Camira`s new Mill Collection is anything but run of the

Camira N eocon Preview , April 2015
Camira’s new Mill Collection is anything but run of the mill
Textile innovator Cam ira is know n for d esigning
and m anufacturing a vast selection of w ool and
w ool/ bast fiber blend fabrics for com m ercial
interiors from its ow n m anufacturing facilities in
Europe. The com pany is using N eocon to launch
The Mill Collection – a new value proposition
sym bolic of su stainable textile d esign and
m anufacture, brought to textile specifiers d irect
from the Cam ira m ill. It has been created to
w id en Cam ira’s reach w ithin the N orth Am erican
m arketplace, containing patterns that have d em onstrated success in Europe as w ell as
som e that have been engineered specifically for the US m arket.
The Mill Collection com prises a stunning m osaic of 72 color shad es created from 5
versatile patterns - Chicago, Gravity, H aven, L2 and Manhattan. The Mill Collection has
been d esigned for a lighter environm ental footprint using three types of recycled polyester
yarns, includ ing post-ind ustrial, post-consu m er Repreve-brand ed yarn, and – an ind ustry
first – 25% closed loop upcycled from Cam ira’s ow n polyester yarn rem nants and fabric
selved ges. All patterns offer an attractive price point and com e w ith the backing of the
Cam ira 5 year m anufacturer w ear w arranty.
N eocon also sees the launch of The Land scap e Collection – an ad aptable collection of ‘reim agined ’ plaid s, and the introd uction of a new collection of four high
perform ance/ healthcare prod ucts nam ed Ebb, Flow , H uckleberry and Fragm ent.
Camira at N eocon: Show room 1123-A
For further information please contact:
Ian Burn, Director of Marketing
Em ail: ian.burn@cam
Tel: +011 44 7747 102751
N otes to editors:
Cam ira d esigns and m anufactures up holstery fabrics for com m ercial offices, hosp itality,
governm ent, institutional interiors, healthcare, cinem a and au d itoria.
Cam ira is an ind epend ent UK textile com pany w ith tw o m anufacturing facilities in
England (in H u d d ersfield and N ottingham ) and a m ainland European m anufacturing
plant in Lithuania. The com pany’s N orth Am erica operation is in Grand Rapid s, MI,
w here it hold s stocked inventory and operates a cut yard age program for rapid
d istribution throughout N orth Am erica.
The com pany w as fou nd ed in 1974 as Cam borne Fabrics, acquired by U.S. m od ular
flooring com pany Interface Inc. in 1997, and Cam ira w as born out of a m ana gem ent buyout in April 2006, taking the com pany back into ind epend ent ow nership.
Cam ira em ploys about 650 staff and sells som e 10 m illion yard s of fabric annually,
generating revenues of approxim ately $80 m illion.
The com pany has been recognized for outstand ing prod uct innovation and environm ental
stew ard ship, gaining Queen’s Aw ard s for Enterprise in Innovation (2005) and Sustainable
Developm ent (2010).
Cam ira is registered to ISO 9001 (quality stand ard ), ISO 14001 (environm ental
m anagem ent) and OSH AS 18001 (health & safety) and OSH AS 18001 (health & safety).