FEDERATION SPEAKS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GENERAL FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S CLUBS OF ARKANSAS Organized and Federated 1897 Incorporated 1928 Spring 2015 Issue Message from the GFWC-AR State President GFWC-AR, State President Linda McCourt Click on the GFWC emblem; the link is a short cut and will take you to GFWC International. Hello Federation Sisters: I want to say how pleased and proud I am of the GFWC Arkansas Club Women. You have worked so hard, and the numbers I turned into GFWC were amazing. Please attend the GFWC Arkansas State Convention the first weekend in May to hear these numbers. We will have as our special guest for the convention, Mary Ellen Brock, GFWC 1st Vice President. The Friday night dinner will be casual. I want you to be comfortable and able to relax after your day of traveling. There will be Budget and Finance Meeting at 2 pm and the Executive Meeting at 3 pm. There will be a brief meeting at 4:30 pm for the Club and District Presidents and the Department Chairman. This will be quick and mainly a question and answer session. The Saturday business session will start at 9 am so dress comfortable—casual to business casual. The Banquet will be a little dressier so dress as you feel comfortable—Sunday dress, cocktail, or formal. There will be a processional and those processing will be the Club Presidents, District Presidents, Past State Presidents, and the State Officers. Sunday’s session will begin at 8:30 am; you can bring in your breakfast and be dressed for travel. Hopefully we will be finished before 11 am. I look forward to seeing you at the Convention, and I hope you plan to attend some of the GFWC International Convention in Memphis. It will be a celebration of the 125th Anniversary of GFWC. GFWCA OFFICERS 2014-2016 Linda McCourt President Diane Fowler President-Elect Dr. Diana Glaze Vice-President Connie Cloinger Secretary Marianne Maynard Treasurer Mary Ann Arnold Historian Kathy Williams Advisor Kathy Wilburn Parliamentarian Debbie Thomas Corresponding Secretary Clydine Davis Counselor —Linda McCourt, GFWC-AR State President Memorial Service Information Debbie Kehrli, State Chaplain The Memorial Service will be on Sunday, May 3, at spring convention. 118th GFWC of ARKANSAS Spring Convention Please send me information on any member deceased since last May’s convention no later than by Monday, April 27. May 1-3, 2015 Include the name and any information about the member you would like to share. Mail to: PO Box 568 Cherokee Village, AR 72725 or email at [email protected] Wyndham Hotel in North Little Rock, AR Registration form is on the following page! 118th GFWC of ARKANSAS Spring Convention Registration Form May 1-3, 2015 - Wyndham Hotel in North Little Rock, AR Name_________________________________________________________________ Club and City __________________________________________________________ First Name on Tag ______________________________________________________ Registration Fee $10.00 if made before deadline or $15.00 after the deadline $_______ Friday Dinner - $40.00 Chicken Marsala, salad, veggies, dessert, & beverages $_______ Saturday Luncheon - $20.00 Classic Chef Salad, beverages, & dessert $_______ Saturday Banquet - $40.00 Marinated Flank Steak, salad, veggies, dessert & beverages $_______ BREAKFASTS WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE HOTEL DINING ROOM FOR HOTEL GUESTS WITH TICKETS GIVEN AT CHECK IN. CHECK YOUR PROGRAM FOR THE TIME AND PLACE FOR THE SUNDAY MEETING. REGISTRATION FORM DEADLINE – WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22ND ROOM RATES - $89.95 single/double plus tax with $10 each additional person. Limit 4 to a room. Rollaways are $15.00 each per day. FOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS: Call Wyndham Riverfront directly by APRIL 10TH to secure special room rates. Mention code name – General Federation of Women’s Clubs Hotel telephone is 501-371-9000 (ask for in house reservations). PLEASE NOTE ANY FOOD ALLERGIES OR DIABETIC ______________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Amount Enclosed: Food Total $100 + Registration = $110.00 $__________ Make checks payable to: GFWC of Arkansas and send with this registration form to: Debbie Hall, 5701 Free Ferry Rd., #33, Ft. Smith, AR 72903 Phone 479- 646-5793 Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC Harrison District VI Debbie Kehrli, President, District VI A St. Patrick's Day theme was used by the host GFWC Quapaw Women's Club as 25 clubwomen attended the spring meeting of District VI at the Dinner Bell in Mtn. Home. State president Linda McCourt was the honored guest. Student art sponsored by Twentieth Century Club will enter the state Ten Penny Art contest, along with the club scrapbook and yearbook. Club presidents shared their club's annual report of volunteerism, detailing many great projects. An update on Human Trafficking was given by President Debbie Kehrli. Debbie challenged everyone with a smartphone to join the UNICEF clean water project by going to UNICEFTapProject.org on phone, log in with their name and email, and set their phone down. Every 15 minutes the phone is still & not in use will provide one day of clean water to a child, funded by clothier Giorgio Armani. A donation was taken up to support the district president's project, angel gowns. In closing, numerous beautiful pottery items from Mexico were given as door prizes. GFWC Little Rock District VII Katherine Foust, President, District VII GFWC of Arkansas Little Rock District Vll spring meeting was held at the University of Arkansas Community College of Morrilton on March 13,2015. We had to reschedule from March 7th because of Arkansas weather. We had 29 in attendance, with State President Linda McCourt and granddaughter, Camran, as guests. Reports were given by the chairmen and each report gave an account of good work and great generosity by our GFWC ladies. We had attendance from each of our five (5) clubs: GFWC Adelaide Club, GFWC Century League Club of Morrilton, GFWC Literary Coterie Club, GFWC North Little Rock Woman's Club, GFWC Pathfinder Club. GFWC Young Community League of AHS This spring the Women's Community League of Alma (WCLA) decided to start a Juniorette club for high school girls in an effort to introduce young women to community service and philanthropy. A Juniorette club is a GFWC club for girls in Jr. High or High School that serves as it's own entity with women from the local GFWC women's organization as advisers. The new Juniorette club is for girls in grades 9-12 in the Alma area. The WCLA is providing startup funds to assist them with opening a bank account and planning their first event, as well as providing members as advisers at the meetings, and volunteer opportunities at WCLA events. The new club has had three official meetings and has chosen a name, the GFWC Young Community League of AHS; a symbol, an oil lantern; and club colors, maroon and sparkly gold. At the club's most recent meeting, GFWC Young Community League of AHS they adopted an official set of bylaws. The club currently has 10 members, and the girls are planning a back to school bash for the fall as a recruitment Darian Dyer, Secretary; Joslyn Scruggs, 1st VP; event. The Young Community League plans to help run the water station at a local 5K that is sponsored by the WCLA in April, and will plan their own Charis Wilson, President; Lara Bowles, 2nd VP; and Kaitlyn Brasher, Treasurer fundraiser and community event in the fall. In addition to helping young girls develop leadership and community service, the WCLA is seeking to help local girls seeking to continue their education in college. The WCLA is establishing a scholarship fund for graduating seniors who have participated in the Young Community League program. Girls will earn points toward a scholarship by attending meetings, holding club office, planning events, and volunteering at local community organizations and event. The WCLA hopes that other women's clubs in Arkansas will be inspired to sponsor a club for young girls in their area, as well. Juniorette clubs are a great way for local GFWC groups to invest in the future of their community by building strong female leaders who will contribute to the community for years to come. Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC 20th Century Club—District VI 20th Century Club’s “Lights of Love” was held Dec. 6. About 3000 luminaries were placed on graves & lighted at dusk. Many community groups assisted. Donations will be used for Maplewood Cemetery tree restoration. Front row: Marilyn Beard, Charlotte Parker, Pat Kennedy, Sue Tennyson, Mary Speice, Kathleen Mullen, Back row: Glenna Ragan, Jean Johnson, LeAnn Johnson, Shirley Wright, Glenda Curtis, Kay Hodnett, Jane Adair, Diana Ezell, Wilma Pollock & Carlene Morris. 20th Century Club members purchased (3) laundry baskets and filled with household goods and cleaning supplies which were presented to the young mothers participating in the “Circle of Life” program. From left are Wilma Pollock, Joy Polus, Jane Adair, Fern Reynolds, Lena Boswell, & Mary Speice. With help from other sponsors, the 20th Century Club purchased & presented student dictionaries to third grade students in Boone County. Far right is Glena Curtis, Education Chair with third grade students and teachers at Eagle Heights Elementary School. 20th Century Club members rotated shifts working at Maplewood Cemetery “Lights of Love”. From left are Mary Pledger, Carlene Morris, Kay Hodnett, Jane Adair, Glenda Curtis, and Lena Boswell. Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC Quapaw Women’s Club—District VI The women of GFWC Quapaw WC of Cherokee Village provided Christmas stockings and candy for the 25 children at a local special needs preschool. This project was the first annual club project adopted and provides joy to all. GFWC Stuttgart Junior Woman's Club—District VIII Our largest fundraiser of the year is our Creole Supper. We host the only creole supper in our area so this brings out large numbers of customers hungry for creole. The event lasts all day and takes weeks of planning. We offer a lunch delivery to businesses in town and a drive thru at St Johns School in the evening. All members participate in either the morning or evening shifts or baking pies and running errands. The proceeds are used to contribute to our Charla Jo Stone Memorial scholarship program that we offer to senior students in the area. Our chapter had 27 members in attendance with over 160 volunteer hours for our annual creole upper. We sold and prepared 600 creole dinners and baked 85 pies. Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC Timely Club of Hardy—Northeast District I & II Check out our website gfwctimelyclub.weebly.com GFWC Timely Club members annually present a Thesaurus to each third grade student in Cherokee Elementary School of Highland School District; this year we presented books to at least 140 students which is personally theirs to take home. Principal Meg Barnes introduced club members and walked students through an introduction of their new book and discussed with students how this can aid them in their writing and assist with literacy skills. If you are in Spring River country Saturday, April 11, the GFWC Timely Club will host its Fifth Annual Ladies Day Extravaganza in the A. L. Hutson Memorial Center on the campus of Highland School from 9 am to 2 pm. We invite you to visit our many vendors and take advantage of one stop shopping. There will be approximately 40 vendors on display with jewelry, home décor, quilting, fashion, home improvement and the latest in makeup and hair for “A New You”. There is no admittance charge; however, we ask that you bring a non-perishable food item as a donation. These items will be donated to an area food bank. The “Apple Blossom Bistro” will be open for those who are hungry and need to be rejuvenated; we will want everyone to keep their energy levels at a high speed. This has become one of our most successful fundraising activities. JOIN US AND HAVE FUN!!!!! Members L to R: Carolyn, Jan, Margo, Judy, Cindy, Marilyn, Sherry GFWC Timely Club members donate magazines and books on a monthly basis to the Eaglecrest Nursing and Rehab library Photo: Member Jan Lusk presents magazines to the Activities Director. Upcoming Dates to Remember: *March 28-Northeast District I & II Spring Meeting *April 11-Ladies Day Extravaganza, 9 am—2 pm *April 14 - 17th Annual Student Art Show, 5-7 pm We recognize over 125+ student artists in K-12 as selected by their art teachers. *May 1-3 118th GFWC of Arkansas Spring Convention *June 13-15 2015 GFWC Annual Convention Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC Van Buren Women’s League—District V GFWC of Van Buren members Carolyn Loyd, Christa Nishmuta, and Debbie Thomas represent Women’s League as they volunteer at the Chamber of Commerce Prime Time Expo. The event was movie themed and set a creative atmosphere for new businesses to network along with local organizations and active community members. It was a "big" night for one lucky winner as GFWC-Women's League of Van Buren hosted its annual Big Bucks Dinner on Tuesday (Mar. 10) evening. Held at the Van Buren Public Library, the evening included food, a silent auction, and a unique reverse drawing that made for some exciting moments and a tense countdown to the final reveal. More than 100 members, supporters, and guests attended the Women's League's signature fundraiser. First held in the 1980s, the event has become a long-standing tradition for the organization and Van Buren. "This fundraiser is crucial to our organization, in that it helps raise valuable dollars to benefit our Community Impact Projects," said Viki Kilgore, president of the Women's League of Van Buren. "Our members proudly support a number of projects in the community, including the Boys & Girls Club of Van Buren's SMART (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) Girls program, our annual VBHS senior scholarship, Girls State candidate, and other worthy causes." Each year, the Club adopts a Community Improvement Project for which it raises funds and awareness. Past items have included the restoration of the Hebe statue at the historic Crawford County Courthouse, reading rockers at the Van Buren Public Library, a scoreboard for the softball fields at Field of Dreams, and more. The group also hosts a unique "Make It, Bake It, or Fake It " auction at Christmas to raise money to purchase gifts for deserving charities and local families in need. "Our Club has a rich legacy of service to the community and we are proud to have a reputation as a group that gets things done," said Kilgore. "Some of our members have been involved for decades and some of those here tonight have been buying tickets for this event nearly since its inception." A large crowd gathers at the Van Buren Public Library for the dinner and drawing. For additional information and pictures about the Women's League of Van Buren's annual Big Bucks Dinner go to this website. http://www.thecitywire.com/node/36768#.VQDUmfxzqyw.facebook League Members (from left) Connie Martin, Cathy Gifford, and Hannah Nishmuta show off some of their silent auction prizes. Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue GFWC Story Have you visited GFWC.org lately? There are changes; check it out! The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is interested in your questions and comments. You can contact us at: GFWC Headquarters 1734 N Street NW Washington, DC 20036-2990 Toll-free: 1-800-443-GFWC (4392) Phone: 202-347-3168 Fax: 202-835-0246 Email: [email protected] GFWC Mission The General Federation of Women’s Clubs is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. —GFWC.org Founded in 1890, GFWC’s roots can be raced back to 1868 when Jane Cunningham Croly, a professional journalist, attempted to attend a dinner at an all-male press club honoring British novelist Charles Dickens. Croly was denied admittance based upon her gender, and in response, formed a woman’s club—Sorosis. In celebration of Sorosis’ 21st anniversary in 1889, Jane Croly invited women’s clubs throughout the United States to pursue the cause of federation by attending a convention in New York City. On April 24, 1890, 63 clubs officially formed the General Federation of Women’s Club by ratifying the GFWC constitution. Since 1890, GFWC’s impact has been felt throughout communities across the Unites States and the globe. —GFWC.org Federation Speaks Spring 2015 Issue March 10, 2015 As we move closer to the 2015 GFWC Annual Convention in Memphis, Tennessee from June 13-15, the Call to Convention is your best source for details and information on the activities, worlshops, guest speakers, accommodations, voting rules, and much more. The Call to Convention will be available soon as part of the March+April issue of GFWC Clubwoman Magazine, but with the opening of Registration, we want members to be able to plan their Memphis trip as soon as they’re able, so we’re happy to offer the Call as a downloadable PDF file exclusively on GFWC.org. Simply click the cover image, or the linked text above to start your download. We hope to see you in Memphis in June as GFWC celebrates 125 years of Living the Volunteer Spirit! GFWC.org (download page) Click on the above text, and you will be directed to the download page at GFWC International for quick access. Purchase a shot@life pen and support the shot@life project. GFWC-AR President Linda McCourt will have these at the district and state conventions or you can order directly from Linda. The cost is $5/pen. Arkansas Federation Speaks Reminder to all GFWC-AR clubs Please send your district and club news and pictures (.jpg or .png format) to me at the address below. News and information for the summer issue needs to be submitted the first week of June. Email to: [email protected] Or Mail to: Jan Lusk, Facilitator Arkansas Federation Speaks PO Box 33, Ash Flat, AR 72513 870-994-2491 (home-voice mail) We want to know how you demonstrate “Living the Volunteer Spirit”.
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