Expressive Touch: Using a Wrist-worn Inertial Measurement Unit to add Expressiveness to Touch-based Interactions 1st Author Name Affiliation Address e-mail address Optional phone number 2nd Author Name Affiliation Address e-mail address Optional phone number ABSTRACT We have seen substantial increases in the use of touchbased devices in recent years, and in parallel with this wrist-worn devices such as smart watches and fitness trackers have become increasingly available. We believe there is an opportunity to leverage wrist-worn movement sensing to complement and extend touch interactions. We take inspiration from existing contact-oriented interaction tools, such as instrumented styluses and pressure-pads, to explore how gestures and other features of wrist movement, detected using a wrist-mounted inertial measurement unit, can be leveraged to extend the expressiveness of conventional touch-based interfaces. We propose new expressive-touch interactions based upon pitch and roll, as well as the dynamics of pre- and post-touch movement, and outline how these can be used to add expression to smartphone-based applications. Author Keywords Expressive interaction; gesture; multi-touch; natural user interfaces; inertial measurement unit; smart watch. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: Input devices and strategies, Interaction styles. INTRODUCTION The use of touch-based devices has increased dramatically in recent years. Touch is now a deeply entrenched mobile phone interaction paradigm, and it also offers an intuitive alternative to the mouse and keyboard for laptop and desktop PCs. However, most mainstream touch-based interfaces restrict the user’s interaction to a small number of Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from Publications Dept., ACM, Inc., fax 1 (212) 869-0481, or email [email protected]. Every submission will be assigned their own unique DOI string to be included here. 3rd Author Name Affiliation Address e-mail address Optional phone number degrees of freedom, i.e. user interaction with touch-based devices is commonly restricted to pressing, moving and releasing fingers at different positions on a two-dimensional surface. This simple range of interactions supports a wide variety of rich interactions, which extend what has been traditionally possible using a standard keyboard and mouse. However, touch-based interaction often fails to provide the subtlety and expressiveness offered by the hand’s interaction with objects, and some of the traditional tools and controls it seeks to emulate. In this paper, we explore how a wrist-worn inertial measurement unit (IMU), which streams data over a wireless connection to a touchscreen device, can be used to enhance touch-based interactions. By detecting and classifying qualities such as wrist pitch and roll, plus the dynamics of pre- and post-touch movement, we support a range of expressive-touch interaction techniques that extend what is possible with today’s typical touch-sensing hardware. Our techniques offer enhanced interaction capabilities in skilled contexts that include gaming and playing a musical instrument, as well as setting common user interface controls. We envisage that these interaction techniques will provide people with more dynamic, expressive and intuitive forms of interaction with the devices that they use in their everyday lives. We describe how the interaction techniques developed can be applied in a number of different application scenarios, including jigsaw puzzles, a touchscreen piano, a 3D maps application, throwing interactions and in common slider controls. An initial technical study demonstrates the range of wrist-movement possible, as well as the task completion rates and times for the interaction techniques presented. RELATED WORK A variety of technologies and interaction techniques with the potential to support expressive interaction have been proposed. We begin with research that can track the pose and movements of users’ hands and fingers before, during and after a touch. Data gloves [e.g. 29] can support rich expressive interaction, but require the user to wear potentially uncomfortable gloves. Alternative technologies include: arm-mounted piezoelectric sensors [7] and wristmounted cameras [17]. Benko et al. [1] use EMG to sense users’ hand movements and demonstrate a range of enhanced touch interactions, including pressure detection, contact finger identification and off-surface pinch, throw and flick gestures. Murugappan et al. [23] used a Kinect depth-camera to develop a range of enhanced touch interactions including the identification of the contact finger and the recovery of hand posture. Marquardt et al. presented a broad range of touch interaction techniques that extended the traditional vocabulary of interaction with an interactive tabletop, by tracking users’ gestures above the surface with a Vicon motion tracking system [21]. While these approaches have the potential to support a selection of rich and expressive interactions, all but the use of the Kinect depth-camera depend on specialist hardware and the latter two systems require a static camera-based tracking system that would not be appropriate for our mobile device context. Tracking properties of a user’s point of contact with a touchscreen offers an alternative means to support enhanced touch input. Wang and Ren used the contact size, shape and orientation information provided by a camerabased multi-touch screen to improve performance in selection and pointing tasks [30]. The shape of contacts with camera-based multi-touch surfaces has been combined with physical metaphors in order to afford touch interaction that is more expressive and intelligible for the user [4, 33]. Rogers et al. present a technique that utilizes long-range capacitive sensors in conjunction with a particle filter, to create a probabilistic model of the contact finger [28]. This model is capable of tracking finger pose, as well as inferring movement on and above the device screen. Other research that has also explored how changes in the properties of a contact point might be used to enhance touch includes [31], where Wang et al. developed an algorithm that unambiguously inferred finger orientation from the changes in the shape and centroid of a contact point, therefore enabling a range of occlusion aware interaction techniques. Similarly, [3] explored how purposeful changes in contact point size can provide a further parameter for touch input, whilst [2] considered changes in the centroid of a contact point. The three previously mentioned techniques aren’t without drawbacks, however, as they rely on a downward vertical movement of the finger, increase occlusion due to a larger contact size, or are difficult to integrate into mobile devices, respectively. In addition to using the geometrical properties of a contact point to extend the expressivity of touch input, prior work has also demonstrated that the sound made when making contact with the touchscreen can be used to differentiate touches made by different parts of the hand [11, 19]. Yet, with these methods there is the possibility for sound pollution or simultaneous gestures to negatively affect a user’s interaction experience, as it is not always possible to distinguish between different acoustic signatures. Davidson and Han [6] explore touch pressure on a pressure-sensitive FTIR screen, to offer an extra dimension to touch-based interactions for layering tasks. In [13], the authors present a prototype, consisting of a film plate laid over an iPod touch within a sensing frame, which detects tangential touchbased forces as well as pressure. Related to this is the work of Ramos et al. [27], who detect pressure to afford increased control to the user by using a stylus in conjunction with multi-state widgets. Other proposed methods also provide enhanced touch interactions via pressure, this time tracking the device itself: both [9] and [16] use inertial sensors and actuators within mobile devices to detect the pressure of a touch, allowing for different commands to be mapped to varying pressures. However, these approaches are limited by their reliance on the mobile devices vibration motor to be constantly running, adversely affecting the overall experience and making them impractical for many mobile situations where battery life is a consideration. Another approach along the same lines is [14], which detects touch pressure through the device’s accelerometer, in addition to providing hybrid touch and motion gestures such as tilt-to-zoom and pivotto-lock. This approach is restricted as these gestures are infeasible in certain contexts, e.g. while resting the device flat on a desk. Hassan et al. explored the combination of a single touch and gesture, to allow the transfer of files from a private device to a public display [12]. Novel interaction possibilities have been created or enhanced in several related methods, through exploiting the way in which the device is held. Harrison et al. augmented two handheld devices with pressure and tilt sensors, to explore the potential of these being used during simple tasks such as navigating a book or list [10]. In [18], a modifier panel is docked to the side of a tablet screen to provide touches with different modes, overriding the traditional multi-touch gestures. In turn, this adds expressiveness to certain browser-based gestures. Rahman et al. have previously performed a study into the range of tilt angles that users are able to assume based on wrist motion, with the intention of this parameter being used for more expressive and richer input [26]. Another technique that we feel is particularly related to our work is that of Chen et al. [5]. Here, the interaction space between a smartphone and smart watch has been explored in order to afford novel interaction techniques involving both devices. The in-built accelerometers are used to introduce interaction techniques such as finger posture and handedness recognition, as well as multi-device gestures that include the ability to unlock the smartphone with a synchronized hold and flip action, and control over which of the two devices receives certain notifications, based on the detected direction of a touch across the two device screens. In summary, a wide number of technologies and interaction techniques have the potential to support more expressive touch interaction. However, the majority of these approaches are not yet practical for wide scale adoption because they have impractical hardware requirements. They are typically expensive, bulky and/or power-hungry. In addition, many only extend the expressiveness of touch interaction in a limited way. In this paper, we present an approach for augmenting existing touchscreen devices with a wide variety of different expressive interaction techniques. From a hardware perspective, our approach only requires a wrist-worn IMU which we believe is becoming increasingly practical due to the growing up-take of smart watches, fitness trackers and other wrist-based sensing devices. DESIGN SPACE The central concept underpinning our Expressive Touch system is that the movement of a user’s wrist can be detected and combined with the dynamics of traditional touch contact points to support richer input on multi-touch devices. This is desirable because, despite a range of effective multi-touch gestures such as pinch-to-zoom and twist-to-rotate, the functionality provided by these is sometimes limited to a small number of degrees of freedom. By leveraging these previously unused parameters, there is the potential to augment a user’s interaction with new capabilities and enhance the level of expressiveness available to them. At the same time, the recent growth in availability of smart watches has resulted in many users who carry both a smartphone and a smart watch. The inertial sensors found within the latter allow linear acceleration and rotation of the wrist to be measured, and from these we are able to derive a number of values pertaining to properties of the contact point. As a result, this presents a design space with a number of interaction techniques that exploit the combination of a wrist-worn IMU with a touchscreen, in order to provide the user with more expressive forms of touch-based interaction. To explore this new design space, we outline the Expressive Touch parameters that are available to a user and categorize these based on when during an interaction they can be exploited. These key parameters, which can be detected and tracked, are: the relative pitch of the user’s wrist; the relative roll of the user’s wrist; and the instantaneous force of the user’s wrist. Expression can be performed via these parameters at the following distinct times: Pre- and Post-Touch The IMU readings can be used to analyze qualities of the user’s wrist movement before or after a finger has made or left contact with the screen; we call these pre- and posttouch respectively. Such analysis reveals the velocity with which the user’s finger approaches and leaves the screen. This information can then be used to influence a subsequent or previous action on-screen. This affords a range of novel interaction possibilities, as previously, neither continuous nor discrete control is available at these times. In this way, a user has the potential to consider how they wish to affect an on-screen object before the interaction has taken place. For example, the force at which a touch has been detected can be mapped to a continuous parameter, affecting the specific level at which is it applied (e.g. the volume of a piano key or the size of the area to select on an image). This can also be used to initiate a particular command using the discrete categories of soft, medium and hard (e.g. jump, punch and kick in a gaming scenario). This extends the concept of touch interaction from the discrete variable of whether or not contact is being made, to either distinct force categories, or the continuous variable of how much force this contact was initiated with. This could potentially strengthen the relationship between a user and their device, as their wristmovements become more tightly coupled with this greater level of application control available to them. Similarly, by measuring the acceleration with which a finger is removed to end a touch, we provide another means for the user to affect an interaction. For example, based on the three detectable force categories above it is possible for a touch-based delete key to remove a single letter, a complete word, or a whole line of text. There are also continuous possibilities, such as applying spin to a moving ball based on how quickly the touch is lifted and how much rotational movement is used. This helps to shift the current understanding of touchscreen interaction from a single touch with one or more fingers, to the much wider spectrum of user wrist-movements during the time either side of this touch. That is, in the design space of Expressive Touch, certain interactions with a touchscreen can be affected without explicitly requiring a touch. During Touch Another interaction possibility that we explored was the performance of continuous gestures via pitch and roll, while maintaining contact with the screen. This kind of uninterrupted interaction can be used to modify an existing touch, without the need to break contact and perform one or more subsequent touches. This presents new possibilities including the continuous mapping to parameter control, e.g. pitching to change the size of the object being touched. In addition, roll angle can be used to affect cursor placement, rotate an object, or move a settings slider. It’s also possible to enable simultaneous multi-parameter interaction, for example in a map application this allows control over both pitch and zoom based on the axis in which movement is detected. This can help to reduce the decoupling of a user from their device, as they’re provided with a greater level of control that is mapped directly to their wrist-movements, while requiring fewer touches. Some of the novel interaction possibilities mentioned can be seen in Figure 1, which highlights their flexibility and capacity to augment the functionality available to the user in a variety of contexts. IMU was accelerating, as well as the pitch and roll angles required for Expressive Touch interactions. (a) The force events (touch force on making contact and flick force on ending contact) are calculated by removing the estimation of gravity from the accelerometer readings, thus providing a ‘pure’ representation of the current acceleration of the user’s wrist. (b) Data streamed from the IMU is stored on the smartphone for analysis when required by the Expressive Touch system. This analysis takes place on the magnitude of the vector returned from the accelerometer, with gravity removed, in order to calculate both the instantaneous force and the touch force. Detection of a flick gesture analyses the acceleration data after a touch event, where a spike in the magnitude suggests a flick gesture has occurred. (c) (d) Figure 1: Expressive Touch techniques in use within a variety of applications: (a) pre-touch force to control the volume of a piano key press; (b) post-touch force and roll to manipulate a dice throw, in flight; (c) wrist roll to rotate an image; (d) wrist pitch and roll to simultaneously control the pitch and zoom of a map. Consequently, we suggest that this design space is based on the temporal relations between a gesture and the point of contact, and the specific Expressive Touch parameters that can be utilized at these times. SYSTEM OVERVIEW Hardware For ease of development, we implemented our system using the OpenMovement WAX9 IMU platform [25] rather than using a particular smart watch or consumer movementtracking device. Amongst other sensors, this platform comprises a low-power 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, as well as a Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) compatible radio. Together, these sensors allow an accurate representation of the state of the user’s wrist to be calculated. BLE allows data from the IMU to be streamed wirelessly to the a paired device with minimal power requirements; the IMU is capable of streaming at 50Hz for 6 hours on a single charge, or at up to 400Hz if battery life isn’t crucial. As the only inertial sensors required are an accelerometer and gyroscope, it is also possible for a commercial smart watch, such as the Microsoft Band [22] or Fitbit Surge [8] to be used for any of the expressive interaction techniques that we propose. Implementation Using Madgwick’s sensor fusion algorithm [20] to produce a quaternion, which represents an approximation of the sensor orientation, we can obtain the direction in which the Continuous interaction metrics calculated during the touch event are determined using the pitch and roll angles provided by the Madgwick quaternion. At the point of touch we monitor changes in these values and keep a running calculation of the current pitch and roll changes relative to the touch values. We estimated the touch force from the acceleration data in the time window immediately before contact (the acceleration of the press, rather than the deceleration). We experimented with a range of data analysis techniques to calculate the force using the acceleration data magnitudes: summing all data in a time window; summing data above a specified threshold in a time window; and taking the maximum data in a time window. These techniques are ordered by their effectiveness, with Expressive Touch currently using the final outlined technique for calculating the touch and flick force. Careful consideration was taken at each stage in the development process to provide an interface for third parties to interact with the Expressive Touch technology. The Expressive Touch system is wrapped inside a single class that developers can interface with, which provides an event subscription system for access to the required gestures. Developers can subscribe to a set of pre-defined interactions (three tap force categories, a flick gesture and metrics) by providing a callback function that will process the required action in response to the event, as well as the event they would like to subscribe to. STUDY In our experiments we aim to illustrate the capabilities of Expressive Touch to support augmentation of touch input with continuous control. In particular, we investigate wrist roll, wrist pitch, and touch force, as discussed above. We recruited 15 participants (age 30 (11.2)) to participate in our study, and used a mobile device in conjunction with a sensor attached to the right wrist. Each participant completed 4 experiments that explore different aspects of expressive touch: The first experiments investigate the range of force that users can (re-) produce using Expressive Touch. Initially, the user is given the opportunity to explore the force detection and familiarize themselves with a simple visualization (filled circle, size depending on force). Next we randomly select a force level between a low and a hard level (estimated in pilot study), and ask the user to perform 3 touches at the desired force level, while receiving visual feedback. For each touch, we record the difference between the desired force level and that produced by the user. This procedure is repeated 10 times, with 10 randomly selected force levels. A second experiment of touch force investigates the force level subjective to the user. The user is asked to perform 10 gestures at levels “soft”, “medium”, and “hard”, without any indication on the precise force amount requested. We record the force of each touch performed by the user. The second set of experiments investigates the wrist roll and pitch, and largely follows procedure from previous work on rotation using multi-finger gestures [15, 24]. In a calibration step we record the maximum angle the user is able to rotate from a neutral, “face-on” wrist position in both clockwise (or up for pitch) and counter-clockwise (or down) directions. Next we randomly select a rotation angle within the observed limits and ask the user to rotate an image (or adjust a slider for pitch) in a single touch gesture, while receiving visual feedback on the current level of rotation. We measure the time taken to complete the rotation and the difference in desired angle to the angle of the image on touch-up. If this difference exceeds a threshold of 5 degrees it is treated as failure to complete the task. This procedure is repeated 10 times with 10 randomly selected angles for both wrist rotation and pitch. RESULTS Results are reported in Figure 2. Overall we observe a strong correlation of 0.96 between the requested force and the median force produced by the participants for each level (see (a) in Figure 2), even though the quality of the reproduction decreases for high force levels (>0.6g). These results are encouraging for the use of touch force as an expressive input modality. However, the results from our second experiment, shown in Figure 2 (b), indicate that it may be difficult for applications to differentiate touches performed at “soft” and “medium” force (subjective to the user), while the “hard” force level is sufficiently different across all users from a “soft” input. Graph (c) in Figure 2 illustrates the maximum angles for both roll and pitch for each participant, along with the overall mean coverage of rotation angles. The majority of participants show a larger degree of rotation of the (right) wrist in clockwise direction, which is reasoned in biomechanical constraints. The mean coverage for roll reveals that a range of -86 deg. to +141 deg. is accessible for continuous control applications in most users. Other experiments on roll revealed that the completion rate for a rotation task is above 90% for rotations up to 50% of the users maximum rotation angle, as illustrated in graph (d). Interestingly the completion time for the same rotation task is largely independent of the rotation angles throughout the range for each user (see graph (e)). Figure 2: Results from user study: (a) shows the median, 20th, and 80th percentile tap force of users asked to perform a touch at specific force levels; (b) shows how users interpret subjective force levels ‘low’, ‘medium’, and ‘hard’; (c) shows the coverage of angles for roll and pitch movements of the wrist as measured with the wrist-worn IMU for each user (blue) and averaged across all users (black); (d) and (f) show task completion rates for a roll task (rotating an image), and for a pitch task (setting a slider); (e) and (g) show task completion times for the roll and pitch tasks in the study. See text for details. Many participants had trouble performing the pitch movement reliably, particularly in the “downward” direction (elbow down) (see graph (c)). In most cases, participants angled solely the finger or the palm of the hand, performing a movement that the (wrist-worn) sensor is not able to capture. The mean coverage is therefore significantly smaller for pitch, between -6 and +46 deg. The inability to perform the gesture for some users also led to reduced task completion rates (graph (f)), where just a small range of angles (<0.3) is reliably achieved by our participants. Similarly to the results for roll, the task completion rate for the pitch task is largely independent of the angle of pitch, but more likely influenced by other factors (such as difficulties performing the movement). To conclude we suggest that Expressive Touch can benefit a wide range of applications for smartphones, tablets and digital tabletops. Suggestions for these include: keyboard replacements (e.g. for capitalizing letters depending on the force detected), shortcuts (e.g. closing apps with a specific gesture), map control (e.g. mapping wrist pitch to zoom) and image manipulation. We also imagine games designers may find a use for Expressive Touch in physics based computer games (e.g. darts, bowling and pool), as well as more artistic games that already attempt a nuanced touch (see existing game Dark Echo [33]). Furthermore, we can expect to see new examples emerge as wrist-worn sensors and new smart watches open up their platforms to allow access to the sensor data. DISCUSSION REFERENCES In this paper we contribute a new method of augmenting touch interaction using a wrist-worn IMU device. We demonstrate how we calculate the pitch, roll and force associated with a touch and we present a study we ran to investigate characteristics of these new interactions such as the range of movement possible and the level of repeatability. 1. Benko, H., Saponas, T.S., Morris, D., and Tan, D. Enhancing input on and above the interactive surface with muscle sensing. In Proc. ITS 2009. ACM Press (2009), 93-100. Although we have not included structured interview feedback, informal conversations with users revealed that certain actions are more difficult to perform than others. For example, pitching the finger upwards towards the device sometimes resulted in loss of contact with the screen, especially when the user had long fingernails. We also found that some users do not move their wrist, and hence do not move the IMU, when tapping the screen forcefully. While this was temporarily an issue, participants were quick to realize this and naturally corrected their interactions. Some users also pitched their wrist in an inconsistent manner, pitching upwards by moving their wrist, but pitching downwards by moving their hand, resulting in on-screen feedback which did not match their apparent movement. 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