............................................................ 6
ECONOMIC .......................................................................... 12
AND CHARGES 2015/16............................................................................. 13
ENVIRONMENT .................................................................... 18
WASTE SERVICES - HARD WASTE COLLECTION ........................................... 19
GOVERNANCE ...................................................................... 23
WEST MOONAH ........................................................................................ 24
LOCAL GOVERNMENT REFORM ................................................................. 27
WASTE MANAGEMENT FEES AND CHARGES .............................................. 34
NOTICE ..................................................................................................... 47
QUESTION ON NOTICE - ALDERMAN M. STEVENSON - 1 ............................ 47
QUESTION ON NOTICE - ALDERMAN M. STEVENSON - 2 ............................ 49
NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN M. STEVENSON - 1 ................................ 51
NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN H. QUICK .............................................. 54
NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN J. DUNSBY ............................................ 56
NOTICE OF MOTION - ALDERMAN M. STEVENSON - 2 ................................ 58
CLOSED TO MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC .................................. 60
APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE ..................................................... 60
GOVERNANCE .................................................................................... 60
SOUTHERN WASTE STRATEGY AUTHORITY ................................................ 60
NOTICE (CLOSED) ...................................................................................... 60
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16th March 2015 be confirmed.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Mayor Kristie Johnston
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Mayor Announcements
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To receive the announcements by the Mayor.
Proposal in Detail:
Following is the list of events the Mayor has attended during the period 11th March
2015 to 7th April 2015.
Thursday, 12th March 2015
Attended meeting with Resident
Friday, 13th March 2015
Attended meeting with the Leo's Lub President
Attended the Hear Our Voices forum
Attended the Guilford Young College Ceremony of Commendation
Saturday, 14th March 2015
Officially opened the National Frisbee Golf Event
Sunday, 15th March 2015
Volunteered at the MONA GASP fun run
Volunteered at the Tasmanian Transport Museum
Attended the Lenah Valley Fire a Brigade Open Day
Monday, 16th March 2015
Chaired the Council meeting
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, 17th March 2015
Toured Goodwood Primary School
Attended meeting with a Resident
Met with representatives of Glenorchy City Bowls
Chaired an Extra Council Workshop
Wednesday, 18th March 2015
Attended meeting with Sonya Enkelmann & Allison Stone
Toured ParaQuad Association
Launched the Moonah Taste of the World Festival
Attended meeting with the Lord Mayor of Hobart & GM
Attended media event for Save the Children event
Attended the DRILL Company performance
Friday, 20th March 2015
Attended meeting with the Director of Local Government
Attended meeting with Resident
Attended induction of Audit Panel members
Sunday, 22nd March 2015
Facilitated the Clean Up Glenorchy Taskforce March activity
Attended Save the Children event
Attended the Glenorchy Community Fund Afternoon Tea Fundraiser
Monday, 23rd March 2015
Attended meeting with Resident
Attended meeting with representatives of Tasmania Party
Chaired Glenorchy Planning Authority Meeting
Tuesday, 24th March 2015
Attended meeting with Andrew Wilkie
Attended meeting with the Heart Foundation
Attended Glenorchy Youth Taskforce meeting
Attended the Moonah Business Community Meeting
Attended the Moonah & Glenorchy Business Association meeting
Wednesday, 25th March 2015
Attended meeting with Hexagon
Attended meeting with Minister for Local Government re: reform
Attended Claremont College Prize Night
Thursday, 26th March 2015
Attended Destination Southern Tasmania Board meeting
Chaired the Safer Communities Committee meeting
Attended the Glenorchy Community Precinct meeting
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Friday, 27th March 2015
Attended the Northgate for Andrew Wilkie
Attended the U-Turn Graduation Ceremony
Saturday, 28th March 2015
Attended and judged the Rotary Lantern Festival
Sunday, 29th March 2015
Attended the Moonah Taste of the World Festival
Monday, 30th March 2015
Attended the Hot Cross Bun World Record Attempt
Attended meeting with a Collective Impact, David Cummins
Attended meeting with TRC
Chaired Council Workshop
Tuesday, 31st March 2015
Attended Lutana Link Walk
Attended Brooker Highway Liaison Committee meeting
Wednesday, 1st April 2015
Attended meeting at Hexagon
Attended a part of the Audit Panel meeting
Attended the Berriedale & Chigwell Precinct meeting
Thursday, 2nd April 2015
Attended the funeral of Faye Nicholson
Attended the Claremont, Austins Ferry & Granton Precinct Meeting
Tuesday, 7th April 2015
Attended the West Moonah Precinct meeting
Numerous internal meetings and administrative duties were also undertaken.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That Council receives the announcements about the activities of the Mayor’s office
for the period 11th March 2015 to 7th April2015.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Glenorchy Integrated Care Centre
Community Plan Reference:
Making Lives Better
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
1.2.2 Facilitate the delivery of services that build community capacities and
Reporting Brief:
To seek nomination of an Alderman to participate in a working party to develop a
service model for the proposed Glenorchy Integrated Care Centre (ICC).
Proposal in Detail:
Council received a letter from the Acting CEO of Tasmanian Health Organisation
South on 6th March 2015 confirming the commitment of the State Government to
the development of the Glenorchy ICC and requesting the nomination of an
Alderman to participate in a working party to develop a service model for the
proposed Glenorchy ICC.
A copy of that letter is included as an attachment.
In discussions with the relevant officer from DHHS it was suggested that a Council
officer could also attend meetings of the working group as an observer.
Bridget Jones, Director Strategy Planning and Performance, DHHS
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
While Council is yet to receive the terms of reference for the working group which
will include details on meeting frequency, the only human resource/financial
implications will be the attendance at meetings by the Council officer and any follow
up work required between meetings.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
The Glenorchy ICC is a key initiative for the community of Glenorchy and the
involvement of Council in the development of the service model for the Centre is of
critical importance.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That Council call for nominations from Aldermen for appointment to the
Glenorchy Integrated Care Centre Service Model Working Party.
That the General Manager nominates a staff member to attend meetings of
the Glenorchy ICC Working Party as an observer.
Letter from Tasmanian Health Organisation South
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Manager - Compliance (Steve Rigby)
Co-ordinator Environmental Health Services (Alex Woodward)
Qualified Person:
Manager-Compliance (Steve Rigby) / Coordinator
Environmental Health Services (Alex Woodward)
ECM File Reference:
Dog Registration Fees / Food Business Registrations
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:,
This report seeks Council approval for fees and charges for 2015/16 in respect of dog
registration fees for the Compliance Unit and food business registrations for the
Environment Health Services Section.
This approval is required outside of and prior to the budget report (fees and charges)
to Council later in the year to enable licence renewal forms to be developed and
distributed prior to the end of this current financial year, usually May/June.
The report will deal with the Compliance Unit and Environmental Health Services
fees and charges as separate items, however the respective fees for 2015/16 have
been proposed in accordance with Council’s long term financial management plan
and the 2015/16 budget assumptions paper to ensure that appropriate levels of
funding are maintained in real terms.
Proposal in Detail:
Dog Registration Fees:
In 2014 Council resolved to set registration fees for this financial year for specific
categories as follows:
Discounted Fees
Prescribed Fees
Non-Desexed Dog
Desexed Dog
Low Income (Pensioner’s)
Working Dog
Special Assistance Dog
No Fee
No Fee
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
As at 26 March 2015 Council had registered a total of 9223 dogs (highest amount
ever recorded), compared to 9,116 for the entire previous (2013/14) financial year.
Income received this financial year to date (26th March 2015) from dog registrations
is $363,935.00. This income is GST exempt.
Council has traditionally set two scales of fees, a prescribed and discounted fee in
accordance with Council’s Dog Management Policy. The schedule of fees is designed
to encourage dog owners to register their dogs within the discounted period and
therefore reduce enforcement costs to Council.
However in order to apply discounts fees are generated at the higher (prescribed)
amount to which the discount is then applied when the fee is paid. For various and
valid reasons this can lead to a situation where a balance remains against a particular
dog, which requires adjustment before commencing a new financial year.
An audit of dog registration fees in 2014 has recommended a better business
approach and it has been determined to implement a slight change to the fee
structure, whereas the fees due will be generated to which will apply a penalty if the
fee is not paid within the required time. This will have the effect of reducing the
overall number and value requiring adjustments, and will require less staff resources
to manage those adjustments, resulting in greater efficiencies.
The principle of setting registration fees will remain as it has done in recent years,
with a two tier payment system i.e. a lower fee if paid on time and a higher fee if not
paid on time. The difference will be how they are managed from a systems
perspective. Reference of the fees on dog registration renewal forms and fact sheets
will be in simple terms representing a base fee and a penalty fee.
From an external point of view there will be no change other than the annual fee
increase which is intended to maintain income in real terms and reduce deficit as
much as possible, and to encourage early payment to reduce enforcement costs. It
should be noted that Council’s contribution to the Tasmanian Dog’s Homes has
increased and the increase will cover this increased contribution.
The proposed dog registration fees for 2015/16 are illustrated in the below table:
Non-Desexed Dog
Desexed Dog
Low Income (pension etc)
Working Dog
Special Assistance Dog
Penalty Fee
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Food Business Registrations:
In 2014 Council resolved to set food business registration fees for this current
financial year for specific categories as follows:
Cat A
Cat B
Cat C+ (multiple premises)
Cat C
Cat D
Cat E (school canteens / community organisations)
Amount 2014/15 (GST
The total number of food businesses currently (25th March 2015) registered in each
category is as follows:
Cat A
Cat B
Cat C+ (multiple premises)
Cat C
Cat D
Cat E (school canteens / community organisations)
In 2014 an administration decision was made to amend all current food business
registrations to have a common expiry date of 30 June each year. Previously food
business registrations expired throughout the entire year. This not only created an
increased workload for the Environmental Health section, but was also confusing for
the food business operator in determining their expiry date. Each year this resulted
in a number of food businesses going unregistered, which in turn created additional
administrative burden on Council Officers.
Traditionally Council has set the fees on each category to reflect the average
administrative time (including inspections) an Environmental Health Officer spends
on the businesses in the specific categories. For example a Category A food business
produces and handles high risks foods and also has a poor record of compliance.
Therefore the business is required to be inspected more often than those in a low
risk, such as category D. This creates fairness for the food businesses and also
encourages improvement in food safety procedures to reduce the risk category.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The table below illustrates the proposed registration fee amounts for 2015/16.
Cat A
Cat B
Cat C+ (multiple premises)
Cat C
Cat D
Cat E (school canteens / community organisations)
Amount 2015/16 (GST
Manager- Environment and Development (Paul Garnsey)
Compliance Unit
Environmental Services Section
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
The fees recommended in both the Compliance Unit and Environmental Health
Services for 2015/16 are intended to minimise the operating deficit of the respective
functions of Council and therefore the subsequent impact on general rates revenue.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
No community consultation has been undertaken in the preparation of this report,
however, as in past years it is not expected to generate any significant public
relations issues.
That Council approve the following Fees:
Dog Registration fees for 2015/16 be set in accordance with the following
Penalty Fee
Non-Desexed Dog
Desexed Dog
Low Income (Pension etc.)
Working Dog
Special Assistance Dog
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Food Business Registration fees for 2015/16 be set in accordance with the
following categories:
Cat A
Cat B
Cat C+ (multiple premises)
Cat C
Cat D
Cat E (school canteens / community organisations)
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Waste Management Coordinator (Evan Brown)
Qualified Person:
Manager Waste Services (Shafiq Mohamed)
ECM File Reference:
GCC Waste Management Strategy
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
Making lives better
Lead the provision of value for money services
Advocate for, partner with, or deliver services that address identified levels
of community need. Administer kerbside waste collection services; promote waste minimisation,
recycling and environmentally responsible disposal options.
Reporting Brief:
This report considers the request by Council at its meeting on 16th February 2015, to
compile a report on the feasibility of the Introduction of hard waste collection
Proposal in Detail:
Hard Waste Collection
Many Councils across Australia offer a hard waste collection service (refer to photo
image 1), understandably this service allows residents the opportunity to dispose of
any larger items, such as white goods or electrical appliances that are not suitable for
disposal through the standard kerbside bin service, however there is a trend that
Councils who operate transfer stations or have a waste facility do not provide this
In South Australia 16 of the 19 Metropolitan Councils offer a hard waste service,
where as in Victoria, 41 of the 79 Councils only offer a hard waste service.
The service is generally offered through a booking system where residents would
contact Council in advance to pre book their collection.
Clarence Council currently offers its residents an annual hard waste collection, this is
undertaken during the month of November, and this collection service currently
generates about 530 tonnes of hard waste with a participation rate of 35%.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
In the north of the state, Launceston City Council also offers an annual hard waste
collection this is offered as a registered service only, where residents who participate
must pre-book and register every item that is being disposed and collected.
Since its introduction in 2012 Launceston Council has recorded a participation rate of
only 4.2%, with that decreasing again in the last 12 months to only 2%.
More recently however, is the introduction of a new free community household pick
up service, this is a new initiative being offered by some of the resource recovery
groups in Hobart (Tip Shop operators), whereby residents can contact the resource
group directly and have their old items removed.
General Manager
Executive Leadership Team (ELT)
Waste Management Section Staff
Hobart City Council
Clarence City Council
Veolia Environmental Services
Tox Free
Resource Work Cooperative
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Hard Waste Collection
It is to be noted that Council’s recently developed waste management strategy did
not address any provision of hard waste collection.
Based on the figures for Clarence, by anticipating a 35% participation rate, this would
equate to an approximate collection of 7345 properties within the municipality per
year, potentially generating around 440 tonnes of hard waste.
If Council were to introduce a hard waste collection the following provides an
estimate of cost to Council:
(Based on 35% participation rate)
Collection (based on 35% participation) 7345
Disposal (based on 440 tons)
Administrative costs
$145,710 pa
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
(Based on 100% participation rate for (one collection per year)
Collection (based on 100% participation) 20,650
Disposal (based on 1260 tons)
Administrative costs
$390,000 pa approx.
(Based on 100% participation rate for (two collections per year)
Collection (based on 100% participation) 20,650
Disposal (based on 2500 tons)
Administrative costs
$730,000 pa approx.
Should council resolve to provide a hard waste collection, this service would cost the
rate payer approximately (based on 20,650 residents) an additional $18 per year for
an annual collection, or about $36 a year for a bi-annual collection. This fee would
have to be set as an additional waste management charge which has not been
included the in WM fees and charges report for 2015/16.
The approval process should also consider preparing and release of a tender for this
service and it is anticipated to have a 6 month timeline before the start of this
WH&S & Environmental Risks
Though many Councils across Australia have historically, and still do provide a hard
waste service, there are also a large number of Councils who have also now ceased
this type of operation, mainly due to the risks and problems associated with
providing such a service.
In recent years both Hobart and Kingsborough Councils ceased providing a hard
waste collection citing the following reasons:
Lack of participation from the public.
Illegal disposal of waste onto the kerbside. (See photo image 4)
Ongoing and Increasing costs associated with WH&S.
Separation of materials was too difficult to ensure the material was recycled
and therefore most material went to landfill.
These issues are not unique to Tasmania, some lager councils throughout Australia,
have also ceased operations, identifying many of the following risks as a major
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
 Excessive waste dumped on the kerbside (particularly with Unit developments)
(See attached photo image 2)
 Obstruction of footpaths, it is to be noted that many streets in Glenorchy do
not have a footpath or a nature strip and therefore placement of bulky items
may cause an issue. (See photo image 3)
 Disposal of hazardous materials including asbestos and gas cylinders.
 Increased public liability (mainly due to fire hazard and injury e.g. burning of
the waste left put for collection).
 Environmental vectors such as rats and mice from accumulated waste.
 Increased litter in some areas.
A review of hard waste collections conducted in 2007 by zero waste Australia found
that many multi-unit development were responsible for illegal dumping of waste on
the kerbside in addition this zero waste SA also found from a number of audits
undertaken that generally most households exceed the waste pile limit by 2.5 times.
There are many challenges (particularly with WH&S) in the placement of bulky
materials on the kerbside, this includes hazards blocking the footpath access, manual
handling and of cause vandalism and litter, therefore it is very important that Council
consider these risks prior to the introduction of this type of service.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
Should a collection service be implemented at this council meeting – a detailed
communication plan will be required to inform the residents about the new service
and its service requirements.
Council does not support a hard waste collection service, mainly due to
additional costs to ratepayers and the potential environmental and WH&S
impacts associated with the collection.
Council requests the Waste Management staff to further investigate the
proposal provided by resource recovery collection and in the interim make
available this information to GCC residents through promotional and media
Hard Waste Photos
Household Recovery Brochure
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Acting Manager Council Property (Richard Blackwell)
Qualified Person:
Executive Manager - Finance and Business Services (Jason
ECM File Reference:
35 Second Avenue
Community Plan Reference:
1.2.6. Promote community awareness of and their involvement in, the land use
planning process.
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
4.1.2. Ensure Council is open and transparent in its communication and dealings
with our communities.
Reporting Brief:
The land owners of 35 Second Avenue wish to transfer from Council a piece of
land approximately 57m2 adjacent to 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah.
This report seeks Council’s final approval under section 178 of the Local
Government Act 1993 (Tas) for a boundary adjustment and transfer of the land
approximately 57m2 adjacent to 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah to the
owners of 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah.
Proposal in Detail:
On 24th November 2014 Council Meeting, Council approved the negotiation of a sale
of 57m2 of land adjacent to 35 Second Avenue to the owner of 35 Second Avenue,
West Moonah.
The owners of 35 Second Avenue have encroached on to this portion of land for in of
excess of 30 years and had built a structure on Council land.
Under section 178(4) of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) the disposal of this
land was advertised on 2 separate occasions, namely Wednesday, 10 December,
2014 and Saturday, 13 December, 2014, in a daily newspaper circulating in the
municipal area which notified the public that any objection to the proposed sale was
to be made to the General Manager within twenty one (21) days of the date of the
first publication (Attachment 1).
No objections were received.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Under section 178 (5) of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) if the General
Manager does not receive any objection within 21 days of the date of the first
publication and an appeal is not made under section 178A, then Council may sell the
An independent valuation was completed by Saunders & Pitt – Independent Property
Valuers & Consultants (Attachment 2) dated 22nd September 2014. The valuation
report places a value of $4,200.00 (plus G.S.T.) on the land.
Council officers completed the following external consultation:
Public Advertising – on Wednesday, 10th December, 2014 and Saturday, 13th
December, 2014.
Council Public Notice Board – from Wednesday, 10th December, 2014 until
Monday, 5th January, 2015.
TasWater – no assets identified
Pitt & Saunders Valuation
Internal Consultations
Building Officer
Senior Statutory Planner
Legal and Governance Officer
Manager Infrastructure & Engineering Services – No Council assets identified.
Council Surveyor
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
The acquisition of the land adjacent to 35 Second will be defined in the purchase
contract that all costs for the boundary adjustment will be the purchaser’s
While the land transfer will reduce the Council land area, it is not expected to reduce
Council’s maintenance responsibilities and costs.
Council’s Property Department will meet on site with the Owner’s surveyor to ensure
the new boundary is located to Council’s satisfaction.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
Council’s Manager for Community Inclusion (Sue Bis Winkel) advised that there was
no need for a community engagement due to the size and location of the proposed
Final approval be granted for the sale of a portion of the land, being 57m 2
approx adjacent to 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah as shown on the attached
plan (Attachment 3) to the owners of 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah.
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Council Meeting Agenda
Sale price be set at $4,200.00 (excluding GST).
All costs associated with the boundary adjustment and the sale of the Council
land is to the account of the purchaser, including the cost of the independent
The owner of 35 Second Avenue, West Moonah be required to apply and pay
for the relevant building and planning approvals for the structures on the said
Property Valuation Report
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Manager City Strategy (Tony McMullen)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Local Government Reform
Community Plan Reference:
We are a proud City; a city of arts; of opportunity; a city that makes exciting things
Leading our Community
We will be a progressive, positive community with strong Council leadership, striving
to make Our Community’s Vision a reality.
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
Leading Our Community
Objective 4.1 Govern in an open and responsible manner in the best interests of the
Strategy 4.1.1 Provide leadership and advocacy to address issues facing our
Strategy 4.1.2 Ensure Council is open and transparent in its communication
and dealings with our communities.
Objective 4.2 Manage our resources to achieve community outcomes.
Strategy 4.2.1 Deploy the Council’s resources in a way that maximises the
effectiveness of the organisation and delivers value for money.
Strategy 4.2.2 Ensure long term financial capacity to deliver required
Objective 4.3 Foster relationships to deliver community outcomes.
Strategy 4.3.1 Develop and manage collaborative relationships with other
levels of Government.
o Action Liaise with the State Government as appropriate on
matters of strategic priority.
o Action Participate in the review of the role and functions of local
Strategy 4.3.2 Partner with community groups, business and not for profit
organisations to achieve community outcomes.
Strategy 4.3.3 Partner with other councils and regional organisations to
achieve community outcomes.
o Action Identify and formalise external council relationships to
partner and, where feasible, share resources.
o Action Actively participate in peak local government bodies
(LGAT & STCA) to advance community priorities.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Reporting Brief:
To seek Council’s response to the Minister for Local Government’s invitation to
explore local government reform.
Proposal in Detail:
The Minister for Local Government, The Hon. Peter Gutwein, has invited Tasmanian
councils engage in a process of voluntary local government reform.
The need to consider reform is, in the Minister’s view, necessitated by a range of
challenges facing councils including rating and financial performance, asset
management, demographic change, compliance and regulation, attracting qualified
personnel and climate change.
The Minister’s invitation is for councils to consider shared services or voluntary
The Minister’s presentation to a recent regional local government meeting has
suggested that shared services arrangements to date have been making only
incremental progress, have been somewhat opportunistic rather than driven by
strategy and, in most cases, have not been subjected to business case analysis.
The Minister has indicated that voluntary amalgamation proposals must satisfy the
following criteria:
be in the best interests of ratepayers;
improve the level of services for communities;
preserve and maintain local representation; and
ensure the financial status of the entities is strengthened.
The Minister’s preference is for a voluntary approach because local government is
best-placed to identify improvements and opportunities and to understand the
needs of communities.
The Minister envisaged a staged local government reform process as follows:
Initially-proposed Timeframe
Councils indicate interest in understanding what
benefits voluntary amalgamations could provide for
March 2015
More detailed consideration of amalgamation
proposal within and between councils. Councils
advise Minister of intention to proceed to feasibility
study and community consultation.
April/May 2015
Undertake feasibility study and conduct community
June - September 2015
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Initially-proposed Timeframe
Participating councils consider outcomes and report
to ratepayers.
October - December 2015
Next steps: Don’t proceed further or request Local
Government Board (LGB) to conduct Formal Review.
January – March 2016
Following advice, Minister requests LGB to conduct
a review of amalgamation proposals. Board reviews
conducted as required under Local Government Act
March – September 2016
If positive recommendation is received from LGB,
discussion on transitional funding - if required – and
timing of amalgamation.
September – December 2016
Executive Orders are made to implement any
amalgamation changes.
As required.
The Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) subsequently advised the
Minister that it proposed to hold a General Meeting on 30th April 2015 to consider
the Minister’s local government reform invitation. The Minister has indicated
flexibility in relation to the timelines set out above.
Council’s Response to Date
Council took part in facilitated workshops on 4th March and 17th March 2015 to
consider the Minister’s local government reform invitation and to prepare a set of
draft “guiding principles” to help to assess the compatibility of potential partners in
the reform process.
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager met with and briefed the Minister,
the Minister’s Senior Advisor and the Director of Local Government on 25th March
2015 on the draft guiding principles and on the “way forward”. The feedback
received was that those present were comfortable with Council’s approach to the
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Draft Guiding Principles
The draft Guiding Principles are as follows:
Draft Guiding Principles
Communities of interest & values
We strive to understand the
communities of interest we serve and
their shared values.
 Through our Community Plan review
process, we have listened to all of our
different communities of interest and
their aspirations for the future.
 We will continue to listen to our
communities and identify services that
reflect their needs.
Efficiency and effectiveness
We will deliver services efficiently and
effectively to meet our communities’
 We will achieve low cost and/or
improved service outcomes.
We will be flexible in responding to our
communities’ changing demands for
services over time.
 We will keep our services offerings
relevant to our communities.
 Our services will evolve over time to
reflect the changing needs of our
 We will engage in services discussions
with internal or external partners and
providers (within or beyond local
We will be creative in exploring the
nature of boundaries under this process
provided our other guiding principles
are met.
 Boundaries could be based on a
domain of different criteria – e.g.
spatial, sectoral, communities of
interest, physical v virtual.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The Way Forward
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager also proposed a way forward for
Glenorchy City Council in their recent meeting with the Minister and senior public
servants and staffers.
This essentially lays out the process and approximate timeframes the Council
proposes to follow in responding to the Minister’s local government reform
It is as follows:
The Minister expressed no objection to the Council’s draft Guiding Principles and
Way Forward.
In Council’s view, it is necessary to involve the Glenorchy community from the outset
in responding to the Minister’s local government reform invitation.
Council, in drafting a set of guiding principles, intends to take a leadership role and
expand the possibilities available from local government reform.
Council participated in facilitated workshops on 4th March and 17th March 2015.
The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and General Manager met with and briefed the Minister,
the Minister’s Senior Advisor and the Director of Local Government on 25th March
The Mayor of Clarence wrote to Council on 19th March 2015 providing a copy of his
reply to the Minister for Planning and Local Government expressing a willingness to
engage with the process and to explore voluntary amalgamation and shared services
arrangements with neighbouring councils.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The Lord Mayor wrote to Council, as well as to Clarence City Council and
Kingborough Council on 23rd March 2015 advising of its resolution that Council was
interested in understanding the potential benefits of local government reform.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
The Minister has offered the following assistance:
Feasibility Studies
Up to $25,000 (on a matching basis) for an amalgamation proposal involving two
Up to $50,000 (on a matching basis) for a proposal involving three or more council
Professional facilitation
Up to $5,000 on a case by case basis.
Financial Modelling of Proposals
Local Government, Treasury or independent assistance
Local Government Board Reviews
Funded by the State Government as required under the Act.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
Following Council’s endorsement of the guiding principles and ‘way forward’, Council
officers will prepare a community engagement plan for Council endorsement in May,
which will identify all relevant stakeholders, including the Glenorchy community,
other councils and peak local government bodies and the proposed means of
engaging with those stakeholders.
That Council notes the Minister for Planning and Local Government’s local
government reform invitation.
That Council endorses a set of draft guiding principles and way forward as a
means of investigating its response to the Minister’s local government.
That the Mayor, on behalf of Council, writes to the Minister for Planning and
Local Government to formally advise its intended approach in terms of the
draft guiding principles and way forward.
That the Mayor, on behalf of Council, write to all other Tasmanian councils, the
Local Government Association of Tasmania and the Southern Tasmanian
Councils Authority (Think South) to formally advise its intended approach in
terms of the draft guiding principles and way forward.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That a community engagement plan be prepared for Council endorsement in
May 2015 setting out all relevant stakeholders, including the Glenorchy
community, other councils and peak local government bodies and the
proposed means of engaging with those stakeholders on Council’s response to
the Minister’s local government reform invitation.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Waste Services Manager (Shafiq Mohamed)
Qualified Person:
Waste Services Manager (Shafiq Mohamed)
ECM File Reference:
Waste Management and Landfill - Fees and Charges
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
Making lives better
Lead the provision of value for money services
Advocate for, partner with, or deliver services that address identified levels
of community need. Administer kerbside waste collection services; promote waste minimisation,
recycling and environmentally responsible disposal options.
Reporting Brief:
This report seeks Council approval for setting of the 2015/16 fees and charges for
Kerbside waste services and Landfill.
Proposal in Detail:
This report is to set the fees and charges for kerbside collection services (garbage &
recycling) and landfill gate fees and approval is sought now to allow time for
customers to be informed of the proposed changes prior to the new financial year.
Residential Kerbside Refuse Collection Proposed Charges 2015/16
As per the Council’s Waste Services Policy every residential tenement in Glenorchy is
provided with a garbage collection service, individual houses are provided with the
Council’s standard service which is a 140 litre bin collected fortnightly, multiple unit
dwelling residents are provided with a shared service with either 140 litre or a 240
litre bins depending on the number of units in the complex. Commercial tenements
can participate in the collection service but this is optional. For 2015/16 an increase
of 3% is proposed from last year for residential refuse kerbside collection; the
charges are listed as per the following:
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
14/15 fees
Increase %
Total charge
Final rounded
charge 15/16
Garbage - 140 ltr F/N
Garbage - 140 ltr W
Garbage - 240 ltr F/N
Garbage - 240 ltr W
Shared Garbage Service
1. W – weekly, F/N – fortnightly.
2 Any Residential tenements can now upgrade their garbage service type from a 140 litre service to a 240 litre service
fortnightly at the fee listed above and no number of people requirements exists, the upgrades have to be applied through
3. Weekly collections are for unit complexes, however all individual bin service residents have the option to upgrade to weekly
collection by arrangement directly with Council’s kerbside refuse collection provider - Veolia.
Commercial Kerbside Refuse Collection, Proposed Charges 2015/16
Non-residential tenements (i.e. commercial premises) are able to participate in the
kerbside collection service with a bin emptied fortnightly. The commercial service
fees do not attract any GST. It is proposed to increase the commercial garbage
charges fees by 3% from last year.
The following table shows the proposed charges for commercial garbage service.
14/15 fees
Increase %
Com/ Garbage - 140 ltr F/N
Com/Garbage - 140 ltr W
Com/Garbage - 240 ltr F/N
Com/Garbage - 240 ltr W
Final rounded
charge 15/16
Total charge
Note: W – weekly, F/N – fortnightly, Com – Commercial/non-residential.
Residential Kerbside Recycling Collection Proposed Charges 2015/16
Council’s revised policy based on the adoption of the Waste Management Strategy is
residents will be upgraded to a 240 litre bin and in the future a 240 litre bin will be
the standard recycling service.
In line with the goal to increase recycling and minimize waste to the landfill, and to
encourage residents to upgrade their recycling bins before garbage bins, it is
proposed to not have any difference between the cost of a 140 L and 240 L recycling
bins. Please note that the upgrade of all recycling bins to 240 L has started with the
adoption of Council’s Waste strategy in 2014 and as per the Council policy the charge
rate of a 240 L bin bas been decreased by $11.23 to match with the standard 140 L
rate of $78.00, likewise the rates for 240 L weekly charge have been reduced to
match the 140 L weekly charge. Please note that until all bins are swapped to 240 L
the differential bin sizes & same charges will be in place. It is expected to upgrade all
recycling bins by end 2018.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
For the recycling services, it is proposed not to have any increase both the standard
and shared service residents. The zero percentage increase is a reflection of the new
lower tendered recycling prices in Tasmania with the establishment of the joint
tender between Glenorchy City Council, Hobart City Council & Clarence City Council
and the new SKM recycling plant, please note that for the last 14/15 financial year
recycling fees were increased by 6% to meet the increased costs and as the costs
have now decreased no increase is proposed which also covers the larger quantities
of recycling due to the upgrades of recycling bins to 240 litres capacity.
The following table shows the proposed charges for the residential recycling service.
Recycling - 140 ltr F/N
Recycling - 140 ltr W
Recycling - 240 ltr F/N
Recycling - 240 ltr W
Shared Recycling Service
14/15 fees
Increase %
Increase amount
Total charge
Final rounded
charge 15/16
Note: W – weekly, F/N – fortnightly.
Commercial Kerbside Recycling Collection, proposed Charges 2015/16
Non-residential tenements (i.e. commercial premises) are able to participate in the
kerbside recycling collection service with a bin emptied fortnightly. The commercial
recycling service does not attract any GST. It is proposed to increase all the
commercial recycling charges by 3% from the last year’s charges; however the
charge for 140 litre and 240 litre recycling bins will be treated the same as to the
standard service residents upgrade theory as per the Council policy the rate of 240 L
bin bas been decreased by $85.54 to match with the 140 L rate of $139.90, likewise
the rates for 240 L commercial weekly charge have been reduced to match the 140 L
commercial weekly charge. It is expected to upgrade all recycling bins by end 2018.
The following table shows the proposed charges for commercial recycling service.
Com/Recycling - 140 ltr F/N
Com/Recycling - 140 ltr W
Com/Recycling - 240 ltr F/N
Com/Recycling - 240 ltr W
14/15 fees
Increase %
Total charge
Final rounded
charge 15/16
Note: W – weekly, F/N – fortnightly, Com – Commercial/non-residential.
The kerbside garbage and recycling charges recommended in this report allow for
full cost recovery associated with providing these services, in previous years there
has been minor cross subsidiaries between refuse and recycling budgets, however in
recent years the true costs has been stabilised particularly with the reduction in
recycling costs, which resulted in the 3% increase in refuse costs and a nil increase to
recycling costs.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Glenorchy Landfill (Jackson Street Waste Management) 15/16 Charges
Light Vehicle Charges
It is proposed to maintain the light vehicle categories “rounded to the dollar”. The
adoption of this charge setting continues to provide increased efficiencies in
tollbooth cash handling, and better traffic flow for customers. The main changes to
loads are an increase of charges by $2 with a few categories increasing variably. The
percentage increase varies depending on the load category fee rate from last year.
For example the boot load will increase from $8 per load to $10 per load. Loads less
than 1m3 it is proposed increases from $12 per load to $15 per load, a 25% increase,
however in terms of actual dollars its increases by $3. The charges for loads between
1m3-2m3 will increase from $15 to $20 per load, a 33% increase.
For certain categories of items like clean fill, tyres and car bodies the prices have
been kept without any change i.e. zero increase.
The main reasons behind these increase changes are:
Fees/Charges of other municipalities landfill/transfer stations (please refer
attachment 1) are higher compared to GCC’s Jackson Street fees and with the
Waste Management Strategy dictating the future of the landfill by extending
its life as much as possible and opening new transfer station, it is important
that GCC sets its fees and charges to a reasonably comparative rates which will
enable users to understand and move towards the future disposal costs as per
the Waste Management Strategy which Council adopted in 2014 with the view
point of getting our fees competitive with an appropriate user pay system.
For example the current General waste charges per tonne for Southern Waste
solution charges is $66 per tonne, HCC $78 per tonne, Mornington transfer
station $95 per tonne and Kingborough transfer station $72.50 per tonne.
Landfill also selectively conducted a survey of weights for a 2 month period for
the non-weighed light vehicles (whoever wished to participate) and the results
indicated that some of the loads are heavy to compared to what they pay for
and without 2 weighbridges, the proposed charges seemed fair in terms of the
tonnages that are brought in by light vehicles.
The average for less than 1 m3 general loads were 335 kgs (67 transactions),
The average for less than 1m3 vegetation loads were 302 kgs (99 transactions),
The average for 1-2 m3 general loads were 489 kgs (25 transactions),
The average for less than 1 m3 vegetation loads were 397 kgs (8 transactions),
The average for 2-3 m3 general loads were 932 kgs (34 transactions),
No data for 2-3 m3 vegetation loads
It was clear than the bigger trailers were bringing almost 1 tonne and paying
the current fee of $24 per load whereby the current per tonne rate is $59.
By having the proposed charges for 15/16 for a boot load at $10, less than 1m3
load at $15, and 1-2m3 load at $20 it seems a reasonable price (though the
tonnage are actually higher) and not measurable by two weighbridges, a
further recommendation will be made in coming years to install a 2nd
weighbridge at the landfill to gradually price the disposals with per tonnage
rates similar to other facilities in the Greater Hobart area.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Weighbridge Charges
It is proposed to increase the charge for general waste (includes GST with no SWSA
levy component) from $59.00 to $75.00 per tonne. It is proposed to increase the fee
by $16 per tonne bearing in mind the future land filling options, move towards
transfer station and current marker rates for landfilling as explained above. It is
expected that a $16 increase will not significantly impact on the current tonnages
received and landfill should maintain the average tonnages as received in the last 2.5
years, with Southern Waste Solutions (SWS) current charge of $66 per tonne and
assumingly SWS rates will be increased for next financial year, it is estimated GCC
rates will still be competitive.
It is proposed to increase the charge for green organic waste from $59.00 to $65.00
per tonne. This will cover the costs associated with processing the green waste using
the current arrangements, however this fee will be monitored in future years as the
EPA (Environment Protection Authority) requirements in handling the green waste is
increasing due to the unfortunate fire events last year.
The clean fill charge for weighbridge vehicle has been maintained at $5. This reflects
the low quantity of clean fill currently received at the landfill, which is required for
daily cover of the waste.
The free category for clean fill has been retained to allow the option for large
quantities exceeding 100 tonnes to be accepted at no cost when clean fill is urgently
required for landfill covering operations. Note in the last 2-3 years, landfill has had a
reduced quantity of clean fill coming to the landfill and we have had to buy clean fill
to perform daily covering of tip face to comply with the EPA (Environment Protection
Authority) permit requirements.
Controlled Waste Charges
Charges for disposal of Controlled Waste and Special Burials will increase from
$125.00 to $140.00 per tonne. The Special Handling Charge applicable to each load
of Controlled Waste has been increased to $120.00 per transaction.
Quarantine Waste fee has not been set for the coming year as Jackson street
landfill’s operational decision will be not to accept quarantine waste from 1 st July –
this was considered with the limited landfill space of the landfill’s hazardous area
and where quarantine waste requires 1-2 m burials and hence uses large clean fill
quantities to cover it. The regulatory board has been transferred to Federal AQIS
(Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service) from state AQIS whose regulations are
tougher to maintain for small landfills like in Jackson Street, GCC has no obligations
under EPA permit to take Quarantine waste and we started accepting it 4 years ago
when HCC stopped accepting it, we are aware through Copping Authority that AQIS
has given license for Copping to take the waste and they have space enabling them
to take and handle the quantities.
Council’s Environmental Protection Notice (EPN) for the Landfill (March 2007)
restricts controlled waste to asbestos, sharps, and animal waste disposals. Some
controlled waste is accepted with EPA’s (Environment Protection Authority) special
approval during annual operations.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The two new charges which were added in 12/13 are continued for the Controlled
waste – Asbestos for non-weighbridge/light vehicles. The fee reduction for the light
vehicles introduced in previous years appears to have had a positive effect on
ensuring small loads of asbestos disposed appropriately at the landfill.
Concession tip passes
Council has been providing free tip passes - concessions to not for profit/charity
organisations to dispose of the waste at the Jackson street landfill. No proposed
changes have been made to this scheme and the organisations will continue to
receive the tip passes for the next financial year. A review was expected to be
conducted re the concessional passes, however as no taxes or levies has been
established, it is proposed to continue providing the concessional passes which
serves as a good tool in helping the community base organisations disposel their
waste. This also includes Clean up Australia activities and other occasional special
requests at the discretion of the General Manager and Manager Waste Services.
The following table shows the gate fees for 2015/16.
LIGHT VEHICLES (less than 3 tonne G.V.M –
Gross vehicle mass.)
Boot Load (up to a maximum of 0.25m3)
Vegetation Boot Load
Light Vehicles with or without trailers – charged
per load
Load less than 1 cubic metre (other than boot
Vegetation Load less than 1 cubic metre
Load between 1-2 cubic metres
Vegetation Load between 1-2 cubic metres
Load between 2-3 cubic metres
Vegetation Load between 2-3 cubic metres
Load greater than 3 cubic metres
Vegetation Load greater than 3 cubic metres
Clean Fill Per Load (conditions apply)
Controlled Waste Asbestos Boot Load
Controlled Waste Asbestos Load less than 1
cubic metre and between 1-2 cubic metre
Dead Animal
Whole car bodies
Half car bodies
Passenger Tyres
4 WD & Light Truck Tyres
Truck Tyres
WEIGHBRIDGE (3 tonne G.V.M. or greater)
Domestic and Trade Waste
Commercial Green Waste
Mixed inert
$55.00 each
$30.00 each
$5.00 each
$10.00 each
$20.00 each
$55.00 each
$30.00 each
$5.00 each
$10.00 each
$20.00 each
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Clean Fill (conditions apply)
Clean Fill Free (conditions apply)
Brick/concrete/rubble (conditions apply)
Controlled Waste (EPA approved) & Special
Burial Waste - Special Handling Charge (per
Quarantine Waste Special Handling Charge (per
transaction) – not accepted anymore
Controlled Waste (Non-Medical)
First tonne or part thereof and each tonne
Controlled Waste (Medical/Quarantine)
First tonne or part thereof and each tonne
thereafter not accepted anymore
Special Burial Waste
First tonne or part thereof and each tonne
No charge
No Charge
No charge
No Charge
It is also recommended Council continue its Bulk Waste Arrangements with
neighbouring Council’s i.e. Southern Midlands Council (SMC), which for the next
financial year will attract a 20% discount and it is to be noted that Brighton and SMC
were previously being provided with a 30% discount on the landfill, both Councils
have been advised that the discounts will gradually decrease with the limited life of
Jackson street landfill, SMC accepted the change, however Brighton Council may opt
to go elsewhere, the theory behind is Jackson street now has potential to receive
waste payable at the full fee rate and the reduction in quantities may prolong the
landfill space if required
Council also provides a 10% discount with Tas Wheelie Bins, which they have been
provided with for the last 5 years as they bring a reasonable quantity to Jackson
street landfill. These agreements provide additional landfill revenue but will have to
be reviewed as the Council’s waste strategy for the Jackson Street Landfill is
The volumetric charges are also presented in the recommendations. The charges are
applied when the weighbridge is non-operational for some reason. The charges are
based on an approximate tonnage for the vehicles used and no increase is proposed
to the current charges and left as same.
Southern Waste Strategy Authority (SWSA) Waste to Landfill Levy
The SWSA calculates the amount payable by Council as an annual lump sum amount
based on tonnages from the previous financial year, for next financial year SWSA has
advised that they will not be charging any levy from any Councils. This is due to HCC
opting out of SWSA in June 2014 and non-committal by State Government to
introduce a waste levy in Tasmania.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The SWSA board, at this stage have decided to explore options, which include
winding up the organisation, merging with STCA as a Waste sub-committee, operate
for a year with current reserves until State Government makes a decision etc. A
separate report is presented to Council about the status of SWSA.
Though a levy is not collected for SWSA activities, Waste Management has allocated
in the budgets for Council to do its own waste educational activities as a selfinitiative.
State Government Waste Levy implications
The 2015/16 fees and charges do not include the proposed State government waste
levy. The State Government or SWSA have not indicated that a state wide waste levy
will be introduced in the 2015/16 financial year. If such a state wide waste levy is
introduced, it’s likely to be approximately $10 per tonne, however, any adoption of
the state waste levy in the future will need to be added as an increase to the landfill
fees and charges and also for the kerbside waste disposal and a further report will be
submitted to Council for revision of the fees and charges.
Carbon Tax implications
The 2015/16 fees and charges do not include Carbon Tax fees. Reports provided by
consultants Pitt & Sherry suggested that Jackson Street landfill would fall under the
threshold of emitting less than 25,000 tonnes of CO2 and therefore would be
exempt from paying any tax. Given the current Federal government has removed the
carbon tax, Jackson street landfill is currently exempt from any taxes and GCC did not
collect any tax and has been exempt from any reimbursements, however if there are
any policy changes the in the future, a further report will be submitted to Council for
revision of the fees and charges.
Cash Backed Reserve to Fund Final Close out of Landfill
Council has been setting aside a significant amount per annum to a cash-backed
reserve since 2000 for future close out costs to the landfill. The current balance of
the reserve as at 30th June 2014 is approximately $1.41 Million and the current
year’s budget has allotted $259,732 to be added at the end of this financial year
along with $45,000 interest and this should take the reserve value to approximately
$1.72 Million.
A detailed landfill survey fill plan conducted by consultants Gandy & Roberts has
suggested the life of the landfill to year 2023 under the current filling pattern.
Council’s Waste Management Strategy has indicated the move towards transfer
stations and separate reports will be presented proposing the establishment of
transfer stations, options/sizes, location, financial budgets etc.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Waste Services Coordinator
Landfill Coordinator
Waste/Landfill/Tollbooth staff
Finance Section
Southern Waste Strategy Authority
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
The fees and charges recommended have generally increased by 0-3% for the
kerbside services with various % increases in the landfill fees. The expected revenue
from this fee structure has been included in the draft budget for 2015/16. It is
envisaged that other changes may be considered in the future years depending on
the landfill quantities and revenues.
Current Year
Next Year
Future Years
Amounts included in current budget
As contained within report
N/A at this stage
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
No community consultation has been undertaken in respect to this report and it is
considered inappropriate to do so at this stage for the purposes of setting fees and
charges. The proposed fees and charges represent moderate increases only and are
not anticipated to generate a significant public relations issue.
The proposed pricing structure for landfill charges, kerbside recycling and refuse
collection will continue to provide equity and transparency for these services, and
continue Council’s program of achieving full cost recovery of all waste management
services. No community service obligation contribution is required from the general
rate. The waste management charges will be reflected in the rates notices and the
landfill fees and charges will be published to landfill customers after the Council
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That Council approve the following fees and charges:
Residential kerbside refuse collection and recycling fees for 2015/16 to be as outlined
in Table 1 and be included in the information to be provided to Aldermen as part of
the report to set the budget.
Table 1
2015/2016 Charge
Garbage - 140 ltr F/N
Garbage - 140 ltr W
Garbage - 240 ltr F/N
Garbage - 240 ltr W
Shared Garbage Service
Recycling - 140 ltr F/N
Recycling - 140 ltr W
Recycling - 240 ltr F/N
Recycling - 240 ltr W
Shared Recycling Service
All charges listed in Table 1 do not attract a Goods and Services Tax (GST), and are
therefore GST exclusive.
That commercial tenements (non-residential properties) be offered garbage and
recycling service for the 2015/2016 financial year as outlined in Table 2 and be
included in the information to be provided to Aldermen as part of the report to set
the budget.
Table 2
2015/2016 Charge
Com/ Garbage - 140 ltr F/N
Com/Garbage - 140 ltr W
Com/Garbage - 240 ltr F/N
Com/Garbage - 240 ltr W
Com/Recycling - 140 ltr F/N
Com/Recycling - 140 ltr W
Com/Recycling - 240 ltr F/N
Com/Recycling - 240 ltr W
This service is not compulsory, and is assessed by Waste Services staff.
That the charge listed under Table 2 does not attract a Goods and Services
Tax (GST).
That the following disposal charges for the Jackson Street Waste Management
Centre be adopted for the 2015/2016 financial year.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
LIGHT VEHICLES (less than 3 tonne G.V.M.)
Boot Load (up to a maximum of 0.25m3)
Vegetation Boot Load
Light Vehicles with or without trailers – charged per load
Load less than 1 cubic metre (other than boot load)
Vegetation Load less than 1 cubic metre
Load between 1-2 cubic metres
Vegetation Load between 1-2 cubic metres
Load between 2-3 cubic metres
Vegetation Load between 2-3 cubic metres
Load greater than 3 cubic metres
Vegetation Load greater than 3 cubic metres
Clean Fill Per Load (conditions apply)
Controlled Waste Asbestos Boot Load
Controlled Waste Asbestos Load less than 1 cubic metre
and between 1-2 cubic metre
Dead Animal
Whole car bodies
Half car bodies
Passenger Tyres
4 WD & Light Truck Tyres
Truck Tyres
WEIGHBRIDGE (3 tonne G.V.M. or greater)
Domestic and Trade Waste
Commercial Green Waste
Mixed inert
Clean Fill (conditions apply)
Clean Fill Free (conditions apply)
Brick/concrete/rubble (conditions apply)
Controlled Waste (EPA approved) & Special Burial Waste
- Special Handling Charge (per transaction)
Controlled Waste (Non-Medical)
First tonne or part thereof and each tonne thereafter
Special Burial Waste
First tonne or part thereof and each tonne thereafter
$55.00 each
$30.00 each
$5.00 each
$10.00 each
$20.00 each
No charge
No Charge
*Clean fill
Maximum particle size of 200 mm, which is suitable for cover material at the landfill and contains no
organic material, steel, wire or timber.
Charge to be waived for amounts exceeding 100 tonnes if required for cover material
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Includes building and demolition waste, rock fill, road pavement material, concrete, bricks, but excluding
large quantities of timber and clean fill.
That the following volumetric disposal charges for the Jackson Street Waste
Management Centre be adopted for 2015/2016 for use when the weighbridge is nonoperational.
2015/16Volume Based Charging Schedule for Vehicles 3 tonne GVM or Greater
(These charges will only apply when the Weighbridge is non-operational)
Trucks GVM >3t to 7t
Trucks GVM >7t to 12t
Trucks GVM >12t Single Axle
Trucks GVM >12t Dual Axle
Dual Axle Trailers (behind trucks)
Skip/Bin up to 4m3
Skip/Bin >4m3 to 8m3
Skip/Bin >8m3 to 12m3
Skip/Bin >12m3 to 15m3
Skip/Bin >15m3 to 20m3
Skip/Bin >20m3 to 25m3
Skip/Bin >25m3 to 30m3
Skip/Bin >30m3
Compactors <7m3
Compactors >7m3 to 15m
Compactors <15m3 half full
Compactors >15m3 full
Compactors >15m3 half full
Controlled Waste (EPA approved)
First cubic metre or part thereof
Each cubic metre thereafter
Plus Special Handling Charge
Special Burial
First cubic metre or part thereof
Each cubic metre thereafter
Plus Special Handling Charge
Controlled Waste Medical/Quarantine (AQIS approved – will be ceased to be taken from next year)
First cubic metre or part thereof
Each cubic metre thereafter
Plus Special Handling Charge
That all landfill disposal charges listed under (c) and (d) are Goods and Services Tax
(GST) inclusive.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
That Council continues its current Bulk Waste Agreements unchanged with Tas
Wheelie bins, and reduced 20% discount rate for Southern Midlands Council.
That Council continues its concessional passes for current registered community
organisations and Clean up Australia events and one off special requests.
Waste Centre Fees other Councils
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Question on Motion
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a question on notice by Alderman Matt Stevenson submitted in
accordance with the requirements of Section 30 of the Local Government (Meeting
Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
What is the total cost of consultancy provided by CT Management in each of the last
three financial years, and for the current financial year?
Officer’s Comments:
An officer’s report will be provided to a future meeting of Council.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Cost of a staff member gathering the information to prepare the officer’s report.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
What is the total cost of consultancy provided by CT Management in each of the last
three financial years, and for the current financial year?
Attachment - Alderman Stevenson - Question on Notice
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Question on Notice
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a question on notice by Alderman Matt Stevenson submitted in
accordance with the requirements of Section 30 of the Local Government (Meeting
Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
What is the total expected cost of redundancies associated with the current
restructure program?
What is the total expected cost of the restructure program?
What has been put in place to cover the short term risk to the organisation
that may come with large numbers of senior staff departing in the restructure,
not limited to, but in particular, to the organisation's response to community
emergency management.
Has a risk assessment been completed of the restructure program?
What has been put in place to maintain/improve engagement levels by staff
due to the restructure? How will you measure or assess engagement risks or
issues due to the restructure?
Officer Comments:
An officer’s report will provide all the requested information including the annual
savings the restructure has generated.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
What is the total expected cost of redundancies associated with the current
restructure program?
What is the total expected cost of the restructure program?
What has been put in place to cover the short term risk to the organisation
that may come with large numbers of senior staff departing in the restructure,
not limited to, but in particular, to the organisation's response to community
emergency management.
Has a risk assessment been completed of the restructure program?
What has been put in place to maintain/improve engagement levels by staff
due to the restructure? How will you measure or assess engagement risks or
issues due to the restructure?
Attachment - Alderman Stevenson - Question on Notice
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Notice of Motion
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a notice of motion by Alderman Matt Stevenson submitted in
accordance with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government
(Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
It is recommended that council request:
An up to date policy register is produced that includes at a minimum details of:
title of policy
date adopted
date revised
date for review
link to policy
That this register is presented to council for review and comment on an annual
Officer’s Comments:
Management support the recommendation for a Register of Policies and the
associated administrative procedures proposed in the notice of motion from the
point of view of good governance.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
The need for establishment of a Register of Policies, together with others such as a
Register of Gifts, Register of Compliance and an improved Register of Interests,
together with a framework of Risk Management Registers across the organisation,
has already been identified by the Management as part of the Governance Strategy
which is a priority project in the Improvement Plan. Currently a review of the
Register of Delegations is also in process.
Council currently operate under a number of policies and procedures. As outlined in
the notice of motion some of the Council policies are out of date. This issue has
already been identified by Management and an action plan put in place to deal with
the outlined issue.
Council was briefed about the review and development of the current policies under
the Governance Strategy in its workshop on 19 January 2015.
The Action Plan has been approved by the General Manager and is under way as part
of the development of the Governance Strategy.
As part of this plan a preliminary review has been undertaken of more than 100
Council policies on an individual basis to establish the following:
which ones are policies and which should be considered simply as procedures;
the need for removing some policies that are no longer relevant;
the need for establishment of additional policies, such as a Code for Conduct
for Employees;
the content of the policies for both relevance and accuracy in accordance with
legislative changes; and
consistency across all the policies.
This review of the policies is well under way and a number of Council policies have
been reviewed and redeveloped. Some of these reviewed policies have been
approved by Council, and others will be presented to Council for its approval in
forthcoming Council meetings.
To further strengthen Council’s governance processes the new Governance & Risk
unit has been established under Council’s new organisational structure.
As part of Council’s role to oversee and monitor the governance processes the
Registers will be presented to Council on an annual basis for review and approval.
Director of Corporate Governance
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Financial costs have been budgeted for in the current year and in the draft
2015/2016 budget
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
It is recommended that council request:
An up to date policy register is produced that includes at a minimum details of:
- title of policy
- date adopted
- date revised
- date for review
- link to policy
That this register is presented to council for review and comment on an annual
Attachment - Alderman Stevenson - Notice of Motion
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Notice of Motion
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a notice of motion by Alderman Harry Quick submitted in accordance
with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government (Meeting
Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
That Glenorchy City Council investigate and report on the following by December
Remove all road signs designating speed limits and paint said speed limits on
roads throughout the Municipality – every 500 metres.
Remove all “No Standing” signs and paint these kerb areas with yellow paint –
throughout the Municipality.
Officer’s Comment
The defining of speed zones and their signage is the responsibility of the Department
of State Growth (DSG), under the Traffic Act 1925. While Councils typically work
with DSG on matters of proposed changes to speed restrictions, the final decision on
the setting of speed limits and associated signage rests with DSG.
In the case of parking restrictions however, the powers on setting parking
restrictions and signage have been delegated to Councils by the Transport
Commissioner. Generally the decision as to whether to sign a parking restriction, as
against the use of a yellow line, is made on the basis of cost and future maintenance
(whole of life costs).
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
Line marking in areas of high use has a relatively short life and therefore, particularly
for lengthy areas of parking restriction, signs are usually preferred.
Proposed changes to the approach to signs and line marking should be discussed
with DSG in the first instance, particularly for speed restrictions, as they are
ultimately the controlling authority in this area.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Will be identified in the Officers report if the recommendation is adopted.
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
That Glenorchy City Council investigate and report on the following by December
Remove all road signs designating speed limits and paint said speed limits on
roads throughout the Municipality – every 500 metres.
Remove all “No Standing” signs and paint these kerb areas with yellow paint –
throughout the Municipality.
Attachment - Notice of Motion - Alderman H. Quick
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Notice of Motion
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a notice of motion by Alderman Jan Dunsby submitted in accordance
with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government (Meeting
Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
Notice of Motion – Public Question Time
In accordance with Part 2, Section 2 of the Local Government (Meeting Procedures)
Regulations 2005, I hereby request that the following motion be included on the
Agenda of the forthcoming meeting of Glenorchy City Council on Monday 13 April
That every Council meeting include a second public question time.
That this be scheduled near the end of the Council meeting, prior to any
requirements of entering into closed council.
Members of the public continue to show great interest in the affairs of Council
and in their greater community. People who attend the meetings may have
questions arising from the matters discussed and/or the Aldermanic debate
they have heard during the meeting.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
People in attendance may not have had time prior to the meeting to be aware
of the agenda items at the time the current public question time is scheduled.
Provides the opportunity for increased dialogue between Council and
It is a further reflection of openness and transparency in Council activities and
fits in with objectives of the Community Plan.
This matter was discussed at the Professional Development session run by the
Local Government Association of Tasmania that I attended in February/March
and deemed to be a positive move.
Officer’s Comment
Management is currently reviewing the Council agenda template and Council policy
and process. If Council approves the recommendation this could be added as one of
the changes to the Council agenda template.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
That every Council meeting include a second public question time.
That this be scheduled near the end of the Council meeting, prior to any
requirements of entering into closed council.
Notice of Motion - Alderman J. Dunsby
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
Qualified Person:
General Manager (Peter Brooks)
ECM File Reference:
Notice of Motion
Community Plan Reference:
This item discusses a corporate management/governance issue. Since the
Community Plan is outwardly focussed, there is no applicable reference to this
Strategic or Annual Plan Reference:
The strategic and annual plans are based upon the Community Plan which is
outwardly focussed. Since this item discusses a management/governance issue
there is no applicable reference to this matter.
Reporting Brief:
To consider a notice of motion by Alderman Matt Stevenson submitted in
accordance with the requirements of Section 16(5) of the Local Government
(Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005.
Proposal in Detail:
Action item register.
There are a considerable amount of actionable items that come out of both formal
council meetings, and less formal council workshops.
The formal and official record of council's position and actions is provided via council
minutes, however this is a cumbersome way to manage items efficiently.
To overcome this issue the use of an action items register could be used. This would
not be a formal public council document, but a management tool for council to
effectively follow actionable items easily without items falling through the cracks.
The use of an action items register was used effectively in the former audit and risk
panel, and has carried forward to the audit panel. This allows the panel to ensure
items of reviews, audit significance or risks are followed up without having to trawl
through every previous meeting minutes document. Many boards also ensure an
action items list is included at tail of their official minutes.
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
A register is easily managed in excel, however there may be other platforms that
may be equally effective at managing these items. The key factors in implementing
the register is that is:
It is recommended that Council install the use of an actions item register as a key
tool in managing actionable items out of council meetings and workshops.
Officer’s Comment
The current InfoCouncil agenda software produces an action item for each decision
of Council. These action items are provided to staff members to action the decision
made by Council within 3 days following the Council meeting.
Management is currently reviewing the Council agenda template and Council policy
and process. If Council approves the recommendation this could be added as one of
the changes to the Council agenda template, this would then provide Council with an
update of the action items and their progress.
Human Resource / Financial and Risk Management Implications:
Community Consultation and Public Relations Implications:
It is recommended that Council install the use of an actions item register as a key
tool in managing actionable items out of council meetings and workshops.
Attachment - Alderman M. Stevenson - Notice of Motion
Monday 13 April 2015
Council Meeting Agenda
This item is to be considered at a closed meeting of the Council by authority of the
Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2005 Section
15(2)(f)(information provided to the council on the condition it is kept confidential).