CARRIER APPOINTMENT REQUEST PORTAL New Account Request Guide for Sellers Amazon Confidential Page 1 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Create New CARP Account .............................................................................................................................. 3 Appendix 1: How to find my seller ID ...................................................................................................................... 6 Amazon Confidential Page 2 1. Introduction Carrier Appointment Request Portal (CARP) is a self-service portal that all users can use for requesting appointments with Amazon Fulfillment Centers. CARP is a self-service registration portal that offers a hassle-free way to book your appointments at your convenience without the need of calling or e-mailing us. You can create or/and edit your appointment requests, review their status; all at the click of a button. This will not only mean better visibility for our Fulfillment Centers, but also allow them to plan in advance for your shipments and expedite the unloading and receiving process. 2. Create New CARP Account a. Visit the following page and then click on “Request New Account” link to initiate your new account creation request: b. On the “Request New Account” page users need to select from available options of Carrier/Vendor based on their role. Amazon Confidential Page 3 c. All Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) sellers requesting for CARP access, are requested to select the option of “Vendor.” d. If you are a carrier requesting CARP account, please enter your Company Name in “Standard Carrier Alpha Code” and we will assign a unique identifier while creating your account. e. If you are a seller requesting for CARP account, please enter your seller ID in “Vendor Code” field on the form. You can see Appendix for the process to find out your seller ID. Amazon Confidential Page 4 f. Click on “Request New Account” button once all the fields are filled in appropriately. On successful submission of your request, you will see a confirmation screen as shown below. g. Amazon Carp support team reviews the request and creates the account or requests for correct/complete details if details entered are incorrect/incomplete. h. Once the CARP account is created, the user gets a confirmation email with the login credentials send to the email address entered while requesting for a new account. Amazon Confidential Page 5 Appendix 1: How to find my seller ID You can find your seller ID from the web URL link of your storefront on It is the alphanumeric identifier preceded by “shops/” or “&seller=” or “&merchant=” in your storefront URL. For example, you can identify the seller ID “A2XZS7OG9CRMEN” in a Store front URL shown below: Seller ID preceded by “shops/” In a URL of the below format, seller ID can be found after “seller=” N4KGV&orderID=&seller=A2XZS7OG9CRMEN In a URL of the below format, seller ID can be found after “merchant=” EN&merchant=A2XZS7OG9CRMEN&redirect=true While requesting your account, request you to provide us with this alphanumeric seller ID under the “Vendor Code” field. If you still find any difficulty in getting your Seller ID, please enter any of your existing FBA Shipment ID’s in the column for Vendor Code. Amazon Confidential Page 6
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