
ACA Test Review
• Sketches
• Specifications and scope
Which two would a team deliver in the first stages of developing
a Photoshop project?
Specs (project size and requirements)
Scope (how long the job will take and ways
to know you have met the requirements)
• Resource allocation
• Task owners
Which two must be identified when developing a Photoshop
Project plan?
• Records of expenses and time
• Accurate notes of
requirements and discussions
Which two tools are important for effective project management
for a freelance artist?
• Project Goals
• Target Audience
What are the two most important factors to be identified by the
client when designing marketing materials?
It allows a user to alter,
transform, and warp without
ruining the original information.
What is a Smart Object?
• focal point :: emphasis
• consistent color palette :: unity/
• curved or spiral lines :: movement
• asymmetrical composition :: balance
Graphic design principle with an example of the principle
Design Principles are:
rhythm and movement
• Line
• Shape
(Unity and Emphasis are design principles)
Which two are graphic design elements?
Elements of Art:
Shape and Form
Value and Color
• Symmetry
• Horizontal
Which two are related to the design principle of balance?
What is the most effective formats to use when designing a logo?
CMYK at 300 dpi
• RGB is for monitors/devices and therefore wrong color space
• larger the print size - higher the dpi needed
The client wants an 8 foot by 8 foot banner designed. Which unit
of measurement should be used when choosing a document setting?
File > Import > WIA
What is only way to import images into Photoshop from a
Which term indicates the process of assigning pixels to a vector
or path image?
Bitmap, also known as a raster image, contains pixels.
Vector – made with mathematical calculations. Can be
enlarged without a loss of quality. To edit a vector graphic in
Photoshop, it must be rasterized first and given pixels.
• Website
• Flash Banner
Which type of media requires the use of pixels rather than
• Photoshop document :: PSD
• Large format Photoshop document :: PSB
• Image file that contains three dimensional
information :: TGA
• Image file used for web and print :: JPG
• Image file used for simple images with
large areas of solid color :: GIF
Match the file types with their definition.
File formats:
• .psd – photoshops default file format. Keeps document editable.
• .gif – best for web
• .jpeg – for photos or web
• .png – web, powerpoint, word fully editable and portable between certain software
• .tiff – commercial printing and photos
• .bmp – very large file. Powerpoint and word.
• .pdf – photos and commercial printing. Ensures quality will not change when opened on
different computers.
Camera Raw – camera format that acts
like a digital negative, in that it still can
be processed and improved. Provides
control and flexibility when working
with images. 2.4 HIGHER
• certain complete subset of colors :: color gamut
• particular instance of a color model :: color space
• produces a preview on screen that shows what the
printed file will look like :: soft proof (previewing)
• methods for converting colors from one color
space to another :: rendering intent (conversion)
Match the color management terms with their definitions
Gamut – range of colors that can be displayed or printed
View>Proof Setup > view the images simulated for output
(print or web) with different options, like type of paper or
• Soft Proof (allows you to view on your computer monitor
what your print will look like when it is on paper. A specific
paper. That paper and ink combination has been defined by
the profile that you or someone else has made for your
printer / paper and ink combination.)
• Color Gamut (established to make the differences in
specific ranges of color clear and to join the colors that can
be used in common between devices)
• Color Space (a given set of names or numbers which are
defined by the existence of a corresponding set of physical
color swatches)
• Rendering Intent (converting colors to the destination
color space. EX: Converting colors from RGB to CMYK for
printing purposes).
Color Management Terms
Apple RGB
Dot Gain 20%
ColorMatch RGB
sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Adobe CMYK Gain 20% is not an available mode.
Which four are options for a working space in the color settings
dialog box?
Viewing of images the way
they are intended across
multiple devices or screens
What is the main purpose of working spaces when implementing
a color management workflow?
Color management - a way of ensuring
that color data is reproduced in a
predictable way
use Smart Objects
When reusing an image for a project, what is the most effective way to have multiple
sizes and effects for the image without damaging the original or creating additional
• File size
• Dimensions
• Optimization
What are three image criteria that must be checked before
uploading to the web?
When it is CREATED in
fixed form
When is a document copyrighted?
File > File Info
there is no metadata option
Where can copyright information for a photoshop file be viewed,
added, or edited
Image Size
What is a common way to change the resolution of an image?
View > Custom
change “Device to simulate”
check Simulate Black Ink
Create and save a custom proof preset named Proofs to simulate a US Sheetfed
Coated v2 press specification, setting the display option to Simulate Black Ink
• Dodge tool
• Sponge tool
• Burn tool
Smudge tool and Clone Stamp tool are not local corrections tools
Which two (all 3 listed above) tools allow local color corrections
to be made to specific areas of an image?
Refers to works where copyright is expired or abandoned ::
public domain
Works based on another copyrighted work, where only the
changes are protected :: derivative works
Use of copyrighted material for education, research,
criticism, or news reporting :: fair use
Match the copyright terms to its definition.
Intellectual Property - creation that include copyrights, trademarks,
patents, design rights, and trade secrets
Derivative work - based from one or more existing works. Can be
copyrighted but must contain a good amount of new material and
covers only the new additions to the work.
• The © symbol, word copyright, or
abbreviation copr.
• The year of the first publication.
• The name of the copyright owner
• Example: © 2013 Jane Doe
• To copyright a publication, the above three things need
to be visually perceptible and appear together in close
proximity: • Copyright – provides protection to the authors of
original works
. Fair Use Laws: allows copyright work
to be reproduced for news reporting,
teaching, parody, and research.
• The purpose and character of the use. Commercial or for
non-profit education?
• Nature of the copyrighted work. Fact or fiction?
Published or Unpublished?
• Amount and portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole
• The effect of the use upon the potential market for, or
value of, the copyrighted work.
. Design Process Outline – useful for
understanding the size of the job and
the job requirements:
• What content will be included?
• Layout of the content
• Dimensions
• Number of pages
• File formats needed
• Deadline for completion
• Black and white or 2 – or 4-color printing
• Paper stock
. Project scope – how long the job will take and ways to
knows you have met the requirements
• Stages:
- Planning
- Scheduling
- Building – design comp or sketch should be done at this time
- Review and Evaluation
- Implementing (Creating Final draft or Publishing)
Two most common problems of the planning
1) communication with others about design plans
2) scope creep – changes in the requirements of
the project as the project is being constructed.
• Apply the Unsharp Mask filter after adjusting or
retouching an image
• Before making global adjustments, be sure that
nothing is selected in the image
• on the RGB levels histogram, drag the right (white)
triangle left to the point where the lightest colors in
the image begin
Which three are considered standard procedures when globally
adjusting color balance and tonal range using the Levels adjustment?
Optical Zoom
Which camera feature is crucial to taking an image of an eagle
from 150 yards away?
What is the most effective file format to use when saving a
graphic with a feathered transparent background for the web?
• Mode
• Bit Depth
• Resolution
• Pixel aspect Ratio
Which four are options when saving a new preset for creating a
new document?
Resolution – Pixels per inch. Higher the resolution, more pixels per inch. DPI
Image >Image Size dialog >displays image data (Resample)-
Downsampled – decreasing the number of pixels and removing image data
Upsampling – increasing the number of pixels. Results in not-so-great image quality
because of loss of detail.
Interpolation – a method used to resample an image using current pixel color to create
new color values. dialog box that allows you the best option for either enlargement or
reduction (drop down menu).
• File Size
• Color Mode
• Resolution
Which three image criteria must be checked prior to printing?
Script font
Which type of font face is the most appropriate when designing a
logo for a day spa?
• Optical zoom uses the lens of the
camera to bring the subject closer
• Digital zoom enlarges a portion of
the image, simulating optical zoom
Which two statements are true about digital zoom and optical
zoom on digital cameras?
• to label or show hierarchy
• to unify or tie a layout
Which two are uses of color as a graphic design element?
• Filter > Convert for Smart filters
• Layer > Smart Object > Convert to Smart
• In the Layers panel, right click on the layer and
choose “Convert to Smart Object”
What are three ways to convert a selected layer to a Smart Object?
text outside the title-safe
What could cause a problem with text in a video?
text outside the title-safe
What could cause a problem with text in a video?
Proper color mode for print?
RGB – Best for web
CMYK - Best for print, larger range of color
Image > Mode > CMYK
convert to Smart Object
… using the Photoshop feature that allows you use filter nondestructively
Magic Wand Tool
… for a single click with a tolerance of 100, select the red band
of the hat
Layer Adjustments >
Levels > Auto
… of an overexposed photo by editing the image
nondestructively using … correction tools.
• Target audience
• Project goals
What are the most important factors to the CLIENT when
designing marketing materials?
Questions to consider:
•Type of audience the product will be directed?
• Product aimed at specific age group or
• Product geared toward anyone specific?
• Goals of project?
1st step of design process
• Internal audience in company
• Age
• Geographical location
• Gender
• Ethnicity
Characteristics that influence design
Demographic data used in the design process includes the Target Audience
Monochromatic: Any 1 color +
its tints, shades, & tones
Complimentary: Opposites on
color wheel
Analogous: Any 3 or more colors
touching on color wheel
Secondary: Mix Primary + Primary
Tint: Any color plus white.
Lightens the color Shade: Any color plus
black. Darkens the color
Tone: Any color plus gray,
white, & black
Mix Primary + Secondary (primary color name first)
• YELLOW-ORANGE Assigning Pixels to a vector path or image (rasterize = bitmap/pixels).
Know how to display and use the rulers: View > rulers or ruler tool in toolbox.
Placing an image: File> Place
Fill layers : Layer >new fill layer. Fill Layer opacity on layers palette.
Expanding Canvas: Image >Canvas Size. If you’re expanding the canvas by 4 pixels to
the right, anchor opposite side (the left) and add number to pixels (4) to the right
Saving files for WEB and DEVICES setting specific settings: File>Save for Web and
Devices > Save as Jpeg > 20 for quality > 25% >click SAVE not DONE.
To see what a print will look like before you print: for a Custom Proof set-up –
View>proof setup>custom> use pull down menus> type name of proof if needed
Save workspace, new workspace Window >workspace> new workspace >type name of
workspace if needed
Layer> Load Selection and Reveal Selection
Masking brush – black hides and white reveals
Style palette > style even it says style “texture”
Character palette
Transparent gradient>select black to transparent (not black to white)
Print> landscape if needed>scale to fit
When Resampling image >pull down menu (for enlargement or smaller)
Automatically adjust black and white point levels only
>adjustments>levels>click black point>auto button , click white point> auto button or
just click the auto button?
Replace color
Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp mask (to sharpen edges)