Of"f,[Cfr.Of, THE PRINCIPAL [email protected] GOVfl.RNJSAMNIT'Dfl.^GRf, ,KASfilW[R Fax: 01e51275277r hoff No:GDCB/|54 Lltl mai I'com : gdcbeerwah@s |; ),i] )]l ;joJ; "I:;.X "1r' "X' DArE: lV-o-f-fulf ProvisionalAdmissionNotificationI It is notified for the information of all the aspirantswho have appearas regularcandidate in B. G. 1tt& 2nd yearor whoseresultshavealreadybeendeclaredin theseclassesthat they can seekprovisionaladmissionin the collegefor B.G 2ndand3'dyear respectivelyupto 30thof May, 20t5. The interested candidatesare essentially required to submit an affidavit where in "they must statethat their provisional admissionshall automaticallystandcancelledin casethey fail to fulfil the eligibility requirementsas and when the resultsof their respectiveclassesare declared. Note: The candidateshave to deposit Rs. 50.00/: as processingfee as per university notificationNo. Gen.83dated:14-05-2015. v /* PRINCIPAL Copyfor informationto: l. I/C Admission. 2. I/C Local Funds. 3. NoticeBoard. 4. Officefile. J. Masterfile.
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