Spring 2015 • Volume 30 GOVERNMENT FINANCE INSIDE President’s Report/ ..................................................... 1, 2 Spring Conference .......................................................... 3 CPE Reports & Classes .......................................................... 4 GFOA National Conference .......................................................... 5 Fall Conference .......................................................... 6 Membership News .......................................................... 6 Scholarships .......................................................... 6 Treasurer’s Report ........................................................... 7 Budget Awards Program .................................................. 7, 8, 9 Board of Directors & Committees ............................ 10 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT O F F I C E R S A S S O C I AT I O N O F S C by B R ETA RH E N E Y, 2015 GFOA S C P RE S I DE N T GREETINGS MEMBERS & FRIENDS, This newsletter begins our new year for There were some changes on the agenda 2015. Last year, the Organization made a lot that were not completed within the last year of positive changes. One change was the and thus have carried over into the next year. hiring of Associations Plus to assist the Board A project that was spearheaded by Dennis with the administrative functions, along with Locke last year that will carry over into this their knowledge of running conferences for year is the revision to the Policies and Proce- organizations of our size and greater. You dures. The Policies and Procedures are set by can learn more about Associations Plus by the Board and provide direction for running visiting their website, http://www.associa- the Association, as allowed by our By-Laws. tionsplus.com/. Another major improvement is our website, http://gfoasc.org/ . If you have not visited the website lately, please do so and provide us with your feedback. The site is greatly improved and easier to manage and update. For the 2014 fall elections, we used a new voting system that was easy and more efficient than the process we used in the past. Another great enhancement is a new feature on the website that allows payments to the organization to be made online via a credit card. This service is offered through Point and Pay and their website is http:// pointandpay.com/. Last year, as President-Elect, I began to re-familiarize myself with our current By-Laws. As our governing document, it also needs to be revised occasionally; therefore, in our first board meeting this year I requested forming a special committee to review and propose any needed changes. Everyone agreed and commissioned the committee to complete the project in time to present to the membership for vote by the Spring Conference. This is currently in the works and the Board is reviewing the suggested changes. Once the Board reaches consensus on what we feel our new governing document should cont’d page 1 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT cont’d contain, we will post the proposed By-Laws on the Each year we appoint committees as defined in website and put it to a vote of our members at the our By-Laws. The list of Standing Committees and Spring Conference. Upon completion of this project, related Chairs with their contact information is we can then complete the revision of the Policies noted on the last page of this newsletter, along and Procedures. This document does not require with your current Board. In addition to these, we membership vote, but will be posted on our website currently have two Special Committees that are upon its completion. As the Board of Directors included. We encourage those of you that have not meets each month, we continually look for ways to worked on a committee to consider doing so next improve GFOASC. year. The By-Laws list all Standing Committees and We have a few GFOASC events we would like for you to support. Please place these dates on your calendar to attend. First, is the GFOASC 2015 Annual Spring Conference that will be held their purposes. It is important to note that some appointments may extend beyond one year. Your participation is extremely important to make the Association a valued resource to our membership. Monday, May 4, 2015 in Columbia, South Carolina Please feel free to contact any board member with at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. your thoughts and suggestions. We are here to Jeff Palen, is serving as conference chair, and is serve you. working diligently with his committee members to Kind regards, provide an informative agenda. Registration is now open on the website and the final agenda will be provided soon. The 2015 GFOASC Annual Fall Breta Rheney Conference is planned for October 18th – 21st, 2015 GFOASC President 2015, in Myrtle Beach with Jennifer Broughton, President-Elect serving as the conference chair. Jennifer began her work last December and is well on her way after having several committee meetings since February. Stay tuned for email blasts and updates on the website for more information. We are also offering three CPE classes in June, July and August. Ian MacLean, CPE Continuing Education Chair, has registration open for June and July and will have August available very soon. Please visit the website for specific information regarding the classes and registration. page 2 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC SPRING CONFERENCE by J EFF PA LEN, 2015 GFOASC Spring Conference Chair The GFOASC Spring Conference will be held on Monday, May 4th at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center near Gervais Street in downtown Columbia. The theme of the conference is “Investing In Our Employees, Investing In Our Future”. In order to address the professional development for all of our members, our agenda will provide a broad range of topics starting with our Keynote speaker, Dr. Bruce Yandle. Our other general session speakers will be Dr. Scott Little and Glen Ward. Concurrent topics will include a GASB update, Department of Education audit, reporting tools for SCEIS, financing alternatives, a panel discussion on “Investing in our Employees” and more. We encourage your attendance to renew and to make new connections that will allow you to take your abilities both professionally and personally to a higher level. We look forward to seeing you at the 2015 GFOASC Spring Conference. Government Finance Officers Association of South Carolina 2015 Spring Conference Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center Monday, May 4, 2015 GFOASC P.O. Box 8840 Columbia, SC 29202 www.gfoasc.org Register by completing this registration form. Send your check and form to the address listed above. Include your member number on the check. You can also pay on the website with a credit card. ______________________________________________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Name for Badge ______________________________________________________________________________ Agency/Company ______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City, State, & Zip ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone Fax ______________________________________________________________________________ Email Circle member or non-member rate Cancellation notices must be received in writing by GFOASC via fax 803-252-7799 or email [email protected].. Registration cancellations received on or before Monday, April 20, 2015, are eligible for a refund. Refunds will be processed in the next payment cycle. Registrants CANCELING AFTER April 20, 2015 AND CONFERENCE NO SHOWS are liable for the full amount due. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after April 20, 2015. Early Bird (through 4/20/15) Regular (from 4/20/15—05/03/15) On-site or after (on & after 05/04/15) Member Regular Associate Non-Member Regular Associate $ 95.00 $195.00 $110.00 $240.00 $110.00 $130.00 $210.00 $260.00 $130.00 $160.00 $230.00 $290.00 Amount Enclosed: _______________________ Check or PO #______________________________________________________ I am a CGFO Diet restrictions__________________________________________________ Re gistration includes all conf erence materials, continental breakf ast, refreshment breaks and lunch. GFOASC FEIN Number: 57-0810232 page 3 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC REMINDER CGFOS! by A NGI E M CI NCHO K Your 2014 CPE Reports were due on February 28, 2015. If you have not yet submitted, please mail your completed report, supporting documentation and the $15 late fee to: GFOASC Certification Records PO Box 8840 Columbia, SC 29202 You can also pay the late fee with a credit card on our website. Attach a copy of your receipt with your documentation. Your information will not be accepted until the late fee is paid. Interested in becoming a Certified Government Finance Officer in South Carolina? Watch the GFOASC website for upcoming information on the 2015-2016 Certification Program. CPE CLASSES FOR MORE INFORMATION, please email [email protected] BY I A N M ACLEA N GFOASC will be offering three CPE courses throughout the summer at Midlands Technical College. These classes are available for (4) hour CPE credits or (8) hour credits, depending on your preference. This year’s classes will cover topics such as, effective habits of government finance officers, changes in the A-133 and COSO models, fraud risks and the Insurance Reserve Board. Breakfast and lunch will be provided if an (8) hour credit course is taken, lunch will also be available for any one taking a (4) hour credit course for an extra $10. For full details please visit the GFOA website at http://gfoasc.org/continuing-education/. page 4 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC 109TH ANNUAL GFOA NATIONAL CONFERENCE by MAT T EVANS – STAT E R EP R ESENTAT I V E NATIONAL GFOA 2015 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Join fellow finance professionals to gain practical advice and learn effective techniques to meet the continuing challenges facing the public and private sector during GFOA’s 109th annual conference. The conference will take place on May 31-June 3, 2015, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This year’s theme is INNOVATION AND RESILIENCE. Registration for the conference is open on GFOA’s website. Sign up early and take advantage of discounted registration fees. If you plan to attend the national conference and would like to be included in a gathering of all South Carolina attendees, please email me at [email protected] NEW THIS YEAR The GFOA will be awarding 50 SCHOLARSHIPS PER STATE or province in the amount of the full-conference registration fee to first-time conference attendees who are national GFOA active government members. Scholarships will be awarded in the order they are received. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, e-mail [email protected]. CONTACT INFORMATION Applications and additional information are available under “Student Opportunities” at www.gfoa.org Scholarship Committee Government Finance Officers Association 203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2700 Chicago, IL 60601-1210 (312/977-9700) page 5 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC 2015 FALL CONFERENCE “TOGETHER TOWARDS TOMORROW” by JENNIFER B RO UGHTO N – FA LL CO NFER ENCE C H A I R The 31st Annual GFOASC Fall Conference will be held I am looking forward to seeing all of you there. Please watch October 18-21, 2015, and we will be returning to the Marriott the Web site for more details as they become available Grande Dunes in Myrtle Beach. The Fall Conference committee (www.gfoasc.org). If you have ideas or suggestions, please visit has started meeting and planning, and they have many exciting the site and let us know—we are happy to hear from you! events planned. I hope you all will plan to attend. This conference DON’T MISS THIS GREAT CPE AND NETWORKING OPPORTUNITY! offers a great value with an average of 16 units of CPE. MEMBERSHIP NEWS by CA RRIE JO HNS O N, M e mbe rsh i p Commi tte e C h a i r HAVE YOU PAID YOUR 2015 GFOASC DUES? You should have already received an email from Associations Plus in regards to your membership. If you haven’t, please contact Hannah at [email protected]. It is important to keep your dues up to date in order to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD MEMBER PRICING of Conferences and member rates of the CPE classes. SCHOLARSHIPS THE 2015 MEMBERSHIP TYPES AND RATES ARE ON THE WEBSITE, http://gfoasc.org/become-a-member/. by Kristina Junkner, Scholarship Committee Chair SOUTH CAROLINA The GFOASC offers TWO ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS each year. • T HE WILLA S. BELLAMY SCHOLARSHIP, in the amount of $1500, will be awarded to a college student who attends a public four-year college or university. FOUNDING FATHERS SCHOLARSHIP, in the amount of $1000, • THE will be awarded to a college student who attends a public two-year college or university. The Association also awards the Zook Certification Program Scholarship which covers the costs of • Katherine registration fees and books for the five certification courses. The applicant must be a member (regular or agency) of the GFOASC. These scholarships are awarded at the GFOASC Sping Conference. Submission Deadline: Application deadline is April 5, 2015. The committee is currently reviewing all submissions received by the deadline and the winners will be awarded at the 2015 Spring Conference. INFORMATION Please visit www.gfoasc.org to learn more about each of these to download an application. You may also email any questions to [email protected] page 6 TREASURER’S REPORT THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC by Matthew Norman, CGFO STRONG REVENUE CONTINUES As of February 28th, 2015, the Association has $133,609.27 in the bank. We were able to close out calendar year 2014 with over $27,000 in earnings for the year. Associations Plus has done an outstanding job in helping GFOASC coordinate the invoicing and accounts receivable processes, which played a large part in us having such a strong year. All of the 2015 membership dues invoices should have been sent out in January and February, and we have seen a lot of those payments already. Just as a reminder, all past and current membership dues must be paid in order to maintain the CGFO certification. As always, if anyone has any questions about the Association’s finances, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. BUDGET AWARDS PROGRAM by L ARRY M . SA PP, CGFO THE GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program (Budget Awards Program) in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. Documents submitted to the Budget Awards Program are reviewed by selected members of the GFOA professional staff and by outside reviewers with experience in public-sector budgeting. For more information visit http://www.gfoa.org/budgetaward Larry M. Sapp, CGFO, Chief Financial Officer, Hilton Head PSD cont’d page 7 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC BUDGET AWARDS PROGRAM cont’d page 8 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC BUDGET AWARDS PROGRAM cont’d page 9 THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRETA R. RHENEY, CPA – President [email protected] .gov JENNIFER BROUGHTON – President-Elect [email protected] .gov DENNIS R. LOCKE, CGFO – Immediate Past President dlocke@cityofspar tanburg.org JESSIC A LEE – Secretar y jlee@scpr t.onmicrosoft.com MATTHEW NORMAN, CGFO – Treasurer [email protected] KRISTINA JUNKER, CPA, CGFO – Director kjunker@greenvillesc .gov DONNITA SMITH, CGFO – Director dsmith@cityofspar tanburg.org SHEILA SMITH – Director [email protected] LORI J. THOMAS, CGFO – Director [email protected] MATT EVANS, CGFO – State Representative [email protected] STANDING COMMITTEES & CHAIRS EXECUTIVE: Breta Rheney — [email protected] NOMINATING: Dennis Locke — [email protected] MEMBERSHIP: Carrie Johnson — [email protected] PROGRAM: Ian MacLean — [email protected] CERTIFIC ATION: Angie McInchok — [email protected] FINANCIAL REVIEW: Kevin Yokim — [email protected] SCHOLARSHIP: Kristina Junker — kjunker@greenville .sc.gov PROFESSIONAL ETHICS: Stacey Hamm — [email protected] SPRING CONFERENCE: Jeff Palen — [email protected] FALL CONFERENCE: Jennifer Broughton — [email protected] POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: Matt Evans — [email protected] NEWSLETTER: Vicki Bowles — [email protected] SPECIAL COMMITTEES & CHAIRS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REVISION: Larr y Sapp — [email protected] & Carrie Johnson — [email protected] BY-LAWS UPDATE: Larr y Sapp — [email protected] GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS THE GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF SC Spring 2015 • Volume 30 page 10
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