George Bonner Elementary School April Newsletter 3060 Cobble Hill Road, Mill Bay, B.C. V0R 2P3 Principal: Mr. Chris Clark Phone: (250) 743-5571 [email protected] Office email: [email protected] GEORGE BONNER MEMORY BOOK One of our parents is currently putting together a George Bonner Elementary memory book which will consist of 40 full color pages containing individual as well as group and candid photos of all students in the school. This will be a great keepsake for your child’s school year. The cost of the book will be $25.00. We are currently accepting preorders. Very few extras will be ordered so please order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The deadline for ordering is April 17th!!!!!! If you have digital pictures of the children at school during a special event or activity that you could send in for use in the memory book please contact Pam Day at [email protected]. Please limit the quantity to 4 or 5 per event. Thank you! LIGHTS OUT CANADA Wednesday, April 22nd is Lights out Canada day so staff and students all over Canada will be shutting off as many lights as possible throughout the day in order to save energy. PARENT SATISFACTION SURVEY Every year the Ministry of Education gives parents of children in grades 4 and 7 the opportunity to complete an online anonymous satisfaction survey. If you are a parent of a grade 4 or grade 7 child, you should have received a paper copy or a letter with instructions and a personal password at your parent teacher conference last week. If you did not get the survey or instructions at your interview and would like to complete a survey, please contact the office before the April 30th deadline. The survey typically takes 10 minutes to complete. Results of this survey are used by the Ministry of Education and the School District to help determine which programs and activities have been successful. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. SAFE ARRIVAL PROGRAM The George Bonner Safe Arrival program is run by parent volunteers in order to help ensure student safety. Should your child not arrive at school, a volunteer will call you to ensure your child is home. If you call ahead to let the school know you will not receive a phone call. Should you wish to be added or removed from this program, please call the school. Thank you to all the parent volunteers that may this program possible! VISITOR SIGN IN A reminder that any visitors to the school between the hours of 8:25 am and 2:20 pm should be signing in at the office and putting on a visitor tag so staff know who is in the school. Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of your children. STAFF PARKING LOT A reminder to parents that the parking lot closest to the atrium of the school is for STAFF ONLY. The parents and visitor parking area is closest to the outdoor basketball courts. Parents should not be dropping off or picking up students in the staff lot as it is an unsupervised area and causes unnecessary extra traffic at the gate of the school. SPRING PHOTOS On Monday, April 20th, Lifetouch Photography from Victoria will be visiting the school to take class, whole school and individual photos. Class photo’s will be provided free of charge but the whole school photo and individual photo’s have a fee should you wish to purchase them. Individual photo proofs will be sent home and you can order online or on the form provided. Individual and whole school photo information will be sent home the week of April 13th. Please call the school should you have any questions. STUDENT REGISTRATION As the end of the school draws nearer we are starting the process of looking at next years staffing and what our class configurations might look like. Both of these things are entirely dependent on student enrolment in the school. Should you or someone you know plan on registering new students at George Bonner next year, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you for helping us prepare for next year. SPORTS AND CLUBS As the weather begins to improve staff are looking to begin teaching and coaching outdoor sports. Typical sports offered in the spring include cross country, track and field and girls soccer. Please watch future newsletters for updates on these activities. Mrs. Van Hell continues to sponsor after school floor hockey on Tuesday afternoons. TC 10K – GEORGE BONNER BEARS – Mr. G. Launder The TC10K is fast approaching. This year's TC10K in on Sunday, April 26th starting at 8:00 am at the Legislature in Victoria. We've got a great group of runners this year. It should be another great event! Our TC10K group runs twice a week on Monday’s at lunch (3 - 5KM) and Thursday's after school (5 - 10KM). Thursday after school runs will end at 3:15 - 3:30 pm as the runs get longer. If you haven't signed up, please sign up for the George Bonner Bears group at: They will accept late registrations up to April 22nd for a cost of $45.00. If you would like Mr. Launder to pick up your registration package (t-shirt and bib) in Victoria, please let me know ASAP ([email protected]). Otherwise you are on your own for picking up your race packages. I will be going down to Victoria to pick up our team package on Thursday, April 23rd after school. It's great to see so many students eager and enthusiastic about running. Good luck to all participants! SUESSICAL THE MUSICAL – Mrs. N. Baxendale Rehearsals are going well. We have now rehearsed the entire musical so we will now be going back and fixing sections that need work. All cast should know their lines and songs by next week so please practice this long weekend. Thanks to several parents we have most of the costumes, sets and props finished. Whoville characters need white tights or leggings (to be brought from home) and we are on the lookout for corduroy (or similar material) vests for the Wickershams. Thanks again to the parents who have been helping out! As Monday is a holiday, I have changed the after school rehearsal to Thursday, April 9th from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm. All the other rehearsals will remain the same. The performance dates are April 29th and April 30th. The evening show will be on Thursday, April 30th and afternoon shows starting at 12:45 pm the other two days. MUSIC NOTES – Mrs. N. Baxendale The Grade 6/7 classes have started to play band instruments as our final unit this year. This is just a short introduction to band so the students can try out an instrument and learn a few simple songs. Luckily, George Bonner School has a large inventory of band instruments so we have enough for almost every student. If anyone has a band instrument you are not using from now until June, we would like to borrow it as we are still short about 3 instruments per class. The school band instruments can be taken home for practice but must be brought back to school on days the students have music. We have a ukulele group coming to perform at our school on Thursday, April 9th at 10:30 am. Parents are more than welcome to come and watch this amazing group of children perform. Some of our Grade 4 and Grade 5 students might join them for a song or two. DISTRICT CROSS COUNTRY RUN – Mrs. N. Baxendale The District Cross Country Run will be held at Evans Park on Thursday, May 7th. This is a fun event open to any students from Grades 4 to 7. Sign up will be held next week for those students who are interested. I am in charge of organizing the event and need about 6 or 7 parent volunteers to help for the day. If you are available to help, please contact Mrs. Baxendale at nbaxendale@sd79 E-MAIL ADDRESSES A reminder that we hope to eventually get e-mail addresses for all families so that we can reduce the number of paper notices we send home, therefore saving paper, hydro and trees. If you have not given us your e-mail address and would like to receive electronic notices, please email the office at [email protected]. NEXT PAC MEETING Yes, the PAC does a lot of Fundraising, but we do more than that. If you would like to be involved in supporting, encouraging and improving the quality of education and the wellbeing and safety of the students in our school, you are invited to attend the next PAC meeting, which will be held on Tuesday, April 21st at 8:45 am in the PAC room. GRADE 6 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM REMINDER Public Health Nurses will be attending the elementary schools within the next 1-2 months to complete the Grade 6 immunization series. The students receiving vaccines have already signed a consent form and received the first doses in the fall. This is a reminder that if parents consented for these vaccines to be done at school, the following boosters will be provided to the students that started the 2 dose series in grade 6: Hepatitis B Varicella (chickenpox) Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for girls only If parents have any questions about the school immunizations, please contact the Public Health School Team Nurses: Health Unit: Margaret Moss Health Centre 675 Canada Avenue, Duncan, V9L 1T9 Phone: 250-709-3050 Fax: 250-709-3055 COMMUNITY NOTICES South Cowichan Recreation is pleased to offer the following programs this spring: Home Alone + First Aid Kerry Park Mini-Rugby Ball Hockey Junior Mountain Biking Babysitters Training Pro D Day Camp (Playzone) Ages 10+ Grades 1 – 6 Ages 5 – 12 Ages 9 – 15 Ages 11+ Ages 6 – 12 Friday, April 10 Mondays, Apr 20 – June 15 Tuesdays, Apr 21 – June 9 Thursday, Apr 23 – May 14 Fri/Sat, April 24/25 Friday, May 1 Please call 250-743-5922 for more information or to register. George Bonner Elementary Monthly Calendar – April 2015 MON TUES WED 1 THUR 2 Newsletter FRI 3 No School SAT 4 SUN 5 6 No School 7 8 Assembly @ 9:00 am 9 Ukulele performance Gr. 3-5 10:30 10 French PerformanceAM Golf-all day 11 12 Budget consult meeting here 13 14 15 PLC day-2 hour early dismissal 16 17 Golf-all day Memory Book Deadline 18 19 20 Class Photos 21 PAC 8:45pm 22 Lights Out Canada 23 24 Spring Sprint 25 26 TC 10K 27 28 29 FKSS Parent night 6:30-7:30 Suessical 30 Div. 11-14 to Bright Angel Park Suessical
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