Jesus Christ Painted in 1983 by Ted Gorka Columbia, South Carolina Used here by special permission Note by author—this sepia painting faithfully captures the youth of Jesus Christ. Holy writ proclaims that he was only thirty-three years old at the time of his crucifixion. Why Read The Book Entitled ‘The Gift of Jesus Christ’? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where will I go after I die? Who are God and Jesus Christ? The answers to these questions and much more are found in this book. Unfortunately, the Bible obscures and spreads out the simple answers over hundreds of pages. Instead, this book condenses the Bible and many other revelations into this one quick and mesmerizing read. To further enhance the power of this book, replicas of more than one hundred forty grandmaster paintings are inserted to dramatically illustrate each key truth in this book. To know the full truth about God and Jesus is the first object of this earth. In the parable of the sower, Christ said there are four types of people on this planet. The first type is those that ignore the word of God which is like the seed that merely falls by the wayside and is devoured by the fowls of the air. The devil dominates these people and they have no desire to change or repent. The second category are like the seed that falls on rocks where there is no moisture or deepness of earth. Their root does not take hold and the person withers and falls as soon as trials and tribulations arise and offend them, after they accept the word of God. The third kind fails because of their own vain pride. They are like seed that falls among thorns. These people hear the word of God and know it is divine, but they reject the word of God to pursue the riches of the world. The gospel is then choked from their soul and they bear no fruit. The fourth type is blessed on earth and exalted in heaven because they are like the seed that falls on good ground. When they hear the word of God they understand it, and they accept it, and the seed takes root and bears good fruit, some a hundred fold and some sixty and some thirty. Reading this book is an excellent ‘self test’ to determine one’s current salvation status. If it reads positive and a feeling of understanding and determination wells within that person, then the reader is ‘good ground’ and will either continue the path to heaven or else change and begin to do so amid great joy and happiness. The mission of Jesus Christ is to have as many as possible ‘step up’ and enter into the Celestial Kingdom, after the probation of this earth. The Celestial Kingdom is the realm of our Heavenly Parents who created us and sent us to this earth to show our obedience to then be worthy to return to them. God is actually our Heavenly Father and all men can become like unto him. God has a wife, who has the same glory. She is our Heavenly Mother, and all women can become like her as well. Jesus Christ was the firstborn and most intelligent spirit of our Heavenly Parents. He was chosen by God to shepherd us back to Him. All those who are worthy, after this earth life, will then become Gods and Goddesses and create other planets, to be populated with their own spirit offspring, so that these can also become perfected, just as our Heavenly Parents do for us. Satan tries to deceive and lead away as many as possible, so they will not be worthy of salvation and be forever miserable like he is. May good prevail over evil, which is only possible by faith and knowledge; the enhancement of which is the humble purpose of this book. Under no circumstance is this script to be reproduced, either wholly or in part, without the express written permission of George M. Papa. Any inquiry regarding any of this material may be directed to [email protected] The Gift of JESUS CHRIST by GEORGE M. PAPA The historical events dramatized herein took place primarily in the country of Israel between the years 1 B.C. and 34 A.D., as recorded in the book of Genesis and the four New Testament Gospels, namely, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Copyright 1993 ISBN ‘The Gift of Jesus Christ’ AFTER CREDITS— FIELD. DAY. 1 Long Angle Shot — An elegant Caucasian couple, about forty-five years old, walks hand in hand through a cornfield. They are dressed in substantial but unusual clothing, complete with wide belts and heavy sandals. The man wears an ancient style military uniform with a sword but no head gear. A boy swings his younger sister in a swing attached to a tree limb. The corn is knee high and the field is one acre in size. Trees of uncommon shapes and colors line three sides of the field. The couple walks to the fourth side which is on the edge of a cliff that drops to the sea and opens to the sky. High in the heavens, two large planets are seen. One has visible rings. This scene is not on this planet earth. It is of another civilization on a separate and different world. MAN I am grateful to our God that this field has provided much food for our family. WIFE You have done well by your labors. The couple advances to the edge of the cliff. Ocean waves crash on the rocks below. On the horizon barely above the water is another larger and brighter planet. The man puts his arm around his wife and draws her close to him while they gaze upon this great planet. NARRATOR Eons ago, before planet Earth was formed, there lived on another planet a man with his wife and family. They were honest, upright, and faithful to the celestial laws that were given to them. Because of their obedience, they advanced beyond their mortality, and they became Gods. LARGE PLANET. DAY. 2 Camera zooms to the large planet and shows a dramatic and separate ‘celestial’ setting: Grassy areas, multi-colored trees, swans on water, birds, animals, fountains, etc. Many young and delightful people are present and dressed in white. They laugh, skirt about and talk in groups. They soon congregate into a spacious area that is ringed by majestic marble pillars. There are billions of people who stand arrayed in a Grand Council. Other additional planets are visible in the sky. God and His Wife are royally seated before this assemblage. This is the same husband and wife that appeared in Scene One. They are very radiant and elegant and they wear exquisite robes. They appear to be about age thirty, but their hair is silvery. NARRATOR And it came to pass that because of their obedience, God and his wife became Deities. And they begat many sons and daughters. The firstborn was Jesus, who was the most intelligent of them all. Jesus (about age twenty) approaches the place where God and his Wife are majestically seated. They are pleased to see Jesus, as they smile and gesture to him. All eyes are on Jesus, who is dressed in a white robe. He resembles the facial appearance of God. Trailing behind Jesus and to his right is another man named Michael. Behind Jesus and to his left is Lucifer. JESUS Almighty Father, according to thy direction, let me go down, for there is material there, and I will make an earth whereon these may dwell in the flesh, that they might become mortal. And by their obedience, they shall progress to become gods, even as thou hast done. Camera shows close up of God and his Wife. She glances at God. God looks back at her. She smiles and places her hand on his arm. Pan shows that all the spirits at this Grand Council show anxiety. Camera pans the face of Jesus and then shifts to the face of Lucifer. GOD Lucifer, what sayest thou? LUCIFER Oh, God, here am I, send me. I will be the one to go down and create an earth wherein all of these may dwell in the flesh. I will compel that every soul shall be saved and none shall be lost, for I will enforce… that there shall be no choice… and no opposition. And in this manner, every one of these, thy spirit children, shall likewise become Gods, as thou art! Therefore, the HONOR, and the GLORY, shall belong to ME! One third of all the billions of spirits present raise their arms and show raucous approval for this plan of Lucifer. Jesus raises his hand. There is great silence! ‘The Grand Council’ 2002 by Robert Barrett, used with permission JESUS Father, Thy will be done. Allow me to serve thee and to serve these Thy children and to teach them Thy law of obedience and sacrifice, in the face of adversity, according to Thy direction. Allow me to teach Thy children faith and repentance, so that all of these, Thy children, may gain experience and be worthy and prepared for their exaltation and eternal stewardship in the universe, according to their obedience, as Thou hast done. And the GLORY shall be THINE FOREVER. A shout of joy and approval rises from the other two thirds in attendance, as they raise their arms and show their favor for this plan of Jesus. GOD Well said, my beloved first born. Behold, I will send Jesus. The two-thirds portion who favored the plan of Jesus is overjoyed. Lucifer is furious along with the one third portion of all the spirits present who favored the plan of Lucifer. He defiantly thrusts his fist high into the air and departs in anger and is quickly followed by that one third portion who favored his plan that was rejected by God. Camera shows: There are now two distinct groups who have congregated to face each other in heaven. At the head of the smaller one third portion group stands Lucifer, and at the head of the other and larger two-thirds portion group stand Jesus and Michael. NARRATOR And there was a war in heaven. Lucifer and his followers fought against Jesus. And God cast Lucifer and his followers out of heaven and they remain as contrary spirits. And the followers of Lucifer were denied advancement to the second estate and the opportunity to enter mortality and obtain bodies of flesh and bone. And Lucifer and his angels were cast out of heaven and allowed to infest the earth, where they continue to tempt mankind away from obedience to God. Scene shows: Satan and his one third portion of all the hosts of heaven suddenly take flight, like a mass of locusts and swarm hurriedly out of sight. UNIVERSE. NIGHT. 3 ‘A Small Portion of the Universe’ Jesus and Michael walk through space. Great stars twinkle above. To their front is a great mass of ‘gas like’ fluffy matter. They stop and behold the glob of matter suspended before them. Jesus advances a few steps as Michael stays in place. Jesus raises his right hand to the square. ‘Christ Commands the Earth’, Artist Unknown JESUS (with a loud voice) EARTH! COME FORTH! The mass of hazy matter to their front shrinks into a crisp and discernible planet. Michael advances and stands next to Jesus. Jesus turns to Michael. JESUS Michael, I shall form the earth to be in perfect order. I shall cause light to shine upon the earth. I shall separate the water from the dry land. I shall also place all manner of plants and animals upon the earth for the benefit of mankind, that the children of God may dwell thereon, as God has commanded. ‘The Separation of Land and Water’ by Michelangelo 1475 – 1564 JESUS (continued) I shall refine the earth that it might maintain mortal life. You shall be the first man on earth, and you shall be called Adam. You and all your posterity shall be created physically, with flesh and bone, to be in the image of God, for we are all the offspring of God. However, only those who accepted me in the first estate shall be allowed to come to this second estate, which is mortality on this earth that I have created. The other one third of the children of God – who chose Satan over me – shall not advance to this earth, which is the second estate. And Satan and his followers shall continue to create contention, wars, and all manner of sin and wickedness, in an effort to prevent joy and salvation upon the earth. They shall try to snare the righteous to become miserable like them. And this shall be a test for all mankind. And I shall be the Savior of the World. Those who keep my commandments, which shall be given to me by the Father, shall return to God after the probation of this earthly mortality. All those who are faithful and do good works shall become Gods and Goddesses, even as our Heavenly Parents have done. And I shall provide repentance, so that all mortals who are deceived by Satan and become wicked shall see the consequences of their inequity, and if they desire to return to God, my gospel shall provide baptism and redemption from their sins, so that they can stand clean before God and progress to partake of his full glory. Scene shows a slow zoom towards earth. Slowly, the earth shows its continents and its common white cloud formations. The zoom continues. ‘The Earth is Formed’ GARDEN OF EDEN. MORNING. 4 Adam and Eve walk in the Garden of Eden. They wear plain tan-colored smocks made of a cloth-like fabric. It is a fine garden with multi-colored trees, flowers, shrubs and a variety of animals of all kinds. They walk through a small body of clear water. ‘Adam and Eve’, Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA NARRATOR And it came to pass, that Adam and Eve were formed by Jesus Christ, as directed by God, and placed in the Garden of Eden. Suddenly a commanding voice is heard. Adam and Eve stop and listen. Above them, God and Jesus now stand in the air. Both appear to be about thirty years old and each one has a trimmed beard and exquisite white robes. Their entire personages are radiant with great glory. GOD Adam... and Eve. God now descends to be at the level of Adam and Eve. God is followed by Jesus. He places one hand on the shoulder of Jesus and looks at him. GOD I am pleased that you have formed this earth, and that you have placed Adam and Eve hereon, which I commanded you to do. God turns and places one hand on Adam’s shoulder and his other hand on Eve’s shoulder. I created your spirits to be after my image, and now I have commanded Jesus to create your bodies of flesh and bone, which are likewise after my image. I am your Father, and you are my children. By your faithfulness and obedience, you may be found worthy to return again to my presence and be glorified as I am. It is my work and my glory to bring to pass the eternal life of all mankind who will obey my law and thereby become even as I am. You must proceed by faith. I have caused all knowledge of your former estate to be removed from your mind. You and your posterity shall not remember any of your goodness or identity before this mortality. But after this earth life, your former knowledge shall be returned to you. In this manner your mortal experience will be a true test of your obedience, so you will be fully worthy to become gods. Flashback shows: Adam and Eve and billions of the children of God rejoice when God announces that this earth will be formed and that Jesus Christ will be the Savior of this planet. End flashback. God, Jesus, Adam and Eve walk forward toward a magnificent tree, which bears fruit and is prominent in the Garden. They stop in front of this tree. GOD I command that Jesus pronounce you to be man and wife, and to further instruct you as to your purpose here on this earth. Jesus steps forward and faces Adam and Eve. JESUS I now pronounce you to be man and wife forever. Always be pure and faithful to each other. Give yourself to none other except your lawfully wedded spouse and you shall have joy therein. And now I give unto you your first commandment. Be fruitful, have children, multiply and replenish the earth. Many are waiting patiently and anxiously to take their turn to be born on this earth, so they can progress to eternal glory. And now I give unto you your second commandment. Of every tree in this garden, thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. If you eat of this fruit, you will be in transgression. The wage of sin is death, and there are two deaths. The first death is physical death. Your spirit shall leave your body and your body shall return to dust. The second death is spiritual death, which is that your departed spirit shall be banished forever from God’s presence, and never again shall you regain the presence of God, the Father. If you transgress and partake of this forbidden fruit, then you and all of your posterity shall be in a fallen state forever. Never again shall you be reunited with your bodies after you die. And never again shall you return to God’s presence, unless God shall send me, as your Savior, to atone for your sins; for no unclean thing can enter into God’s glory. Suddenly, another Heavenly Being appears next to God and stands before Adam and Eve. She is the Wife of God. She has great beauty, and she brings a bright radiance equal to that of God. HEAVENLY MOTHER (embracing Eve) I love you, Eve, and I love you, Adam (touching his arm). I know you will do the right thing. Love your babies for they are precious. Fade, Cut to: Adam and Eve relax near a pool of water. Adam is on a lush lawn rolling and tumbling playfully with a grown lion. Eve swings in a majestic swing attached to a splendid branch high among several ‘cathedral’ type trees. Nearby is the tree of forbidden fruit. EVE Adam, can I ask about the forbidden fruit? ADAM There is nothing to discuss. The commandment is very clear. Jesus said, “Do not partake of that fruit”. If we do, we shall be in transgression and we will die. EVE Adam, do you not understand that Jesus gave us two conflicting commandments and we cannot keep them both? We have to choose the greater commandment, and obey that commandment. Jesus commanded us first to have children, and we cannot have children, unless we partake of the forbidden fruit on that tree! ADAM Eve! How can you say that! Suddenly the attention of Adam is drawn to another well dressed and elegant man, Lucifer, in a dark cloak who walks in front of Adam on a right angle towards the forbidden tree. When Lucifer gets to the tree, he stops to admire it. He turns and walks straight towards Adam. Eve leaves her swing and stands next to Adam. ADAM Who are you? LUCIFER I am Lucifer and you are Adam and you are Eve. together in the other world? Do you not recall we were ADAM I know nothing of you or any other world. Why are you here? LUCIFER So, you remember nothing! Eve is correct. In order for you to have children, you must first eat the fruit of this tree. You are not yet completely mortal, and therefore, in your present condition, it is impossible for you to have children. You will simply live forever and alone by yourselves, unless you partake of this fruit. Eve resolutely walks to the forbidden tree. She plucks a fruit, turns it over in her hand, looks at it, takes a bite of it, then holds it out and walks toward Adam. EVE Adam, I will not wait any longer. It is better to keep the first commandment, which is to have children, than to keep the second commandment, which is to not eat of this fruit. We must eat of this fruit in order to become mortal, so children can be born. We have no choice but to have faith in God, that He will provide a way whereby we and our posterity can rise from this fallen state, so that by faith and sacrifice, we can then be redeemed unto God. Eve takes another bite then hands the fruit to Adam. EVE If you do not partake of this fruit, then you and I will be separated and you will be alone. We will never have children, and right now we are both breaking the first and greatest commandment, which is to have children. ADAM Yes, I now see that this is God’s plan. I will eat the fruit. Adam takes the fruit from Eve, looks at it, and then takes a deliberate bite. He puts his arms around Eve, as she also embraces him. Lucifer smiles while a wind intensifies. The sky darkens as thunder and lightning clap overhead. LUCIFER See! God is coming! He is angry, you must hide! Suddenly God and Jesus appear in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve are not present. Camera pans God and Jesus. They are radiant and bright in their exquisite white robes. Lucifer hides. GOD Adam and Eve, where art thou? Adam and Eve come from behind some trees and flowers and stand before Jesus. ADAM We heard you coming. We were afraid, so we hid ourselves. JESUS Why did you hide yourselves? Did you partake of the forbidden fruit? ADAM Yes, we did eat. JESUS (not harshly) Because thou hast eaten of the fruit I commanded you not to eat, thou shalt be cast out of this garden. By the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread, until thou shalt die and return to dust! For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return forever, unless God shall send me to be your redeemer, so that you and your posterity can return to God again. Camera pans all who are present. Lucifer smiles at Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve look steadfastly up to Jesus. Music, Close up, Fade. God, Jesus and Lucifer have vanished. Lightning flashes and thunder rolls as wind, rain and noise batter Adam and Eve as they stride away from the Garden of Eden. Adam walks with his arm around Eve. NARRATOR So Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden to earn their bread by the sweat of their brow. Never again could the spirits of mankind be reunited with their bodies after suffering mortal death. And never again could the souls of mankind be glorified in the presence of God, unless God should send Jesus Christ to redeem fallen mankind. ‘Adam and Eve Cast Out’ by Anton Robert Leinweber 1845 – 1921 HILLSIDE. DAY. 5 Adam and Eve and their two young sons are dressed in animal skins and kneel around a stone altar. A lamb sacrifice burns on the altar with the smoke ascending into heaven. Each person’s hands are raised high overhead. NARRATOR And God was merciful to them, for God sent Jesus to instruct them. And Jesus commanded Adam and all the prophets, including Noah, Abraham and Moses, as to the law of sacrifice and repentance, and the gospel of forgiveness unto exaltation, for all those who are obedient unto the laws of God. Flash forward: Noah obeys Jesus’ commandment to build the ark. Jesus stands above Noah. ‘Noah, the Eve of the Deluge’ 1848 by John Linnell 1792 – 1882 Jesus stands before Abraham and commands Abraham to offer Isaac, his only son, as a sacrifice. In this manner Christ tests Abraham. At the moment of the sacrifice, Jesus terminates the test. ‘Angel of the Lord’ by Pieter Lastman 1583 – 1633 Moses receives the Ten Commandments from Jesus Christ, who stands above him. ‘Moses Presenting the Ten Commandments’ by Raphael 1483 – 1520 NARRATOR And 4,000 years after Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, the time was appointed for Jesus to be born into the world, to take his turn to receive his own mortal body, and to atone for the fall of Adam, and also to redeem mankind from all sin, who shall truly believe and repent according to His law. JERUSALEM. DAWN. 6 Music. Shown are prominent buildings including the Temple. It is dark. A splash of sunlight illuminates the top of the Temple. Caption reads: JERUSALEM – 1 B.C. ‘The Temple of Solomon’, Artist Unknown BEDROOM. DAWN. 7 Zacharias and his wife, Elisabeth, are in bed wearing long flannel nightclothes. Elisabeth awakens and nudges old Zacharias. ELISABETH WAKE UP, ZACHARIAS! Have you forgotten what day this is? Today is your day to serve at the Temple! Hurry, you can’t be late! We’ve waited six months for this moment. I have your best robes already laid out. Last night I drew water for your bath. Remember, you are not to drink any wine... ZACHARIAS (sitting up on the bed and chuckling) I am well aware, Elisabeth, and there are many other carnal things I can’t do either. But I am long ago too old for that anyway. Zacharias struggles to rise from his bed and go to a large bathing vessel of drawn water on the floor, where he dips his hand and tests the water. TEMPLE. DAWN. 8 ‘Solomon’s Temple’ by William Brassey Hole 1846 – 1917 More than two hundred priests, dressed in fine ceremonial robes, stand and pray while facing the front of the Temple. They raise their hands and chant in unison. They also bow low in conjunction with their chanting. Incense burns in containers held by these rows of priests. ‘The Levite Priests’, Artist Unknown HOUSE OF ZACHARIAS. DAWN. 9 Zacharias is dressed. As he leaves the house, he turns back. ZACHARIAS Elisabeth Dear, there is something I must tell you. ELISABETH (advancing outside) Pray tell, what is it, dear? Are you not feeling well? Can I get you some water? ZACHARIAS No, no, it’s not that. I feel well enough, but I am troubled in spirit. This is the last time I can serve at the Temple. I am now an old man and I am useless to God. ELISABETH (embracing him) NO, NO, Zacharias! Don’t say that! You and I are both old, but we are not useless to God! ZACHARIAS It is true. I have tried to serve God, but now I can hardly walk! For forty years I have been a priest under the Order of Abia. Every six months I go to the Temple to serve the Lord. Never once... in all this time, have I ever been chosen to burn the incense on the altar in the Holy Place before the Holy of Holies. ELISABETH I know the real reason for your sadness and my heart aches as well. We have no children! That is my curse and I cannot bear it. Please forgive me. I would give anything to have a child for you, but now I am old, and I can do nothing. Zacharias smiles at his wife. With his gnarled hand he brushes away her tears and hugs her. ZACHARIAS You have been a faithful wife. God is merciful and wise. His judgment is superior to our judgment. I just came back to say I love you. Zacharias turns and departs down the dark street. TEMPLE. MORNING. 10 The priests continue to chant in front of the Temple, however, the number of priests has increased and Zacharias is now among them. Suddenly, there is silence, and a single high-pitched male voice trills a few bars of a benediction song. This is the ‘signal’ that the chanting is over, and it is time to progress to the next phase of the priestly ritual. The priests form two lines and go up the steps to the open doors of the Temple. Two water urns are along the way. Each priest dips both hands into the water and ‘brushes’ his forehead and chest in a quick ‘ceremonial washing’, as he passes by these urns. The two columns of priests then merge into one column which advances towards another brass urn about three gallons in size. A priest stands behind this special urn and presides over it. As each priest in line passes by, he looks upward, then he reaches into the urn to obtain a single glass bead. He quickly looks at the bead then proceeds forward another ten feet and puts that bead into another similar urn which is presided over by another priest. So far, all of the glass beads selected are black and are of no consequence. Zacharias reaches in to get his bead. He then shuffles forward without looking at his bead. He raises his hand to deposit the bead in the second urn, but he is stopped by the priest that presides over that second urn. OFFICIATING PRIEST Zacharias, look at your bead before you put it away. ZACHARIAS In all my years, God has never chosen me to have the white bead. Why should I have it now? Zacharias opens his hand and looks at his bead. It is the white bead! ZACHARIAS (looking up into heaven) God have mercy on my soul! The priest takes the white bead from Zacharias, drops it into the second urn, and leads Zacharias through a separate side door. A Chief Priest sits in a fine chair. The accompanying priest presents Zacharias to him. ACCOMPANYING PRIEST Today, the Lord has chosen Zacharias to burn the incense on the altar before the veil at the Holy Place, before the entrance to the Holy of Holies. CHIEF PRIEST Do you, Zacharias, know your duty regarding this holy ceremony? ZACHARIAS (bowing slightly) Yes, Holy One, I do. CHIEF PRIEST Good, I will vest you and anoint you for this duty. Today you shall be the only one to enter the Holy Place. All the other priests shall wait outside the Temple for your signal of incense smoke. When you burn the incense, the smoke will rise above the parapet, and we will know that you have completed the offering. In the Temple compound, the ranks of assembled priests pray and chant in unison as they raise their hands in cadence and wait for the smoke to appear. Fade, Cut to: Zacharias is dressed in fine vestments that include a breastplate studded with twelve precious stones arrayed in four rows, an ephod, an embroidered robe, a coat, a mitre, and a girdle. Zacharias walks alone down the marble corridor and comes to a set of tall doors. To the side, a bundle of incense is on a white marble table along with seven white candles and some shewbread on a brass plate with an upward curved handle. Also, on a similar brass plate are some burning embers. Zacharias picks up the incense, the candles, and the two brass plates, opens the ornate doors, and enters alone into the Holy Place. This open enclosure is about thirty feet square and twenty feet tall with no roof overhead. There are no other doors or windows except the door which Zacharias came through. About twelve feet in front of and beyond the grand entrance doors is a marble table which contains an ornate nine branch gold menorah candlestick. About five feet beyond the table and toward the veil of the Temple, is a golden altar, which is about four feet tall, four feet wide and four feet long. Zacharias puts his items on the table and arranges them in place. He puts the candles into the menorah, places the shewbread in front of the candles, then he centers the incense on the altar. Zacharias stands before the table facing the shewbread and candles. Beyond that is the altar with the incense, and the veils of the Temple made of white linen. These veils are two curtains hanging parallel to each other from rods that extend high across the upper portion of the room. These two veils are three feet apart and they form a corridor that one must pass through in order to enter the Holy of Holies. The outer veil extends all the way from the marble wall on the left to within three feet of the marble wall on the right. The inner veil extends all the way from the marble wall on the right to within three feet of the wall on the left. In this manner, the entire Holy of Holies is protected from outside view. Zacharias raises his hands into the air and looks upward into the sky. ANGEL GABRIEL (Sound Over) PEACE BE UNTO YOU, ZACHARIAS. Gabriel appears to be about twenty-five years old with fine athletic features. His countenance is bright and he wears an exquisite white robe. He has long golden hair. Zacharias is startled! He lowers his hands and sees that the Angel Gabriel faces him as he sits on the Golden Altar. Gabriel pushes off from the altar and stands to the right of Zacharias. ANGEL GABRIEL Zacharias, I am an angel. My name is Gabriel. I am also known as Noah. God has sent me to deliver a message to you. Fear falls upon Zacharias. He sinks to the ground and raises one hand above his head in an effort to protect himself. ZACHARIAS Do not strike me! I have committed no offense to any man. ANGEL GABRIEL (walking about) Fear not, Zacharias, God has heard thy prayers. Thy wife shall bear thee a son and thou shalt call him John. And he shall prepare the way for Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who will soon be born into the world. ZACHARIAS How can this be? I am an old man and my wife is well advanced in years. ANGEL GABRIEL (raising his finger and smiling) Because you do not believe, thou shalt be struck dumb. Thou shalt not speak until after your son is born. Fade, Cut to: Outside in the Temple courtyard, the priests are irritated and tired of waiting for Zacharias to light the incense. FIRST PRIEST What is taking old Zach so long? Has he collapsed? SECOND PRIEST Maybe he’s receiving a revelation. FIRST PRIEST No chance! It has been four hundred years since God gave any revelation. I don’t know why we even do these rituals. Brother Zacharias probably just fell over dead. I better go check on him. SECOND PRIEST I saw him come in late like he could barely get outta bed. Cut to: In the Holy Place, Gabriel gives final instructions to Zacharias. ANGEL GABRIEL Burn the incense and then tell the Chief Priest what I told you. Zacharias looks at Gabriel, who smiles and disappears. Many priests at the front of the Temple murmur because of Zacharias’ delay. Incense smoke billows up over the parapet and they are relieved. Cut to: Zacharias walks rapidly down the Temple corridor. He is met by a number of his fellow priests who rush towards him. They crowd around and ask if he is all right. Zacharias tries to speak, but he cannot. He motions with his hands and points back to the doors. He grabs a writing stick and a paper, writes on the paper, and then hands it to the Chief High Priest. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST (reading the paper) Zacharias has seen a vision. His wife is going to have a son. Zacharias nods and throws his hands in the air to show agreement. Camera zooms back. Fade. Music. NAZARETH. AFTERNOON. 11 Nazareth is a small dusty village on a rugged hill. The streets are narrow; the stucco houses are joined; the roofs are flat. The place teems with people, animals, etc. An open stone-lined well is the source of water for anyone who will draw it, using a bucket with a rope attached. Several people are in line to obtain water. Joseph walks down the street. He is handsome and in his mid-twenties. He has dark hair, a welltrimmed beard and a skullcap on his head. His clothes are plain. He walks briskly and with purpose. He carries a wooden chair. He stops at a certain house and raps at the door. A middleaged lady greets him at the door. LADY Good afternoon, Joseph. Come in, come in. Mary has been waiting for you. JOSEPH (entering) Thank you, Josephine. I just wanted to stop for a moment. I can’t leave the shop very long, you know. I brought this... Mary dashes into the room. She is barefoot, young and attractive with long dark hair. Her dress is knee length and plain. As she runs forward to embrace Joseph, she quickly removes and tosses an apron she had been wearing. MARY Joseph! I heard your voice! I was hoping you might come by! JOSEPH Well, to be sure, I was looking forward to seeing you, too! Josephine watches with glee as her daughter and Joseph converse. She wipes her hands on her apron and starts for the adjacent room. JOSEPHINE (turning) Oh, yes, yes, of course! We do have some fresh limewater to drink! Sit down! Sit down! I’ll be right back. Josephine leaves the room. Joseph takes a chair next to a table, but his object is Mary. settles into a chair beside him. He takes her hand and looks into her eyes. She JOSEPH I got up early this morning, Mary, so I could finish this chair. I wanted you to see it. This chair is the first of a pair of chairs... which I am making for us! Both Mary and Joseph hold each other’s hands and look into each other’s eyes. Josephine comes bustling back into the room. She places three cups, three linen napkins and three linen coasters on the table. Joseph and Mary are oblivious to everything except each other. MARY (without looking) That is such a nice chair! It will look so well in our new home. JOSEPHINE Just a moment, my children, I’ll be right back with cool water and corn cakes. Josephine giggles, skips and leaves. JOSEPH Mary, I am so happy that you will soon be my wife! MARY (standing, as Joseph stands too) In just two more weeks our wedding date will arrive! I can hardly wait! Oh, Joseph, I love you so much! (They embrace.) Josephine returns. She has a pitcher of water and a plate of corn cakes. JOSEPHINE (giggling) Sit down, sit down. I have fixed a small refreshment. JOSEPH I cannot stay! I’ve been gone too long! I must go to the shop! I will have a quick drink of water and take a cake though! Joseph gulps down the cup of water. Next, he adjusts his cap, hugs Mary, kisses her on her cheek, grabs a corn cake and steps to the door. He straightens the new chair and turns to Mary. JOSEPH I love you, dear. I shall come again this time tomorrow. Joseph opens the door, leaves the room and carefully shuts the door behind him. MARY Mother, I love him! He always treats me so nice! though. He’s always so... conscientious! I do wish he’d stay longer JOSEPHINE He’s a very good man, Mary. You are so right for each other! You two are so much in love and worthy of each other, too! I must go get more water. MARY I will prepare supper. Josephine leaves with two pails. Mary picks up the pitcher and the corn cakes and goes into the kitchen then she returns for the cups and napkins. As she turns to go back to the kitchen, she hears a voice – the voice of Gabriel. ANGEL GABRIEL (Sound Over) Mary. Startled, Mary turns and sees the Angel Gabriel standing near the table. ‘The Annunciation’ by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 ANGEL GABRIEL Mary, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. Fear not, for thou hast found favor with God. Behold, thou shalt conceive, and bring forth a son, and his name shall be Jesus, and he will be the Son of God. And he shall be a descendent of King David, as prophesied, yet he shall be greater than David. MARY (sinking to a sitting position) How can this be, since I am a virgin? ANGEL GABRIEL The power of God shall overshadow thee. And the child which thou shalt bear shall be the only begotten Son of God, the Father. Now behold, thy cousin, Elisabeth, who was barren, is now with child in her old age. And her son shall be called John, and he shall prepare the way for thy son, Jesus, who shall redeem the earth, as the prophets have spoken. MARY I am God’s handmaid. Be it unto me according to His word. Gabriel smiles at Mary and disappears. Mary sinks to the floor. Josephine opens the door and enters with two pails of water. She sees Mary crying on the floor. Josephine sets down the pails and rushes to Mary. JOSEPHINE Mary, Mary, what has happened, my child? Mary composes herself. Josephine wipes Mary’s tears with her apron. MARY Oh, Mother! Something wonderful has happened! Mary rises to her feet, pulls up Josephine and embraces her. MARY I just received a revelation from an angel of God! I must hurry! I must go and visit Elisabeth! Fade, Cut to: Joseph hurries down the street and raps on Mary’s door. Josephine answers and greets the smiling Joseph, but she is aloof and she acts strangely different. JOSEPHINE Hello, Joseph. JOSEPH (taken aback) Ah… hello, Mother... is everything all right? Is anything wrong? JOSEPHINE No, nothing. Nothing is actually wrong. JOSEPH Well... I can tell something is different! What is it? Where is Mary? Is anything wrong with her? JOSEPHINE Mary is not here. JOSEPH What? She’s not here? Where did she go? JOSEPHINE She has gone to Juda to visit her cousin, Elisabeth. She left early this morning. JOSEPH Juda? That is more than five days from here! What has she got to do with Elisabeth? How long will she be gone? Why did she not tell me! JOSEPHINE Do not be harsh with Mary. She will be back in a few months. She will explain everything when she returns. Be assured, Joseph, she is fine. She has my blessings and God’s blessings. Joseph is stunned! He fixes on Josephine, steps slowly backwards and down off the porch, then he turns, looks down and walks slowly away. CARPENTRY SHOP. AFTERNOON. 12 This large woodworking shop fronts onto the street. It also joins onto the living quarters to the left and right. The door is a curtain made of long, medium chains of beads that rattle when parted. Inside the door is a long wooden counter. Customers enter and stand here to do business. Behind are workbenches where Joseph plies his trade. The shop is orderly. Hand tools adorn the walls. Wood slabs are stacked about and in bins. Joseph is at his workbench designing a chair to match the chair he made for Mary. He works slowly and without enthusiasm. He pauses then he pushes himself to continue. Suddenly, the curtain parts, and Rabbi Jasher enters. He approaches the counter with a scroll, but Joseph is oblivious to him. RABBI JASHER (after a pause) Good afternoon, Joseph. JOSEPH (now standing) Oh, hello... Rabbi Jasher, sorry... I must have had my mind on something else. What can I do for you? RABBI JASHER (intently) Joseph, I must hurry. Come here. This is an ecclesiastical visit. There is an emergency and I am come to warn you. Joseph looks through the doorway and sees two Roman military officers across the street. They enter an open door across the way. JOSEPH (pointing) Look! Those two Roman officers! Why are they here? Quickly, the Rabbi grabs Joseph’s arm and pulls it down. RABBI (gritting his teeth for emphasis) Be quiet, Joseph! Listen to me! It has been forty years since Rome stationed soldiers in Nazareth! They’re here for a reason, and that reason may be you! JOSEPH Why me? What have I got to do with Rome? RABBI JASHER Do you know who you are? JOSEPH Of course! I am Joseph, the son of Heli! RABBI JASHER And Mary, your betrothed? Joseph looks again through the doorway. The two Roman officers leave the shop across the street and come towards Joseph. With them is an anxious shopkeeper who avidly points and directs them to Joseph’s shop. JOSEPH What does it matter! The officers are coming over here! Mary is the daughter of Jacob! Is that a problem? RABBI JASHER That’s the point! Heli and Jacob were brothers! They were the first-in-line, royal descendants of King David! Jasher holds up his scroll. RABBI JASHER Our records are clear! If it were not for this Roman occupation, the firstborn son of you and Mary would be the legal King of the Jews, by virtue of his direct and priority royal line, straight from King David! Surely that evil vassal, who calls himself King Herod, does not want competition! ROMAN OFFICER (Sound Over) Is this the shop of Joseph, the carpenter? JOSEPH Yes, it is. How can I help you? The Rabbi steps aside and defers to the advancing Romans, who ignore him and only focus on Joseph. The Rabbi glances back apprehensively, ducks out of the door, and leaves. ROMAN OFFICER We understand you are a carpenter. JOSEPH Yes, that is my trade and occupation. ROMAN OFFICER Can you make one hundred of these? The officer slams a nightstick on the counter. Joseph examines it. ROMAN OFFICER Make them all exactly like this and I want them done in two days! JOSEPH That will be difficult, but I shall do my best. Fade. JUDA. AFTERNOON. 13 Mary rides a horse into a small village in the hill country. She dismounts before a house with a lovely yard. Mary opens the gate and advances past some flowers towards an open front door. Suddenly from the house, Mary hears an exclamation. ELISABETH (Sound Over) Mary! Come here, my child! Onto the porch comes Elisabeth, who is overjoyed to see Mary. Both ladies embrace. ‘Elizabeth & Mary’ by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 MARY Elisabeth! As if by a jolt, Elisabeth suddenly stops and grasps her protruding belly. ‘The Visitation Detail’ 1549 by Jacopo Robusti Tintoretto 1518 – 1594 ELISABETH (laughing) Oh, Mary! When I heard you speak, my baby gave a mighty kick, as though he were leaping for joy! I am so glad! The two women embrace again. MARY Then you know? You know I am pregnant too? ELISABETH Oh yes, I know... The angel told my husband about both of us! You know, my Zacharias, he wouldn’t believe the angel; so now he’s stricken speechless until his son is born. Zacharias couldn’t tell me about you, but he sure wrote about you. I’m so happy for you! How blessed you are! Come in, come in! The two ladies enter the house. Camera pans the open front door. ELISABETH (Sound Over) Mary, all things are possible with God! Zoom back, Fade. SYNAGOGUE. AFTERNOON. 14 Joseph walks up a hill street towards the synagogue, which he enters. Roman soldiers with nightsticks in their hands are along the way. Upon entering, Joseph is met in the foyer by an assistant Rabbi. JOSEPH My name is Joseph. I am a carpenter, the son of Heli. I wish to speak privately with Rabbi Jasher, who is the Chief Rabbi. ASSISTANT RABBI Very well, please come with me. The assistant Rabbi beckons Joseph to follow down a hallway. They come to a door, which the assistant Rabbi opens and enters. Joseph waits in the hallway. Inside the room, Rabbi Jasher sits at a table and studies a scroll. ASSISTANT RABBI (bowing slightly) Chief Rabbi, Joseph, the son of Heli, wishes to speak to you. RABBI JASHER Of course, show him in. Rabbi Jasher rises from his chair to welcome Joseph, who now enters. RABBI JASHER Yes, Joseph, come in. Have a chair. What can I do for you? The assistant Rabbi leaves. Joseph shuts the door, shakes Jasher’s hand, and the men sit down. JOSEPH Rabbi, I have great respect for you. You even came to my shop, remember? Now I am deeply troubled, more so than in all my life. I have come to ask your advice. RABBI JASHER Certainly, Joseph, how can I help you? JOSEPH No... You will not understand. I’m sorry... I’m confused. It concerns Mary. You know, I am betrothed to her. She is the most beautiful girl in Nazareth! She has been gone three months now. RABBI JASHER Yes, I know. She went to Juda to visit her cousin. JOSEPH That is not the problem! She is at Juda with her cousin, Elisabeth. Rabbi Jasher... what I tell you now, you must keep it in very strict confidence. Can you do that? RABBI JASHER Yes, of course, Joseph. JOSEPH I have received a letter, from Mary. She is pregnant. I know the child is not mine! She tells me it is the will of God, and that she will explain everything when she returns. I have come to ask what my options are... and to ask your advice. RABBI JASHER (very official) If Mary has another man’s child... this is adultery. After a trial, if she is guilty, she may be publicly stoned to death. Or, if you both sign an agreement before two witnesses, you may end your betrothal. On the other hand, if you accept her as she is, you may simply go ahead and marry her as though nothing happened. JOSEPH (standing) Thank you, Rabbi. Remember... this is confidential. I will never harm Mary... even though my heart is broken! Joseph turns to leave. After a step, he turns back to Rabbi Jasher, who is now standing. JOSEPH And if I marry her anyway, and accept her as she is, what becomes of the child? RABBI JASHER By our Jewish law, the child is considered legally adopted by you and is your heir, if he grows up in your household and you teach that child to have an occupation, such as to be a carpenter. Joseph! If you go ahead and marry Mary, and her child is a son, and if you adopt that son, that child will be the next legal king of the Jews! Music, Fade. JOSEPH’S HOME. NIGHT. 15 Joseph is lying in his bed. He is asleep but restless. He tosses and turns. JOSEPH (twisting) What shall I do, what shall I do? (More tossing, then he looks to the ceiling.) I have no choice. I must divorce her... privately. Suddenly, a light appears in the room. Joseph rises up in bed to face the light. Immediately, the radiant Angel Gabriel stands before Joseph. ANGEL GABRIEL (Sound Over) Joseph... thou son of David... fear not to take unto thee Mary to be thy wife; for that which is conceived in her womb is of God. And she shall bring forth a son. And thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save all people who repent from their sins. The light fades. Joseph stands and gazes out the window to the stars. Suddenly, there is a rap at the front door. Joseph bounds to the front door and opens it. It is Josephine standing alone. JOSEPHINE Joseph, Mary has returned. She wishes to see you. JOSEPH (pulling Josephine though the door) YOU WAIT RIGHT HERE! DON’T MOVE! Joseph dashes to his room, gets dressed, brushes back his hair, hurries to the front door, puts his arm around Josephine and hustles her down the street. Joseph stops abruptly. JOSEPH Wait a moment! Joseph dashes back to his bedroom. Soon he reappears with a broad smile and his best skullcap on his head. Again, they hurry down the street. Cut to: Joseph, Mary, and Josephine arrive at the front door of the synagogue. Joseph knocks loudly. After a moment, Rabbi Jasher opens the door. RABBI JASHER Why, it is Joseph and Mary and Josephine! A smile beams on each of their faces. Now a smile breaks out on the face of Rabbi Jasher. RABBI JASHER How can I guess what you are here for! Come in, what are we waiting for? Let us proceed with this blessed marriage! SYNAGOGUE. NIGHT. 16 They all enter the synagogue. Cut to: Camera shows a wedding ceremony in progress. Rabbi Jasher has changed into his official vestments as he stands solemnly before Joseph and Mary and pronounces them to be man and wife. Josephine stands nearby and looks on approvingly. At the conclusion of the brief ceremony, all parties happily hug and embrace each other. RABBI JASHER It has been my profound pleasure to perform your wedding ceremony. Peace be unto you, and may you have a long and happy life together. Oh, there is one more thing I always enjoy doing... Rabbi Jasher runs to the bell rope, tolls the bell for several rings then returns to the group. RABBI JASHER (smiling) I love to celebrate weddings! Especially in the middle of the night! As for the good citizens... if they wake up... because of my bell… and cannot go back to sleep! (He smiles and winks). Then I can always count on two or three new babies nine months later! JOSEPH Thank you, thank you, Rabbi Jasher. We are so happy and we are indebted to you! Zoom back, Fade, Music. STREET. DAWN. 17 Joseph, Mary and Elisabeth walk down the street. The air is chilly and Joseph has his arm around Mary. JOSEPH I know the son you carry is the Son of God. The angel told me his name is to be Jesus. Also, I will not have you until after he is born. Camera pans Joseph, Mary and Josephine as they hurry down the quiet and empty street in the early dawn. Camera rotates behind them then rises and zooms forward into the vast and misty expanse of wasteland beyond Nazareth. Above all of this are many vivid stars that add majesty to this stark but eerie scene. Camera reverts to the far horizon and rotates back to show the desolate outpost of Nazareth, which stands out in the distance on its high and rugged hill. It looks so small, remote and insignificant. Camera zooms forward and up close to pan the cold but happy faces of Joseph and Mary, together with Josephine, who has tears of joy running down her cheeks as they all press forward against the bitter cold. Zoom back, Fade, Music. Cut to: The sun is up and the townspeople now stir in the street. Many are out and about. The synagogue bell rings loudly and several people hurry towards the synagogue. Suddenly, a Roman chariot pulled by two horses and containing two standing officers comes down a street. People rush to get out of the way. The chariot stops in front of the synagogue. One of the officers in the chariot turns to address the citizens. He unrolls a document and loudly proclaims: OFFICER To all Nazareth! It is now decreed, by Emperor Caesar Augustus of Rome, that all Roman subjects shall be taxed! CARPENTRY SHOP. DAY. 18 Joseph is carving at his workbench. He looks down the street a mere half a block and witnesses the reading of the Proclamation by the Roman officer. Joseph pauses to listen. OFFICER (Sound Over) ALL PERSONS SHALL REPORT TO THEIR ANCESTRAL CITY FOR THIS IRREVOCABLE PURPOSE AND IT SHALL BE DONE WITHIN THE ENSUING MONTH! The officer now dismounts the chariot and hammers the Notice to the front door of the synagogue. In the shop, Joseph leaves his work area and enters his adjacent apartment. Mary is happy as she stirs a mixture in a container. Her pregnancy now plainly shows. MARY You surprise me, Joseph. I just pressed some grapes and I was on my way to bring you some refreshment. JOSEPH I have bad news, Mary! Caesar has given a decree that we are all to be taxed! MARY (approaching Joseph) Here, have something to drink. This tax is no surprise. See all the soldiers around here? They are a burden to Caesar’s treasury. We are conquered, so we must pay for it. JOSEPH You do not understand! This tax is MORE than just paying money! You and I are both of the House of David, so we must BOTH walk to BETHLEHEM, to pay the tax THERE! MARY (smiling) Have you forgotten? It is written that He shall be born in Bethlehem! So we will go! It is already decided. JOSEPH Mary, you overwhelm me with your faith and acceptance. I will at least get a donkey for you to ride on! MARY That’s fine. I can quickly pack our things and we will be ready within hours! Mary leaps at Joseph and gives him a big hug. BETHLEHEM. SUNDOWN. 19 ‘Joseph and Mary Travel to the Census’ by William Brassey Hole 1846 – 1917 Joseph and Mary walk along a rugged roadway towards a village in the distance. The road is full of travelers. Next to the road are limestone caves, some of which are large. A water well is nearby. Joseph and Mary are both very tired and dusty. JOSEPH We are actually in Bethlehem. We only need to find a place to sleep. Let us first get a drink at this well. MARY I would like that. Please help me off, so I can stretch my legs. Joseph leads the donkey off the road. Several people are at the well, waiting to fill their containers. Joseph helps Mary off the donkey. Mary smiles and places her hands on her stomach. The people defer, because Mary is pregnant. When Joseph unties a small bucket to obtain water, they stand back and insist that Joseph go to the front of the line to get his water, which he gratefully does. As Joseph returns with his water to Mary, a dignified stranger approaches. STRANGER You have come to Bethlehem like hundreds of others to be taxed! I have some advice for you. Do not go into the center of the city. I have been there. There is no room at any inn. This is why I am here. The city is full! The highway is jammed with people and animals. Everyone is desperate to find any space at all to sleep! They lie in the streets! See! Your wife is heavy with child! I urge you to stay here! Make a room for yourself in one of these caves for as long as you like. Jacob’s well is right here handy! I will obtain hay for the floor. You can be very comfortable. Listen to me... this is the same sacred spot where Rachel gave birth to Benjamin! Joseph and Mary look at each other then happily nod in agreement. JOSEPH Your advice is good. You are like a guardian angel. We will stay here tonight. STRANGER Good! Go in and unpack your things. I will bring a large load of hay to make a bed and it will also be food for your donkey. Joseph, Mary and their donkey enter the cave and the stranger departs. MARY I would be honored to give birth to my baby in the same place where Rachel gave birth to Benjamin, even though Rachel did die in childbirth on that occasion. The stranger reappears with a mule loaded with a large bundle of hay. STRANGER Here, I purchased the best hay available, and I can get more! HILLSIDE. NIGHT. 20 A flock of sheep graze on a hillside as six shepherds watch them. It is peaceful and the stars are shining. Two grizzled old shepherds walk separately among the flock but soon join for a talk. FIRST SHEPHERD This is astonishing! I’ve never seen sheep act like this before! SECOND SHEPHERD What can it be! I’ve noticed it too! These sheep are too quiet! FIRST SHEPHERD It seems like rain, but there is no rain; it seems like lightning and thunder, but there is nothing! Everything is so… eerie! A third shepherd approaches the first two shepherds. THIRD SHEPHERD I don’t know what we’re here for! These sheep don’t need us! They won’t go anywhere; they are tending themselves! A bright light appears in front of the shepherds. The light grows brighter and suddenly bursts into a magnificent visitation from the Angel Gabriel. He is dressed in a white robe. His whole person is bright and radiant. He stands twelve feet above the ground and appears to be ten feet tall because of the brightness about him. He raises his hand and the shepherds are frightened. They fall to the ground and cannot speak. They cover their eyes because of the brightness. The sheep do not move at all. Other angels now appear standing beside the Angel Gabriel. ANGEL GABRIEL FEAR NOT, for BEHOLD, I bring you GOOD TIDINGS of GREAT JOY, which SHALL BE to ALL PEOPLE! FOR UNTO YOU, is born THIS DAY, in the CITY OF DAVID, A SAVIOR which is CHRIST THE LORD. And THIS shall be a SIGN unto YOU! Ye shall FIND THE BABE wrapped in SWADDLING CLOTHES lying in a MANGER. ‘Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds’ 1639 by Govert Teunisz Flinck 1615 – 1660 Suddenly, Gabriel rises to thirty feet off the ground where he stands on a bright white cloud. Also with him on the brilliant cloud are thousands of other illuminated angels. Heavenly music prevails. Camera elevates to show an endless horseshoe-shaped concourse of singing angels in the sky. Some play trumpets. Others play harps and some play flutes. Camera ascends to reveal billions of singers and musicians that move in unison in a spectacular ‘crisscross’ pattern. After a spectacular visual and audio finale from the shepherd’s point of view, suddenly everything disappears and all is quiet. The shepherds are awe struck. A big sheep gives a small head butt push to a shepherd then bleats softly. SHEPHERD I know, Belshazzar, you just saw the same vision we saw. The other five shepherds are already trotting towards Bethlehem. They stop and look back at the first shepherd. SECOND SHEPHERD HURRY UP! COME ON! The first shepherd runs to catch up. The sheep stand in place and look on. JERUSALEM. NIGHT. 21 Three royal looking Wise Men on camels ride up to the ornate palace of King Herod. Long angle shot shows that the Wise Men have stopped and while still on their camels, they talk to the captain of the guard. Other guards stand ready. No voices are heard. The captain of the guard points to a nearby gate. The Wise Men depart in that direction. PALACE. NIGHT. 22 The captain of the guard walks briskly down a wide marble corridor. He holds his red plumed brass helmet against his chest. He approaches a set of tall doors guarded by two soldiers. They quickly open the doors for him so he does not have to break stride. Inside, King Herod and his court are having a banquet in royal splendor that features a large serving table laden with food. Servants constantly bring more food, drink, etc. Other private tables are set nearby for King Herod and other pampered dignitaries who sit in luxury at this banquet. King Herod drinks wine and points to some item on the serving table. Quickly an attendant retrieves that item for King Herod. Many people mill around eating and drinking and wearing gaudy clothes. The captain of the guard approaches King Herod, leans over, and whispers to him. King Herod sits up and speaks inaudibly. The captain of the guard speaks again, inaudibly. Suddenly, King Herod yells with considerable agitation and gesturing. All guests stop and focus on King Herod. KING HEROD GO QUICKLY AND REPORT BACK TO ME! The captain of the guard stands straight, pounds his chest in salute, steps back, does an about face, and exits through the tall main doors, which open for him. KING HEROD STAFF MASTER! COME HERE! A functionary steps forward and stands in front of King Herod. STAFF MASTER YES, MY LORD! KING HEROD BRING TO ME THE MOST LEARNED PROFESSORS OF ALL JEWISH LAW AND TRADITION! NOW! STAFF MASTER YES, MY LORD! The Staff Master quickly exits a side door. KING HEROD (gesturing) Ladies and gentlemen, do not be disturbed! Please continue your lavish indulgence! The crowd engages again and King Herod sulks. CAVE. NIGHT. 23 ‘Birth of Christ’ by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 A lantern provides light. Mary sleeps on a blanket. A mound of hay is formed into a nest with a white linen cloth upon which rests the baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes. He is awake and is waving his hands. A commotion is heard outside, as the shepherds arrive and stand respectfully but breathless at the door of the cave. Joseph sees them and goes to them. ‘Adoration of the Shepherds’ 1505 by Giorgione 1477 – 1510 FIRST SHEPHERD Pardon me, Mister. Please excuse our intrusion. We are looking for a King. JOSEPH (bewildered) There is no... FIRST SHEPHERD Pardon me again, Sir. Aye said KING, an’ aye meant KING, but, more correctly, aye shoulda said BAYBEE! SECOND SHEPHERD Yes, BABY, we know e’s a king... an’, but... e’s supposed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes! That’s wot the angel said. THIRD SHEPHERD (pleading) Believe us, Master... as God and his angels shine in heaven! We are looking for the promised Messiah. MARY (Sound Over) Joseph, show them in. They want to see Jesus. Joseph steps aside. The shepherds come in and remove their old headgear. Their faces are leathery. Baby Jesus smiles. Mary picks up Jesus, holds him with care, and then hands him to the first shepherd, who cuddles him with his gnarled and crooked hands. The first shepherd and the others reverently kneel on the hay. Slow zoom-back and Fade. ‘Adoration of the Shepherds’ 1500 by Lorenzo di Credi 1458 – 1537 PALACE. NIGHT. 24 The three Wise Men stand before King Herod as he sits on an ornate chair in the banquet room. Present also are seven royal scholars and the captain of the guard. The guests observe. KING HEROD SO... You have come to Jerusalem… to find a NEW BABY that is to be the KING OF THE JEWS? ‘The Three Magi before Herod’, Artist Unknown FIRST WISE MAN Yes, your Excellency, we have read the prophecies of his birth, and we have followed the new star in the East. King Herod motions to his scholars who carry scrolls. KING HEROD What say YE about the BIRTH of any such KING of the JEWS? FIRST SCHOLAR Yes, your Excellency, there are a few, obscure writings, by certain ancient Hebrew sources... Isaiah for one… that DO mention the birth of a certain baby boy… who is to become… the KING of the JEWS. It is written that he is indeed, the royal descendent of King David. SECOND SCHOLAR Some accounts indicate he will be the King of the entire world. KING HEROD VERY WELL! Recite for me, these... WILD PROPHECIES! So I can know WHAT TO DO! (laughing obnoxiously) I MAY have to FALL DOWN, and WORSHIP this CHILD! (more laughter) SECOND WISE MAN (a Black man) This is NOT a LAUGHING MATTER! It is WRITTEN in the HOLY SCRIPTURES! He is a DIRECT and ROYAL DESCENDANT of King DAVID AND King SOLOMON! THIRD SCHOLAR Isaiah writes: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and the Government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called the Mighty God. FOURTH SCHOLAR Isaiah also states that this child shall be… of royal descent from David. And the prophet Micah prophesies that the child shall be born in Bethlehem, which is only twenty furlongs south of Jerusalem. KING HEROD (musing out loud) SO... we have EVIDENCE of a NEW KING of the HOUSE of DAVID! Who is to be born in BETHLEHEM! And you men say you have been following a STAR associated with THIS EVENT? Herod strokes his beard. KING HEROD I will tell you what I will do. Go and find this child... and when you find him, come straightway back and inform me, that I might worship him also. The Wise Men bow. FIRST WISE MAN Yes, Excellency. So shall it be written! The Wise Men depart. ‘Magi Journeying’ by James Jacques Joseph Tissot 1836 – 1902 King Herod then flies into a hideous and screaming rage. KING HEROD (voice echoing) NOOOOOOO! HOW CAN THIS HAAAPPEN!!!! He leaps forward and slams the banquet table over onto its side. This violent outburst scatters food and utensils all over the floor and startles his guests. BETHLEHEM. NIGHT. 25 'Adoration of the Magi' by Giorgione 1477 – 1510 The three Wise Men adore the Baby Jesus who is about 1 year old. The Black Wise Man steps over to Joseph and speaks privately to him. ‘Adoration of the Magi’ 1475 by Sandro Botticelli 1445 – 1510 BLACK WISE MAN Our journey is generously rewarded. God has permitted us to behold His Son who is the Savior of this earth. We are honored to seal this testimony by leaving with you treasures from our country... gold, frankincense, and myrrh. ‘Adoration of the King’ 1510 by Jan Mabuse 1478 – 1532 BLACK WISE MAN Joseph, I must warn you. This holy child has already attracted deadly attention. King Herod is anxious to destroy him. He has ordered us to report his location back to him, but God has warned us in a dream to not do so and to depart by another way. Zoom back, Fade. ‘Adoration of the Magi’ by Hans Memling 1430 – 1494 Scene shows: Joseph leads a donkey upon which Mary holds Jesus. NARRATOR And the Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word; for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. ‘Mary on a Donkey’ 1880 by John Rogers Herbert 1810 – 1890 ‘Flight to Egypt’ by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1617 – 1682 Camera does zoom back. Fade. Caption reads: ONE YEAR LATER PALACE. DAY. 26 Herod rants on his throne. Thirty officers are in formation before him. KING HEROD I have been DECEIVED! I have been TRICKED! I have been made a FOOL! I will NOT TOLERATE this INSULT! I have SOUGHT this child, JESUS, and NO ONE will bring him to ME! I must go get HIM myself! YOU! Take your men and DESCEND like LOCUSTS on BETHLEHEM! KILL EVERY CHILD, BOY OR GIRL that is two years old or younger! Go now and DO IT! Camera shows the face of King Herod who screams and waves his arms. Camera does a doubleexposure. Superimposed on the screaming face of King Herod are many soldiers, with swords drawn, doing a great slaughter in Bethlehem. Sound Over, steel on steel, galloping, crying and mournful noises. KING HEROD (Sound Over) SPARE NO CHILD! KILL THEM! KILL THEM! SLAY THEM ALL! The face of Herod fades while the soldiers continue their rampage. NARRATOR (Sound Over) And thus the prophesy of Jeremiah was fulfilled, saying: In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great morning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. ‘The Slaughter of the Innocents’ by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 VILLAGE. DAY. 27 Camera shows a flat-roofed house with palm trees in the front. Caption reads: EGYPT (fade) 2 A.D. (fade) This house has a large porch. On the porch is a bench swing that hangs from the ceiling beams. Seated in the bench swing is Mary, holding Jesus, who is now two years old. He is a darling little boy with reddish colored curly hair. Jesus squirms away from Mary and runs towards Joseph, who rides up on a wagon that is pulled by two mules. Joseph motions to Mary. JOSEPH What do you think of this wagon and these mules? MARY Wonderful! We can pack all our things and ride to Nazareth as the angel directed. JOSEPH Yes, by the death of Herod, we are now free to return to our homeland. Mary and Joseph embrace. Fade. CARPENTRY SHOP. DAY. 28 This is the same carpentry shop Joseph had when he married Mary. Caption reads: NAZARETH (fade) 10 YEARS LATER (fade) ‘Christ in the House of his Parents’ 1850 by Sir John Everett Millais 1829 – 1919 ‘The Youth of Our Lord’ by John Rogers Herbert 1810 – 1890 Attached to one wall is an ingenious routing machine. The flexible router drill is powered to carve attractive designs on any wooden surface by means of leather belts, wheels and pulleys that are driven by the up-and-down motion of a long and counter-balanced handle, which is anchored at one end on a hinge. Jesus (age 12) does router work. James (9) pumps the power handle. Jude (7) brings board panels and stacks them nearby. Elena (5) is sweeping. Joseph cuts the boards which Jude takes to Jesus. There is much harmony. The synagogue bell rings, and Jesus stands up from work. JESUS Come on, James and Jude, we have to go to school. Jesus, James, and Jude each brush themselves off. Mary enters carrying two-year-old Joses. Jesus puts on his skull cap as he gives Mary and the baby a quick kiss. Goodbye, Mother, goodbye Joses. school until sundown? JESUS Father, may I have permission to play after JOSEPH (pondering) Yes, Jesus, you have more than earned it. James and Jude have on their skull caps and wait at the front door for Jesus. After hugging Joseph, Jesus joins his two younger brothers then the three boys run down the street to school. MARY What would we ever do without Jesus? Joseph grabs a broom and sweeps up the shavings around the machine that Jesus was operating. JOSEPH I know one thing; we would have a hard time without this drill. MARY I know he invented it, he built it and he operates it very well, but I am still amazed at how well it works. STREET. DAY. 29 A dignified Rabbi enters Joseph’s shop. Joseph greets him and stands up to attend to him at the counter. No one else is present. JOSEPH Good afternoon, Rabbi Bazel. How can I help the headmaster of the prestigious school my sons attend? RABBI BAZEL Well, ah, Joseph... this is not an ordinary visit. I am curious. I want to know something. It has to do with your son, Jesus. JOSEPH What! Is Jesus causing trouble? RABBI BAZEL NO, NO! Joseph! I did not mean to imply that at all! Forgive me. HOWEVER, things have been... DIFFERENT... at my school, and I had to… come, and... discuss… something with you. JOSEPH Well, what is it? RABBI BAZEL The problem is... he’s too smart! JOSEPH How can that be? You try to make them smart, so how does one get too smart? RABBI BAZEL (shaking his head) You are right, Joseph. But... the fact is he knows more than the teachers, including me! He has already read all our books! He retains everything! He even tells us when we, the teachers, make a mistake! He is, shall I say... in a strange... yet beautiful way... intimidating! I didn’t mean to alarm you and I’m not complaining! Every child in my school is a better student just because of his influence. By the way, I am thrilled with the carving and repair you did on my chair! How did you do that? ‘Christ Working with Joseph’ by William Brassey Hole 1846 – 1917 JOSEPH Don’t thank me, thank Jesus. See that machine on the wall? He made it and he operates it better than I do. He is the one who fixed your chair. RABBI BAZEL I am not surprised! I think you know you have a very brilliant son! SCHOOL. AFTERNOON. 30 Twenty-five students sit in rows at long wooden desks in a schoolroom. The boys have skull caps on. The instructor stands near the front and directs the class. At the front is a simple podium that supports a big scroll. INSTRUCTOR Now class... we shall continue reading the Torah. Ishar, stand and read the first three verses of Leviticus, Chapter 18. Ishar rises and goes to the podium. He reads from the scroll. ISHAR And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, I am the Lord your God. After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. INSTRUCTOR Very good, Ishar. Now Jesus, I want you to go to the podium and continue to read from Leviticus. Begin with verse four. Jesus quickly rises and goes to the front of the class. He deliberately, however, does not go to the podium. Instead, he stands at attention beside the podium and recites from memory. JESUS Ye shall do my judgments... NO, NO, JESUS! LEVITICUS! INSTRUCTOR I want you to READ... READ from the 18th Chapter of JESUS But Master, I already KNOW the entire Chapter 18 of Leviticus. JESUS (beginning over again) Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the Lord your God. Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am the Lord… A bell rings. INSTRUCTOR (clapping his hands) Jesus! You have again done well! CLASS DISMISSED! All the students scurry to leave the classroom. STREET. AFTERNOON. 31 Six school boys, including Jesus, kick a soccer ball down the street. These boys are good! Three maneuver on one side of the street, and three on the other side. The boys take turns doing tricks, like lifting the ball up in the air with their feet, then butting it with their head to the other side of the street. A boy on that side dribbles it through the feet of a donkey being ridden by a jovial, but surprised, plump little man then the ball is passed back to the other side. Jesus stops the ball with his chest, hits it up in the air with his knee, dribbles it in the air several times with his feet then passes it back across the street. On this street, numerous wares are hanging on display outside shops. The shopkeepers and townsfolk enjoy this athletic display. Soon the ball is passed back to Jesus. He plants his foot on the ball and stops it dead on the ground. Then Jesus whirls in a full circle and shoots a rocket pass across the street that bounces off the upper face of a building, then back to himself. Jesus stops the ball with his chest, knees it up in the air then passes it back to the boy behind him, who now attempts the same feat. As the boy behind Jesus rockets the ball across the street towards the flat part of the same store front, it slams off the brass helmet of a passing Roman officer who is riding on his horse with other Roman soldiers. The struck officer yells and falls to the ground. His horse whinnies and runs away frightened. Another horse jumps sideways, causing its rider to rein it in hard to control it. There is much commotion. The stricken officer quickly draws his sword and in the same motion he rolls over and rocks up onto his knees. Several bystanders panic and run away. Jesus runs to the fallen officer and stands square in front of him. Jesus not only has the reins of the officer’s horse, but he also has the soccer ball. In a calm way, Jesus reaches out, touches the officer on his hand that grips his sword and extends the reins of the horse to the officer. JESUS It was an accident. No harm was intended. Can we challenge you and your men to a match? There is a field behind the synagogue. You can have the uphill side. The angry officer hesitates, stands, brushes himself off, glares at the friend of Jesus who stands next to Jesus, then he slams his sword in his holster… and smiles! He hollers and motions for his fellow soldiers to come. ROMAN OFFICER Gentlemen, we have been challenged to a soccer game. I suggest we give these whelps a lesson. Cut to: At the field, some people watch the soccer game. The young boys have just scored a goal with some fancy footwork. They celebrate with their fists in the air. The soldiers are dejected. The Roman goalie holds the ball. GARRISON. AFTERNOON. 32 In an office, the Garrison Commander reprimands the officer who was knocked off his horse. The officer stands at attention while his superior paces back and forth. COMMANDER SO, let me get this straight. First, you are blasted off your horse by a soccer ball? OFFICER Yes, Sir. COMMANDER And a twelve year old KID and his FRIENDS… challenge YOU and your MEN to a SOCCER GAME? OFFICER Yes, Sir. COMMANDER SO, you go to a field, and these BOYS… make fools of YOU? In a soccer game? OFFICER (pause) They only beat us 4 to 0, Sir. COMMANDER That’s because the sun went down and they had to go home! This would be amusing, EXCEPT... WE must ALWAYS be in charge and exhibit SUPERIOR military bearing! This is a disgrace! Suppose these people no longer fear us? By the way, who is the leader of this humiliation squad? OFFICER I don’t know his name, Sir. He’s just a boy... His father is an ordinary carpenter. COMMANDER See that this never happens again! You are a fine young officer! You have a CAREER before you! Remember, be RUTHLESS! Your promotion depends on having CONTROL! This can only be done by ALWAYS maintaining POWER! DINING ROOM. AFTERNOON. 33 Joseph, Mary and their children are seated at the family supper table eating their meal. JOSEPH Next week is the Feast of the Passover and a vacation from school. We have all been looking forward to going to Jerusalem for this holy event. We must walk for one week to get there so we will pack tomorrow and leave early the next day. ‘Outside Jerusalem’ 1878 by John Rogers Herbert 1810 – 1890 JESUS Good. I am anxious to go to Jerusalem! JERUSALEM. DAY. 34 The family of Joseph walks through the crowded streets of Jerusalem and past the majestic Temple. Many priests are performing the same rites as depicted earlier. Smoke rises over the Temple parapet as the priests wave incense and chant loudly. Jesus sees a group of dignitaries having a discussion on the steps of the Temple. Many others are also present. Suddenly, Jesus slips away from his parents and goes unnoticed up these steps. JOSEPH (to Mary) This has been a very good Passover, but I am tired. We have been here four days now, and I am glad we are going home. MARY I agree. I am also anxious to go home. Jesus assimilates himself into the crowd to listen to the learned men carry on their discourses. ‘Among the Teachers’ by Vasiliy Polenov 1844 – 1927 SPEAKER IS IT NOT WRITTEN BY ISAIAH... Unto US shall be born a KING, one who is MIGHTY and POWERFUL! One who shall AVENGE our ENEMIES? The crowd enthusiastically and openly voices their approval. SPEAKER And this NEW KING shall SMITE THOSE who hold us CAPTIVE... We SHALL… gain LIBERTY… from our OPPRESSORS! We SHALL… have VENGEANCE… upon all those… who keep us IN BONDAGE! The crowd is in frenzy. SECOND SPEAKER. YES, it is WRITTEN! Unto US shall be born a KING! One MIGHTIER than DAVID! And HE shall do BATTLE, AND PREVAIL, over all our ENEMIES! And the SWORD of JUSTICE shall slay our ENEMIES! THUS it is WRITTEN! More crowd approval. THIRD SPEAKER How LONG must we WAIT for DELIVERANCE? HOW GREAT must be OUR AFFLICTION? WHERE IS GOD that he is DEAF to our LAMENTATIONS and IGNORES our sore BURDENS? The crowd continues to cheer. At this point, Jesus steps up before the circle of learned men. JESUS (loudly) YE DO ERR! ‘Boy Christ in the Temple’ by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 1621 – 1674 This bold statement stuns the crowd. All people are silent. The First Speaker steps toward Jesus. FIRST SPEAKER WHO SPOKE THOSE WORDS! JESUS (advancing) Rabbi, I spoke those words. FIRST SPEAKER WHO ARE YOU? You are just a BOY! The crowd laughs. JESUS My name is Jesus. I am from Nazareth. FIRST SPEAKER Can anything GOOD come from NAZARETH? The crowd laughs again. FIRST SPEAKER Tell me. Do not the schools in Nazareth teach young boys to be SILENT in the presence of their ELDERS? The crowd cheers this rebuke to Jesus. JESUS It has never been written that the Messiah shall take up the sword and deliver Judah from military tyrants! Instead, the prophets have only written… that the Messiah shall be sacrificed on a cross! And that by His blood shall all mankind be delivered from sin… If they will repent, and obey God! Isaiah said: He was wounded for our sins! He was bruised for our iniquities! The chastisement of our peace was upon Him! And with His stripes we are healed! Many people show respect for Jesus. One learned man pulls aside another learned man. LEARNED MAN What this lad says is true, but dangerous, because it is contrary to our teaching! SECOND LEARNED MAN Yes, I am astounded at his knowledge… and also his courage! LEARNED MAN (advancing) We must silence him. AND, we must be discreet! Come. LEARNED MAN (to Jesus) Your knowledge of scripture is amazing. Will you come inside the Temple and talk to the Chief High Priest? JESUS I will be happy to talk to your Chief High Priest. The two learned men now escort Jesus into the Temple. ROAD TO NAZARETH. AFTERNOON. 35 Travelers are camped beside a road. Kids play. Mothers fix meals over fires. JOSEPH (to the friends of JESUS) Shimeon, Baara, have you seen Jesus? We have traveled all day from Jerusalem and we cannot find him. BAARA (standing) Is he not with the older boys? JOSEPH We asked and he is not there. SHIMEON The last time I saw Jesus, he was by the Temple. Mary comes to Joseph. MARY (distraught) It is no use, Joseph. I have looked everywhere! The last time anyone saw Jesus, he was in front of the Temple at Jerusalem. JOSEPH I know. We must go back and find him. TEMPLE. DAY. 36 Jesus is clearly the center of attention. Around him are several Chief Priests. ‘Christ in the Temple’ by Heinrich Hofmann 1824 – 1911 JESUS Ye know not the fall of Adam or the mission of the Messiah. Adam and Eve were given two conflicting laws. They could not keep them both. They had to break one, to keep the other. The first law was to multiply and replenish the earth, so that the spirits in heaven might be born of flesh, and prove themselves before God in the face of adversity. The second law was to not partake of the forbidden fruit. Yet they had to partake of that fruit to have children. It is written: Adam and Eve did partake of the forbidden fruit. And for this transgression they were cast out of the Garden of Eden. And by this transgression, they brought death into the world for themselves and their posterity. Never could mankind be resurrected from death and never could mankind return to God’s presence, unless the Messiah should come from God, and sacrifice his own life, in order to atone for the fall of Adam, so that if mankind should obey the laws and covenants of God… through the Messiah, then mankind can be saved. Outside the Temple, Joseph and Mary inquire of a priest as to where their son might be. PRIEST There is a young man, about twelve years old, who is inside the Temple at this moment. He is confounding the Chief High Priest himself. The lad has been here three days and nobody can ask him a question that he does not know the answer! JOSEPH Thank you, sir! You just told us what we need to know. JOSEPH (to Mary) We cannot just barge into the Temple to get Jesus. MARY We certainly will! He is our son and we are responsible for him. Come with me! Mary turns and goes quickly up the steps of the Temple. Joseph follows. Jesus continues to command the attention of the High Priests. JESUS If a man steals a sheep, he is cast into prison if he cannot return the sheep. However, if his neighbor provides a sheep to replace the one that was stolen, then justice is not robbed. And instead, in this manner, true mercy allows for the sinner to go free… only because of the payment made by another. So it is with the Messiah. He shall be without sin, yet He shall give His life to pay for the sins of others. Those who are properly baptized, by the authority of the Messiah, and those who keep His commandments, shall enter with the Messiah into the glory of God the Father, after the probation of this life. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST You speak of baptism. There is no reference in our books concerning this thing. JESUS I say to you that baptism, by authority and by immersion in water, is the divine covenant for the cleansing of sin. This holy ordinance is provided by the Messiah. And all those who are properly baptized shall be counted by the Holy Ghost. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST You speak boldly and even with great conviction! You say you are from Nazareth? And of the House of David? And you were born in Bethlehem? Mary and Joseph enter the room. Mary goes to Jesus and hugs him. MARY Jesus, we have missed you! Why did you leave us and remain here in Jerusalem? ‘Finding the Savior in the Temple’ 1859 by William Homan Hunt 1827 – 1910 JESUS I am fine. Do you not know? It is time for me to be about my Father’s business! Mary begins to escort Jesus away from the group of High Priests. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST Jesus, I have one more question. Are you the Messiah? JESUS (boldly) By my fruits ye shall know me! Mary, Joseph and Jesus leave. Several High Priests stand and watch them depart. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST What else did you find out about this boy, Jesus? HIGH PRIEST A Rabbi named Jasher from Nazareth was here for the Passover. He told us Jesus is a brilliant student who constantly confounds all his teachers but they all love him. He is the firstborn of his mother, who was six months pregnant by another man when a carpenter named Joseph hastily married her in the dark of night. Jasher also said that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there was a bright star shining over that city. He even says Jesus is royally descended from King David. We know that King Herod feared that a new King had been born in Bethlehem to take his place. Herod ordered all the children in Bethlehem to be killed, but the parents of Jesus had already fled to Egypt. Jeremiah prophesied of this event. CHIEF HIGH PRIEST He cannot be the Messiah! He will not use the sword! We are waiting for a man of STRENGTH to SMASH our enemies, and DELIVER us from BONDAGE! THIRD HIGH PRIEST True! He only claims the enemy is sin! He talks of PEACE and OBEDIENCE and REPENTANCE and BAPTISM! FOURTH HIGH PRIEST He talks of a Final Judgment and that our Law of Moses will soon be replaced! And that all people who are worthy can become Gods! This is BLASPHEMY! CHIEF HIGH PRIEST He is crafty. Hoards of people will soon follow him and we will lose our power base, which will RUIN us! We must monitor him! Off to the side, two other Sadducees confer privately with each other. FIRST SADDUCEE I am stricken by the many exact points of prophecy this lad, Jesus, has already fulfilled, as spoken by our prophets, to describe the Messiah we are waiting for. He was conceived by a mother who was not married. He is descended from King David. He was born in Bethlehem. Many children were slain in Bethlehem because of him. There was a new star in the sky when he was born. He fled with his family to Egypt. He was raised in Nazareth… SECOND SADDUCEE (interrupting) What astonishes me… he speaks with such AUTHORITY! He actually sounds like God himself! There was not one question that any Sadducee, Pharisee, High Priest or Scribe could ask… that he did not quickly know the answer! And he kept saying “It is written in your books”! And he also said he was doing the will of his Father, who is in heaven who sent him. FIRST SADDUCEE (interrupting) Yes! Yes! We know that Joseph, the carpenter, is not his father! COULD IT BE? THAT HE IS ACTUALLY THE SON OF GOD? SECOND SADDUCEE What rings in my ears is that he repeatedly said: “by my fruits ye shall know me”. FIRST SADDUCEE I was shocked at his wisdom and knowledge of our scripture! It was like he was the one who wrote our books and he just repeated them back to us! Fade. RIVER. MORNING. 37 A mass of people are along the River Jordan. John (age 30) preaches to them. He has long hair and a beard. He wears a camel hair tunic, a wide leather belt and sturdy sandals. JOHN BEHOLD, it is written by ESAIAS, the PROPHET! There shall be the VOICE of one CRYING in the WILDERNESS, and HE shall SAY, PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD! MAKE HIS PATHWAY STRAIGHT! Every VALLEY shall be FILLED, and every MOUNTAIN and HILL shall be brought LOW! And the CROOKED shall be made STRAIGHT! And the rough ways shall be made SMOOTH! And ALL FLESH shall see the GLORY of GOD! John strolls among the crowd, some of whom are sitting. Matthew speaks. MATTHEW Master, I am Matthew. I am a Publican, what shall I do? JOHN So, you are a tax collector! You have license from Rome to collect a tax quota from your own countrymen. Then you, for your commission, can generously add more for yourself! I say to you: Exact no more than what is fair! John leaves Matthew and continues to stroll about the congregation. JOHN Repent ye, REPENT YE! For the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is at HAND. BE BAPTIZED for the remission of your SINS! That ye can STAND before GOD on the GREAT DAY of JUDGMENT! John looks at the Roman soldiers who holler from across the river. ROMAN SOLDIER WHAT DO YOU SAY TO US? JOHN DO VIOLENCE TO NO MAN, ACCUSE NO MAN FALSELY AND BE CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES. John continues his stroll. A group of men accost him. FIRST MAN Is it true... that you are the Christ, the Holy Messiah? JOHN I baptize you with water, but ONE mightier than I cometh, the LATCHES of whose SHOES I am not WORTHY to UNLOOSE! HE shall baptize you not only with WATER, but with the HOLY GHOST ALSO. And HE will gather his WHEAT and BURN his CHAFF! John looks across the river and sees several Pharisees and Sadducees. PHARISEE WE ARE SENT BY THE CHIEF PRIEST OF THE TEMPLE! IF YOU ARE NOT THE CHRIST, THEN WHO ARE YOU? JOHN OH, YE WICKED PHARISEES AND SADDUCEES! YOU NEST OF SNAKES! WHO HATH WARNED YOU... TO FLEE FROM THE WRATH OF GOD? I SAY, BRING FORTH FRUIT THAT IS MEAT FOR REPENTANCE! YOU ARE A WICKED GENERATION! KING HEROD IS A VIPER! HE HAS TAKEN HERODIAS, HIS BROTHER’S WIFE, AND THEY LIVE TOGETHER IN ADULTEROUS SIN! THIS IS AN ABOMINATION TO GOD! John walks toward the Sadducees and Pharisees. The river is between them. John steps into the river about ankle deep. He hears a voice and turns. He beholds three fine young men in their twenties. One is Andrew, one is James, and the other is John. ANDREW Master, you have baptized us and we desire your baptism for my brother, Peter, but he only scorns us and will not listen. JOHN Ah, yes. You are Andrew, and James, and John. Each of you is pure in heart. As for Peter... pray for him and be diligent, that he might heed the Master’s voice. John steps into the water. He turns to address the crowd. Camera rises to show the back of John standing in the water. In front of him on the bank are the crowd and the Sadducees and Pharisees. Camera zooms in to focus on Jesus who is now 30 years old and 5 feet 11 inches tall. He has auburn hair and a fine beard. Jesus is dressed in a sand-colored robe with a belt and good sandals. Jesus walks through the group of Sadducees and Pharisees towards the Camera and to the edge of the river where John is at first unaware of his presence. JOHN I INVITE ALL WHO DESIRE A REMISSION OF THEIR SINS, TO COME FORWARD AND BE BAPTIZED BY ME, WHO HAS BEEN ORDAINED BY GABRIEL, TO PERFORM THIS COVENANT WITH GOD. JESUS John. John now gazes and sees Jesus, who enters the water and meets John in the middle of the stream. JOHN MASTER, LORD JESUS! Thou hast no sin! Thou art greater than I! Comest thou to me? I have need to be baptized of thee! ‘Baptism of Jesus’, Stained Glass, Nauvoo Illinois Temple JESUS Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness. I come to be baptized by you, as an example to all mankind. John now holds the wrist of Jesus and brings his own right arm to the square. JOHN JESUS, HAVING BEEN COMMANDED BY THE MESSIAH, I BAPTIZE YOU IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST, AMEN. John submerges Jesus under the water and brings him up. They both stand in the water. A bright light appears in the air just above them. From this light, a white dove flutters down and settles on the shoulder of Jesus. ‘ The Baptism’ by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 GOD (Sound Over from Heaven) This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased! Both men embrace. Jesus departs out of the water to the opposite bank away from the road. He continues to walk with his back to the Camera. The crowd on that side of the river parts for him to pass. Jesus continues up to the brow of a hill where he stops, turns, waves to John, the Baptist, then turns again and disappears from view. Long angle shot: Camera rises up in the air to show Jesus as he walks alone and straight into the deep and barren wasteland. Fade. ‘Has Been in the Desert’ 1909 by Vasiliy Polenov 1844 – 1927 PALACE. DAY. 38 Herodias, the wife of Herod, is royally dressed and is wearing much jewelry. She rushes down a corridor of the palace, storms through double doors and bursts into the throne room. Herod sits on the throne and listens to his advisors. He quickly rises, claps his hands, and motions for the advisors to leave. They quickly depart, rolling up their scrolls as they leave. HERODIAS HEROD! You FOOL! Why won’t you LISTEN to me! That WILD MAN, JOHN, who LIVES in the DESERT, STILL MOCKS YOU and ME BOTH! And YOU do NOTHING! HE is PUBLICLY SCREAMING to the WHOLE COUNTRYSIDE, that YOU and I LIVE TOGETHER in SIN and ADULTERY! HEROD Well, we do, don’t we? HERODIAS Shut up, you idiot! He will ruin us! I CANNOT TOLERATE this ANY LONGER! Since YOU will do NOTHING, I have ORDERED his ARREST! He will SOON be in YOUR PRISON! ‘John, the Baptist and King Herod’ by Pieter Fransz de Grebber 1600 – 1652 HEROD (sternly) If you HARM HIM for speaking the TRUTH, I will NOT HESITATE to put YOU AWAY! BE GONE with YOU! Herodias turns quickly and exits through the double doors. Herod now spins around to face his empty throne. He clenches his fists over his head and kicks at his heavy throne. HEROD WHY! WHY! MUST THIS HAPPEN TO ME? Herodias pops back into the throne room. Herod keeps his back to her. HERODIAS YOU SHOULD be AWARE... DEAR KING... MY SOURCES TELL ME... that YESTERDAY... THAT MAN, JESUS, WAS ALSO BAPTIZED BY JOHN! 2,000 PEOPLE WERE OUT THERE... IN THE HOT SUN... TO WITNESS IT! Herodias backs through the double doors and slams them shut. BEACH CAFÉ. MORNING. 39 Peter sits at a table in an open and outdoor section of a beach cafe near the Sea of Galilee. The floor is flagstone. Overhead is a ship sail canvas for shade. Peter is alone. To his front, he gazes at several fishing ships bobbing in the water near the beach. Soon a young waitress sets a bottle of wine on his table, and then she leaves. Peter drinks from the bottle. Andrew, James and John walk toward Peter from their boats near the beach. They join Peter at his table. Peter is not happy to see them. PETER What are you going to do now, little brother? Call me to more repentance? ANDREW I’m glad that’s on your mind. I do have something to tell you on that subject. PETER Well, hurry up and tell me! I’m busy right now. If it has anything to do with God, I don’t want to hear about it! DO YOU UNDERSTAND? FOR THE ONE HUNDRETH TIME... I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT!! ANDREW PETER, you must HUMBLE YOURSELF and OPEN YOUR EYES to the REALITY of SALVATION, for YOU and your FAMILY! Peter slams his palm down on the table and sweeps everything away. PETER I’ll TELL YOU what I have! (pointing) Do you see those FISHING BOATS out there in the water? One of those SHIPS is MINE. ONE is YOURS, ONE is JOHN’S, and ONE belongs to JAMES. I PAID for MY ship, NOW I want to have some FUN! I do MY WORK, and YOU do YOUR WORK! YOU can believe ALL YOU WANT! And YOU can follow ANY LUNATIC YOU WANT! BUT LEAVE ME ALONE!! Peter stands and strides through the open door. Andrew cries out: ANDREW PETER! Peter whirls and glares at Andrew. PETER Speak, little brother! ANDREW We found the Messiah! Peter turns, barges through the door and slams the door hard. WILDERNESS. AFTERNOON. 40 Long angle shot: Jesus is a mere spec in a barren wilderness. He is dirty, tired, gaunt and alone. He walks slow but always forward. NARRATOR (Sound Over) Then after Jesus was baptized of John, the Spirit led him into the wilderness, where he fasted for forty days and forty nights and prayed unto God. Suddenly, Jesus falls down prone on the dirt. Five black buzzards circle overhead. The whirring sound of locusts is prevalent. Jesus appears to be lifeless. An aggressive buzzard lands on the ground in front of Jesus and fans its wings. A light whirlwind swirls dust and sand about the body of Jesus and ruffles his hair. Close up. After a moment, Jesus opens his eyes, rises to a kneeling position and raises his hands high in the air above his head. JESUS Father, I thank thee. I thank thee that thou hast called me, and entrusted me to be the Savior of this, thy fallen world. Please Father, I pray thee, inspire me, guide me and strengthen me to know thy will and to be able to do thy will. Jesus stands and walks to a large stone where he sits and rests. Soon he continues forward again through the wasteland. In doing so, he passes the sun-bleached skeleton of a sheep. The buzzard hops along the ground beside Jesus, then lifts up and flies away. ‘Christ in the Wilderness’ by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi 1837 – 1887 NARRATOR (Sound Over) And Jesus was hungered. Then came the tempter unto Him. As Jesus walks forward, the backside of a figure in a coarse robe with a raised hood over his head stands to the side in front of Jesus. As Jesus approaches, the figure turns around and faces Jesus. It is Lucifer! LUCIFER If THOU, JESUS, be the son of GOD, COMMAND that these STONES be made BREAD! Jesus does not break stride. He stays a straight course and walks right past Lucifer. Jesus does not look to the right or to the left as he shuns Lucifer. Lucifer floats forward and hovers directly in front of Jesus, as Jesus continues to advance in his straight line without breaking stride. This time, Jesus looks straight at Lucifer as he walks directly toward him, face to face. ‘Denying Satan’ 1850 by Carl Heinrich Bloch 1834 – 1890 At the moment when Jesus is about to collide with Lucifer, Lucifer dodges and whirls away to avoid Jesus. As he dodges away, Lucifer exclaims as follows: LUCIFER Again! I BESEECH thee! COMMAND that these STONES be turned into BREAD… to satisfy your HUNGER! Jesus strides on and does not look to the left or the right. As he passes Lucifer, Jesus proclaims: JESUS It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Suddenly, Lucifer casts off his cloak to reveal that he wears underneath an exquisite white robe without any hood. He actually looks quite handsome, but he is still Lucifer. In a blinding flash, Jesus is whisked away by Lucifer to the highest pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem. Camera pans to show the dramatic effect of the dizzying height and the throngs of people below. LUCIFER If THOU be the SON of GOD, CAST thyself DOWN, for it is written, he shall give his angels CHARGE concerning THEE, and in THEIR HANDS they shall BEAR THEE UP, lest at any time thou DASH thy FOOT against a STONE! JESUS It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God. ‘Satan Tried to Tempt Jesus’ 1895 by James Jacques Joseph Tissot 1836 – 1902 Again, in a flash, Jesus is whisked away to the top of a high mountain capped with majestic rock. From this three hundred sixty degree vantage point, all the past, present and future kingdoms of the world morph in and out of view in the distance. Scene shows: In the valley below and on the horizon, the capitol buildings of many nations, including England, France, Germany, Russia, China, India, the United States, the Vatican, and other landmark buildings, plus football stadiums, tall skylines, big airplanes and large ships that also appear on the horizon, etc. LUCIFER All these things will I GIVE thee, if thou wilt FALL DOWN and WORSHIP ME! ‘The Temptation of Christ’ by Ary Scheffer 1795 – 1858 JESUS Get thee HENCE, SATAN! For it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord, thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve. The vision of buildings and cities disappear as Satan whirls away from Jesus in utter disgust. After departing only a few feet, Satan stops, turns and faces Jesus again. The two men simply look at each other. Millions of demons join Satan on both sides and stare at Jesus. Soon they all whirl like a cloud and follow Lucifer out of sight beyond the horizon. Jesus watches them go. As soon as the devils depart, Jesus turns and looks to the bright sun that casts a wonderful sunset amidst majestic and fluffy clouds that are now tinged with fiery vermillion. In a glorious manner, certain rays from the sun shine through holes in the clouds to form visible beams of slanted pillars of light that shine down to earth on both the right and the left. Suddenly, a shaft of light bursts upon Jesus from above the sun. Five men, who are visually identified as Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Moses, now stand before Jesus. Each of these men appear in the prime of life (about 30 years old), which is the same age as the mortal Jesus. The Angel Gabriel, who is actually Noah, appears exactly as he did when he appeared earlier to Zacharias, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, etc., to orchestrate the events of Christ’s birth. Adam stands is in the center of the Old Testament Prophets and now steps forward and speaks: ADAM Lord Jesus, God has granted that we may come to minister unto thee, and to assure thee, that now after 4,000 years since mankind transgressed and died unto God, the long awaited Day of Atonement is at thy hand to be fulfilled. Camera tilts downward in front of Jesus to reveal that set before Jesus on a rock shaped as a table, with another rock before it to serve as a chair, is a lavish meal complete with fruit, grapes, vegetables, meat, wine, melons, bread, vessels of oil, utensils, bowls, cups, basins, towels, etc. Also to the side of the meal are changes of garments, sandals, robes, blankets, a pillow, etc. Moses steps forward and with his rod he strikes the top of a massive stone that has a large hollow on one side. Water springs from the stricken spot and into the large basin, then spills out onto the ground and away down the side of the mountain. Moses returns to his place in the group. Wonderful Music marks this moment. Jesus lifts his eyes and focuses on a point above the low sun and beholds the double throne of God, with His Wife seated on the right hand of God. God and His Wife, our own heavenly parents, stand and wave at Jesus. Freeze, Fade. *** *** *** I hope you enjoyed reading this portion of the book, ‘The Gift of Jesus Christ’. The entire book can be downloaded from the major e-book providers listed below. George M. Papa Amazon Kindle, iBookstore, Sony, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, eBookPie, Baker & Taylor, eSentral, Copia, Gardner’s
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