mining in Mogollon Temperature of mineralization NewMexico andvicinity, southwest district R Kent,Kevin Department andGeological Engineering, J. Bornhorst, L. Mann,andScotlR. Bichey, of Geology by Theodore Gretchen Michigan Ml 49931 Technological University, Houghton, 50 doubly polished thin chips from the Mogollon mining district and vicinity. Suitable fluid inclusions were found in 21 samples (Table2). Typical inclusions consist of liquid with a small vapor bubble. Most visible inclusions are irregular in shapeand less than 0.04mm in diameter.Fluorite containscomparativelv large,isolatedinclusionswith negitive crystal shapesthat we interpret as primary. In a sample of fluorite from Sacaton,a negative TABLE l-Hypogene vein-filling minerals in the Mogollon mining district, southwest New Mexico crystal-shapedinclusion had dimensions of (compiled from Ferguson, 1927). up to 0.2 mm on a side. Most primary inclusionsin the fluorites were about 0.04mm Nonmetallic in cross section. Obvious secondary incluMetallic minerals minerals sions in fluorite were generally small (less than 0.08mm in diameter)and followed fracStromeyrite Pyrite Quartz tures. Inclusions in calciteand quartz were Calcite Chalcopyrite Chalcocite Fluorite Tetrahedrite Galena Iesseasvto classifvbecausethe mineralsare Adularia Pyrargyrite Sphalerite highly iractured. Most inclusions followed Rhodochrosite Bornite Specularite fracture and/or cleavageplanes. Inclusions Chlorite Argentite for analysis were selectedbecauseof their isolationand shape;none of theseinclusions showed evidence of necking. The fluid inclusionsanalyzedin calciteand quartz may Fluid-inclusion studies be primary, pseudosecondary,or,lesslikely, Fluid inclusions represent mineralizing secondary.Definite secondaryinclusions in samplesF-6 and C-2 were homogenizedat fluids trapped in minerals. Studies of fluid inclusions can provide data about the tem- temperaturesbetween 145 and 170'C, and p e r a t u r e a n d c o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e f l u i d s they were homogenizedin sample PC-1 at (Roedder,7979).\Nehave looked at more than temperaturesbetween 100and 160"C.These temberaturesare lower than temperatures reported in Table2. We believe the fluid-indata reported are representativeof clusion M o g o l l o nm i n i n gd i s t r i c t the main stageof mineralization. The salinitiesof the fluid inclusions were Cooney determined from the freezing-pointdepression, and they are expressedas equivalent A weight percent NaCl (Table2). The compoof the inclusion fluid was determined ,or-_.| T . I O S sition in four samplesof fluorite by leachingcrushed sampleswith deionized water followed by rO MbgolIon atomic-absorptionanalysis(Table3). The leacir :: :t: ::: l:: solutionsrepresenta sampleof both primary R,I9W l1'.'1'1,f. and secondaryfluids. Within the optical size IIIS l. ...c B ur s u m c o l d e range of our microscope (>0.001 mm di\,,,,,,,,E, G l en w o o d ;^ c.ulc.[g ameterinclusion),fluorite from the Goldspar i : 5 p r u c eL r e e K prospecthas roughly equalamountsby volR20W 1,: e \ ::Y:: ume of primarv and secondarv inclusions. :. o:n:e:P:r-n .e \ o-L---CIf------J 5 \,,,,,,,,9j,, whereas'the ofher samnlesanalvzed have II25 \ )n \r :::: c o l d e r c . m o -r q i n O * S "L IjDJ greaterthanTSVosecondaryinclusions.The PineCret ./ , , , (, , secondaryinclusions in our samplesgenerO mine/prospect ally are smallerthan the primary ones so we C town optimized crushing size for the best extracTI3S, 9s lreDcA tion of primary fluids. t foull Introduction Cenozoic mineral deposits are scattered throughout southwest New Mexico. These depositsare typically baseand preciousmetals and often are associatedsnatiallv with mid-Tertiary volcanic centers'(Elstonand others, t976;EIstonand Erb, 1979).The mineralization in the Mogollon mining district consistsof Ag-Au- (Cu-Pb-) bearing veins that were open-spacefillings along pre-existing faults. Hypogeneore and ganguemineralsof the district are listed in TableL; quartz and calciteare the principal vein-filling minerals. Ferguson(1927)recognizeda general parageneticsequencefor the entire district with quartz followed by calcite and then fluorite; there is a gradual transition from one mineral to the next. Where fluorite is abundant, precious-metal mineralizaton generallydoes not occur. Hypogene mineralizationwas followed by supergeneenrichment. A detailed description of the district can be found in Ferguson (1927). The Mogollon mining district is situated spatially on the margin of the Bursum caldera (Fig. 1). Recentradiometric age dating of mineralizationat Mogollon has shown that thesedepositsare approximately15 to 18m.y. old (Kent, 1983;Rattd and others, 1983;Ratt6, 1981).Silicic volcanic activity related to the Bursum calderaoccurredfrom about 25 to 28 m.y. ago (Ratt6, 1981).Located south and eastof the Mogollon mining district are various small mines and prospectswith associated hydrothermally altered rocks (Fig, 1; seeRatt€ and others, 1979). One of these mines, the Lone Pine mine, is noted for the occurrenceof native tellurium (Ballmer,1932). tr Y R.I9W $"ff, f R ,1 8 W . R.t7W boll on downthrown side oreo of hydrothermol l;il H ollerotion FIGURE l-Location map of study area, Mogollon mining district and vicinity, southwest New Mexico. Location of mines and prospectsalong the southwest margin of the Bursum calderaare shown; the Mangastrench, a basin and range graben,is south of the caldera. Discussion and summary The homogenization temperaturesof the fluid inclusionsshow a progressivedecrease in temperafure with time based on the generalized parageneticsequenceof quartz to [? Nm MexicoGeology August 1984 53 TABLE2-Homogenization temperaturesand salinity determined on fluid inclusions from the Mogollon mining district and vicinity, southwest New Mexico. *Variable gas/liquid ratios and temperatures reported represent minimum ratros. Homogenization temperature Description Sample Fanney mine F-1 (surface) F-3 (900 ft level) F-6 (900ft level) F-21 (surface) Salinity Nurnber Number Mean salinity of Range Mean of ("C) ('c) inclusions (equiv. wt.% NaC inclusions Quartz Quartz Calcite Calcite 5 8 9 1 202-258 795-248 204--228 227 277 224 241 3 7 3 3.4 3.4 3.4 Quartz Quartz 6 I 249269 254-271 260 262 3 2 3.4 Eberle mine EU-3 (200 ft level) EU-3a (200 ft level) EU-4 (200 ft level) EU-4 (200 ft level) E-34 (200 ft level) E-35 (200 ft level) Fluorite* Fluorite* Quartz Calcite Calcite Calcite 3 4 183-185 758-166 2 J.Z Z LJT_Z+J 1 J.J 7 3 3 210-235 205-227 784 762 237 241 235 a1 ^ a Gold Spar RC-1 RC_2 Fluorite, white Fluorite, green 10 6 764-789 780J76 176 202 4 2 Pine Creek PC-1 Fluorite, green 7 764-177 172 3.4 Holt Gulch HG_1 Fluorite, green 6 762-778 171 J.J Fluorite, green Fluorite, white 3 6 164-767 166 160-170 t63 No. of determinations Confidence mine c-2 c-3 1A 1 J,Z J.J 3.4 Sacaton s-1 s-2 3.3 140 180 220 260 300 Homogenization temqerature tC Lone Pine LP_1 LP_2 Fluorite, white Fluorite, green 5 3 157-165 161 178-181 179 SpruceCreek 85-1 Fluorite, green 8 183-209 791 enization temperatures in quattz, calct'te, and fluorite, roughly in Paragenetic order from oldest to youngesi. No pressure corrections were applied. calciteto fluorite (Fig. 2). The data fot qtartz suggesta bimodal distribution in homogenization temperatures.The lower peak may representsecbndaryfluid inclusionsformed during late calciteor early fluorite mineralization. No inclusionswere found in samples that are believed to be the earliest formed quartz, thus the initial mineralizing,fluids may have been hotter than indicated by the samplesanalyzed. Salinity values show no consistenttrend with time, and they cluster around 3.3 weight PercentequivalentNaCl (Fig. 3). The Na/K ratios of extracted primary/secondaryinclusion fluid are between 0.6 and 2.5. Thesevalues fall within the low range of those reported for mineral depositl by Roedder (1979). The relatively high-K contentof thesefluids is consistentwith the strongK-metasomatismof vein host rocksin the district(Kent, 1983). The gas/liquid ratio for inclusions within individual samples is reasonably constant, except for fluorite samples from the Eberle mine. Isolated,negativecrystal-shapedinclusionswith variablegasiliquidratios and up to 90volume percenigashive beenfound in two samples of fluorite from Eberle mine. However,in thesesamplesthere are also nu- merous negative crystal-shaPedinclusions that are clearly connectedto fractures and have leaked. Thus, it is possible that the variable gas/liquid ratios in isolated inclusions are due to leaking along fractures that arenow healedand/or too smallto be visible. Variablegasiliquid ratios, if Primary, would suggestthat the fluid was boiling during fluoilte deposition.At the Eberlemine quartz was deposited at a temperatureof 240"Cor more fiom fluids that apparently were not boiling. A lower temPerature fluid that had boiled during fluorite deposition (150180'C) would have required a combination of the following conditions during quartz to fluorite mineralization: 1) a change from lithostatic to hydrostatic pressure (Pn'ia Z 2) a dramatic drop in hydrostatic Prigrosta6c)j pressureif the vein was oPen to the surface; and/or 3) a significant amount of erosion' Becausethe origin of the variable gas/liquid ratiosis disputable,we believethat the fluids probably were not boiling at the depth of Eberlemineralization.A pressureof more than 33 bars is required to prevent boiling during quartz deposition (Haas,1971).In a vein open to the surfacethis correspondsto a hydrostatic depth of more than 375 m. Number of Mean inclusions ('C) Summary One standard deviation Quartz (high T variety >238'C) t9 257 11 Calcite Fluorite 17 61. 114 11 T4 176 TABLE 3-Composition of fluid-inclusion leach solutions for flubrites from the Mogollon Mountains in ppm. About 15 grams of optically clean fluorite were crushed and leachedwith 50 ml of deionized water. The leach solutions were analyzed by atomic-absorption spectrometry calibrated to standardsolutions.Precisionof the data is approximately * 57oof the amount determined for Na and K; it is approximately + 30-50Vofor Mg and Mn at < 0.05ppm and +70% at > 0.05ppm. The data presented are normalized to 10 grams of sample. Na K Mg Mn 0.6 0.3 0.03 0.03 Holt Gulch Pine Creek Gold Spar 0.7 0.5 0.07 0.02 0.5 0.2 0.09 0.08 0.5 0.8 0.3 August 1984 Nm MexicoGeology 3.4 FIGURE2-Histogramsof fluid-inclusionhomog- A temperatureof about 230"C(uncorrected for pressure) for quartz and calcite deposition at the current top of the Fanney vein requires a pressure of more than 27 bars to prevent boiling (Haas, 1977).In a vein open to the surface this corresponds to a hydrostatic depth of more than 325 m. The top of the Fanneyvein today is higher topographically (170m) than the part of the Eberlevein that was sampled.If one assumesthere was no structural adjustment after mineralization, then the thicknessof cover during Eberle mineralizationcould havebeen500m or more. The hydrothermal fluids responsiblefor the Cenozoic mineralizationin-the Mogollon mining district had temperaturesthat iaried with time from greaterthan 270'C to 180"C. They had a constant salinity of about 3.3 equivalentweight percent NaCl with Na/K ratios of 0.6 to 2.5. The temperaturesand minimum depth estimates of mineralization and the abundance of base-metal sulfide minerals in the Mogollon mining district are typicalof those found in the deeperlevelsof precious-metal depositsassociatidwith volcanicterranes(Buchanan,1981). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS-We thanK S. D. McDowell and S. P. Halsor, Michigan Tech, for their constructivecriticism of tliis manuscript. One of us (Kent) wishes to thank the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Socorro, New Mexico, and the Center of Mining and Minerals Research, Michigan Tech, for financial support. Dick Manning and Challenge Mining Company allowed us accessto the Eberle mine and other mine dumps in the Mogollon district. Norbert BIum and Albrecht Schneider, TechnischeHochschuleAachen, West Germany, graciously provided us with samples from outside of the Mogollon district. Ted Eggleston, New Mexico Tech, reviewed this manuscrlpt. I t I o .o f T' determinatron"I O vein mineralization and geochemistry of host rock alteration at ihe Eberle mine, Mogollon mining district, Ballmer, G. J., 1932,Native tellurium from northwest of southwestern New Mexico: Unpublished M.S. thesis, Silver City, New Mexico: American Mineralogist, v. 1,7, Michigan TechnologicalUniversity, Houghton, Michipp. 491-492. gan, 84 pp. Buchanan,L.J.,7987, Preciousmetal depositsassociated Ratt6,J. C., 1981,Geologicmap of the Mogollon quadwith volcanic environments in the southwest: Arizona rangle, Catron County, New Mexico: U.5. Geological GeologicalSocieiyDigest, v. 1,5,pp.237-262. Survey,GeologicQuadrangleMapl55T,scale"l:24,000. Elston,W E., and Erb, E. E., 1979,Tertiary geologyo{ Ratt6,J. C., Gaskill,D. L., Eaton,G. P, Peterson,D. L., Hidalgo County, New Mexiceguide to metals, inStotelmeyer,R. B., and Meeves, H. C., 1979,Mineral dustrial minerals, petroleum and geothermalresources: resourcesof the Gila primitive area and Gila Wilder'l-6. New Mexico Geology, v. 1, no. 1,,pp. ness,New Mexico:U.5. GeologicalSuwey, Bulletin 1451, Elston,W. E., Rhodes,R. C., and Erb, E. E.,7976,Control 229 pp. of mineralization by mid-Tertiary volcanic centers, Ratt€,J. C., Marvin, R. F., Naeser, C. W, Brooks, W. E., southwesternNewMexico:NewMexicoGeologicalSoand Finnell, T. L., 1983, Volcanic history of southciety, SpecialPublication No. 5, pp. 125-130. westem Mogollon*Datil volcanicfield as recordedalong Ferguson, H. G., 1927, Geology and ore deposits of the the Morenci lineament, New Mexico and Arizona: Geological Societyof Arnerica, Abstracts with Programs, v. Mogollon mining district, New Mexico: U.S. Geological 15, p. 303. Survey, Bulletin 787, 100 pp. Roedder,E., 1979,Fluid nclusions as samplesof ore fluids; Haas,J. L.,Jr., 1971,The effectof salinity on the maximum thermal gradient of a hydrothermal system at hydroin Barnes, H. L. (ed.), Geochernistry of hydrothermal stat.icpressure:Economic Geology, v. 65, pp.940 946. ore deposits, 2nd edition: John Wiley and Sons, pp. Kent, G. R., 1983,Temperatureand age of preci.ousmetal 648-737. tr References continued from page 52 1-18-84 milt Operator-Mica Mill, Mica Mine, Mica Inc., Box 2403, SantaFe, NM 87504;Supt.-Wayne Brown, phone: 8522727; Other official-George Rosen, Box 2422, Santa Fe, NM 87504 Rio Arriba Co.; private land; ores milled or refined-mica; capacityof mill:-50,000 tons per day; directionsto mill: 12mi north of Espanolaon NM-68 2-3-84 limestone Operator-Herzog ConlractingCorp., 1900GarfieldAve., St. Joseph, MO 54503; Gen. Mgr.-Stan Herzog, 1.900 Garlield Ave., St. Joseph,MO &503, phone (816)2339001;Personin charsrFrank Storbakken,P.O. 8ox1936, Deming, NM, phone: (5057546-2770;Gen. Supt.-Arnold Shipp, 1900 Garfield Ave., St. Joseph, MO 54503; Other official-Randy Henog, 1900Garfield Ave., St. Joseph, MO 54503,phone (815)233-9001; Property owner-U.S. Government, Bureau of Land Management, 1705Valley Drive, Las Cruces, NM 88005 CrantCo.;sec.17,T.245., R. 14W;Deming mining district; federal land; directions to mine: 1.7 mi north of the intersection of US_10and NM-81 21-84 uranium Operator-Crownpoint, WestinghouseElectric Corp., Uranium ResourcesDiv., Penn Center 3-400, P.O. Box 355, Pittsburgh, PA 15230;Gen. Mgr.-E. ). Miles, WestinghouseElectricCorp.,PO. Box355,Pittsburgh,PA15230; Gen. Supt.-Salvador Chavez, WestinghouseElectric Corp., Crownpoint Project, P.O. Box 777, Ctownpoint, NM 87313;Other official-T. H. Ritner, Westinghouse Elechic Corp., P.O. Box 355, Pittsburgh, PA 15230; Property owner-Westinghouse Electric CorPoration McKinley Co.; sec.24, T.77 N., R. 13 W.; private land; directions to mine: 0.5 mi northwest of Crownpoint, NM, on Church Road 2-10-84 Silver, lead, zinc Operator-ProspectN, PICOM Corp., Ltd., P.O.Box361, El Prado, NM 87529 (company change of name); Gen. Mgr.-Jmes R. Grainger,sameaddress;Personin charg+ JamesR. Grainger, same address; Property Owner-James R. Grainger Siena Co.; sec. 12, T. 13 S., R. 9 W.; Hermosa mining district; federal land; underground; directions to mine: 0.5 mi east on forest road 157at Wagonbed Spring, 20 ni south of lVinston, NM, and 1 mi north of Hermosa, NM 2-1.6-84 sodium Operator-New Mexico Salt & MineralsCorp., PO. Box 2262, Carlsbad, NM 88220;Gen. Mgr.-Dale W. Janway, Minesite, NM-31, phone: 745-3558;Gen. Supt.-Herman Justice,same address;Other officials-Marvin Watts and Bill Buzbee, Carlsbad, NM; Property owner-New Mexico Salt & Minerals Corp. Eddy Co.; sec.18, T. 23 S., R. 29E.;Eddy mining district; private land; directions to mine: on NM-31 5 mi east of Loving, NM 2-1.6-84 silica Operator-LeRoy Jones Mining Co., 1812 Mesquite, Lordsburg,NM; Gen. Mgr.-Leroy Jones,sameaddress, phone: 542-9525 Hidalgo Co.; sec. 35, T. 21 S., R. 17 W.; Gold Hill mining dishict; federalland; directions to mine: 1 mi southeast of WD 3-5-84 Operator-Ki8ht Clay Pit, Kight Construction,P.O, Box 413, Hatch, NM 87937;Gen. Mgr.-Claude Kight, same address, phone:267-4553; Gen. Supt.-Earl Kight, E. Henera Rd., Hatch, NM, phone:267-4962; Property Owner-U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces, NM 88001 Doia Ana Co.; sec. 23, T. 79 S., R. 4 W., state land; directions to pit: 3 mi west on NM-28 on south side of road 4-3-U Operator-Clinnken Dagger, Bickerstaff pit, 8513 Marquette NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108;Gen. Mgr.-Hanzle Janoltona, same address, phone: 2682269; Property owner-Hanzle Janoltona BernalilloCo.; T. 10 N., R. 6 E.; private property; directions to mine: go south 8 mi on NM-214, east5 mi to JuanThomas, north 2.25mi Operator-Burro Chief Copper Co., Drawer B, Tyrone, NM 88055;Gen. Mgr.-Richard E. Rhoades; same address;Gen. Supt.-T. R. Snider;sameaddress; Property owner-Burro Chief Copper Co., 2500N. Cenhal Ave.. Phoenix. AZ 85004-3015 Grant Co.; sec.15, T. 19 S., R. 15 W; private land; directions to mine: approximately 1 mi southwestof Phelps Dodge Corp. oold 3.O 3.2 3.4 3.6 Equivalent weight percent NaCl FIGURE3-Histogram of equivalentweight percent NaCl determinedfrom the freezing-pbint depressionof fluid inclusions. 4-1.5-84 coPPer (ro necoxrnuro uxr tssur) New Mexico Geology Augttst 19M
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