New GCSE Geography: Key changes and challenges London Tuesday 23 June 2015 Birmingham Thursday 25 June 2015 Manchester Tuesday 30 June 2015 CPD Training Courses For secondary geography teachers and heads of department Overview New GCSE geography specifications will be available for first teaching in 2016. Join the GA and the four major awarding organisations to find out about the new specifications and start to explore some of their key changes and challenges. These conferences will enable teachers to make an informed choice about the new GCSE geography specifications and take away practical teaching advice and examples of good practice. Supported by Oxford Cambridge and RSA Programme 09.00–09.15 Arrival and refreshments 09.15–09.45 Keynote session: ‘New horizons in GCSE geography’ Alan Kinder, Chief Executive, Geographical Association 09.45–11.45 Awarding organisations update Each awarding organisation will present the aims, structure and distinctive features of their specifications 11.45–12.15 Refreshment break and networking An opportunity to speak with awarding organisations and to exchange ideas for teaching GCSE geography 12.15–13.30 Workshops You will attend your choice of two workshops focused on key changes and challenges across the new GCSE specifications: • Teaching the geography of the UK • Geomorphic processes and landscape • Fieldwork after controlled assessment 13.30–14.30 Lunch and networking 14.30–15.45 Workshops repeated 15.45–16.00 Plenary and next steps Workshops Teaching the geography of the UK The increasing spotlight on the geography of the UK for the 2016 GCSE qualification presents an opportunity to re-examine the way we teach about our physical and human geography. Through a focus on specific places, delegates will be able to enrich their knowledge of case studies and consider tools and activities for teaching about the UK landscape, population, economy and influence as well as practical implications for the classroom. Aims and outcomes • Improved awareness of the 2016 requirements for teaching about the UK • Practical activities suitable for teaching at key stage 3 and 4 • Time to discuss implementation in the classroom. Presenter Jo Debens. Head of Geography, Eggar’s School Alton, Hampshire Geomorphic processes and landscape This workshop will focus on teaching about geomorphic processes and landscape in the context of the new GCSE specifications. The key challenge of building understanding of landscape from knowledge of features and processes will be specifically addressed. Delegates will also study examples of good geographical practice and resources that can be adopted and adapted for use in the classroom. Aims and outcomes • Reflection on the importance of understanding landscape in the context of the new GCSE specifications • Opportunities to discuss the challenges and solutions for teaching landscape to GCSE students • Examples of good practice and innovative resources that can be easily adopted and adapted for classroom use. Presenter Rebecca Kitchen, Curriculum Manager for Humanities and Head of Geography, Aylesbury High School Fieldwork after controlled assessment The switch from controlled assessment to fieldwork examination presents a major challenge to GCSE geography departments. This workshop will consider how existing fieldwork plans can be adapted in order to provide access to two contrasting environments and vital reinforcement of students’ knowledge of casestudies, the UK and mathematical application. Aims and outcomes • A fieldwork action plan that can be implemented • Awareness of how key stage 3 and onsite fieldwork can lead to better outcomes at GCSE • Time to identify how existing fieldwork plans can be adapted • Understanding of how students’ own devices can be used to document fieldwork and create revision materials. Presenters London/Birmingham: David Rogers, Assistant Headteacher, Patcham High School, Brighton Manchester: Paul Hunt, Head of Humanities, The Appleton School, Essex Booking form New GCSE Geography: Key changes and challenges Name ______________________________________________________________ Organisation ______________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ n Please tick this box to receive e-mail updates from the GA ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Postcode___________________ Telephone No ______________________________________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________________________ Membership No _____________________________________________ Location Date London Birmingham Manchester Tuesday 23 June 2015 Thursday 25 June 2015 Tuesday 30 June 2015 GA New Member Member* Package** £190 £170 £170 £294 £274 £274 Bookings will be confirmed by email Nonmember £320 £300 £300 (Please circle) * Applies to Group, Full Personal and Concessionary members only ** Includes course fee and one year’s group subscription to Teaching Geography Payment details n I enclose a cheque for £ __________________ made payable to The Geographical Association n Please send an invoice (Institutions only). Orders must carry an official order no. ____________ n Please charge my credit/debit card with £ __________________ nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn nn Security code nnn Expiry date nn / nn Issue no nn My credit/debit number is: Online booking is also available at Terms and Conditions By returning this completed booking form you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. Deadline for registrations is 14 days before the date of the Conference. Refunds on cancelled bookings will be made as follows: Received more than 21 days before the date of the specified conference – 50% refund. Received less than 21 days before the date of the specified conference – no refund. No refund will be made for delegates not attending. Please note we reserve the right to cancel Conferences should they not be viable to run. Delegates will be entitled to a full refund. Please return your booking form: Lucy Oxley, Geographical Association, 160 Solly Street, Sheffield S1 4BF tel: 0114 296 0088 e-mail: [email protected] The Geographical Association is a registered charity no. 1135148. Company no. 07139068
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