Amman Office Title: Senior Project Officer Sector: Communication and Information Project: Support to Media in Jordan Grade: P4 Organizational Unit: UNESCO Amman Office Primary Location: Jordan Type of contract Project Appointment Annual salary: 100 300 USD approx. Deadline: 19 May 2015 (Amman Time) Duration: Initially for a one-‐-‐-‐year period, with potential renewal Application to be sent to: [email protected] BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE POST UNESCO will implement a three-‐-‐-‐year project focusing on the media sector in Jordan as a platform for democratic dialogue and a crucial instrument to transparency and accountability in a democratic society. The project aims to address these areas following an inclusive and highly participatory approach. Its primary objective is to strengthen an enabling regulatory and institutional environment and to build the capacity for an independent, quality based media sector serving the entire population. Primary beneficiaries w ill be those working in the media sector, however, secondary beneficiaries are constituted by the Jordanian society as a whole that relies on the media as a major source of information. The project will be based on a holistic, two-‐-‐-‐phase approach. Phase one will focus on the following result: Media study, stakeholder driven review of implementation of the media strategy and detailing of action plan is carried out. Activities of phase one include a thorough analysis of the media landscape (focusing on the economic sustainability of the media structures; the professional and technical capacity of private and public media; media and journalist associations; regulatory mechanisms; existing media legislation and international standards), a comparative analysis of relevant structures and models from 28 EU Member States, a review of the implementation of the media strategy and a detailed action plan, the update of detailing of the action plan and procedures for the implementation of the strategy. The review and action plan of the media strategy will take place through a comprehensive stakeholder process with the media sector and the relevant government representatives discussing the implementation of the media strategy and the results of the analysis. Phase two will address capacity and institutional building of the media sector. The intention is that by working with a host of actors in the media sector the impact will be significant and long-‐-‐-‐lasting. At least some of the activities in this pillar are likely to be informed by activities/discussions/outcomes in the first component. Amman Office UNESCO Office in Amman, active since more than a decade in the field of media-‐-‐-‐development in Jordan, will implement the project in close cooperation with media outlets, media professional associations, press-‐-‐-‐freedom organizations, journalism-‐-‐-‐training centres of excellence, and other national p a r t n e r s . It will also rely on the technical backstopping of the Communication and Information Sector at Headquarters, and on its established partnership with most of the regional/European/global media organizations and associations. The funding for this project is provided by the European Union (EU), within the framework of an agreement signed between UNESCO and EU. The Project Manager is responsible for the overall day-‐-‐-‐to-‐-‐-‐day management and decision-‐-‐-‐making for the project. The Project Manager’s prime responsibility is to ensure that the project produces the results specified in the Project document and Work Plan, to the required standard of quality and within the specified constraints of time and cost provided within the agreement between UNESCO and EU. Duties and Responsibilities Under the authority of the Head of UNESCO office in Amman, and in close collaboration with the UNESCO Communication and Information (CI) Programme Officer and the UNESCO Administrative Officer, the Project Manager’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not restricted to: • Be responsible for the effective and timely preparation and implementation of project activities in accordance with to the EU-‐-‐-‐UNESCO project document “Support to Media in Jordan”; • Manage project budget in line with the agreement with the donor and as per UNESCO’s rules and regulation; • Prepare contracts/agreements with implementing organizations and partners, and manage procurements when needed; • Prepare terms of reference f or consultants a nd manage selection a nd recruitment a s per UNESCO’s rules and regulation; • Provide d a y -‐-‐-‐to-‐-‐-‐day collaboration and i n f o r m a t i o n sharing o n s u b s t a n t i v e progress as required by UNESCO and EU; • Provide UNESCO Amman CI Programme Officer with a monthly update reflecting activities underway that month, activities planned for next month and risks arising, if any; • Timely preparation and submission of Annual Project Report (APR) to UNESCO and EU, which rates output to outcome progress and reflects decisions on policy issues. Special focus should be paid to activities, results and impact, as well as lessons learned; • Timely report in UNESCO’s planning and management software (SISTER); • Manage the Technical Assistance Team (TAT) for the project and act as the secretariat for the project’s Steering Committee, calling for meetings, liaising with the Steering Committee members in the preparation of agendas, providing minutes, notifying involved agencies/members, reporting on outcomes and various project components, and following up on decisions; Coordinate with the Steering Committee for guidance and providing information pertaining to the applicable regulations, rules, policies and procedures when needed; Amman Office Represent the project at meetings with the government, partners, and various involved parties; Ensure close cooperation between project team and all agencies, Government institutions, NGOs, media stakeholders and civil societies, involved in project activities; Assure project legal documents are completed and signed; Supervise the project staff (Admin Assistant, Project Assistant, Communication and Coordination Officer) and ensure that they are performing their functions in timely and efficient manner; Ensure that UNESCO rules and regulations are met during the implementation of the project; Ensure project compliance with EU overall priorities stated under related pillars in the related Action Fiche for Jordan; Ensure proper use and maintenance of project equipment and office records and any other documentation by the project personnel; Support resource mobilization efforts for project follow up; Throughout the entire course of the project, maintain constant and transparent reporting and coordination with Head of UNESCO Office in Amman and CI Officer, in addition to HQ focal points; Provide web input and media briefing content during the life span of the project; Preparation of Final Project Review Report and Donor Report and identification of follow-‐-‐-‐ up actions; Hand in project deliverables and documents upon project closure; Any other assignment that may arise in connection with the fulfillment of the above responsibilities • • • • • • • • • • • • • REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION • Masters Degree in media, or one of the relevant social or political sciences in addition to related experience and training; W ORK EXPERIENCE • 7 to 10 years of extensive, progressive and relevant experience in media development in countries in transition, media training program design and management, public broadcasting, journalistic education, adequate understanding of democratic governance, human rights, gender in media, media regulation; SKILLS/COMPETENCIES • • Excellent communication, team-‐-‐-‐work and diplomatic skills; Results driven, ability to work under pressure and to meet required deadlines; Amman Office • • • • LANGUAGES • Excellent oral and written communication skills, proficiency in spoken and written English, knowledge of Arabic is highly desired. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS W ORK EXPERIENCE • • • • • • Experience with media capacity development activities; Experience in the creation of media strategies and action plans for media development; At least 5 years of increasingly responsible experience in the field of media project/programme management; Experience in facilitating inter-‐-‐-‐institutional cooperation, stakeholder involvement and working with teams; Willingness to work overtime when required to meet project deadlines; Willingness to travel for the purpose of meeting with clients, stakeholders, or off-‐-‐-‐site personnel/management; SKILLS/COMPETENCIES • • A sensitive, respectful and facilitative approach to working within a cultural context different from his/her own and in a multi-‐-‐-‐racial team setting; Proven ability to work with a partnership-‐-‐-‐driven and multi-‐-‐-‐stakeholders approach, and to establish good working relations with government officials, media, NGOs, donors and other stakeholders; Ability to work independently and as part of a team; Exceptional time management and organizational skills, able to multitask and handle various responsibilities, and capable of operating independently with minimal direction. Knowledge of the UN mandate in the area of Democratic Governance, Press Freedom, Access to Information, as well as commitment to the promotion of UN human rights principles; Familiarity with international standards and trends regarding freedom of expression, access to information, democratic institutions, human rights, media self-‐-‐-‐regulation; BENEFITS AND ENTITLEMENTS UNESCO’s salaries are calculated in US dollars and exempt from income tax. They consist of a basic salary and a post adjustment which reflects the cost of living in a particular duty station and exchange rates. Other benefits include: 30 days annual leave, family allowance, home travel, education grant for dependent children, pension plan and medical insurance. More details on the ICSC Web site. Please note that UNESCO is a non-‐-‐-‐smoking Organization. Amman Office HOW TO APPLY UNESCO is inviting interested applicants to submit a written proposal for the work assignment described above including a methodology. To enable you to prepare a proposal for this assignment, please find available the following documents: (a) Terms of Reference (see above); (b) Executive summary of the Project Document Your written proposal should comprise a Technical Proposal consisting of: • An up to date curriculum vitae; • Filled UNESCO CV (attached) • A cover letter indicating how your qualifications and experience make you suitable for the assignment; and • An approach and methodology for the 3-‐-‐-‐year assignment (project implementation) with recommended partners (local and regional partners preferred), a work plan and comments on the Terms of Reference if any (in brief). UNESCO places g r e a t e m p h a s i s on e n s u r i n g that t h e o b j e c t i v e s of t h e w o r k a s s i g n m e n t , as described in the Terms of Reference, are met. Accordingly, in evaluating the proposals for the assignment, attention will focus first and foremost on the technical elements. From those candidates deemed suitable in terms of the criteria in the Terms of Reference, UNESCO shall select the candidate with the proposal that presents the best methodology and shows adequate knowledge of the areas the project covers and the local and regional context. Please send your proposal (in English) by email to [email protected], labeling the subject line “Senior Project Officer, Support to Media”. The deadline is 19 May 2015 at midnight (Amman). E-‐-‐-‐mail proposals should not exceed 5MB. Amman Office Support to Media in Jordan Project Summary Project Title: Support to Media in Jordan Benefitting Country: Jordan Time Frame: 36 months Funding source: European Union Summary: The proposed programme focuses on the media sector in Jordan as a platform for democratic dialogue and a crucial instrument to transparency and accountability in a democratic society. The programme aims to address these areas following a holistic, inclusive and highly participatory approach. Its primary objective is to strengthen an enabling regulatory and institutional environment (phase one) and to build the capacity for an independent, quality based media sector serving the entire population (phase two). Primary beneficiaries will be those working in the media sector, however, secondary beneficiaries are constituted by the Jordanian society as a whole that relies on the media as a major source of information. Implementation S trategy: The UNESCO programme will help strengthen an enabling regulatory and institutional environment and will build the capacity for an independent, quality based media sector. Independence and improved quality of the media most effectively can be achieved through a dialogue, strategy and action plan between the responsible Ministers and the legislators on the one side, and state and non-‐-‐-‐state stakeholders in the media sector on the other side. The programme will be based on a holistic, two-‐-‐-‐phase approach. Phase one will focus on the following result: Media study, stakeholder driven review of implementation of the media strategy and detailing of action plan is carried out. Activities of phase one include a thorough analysis of the media landscape (focusing on the economic sustainability of the media structures; the professional and technical capacity of private and public media; media and journalist associations; regulatory mechanisms; existing media legislation and international standards), a comparative analysis of relevant structures and models from 28 EU Member States, a review of the implementation of the media strategy and a detailed action plan, the update of detailing of the action plan and procedures for the implementation of the strategy, and the planning of procurement procedures by UNESCO (for Phase two of the project) for each of the agreed areas. The review and action plan of the media strategy will take place through a comprehensive stakeholder process with the media sector and the relevant government representatives discussing the implementation of the media strategy and the results of the analysis. Activities for Phase One are anticipated to be conducted within 9 months. At the beginning of Phase One, a communication strategy for the project will be prepared in close cooperation with the EU (together with the inception phase. The components in Phase One will be carried out together with Minister of State for Media Affairs and in close dialogue with media organizations and media representatives. This document refers to components as many of them consist of multiple activities. Amman Office Phase two will address capacity and institutional building of the media sector. This p h a s e ’ s activities will take place parallel and will take a h o l i s t i c approach addressing the various components of the media sector including: regulatory bodies, media councils and associations, the future of JRTV, journalism education and media literacy. The outcome of the strategy and action plan meetings together with the outcomes of the working groups (Phase I) will affect specific details of the activities in Phase II. The intention is that by working with a host of actors in the media sector the impact will be significant and long-‐-‐-‐lasting. Implementation of Phase Two will last over a period of 24 months (presumably August 2015 – July 2017). Phase Two focuses on capacity and institution building of the media sector. The components under this Phase will be carried out through local, regional and European partnerships. It i s therefore imperative that there will be a level of flexibility during the final design and implementation of these activities.
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