Year A  Year B   Autumn 1 

 Year A Year B Autumn 1 Ourselves Science – Animals including humans (Yr1 4 and yr2 3) Geography – Local study Art – Observa onal drawing (Face and draw things that they like e.g. football, create por‐
trait) Percy the Park Keeper Science – Observe changes of day and seasons Science – Living things and their habitats Geography – Seasons and weather Art – Observa on drawings outside (Van Gogh) Autumn 2 Fes val and Celebra ons Science – Plants (evergreens, bulbs) History – Key events (Bonfire night) DT – Where food comes from Frozen Science – Animals (fish, mammals, birds) Geography – Con nents, loca on of cold countries Art – Colour (Tone and nt) Photography Spring 1 People Who Help Us Science – Plants History – Great Fire of London DT – Emergency vehicle (Mechanisms) Toy Story Science – Use of everyday materials History – Changings in living memory (Toys) DT – Toy (Teddy) Spring 2 Jungle Book (India) Science ‐ Animals (carnivores, herbivores and omnivores) Geography – Rainforest (Brazil and UK) India Art – Collage Ma sse, henri rousseau (Jungle influence) The Li le Pigs Science materials History – Life in different periods (Homes) DT – Homes (Build and improve a structure) Summer 1 Cars (transport) Science – Working scien fically History – changes living history (Transport) Numeracy – data handling, measuring, me Art – Design logo for a car Li le Red Tractor Science (B7/3) ‐ Basic needs of animals and offspring, iden fy and compare common ani‐
mals (mammals) Science – Plants (growing) Geography – Contrast non‐European and local farming Summer 2 Beside the Seaside (Trip) Science – Material History – Grace Darling English – Ka e Morag Art – Observa on drawings and prin ng Superheroes Science ‐ Working scien fically Geography – maps and plans DT – Superhero t‐shirt (logo)