Name (8 pts):___________________ GSC307: Global Geophysics Lab 1 (60 pts) Due before start of next Lab 4/16/15 Use scientific notation, provide reasonable numbers of significant figures and provide the correct units for all of your answers! PROBLEM 1 (39 pts) Introduction: In the oceans, the magnitude of the magnetic field is measured by towing a magnetometer behind a ship. These measurements are a combination of two sources: Earth’s present magnetic field and magnetism of rocks on the ocean floor. To gain information about the latter, we subtract the regional value of the Earth’s magnetic field. What remains is the magnetic anomaly. These anomalies can be explained by seafloor spreading and used to derive the plate tectonic history of the area. Part 1 (24 total) Figure 1 shows part of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, showing the East Pacific Rise as a heavy black line. It is offset between several fracture zones (FZs). The ridge is the divergent boundary between the Pacific and Nazca plates. The numbered lines on each side of the ridge are the magnetic anomalies. The age of these anomalies is known from the magnetic time scale (Figure 2, numbers to the right of the column are anomaly numbers, short tick marks indicate the age). This data will allow us to determine spreading rates of ridges. 1. (4 pts) Read the ages of magnetic anomalies 2,3 and 5 from Figure 2 and write them down in Table 1, below, in the Age column. (Note the short line that indicates the exact age to the left and above the anomaly number.) 2. (4 pts) Measure the distance between each pair of anomalies of the same age just south of the Garrett fracture zone (Figure 1) and record these values in the table under the Distance column for the East Pacific Rise (EPR). 3. (4 pts) Figure 3 shows a similar map of the Mid Atlantic ridge (MAR). Determine distances and ages of all anomalies shown along the Ascension Fracture Zone and record in Table 1. Anomaly 13 is shown on one side only, so you will find another way to estimate the total distance! 4. (8 ps) Create a graph (and attach it!) with points of distance versus age (so distance along the y-axis and age along the x-axis) for both the EPR and MAR. Fit a straight line to each set of these points (so 2 lines in total) and label the lines “EPR” or “MAR”. Make sure to clearly label your axes! 5. (4 pts) Use this graph to estimate full spreading rates for the two mid ocean ridges: East Pacific Rise: _________________ km/my = ______________________ mm/year Mid-Atlantic Ridge: _________________ km/my = ______________________ mm/year Anomaly Age in Millions Distance between Distance between Number of Years anomalies in km (EPR) anomalies in km (MAR) 2 3 5 8 13 21 Table 1 Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Part 2 (5 pts per question, 15 total) The magnetic anomaly pattern in Figure 4 was recorded in an ocean basin on a long ship traverse across a mid-ocean ridge. 1. Based on this pattern, explain at what distance this traverse crosses the mid-ocean ridge and mark it on the magnetic anomaly pattern. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Using the expanded magnetic time scale of Figure 5, find magnetic anomaly 3A and identify this anomaly on the traverse of Figure 4; mark it with an arrow. Measure the distance of this anomaly from the ridge and write it down. Show how you determined this distance. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Use your answer from 2. to calculate the full(!) spreading rate of this ridge in mm/yr. _____________________________________________________________________________ Figure 4. Figure 5. PROBLEM 2 (13 pts) Derive an equation for the orbital velocity of the planets in our solar system, by using the (more) complete version of Kepler’s 3rd law and approximating the orbits of these planets with a circle. Follow these steps: first find an expression for orbital period in terms of orbital velocity for a circular orbit, then substitute this expression in Kepler’s 3rd law and solve for orbital velocity. Clearly show your work and any derivations. (4 pts) Describe in words the main pattern/characteristic of orbital velocity in our Solar System, based on the form of this equation (e.g. are more massive planets faster?, smaller planets slower, etc.). Be clear and complete. (4 pts) Using the original version of Kepler’s 3rd law, determine at which distance above the Earth’s surface a geosynchronous satellite orbits the Earth. A geosynchronous satellite remains fixed in the sky as seen from the ground and is always in equatorial orbit. Assume a circular orbit. A page of useful numbers is provided in the back of this assignment. Show your work, and remember to include your units! (5 pts) N 口川 beLS し se 十 口 Astronomical al D iStan CeS 108km light-year ネ 3.09 X 1 kiloparsec(kpc) 1013km ^ Co = 106pc ^ 3.26 X 1 siderealmonth(average) ?= 27.32 106light-years L m ・ L 二 Planck's constant: mass of ロass of an electron a 6 626 ・ X year ^ watt ・ we = g.l X l0 ― 3lkg BH XS on Earth: g = 9.8 m/s2 Vescape = llkm/s = l1,000m/s L lL 8Y 1 @ 1 : power: Electron-volt:leV 1026watts of the Earth: 1 inearth ^ 6,378 km Escape velocity from surface of Earth: t f Basic unit of of the Earth: 1 M^nh ^ 5.97 X l0-^kg Acceleration of gravity コ Energy and Power Units of the Sun: 1 A4sun ^ 2 X 1010kg Radius (equatorial) 365.256 solar days = l 67 X 10-27kg proton: Luminosity of the Sun: 1 Lsun % 3-8 x A-2 1 sidereal m2 X Kelvin4 Radius of the Sun: 1 ^gun ^ 696,000 km Mass ?= 365.242 solar days m 0- = 5.7 X 10 8 constant Useful Sun and Earth Reference Values Mass year G=6 67Xlo-H kS @ XS2 constant Stefan-Boltzmann 1 tropical 1 watt = days solardays 止九 L L ま 口ヨ 3 Gravitational 2311 56"14.09' 1 synodicmonth(average) == 29.53 solar 3.26 light-years = 1,000 pc s: 3.26 X 103light-years 1 megaparsec (Mpc) Sh 1 siderealday ~ lo^ki-n w 9.46 X (pc) 1 parsec 1 solarday (average) = 24 ・ 1AU ^ 1.496 X Times - 1 joule/s 二 1.60 X lo ― lgjou た
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