Docket 2014-016 RECAP Ward# 4 DOCKET NO: 2014-016 ADDRESS: 1030 North Grand Avenue East PETITIONER: Ray Mogle PRESENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION: REQUESTED ZONING RELIEF: S-3, Central Shopping District, Section 155.032 with a use variance to allow storage of classic cars(Docket 2009-001). Reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033 and Vary Sections 155.111, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and Section 155.114, Regulations for the location of off-street parking facilities to allow parking in the fl'Ont yard. COMMENTS: To allow Petitioner to sell used automobiles. OBJECTORS: None AMENDED SPRINGFIELD-SANGAMON COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: DATE: Denial of the requested B·1 zoning, but recommend approval for a Use Variance in the S-3 zoning district, to allow the storage and sale of classic cars with outside parking of said cars To deny the petition as submitted but accept the staff's amended recommendation for a Use Variance to allow the storage and sale of classic cars with outside parking of said cars. May21,2014 (Continued from Apri116, 2014) CITY COUNCIL ACTION: DATE: Docket# 2014-016 June 17,2014 1030 North Grand Ave East Docket 2014-016 SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION Ray Mogle ) ) ) DOCKET NO. 2014-016 PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 1030 North Grand Ave East RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION TillS MATTER, coming on for a heariog before the Springfield Planniog and Zoniog Commission of the City of Spriogfield, Illinois, and it appeariog to said Commission that a petition for a Reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, and Vary Sections 155.111, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and Section 155.114, Regulations for the location of off-street parking facilities to allow parkiog in the front yard ofthe Zoning regulations of said City has been filed hereio by the above-captioned Petitioner; that Legal publication has been made pursuant to law; and that a public heariog was held on May 21, 2014, pursuant to law and that said Commission took testimony of witnesses, examioed the evidence, otherwise beiog fully advised io the premises, therefore fmds as follows: I. That said Commission has jurisdiction to consider the petition filed hereio. 2. That the above-captioned petitioner is the owoer and/or has a beneficial ioterest in the property more particularly described as: The North U4 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 of John W. Priest's Addition, situated in the County of Sangamon and the State of Illinois and further identified as Index 14-27-0-203-007. 3. That the present zoniog of said property is 8-3, Central Shopping District, Section 155.032 with a use variance to allow storage of classic cars(Docket 2009-001). 4. That the present land use of said property is brick building used for storing classic cars. 5. That the proposed land use of said property is to sale used vehicles. 6. That the changes requested is a Reclassification to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033 and Vary Sections 155.11, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and Section 155.114, Regulations for location of off-street parking facilities to allow parking in the front yard. 7 That the required findiogs and standards of the Planning and Zoning Commission are accurately stated on the attached exhibits. 8 That the evidence adduced at the heariog did support the proposition that the adoption ofthe proposed request is in the public ioterest. BELOW is the RECOMMENDATION of the Spriogfield Plarmiog and Zoniog Commission: Motion made by: Commissioner Mills Motion seconded by: Commissioner Wood RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: To deny the petition as submitted but accept the stafrs amended recommendation for a Use Variance to allow the storage and sale of classic cars with outside parking of said cars. The vote of the Commission was as follows: No: 00 Absent: 0 I Yes: 08 Chairman i I, Docket 2014-016 FINDINGS OF FACT Case#: Address: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 2014-016 1030 North Grand Avenue East Existing uses of property within the general area of the property in question. North: State of Illinois office building. South: Apartment building. Southwest: Single family residences. Northeast: High School. East: Single-family residences. West: Retail. The zoning classification of property within the general area of the property in question. North and northwest: 1-1. Northeast, south and east: R-2. West: S-3. S-2 is also located one block south of the subject property. The suitability of the property in question to the uses permitted under the existing zoning classification. The property contains a building that is suitable to the uses permitted under the existing zoning classification. The trend of development, if any, in the general area of the property in question, including changes, if any, Which have taken place since the day the property in question was placed in its present zoning classification. The area has remained somewhat stable with the location of the State of Illinois office building that replaced a manufacturing company and the high school located across the street to the northeast Retail uses have developed west of the property meeting up with the glh Street commercial corridor. The relationship of the uses allowed under the proposed zoning classification to the Official City Plan. The City Plan indicates that 11 1h Street, south of North Grand Avenue East might benefit from some commercial development; however, further encroachment should be prevented into residential areas. The uses allowed in the B-1 district often involve objectionable influences that are incompatible with residential uses and light retail uses. As such, the request for B-1 zoning appears to be contrary to the City Plan. If the Commission finds that both existing zoning classification and the zoning classification requested in the proposed amendment are inappropriate, the Commission shall make a finding on the appropriate zoning classification for the property. The existing zoning classification is appropriate. Chairman\ \ Case# 2014-016 Docket 2014-016 STANDARDS FOR VARIATIONS Case#: Address: (i) 2014-016 1030 North Grand Avenue East Can the property in question be economically used or yield a reasonable return, if permitted to be used only for the conditions allowed by the regulations? The petitioner provided evidence related to the difficulty in leasing the building resulting in an economic yield. (ii) Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? The petitioner provided testimony regarding the configuration of the lot and that ingress/egress had been established to be in conjunction with utilization of the right-of-way. (iii) Will the variation, if granted, alter the essential character of the locality, impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, increase the congestion of traffic, or diminish or impair property values in the locality? The subject property is small and the area for parking is limited. Staff has concerns that the requested variances will result in traffic congestion in an area that has a great deal of traffic. Chairman \ Case# 2014-016 Docket 2014-016 STANDARDS FOR VARIATIONS USE VARIANCE TO ALLOW STORAGE AND SALES OF CARS WITH PARKING OUTSIDE Case#: Address: (i) 2014-016 1030 North Grand Avenue East Can the property in question be economically used or yield a reasonable return, if permitted to be used only for the conditions allowed by the regulations? The petitioner provided evidence related to the difficulty in leasing the building resulting in an economic yield. (ii) Is the plight of the owner due to unique circumstances? The petitioner provided testimony regarding the configuration of the lot and that ingress/egress had been established to be in conjunction with utilization of the right-of-way. (iii) Will the variation, if granted, alter the essential character of the locality, impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, increase the congestion of traffic, or diminish or impair property values in the locality? The petitioner provided evidence of a parking plan to be approved by the traffic engineer. Case# 2014-016 Docket 2014-016 3U CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION AND FOR VARIATIONS OF PROVISIONS OF THE CITY CODE ?--oJGf --o10 STATE OF ILLINOIS ss COUNTY OF SANGAMON IN THE MATIER OF THE PETITION OF Ray W. Mogle SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, RESPECTFULLY PETITIONS FOR AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITYOF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, TO RECLASSIFY PROPERTY COMMONLY KNOWN AS 1030 North Grand Avenue East FROM S-3 Which is Central Shopping District, TO B-1 , Highway Business Service District, With Variance: 155.111 Access Offstreet Parking 155.114 Parking in Front Yard TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS; AND TO THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLLINOIS: COMES NOW Petitioner, Ray W. Mogle , respectfully petitions the Council of the City of Springfield as follows: 1. The Petitioner is the owner of 1030 North Grand Avenue East, Springfield, Illinois legally described as: The North 114 feet of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1 of John W. Priest's Addition, Situated in the County of Sangamon, and the State of Illinois and further identified as Parcel Number 14-27.0-203-007. 2. Said property is located on North Grand Avenue East, consisting of approximately 5024 square feet with 9263 square feet of land. 3. The improvements (or structures) located on said property are a brick building used for storing classic cars. 4. The subject real estate is currently classified in the S-3 Central Shopping District. 5. The Petitioner, Ray W. Mogle desires to sell used automobiles. Docket 2014-016 1030 North Grand Ave. East 2 6. The Petitioner to be in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, and be able to construct, erect, maintain, and operate petitioner's proposed project (use), said property must be classified to B-1 Highway Service Business District under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Springfield, Illinois. 7. Petitioner to be able to erect, construct develop, maintain Petitioner's proposed development (use) will require variance(s) as requested on the application of the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Springfield as they apply to said described property as follows: Petitioner request variance: 155.111 Access Offstreet Parking 155.114 Parking in Front Yard (1) Changing the zoning classification of the above described property from an S-3 Central Shopping District to B-1 Highway Business Service District for purpose of selling used automobiles. (2) That the Council of the City of Springfield, Illinois may grant a variance : 155.111 Access Offstreet Parking 155.114 Parking in Front Yard In order to make the selling of used cars possible . Respectfully submitted, Ray Mogle 1717 Noble Ave. Springfield, IL 62704 217-306-4705 Docket 2014-016 "LO} 1+-" DJ b ~~,:'~,~s~'~'~'S\\~'=====-- ~ '' '' '' () ·~ ~ ~ 2 <) ~ T 1,~ \'~ '" _[ ·-····~ /. / / . .1! ""~.~~ m X ~z ::1 ~~ 0 I~ ~ I~ -~ <, 1::1 )l ~ x . ~ -< . f . . ' Q r---·--- "'\ '\ r:p ''\ 2 ~' " j 0" 'i ~' ~ t:li "r \;; :z 0 Docket 2014-016 Sangamon County GIS _Q .D :s- I3 - ~ ~ ' - March 6, 2014 W+E s OO'teeOf Supuvisor of Assessments S:mgamon County GIS Although strict accuracy standards have been employed in the compilation of this map, Sangamon County does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information contained herein and disclaims any and all liability resulting from any error or omission in this map. 1:1,128 0 0.0075 I ' 0 O.Q15 I 0.015 0.03 mi I 0.03 0.06 km SangamonCounty GIS Parcel Number: 14270203007 Page 1 of 1 1030 North Grand A venue East, Springfield, IL - Go ogle Maps Go( gle Docket 2014-016 Address 1030 North Grand Ave E Springfield, IL 62702 - z ~ - -<'t<l. ::T V'l ,.. Memorial Pool Park EWatch Ave Keys Ave Keys Ave Morton Ave • 5!!? 1.0 z z [astman Ave f Converse St E Convers @ Memorial Stadium llhnois l:nvironmental Protection Agency Lanphier I hgh School • z ~ g: .0 .., ::l • )> llobin lloberts ~ Stad1um <> N Grand Ave L N Grand Ave [ Lanphrer Park ...z Ul 5!!? w N Grand Ave L z lii .r: v; z li) £ z l Bergen St EReservoir St [Reservoir St "'z z <I) g ::r £ ..... !!? z ,.. f Division St \0 z ~ 5!!? E Division St ::T z z !!2 N 5!!? (i) rise St [ ntcrprisc St Enteq>rise St Enos Park z z 5!!? !! ::r !!? 00 E Phillips St E Phillips St z z... ~ E Phill.ips z ... C2014 Googte- Map data C'lbt4 Google -~--- q&hl=en&geocode=&q= 1030+Nm1h+Grand... 5/8/2014 Docket 2014-016 Legal Notice State Journal Register March 28, 2014 A.M. One Run: The Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April16, 2014 at 6:00p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to hear the following petition. A petition to reclassify property form S-3, Central Shopping District, Section 155.032 to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, and to vary sections 155.111, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and section 155.114, Regulations for the location of offstreet parking facilities to allow parking in the required front yard, of the Springfield Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner desires to sell used automobiles and to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance needs to reclassify this property from S-3 to B-1. Improvements (or structures) located on said property are a brick building used for storing classic cars. The subject real estate is currently classified in the S-3, Central Shopping District, section 155.032 with a Use Variance to allow petitioner to store his classic cars, Docket No. 2009-001. Legally described as: The North 114 feet oflots 1 and 2 in Block 1 of John W. Priest's Addition, situated in the County of Sangamon and the State of Illinois and further identified as Index 14-27-0-203-007 The property is located at 1030 East North Grand Ave, Springfield, Illinois The petitioner is Ray W. Mogle Docket No.2014-016 Matthew Mclaughlin City Zoning Administrator Docket 2014-016 BUILDING AND ZoNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 1030 North Grand Ave East The Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission will meet on Wednesday, April16, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to hear the following petition. A petition to reclassify property form S-3, Central Shopping District, Section 155.032 to B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033, and to vary sections 155.111, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and section 155.114, Regulations for the location of offstreet parking facilities to allow parking in the required front yard, of the Springfield Zoning Ordinance. The petitioner desires to sell used automobiles and to be in compliance with the zoning ordinance needs to reclassify this property from S-3 to B-1. Improvements (or structures) located on said property are a brick building used for storing classic cars. The subject real estate is currently classified in the S-3, Central Shopping District, section 155.032 with a Use Variance to allow petitioner to store his classic cars, Docket No. 2009-001. The petitioner is Ray W. Mogle The Springfield City Council will meet on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber of the Municipal Center West to consider the recommendation of the Springfield Planning and Zoning Commission. All Interested citizens are Invited to attend both meetings to express their view. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact the Building and Zoning Department at 789-2171 Docket No.2014-016 ....,, 304 MUNICIPAL CENTER WEST • SPRJNGFJIJLO, ILLINOIS 62701 • (217) 789-2171 • FAX (217) 789-2048 Docket 2014-016 Rll '1'"'"'~· 1· '""'""""' .:,,,,, Iilii AMENDED Regional Planning Cnmmissinn SPRINGFIELD ZONING CASE# -'2=0:. . : .1. . :. .4--=-0.. .:. .16=----- ----- Staff Findings and Recommendation ADDRESS ins ected 4-1-14 REQUESTED ZONING PROPOSED LAND USE 1030 North Grand Avenue East Property Index# 14-27-203-007 B-1, Highway Business Service District, Section 155.033 and Vary Sections 155.111, Access to off-street parking facilities, to back out onto the right-of-way and Section 155.114, Regulations for the location of off-street parking facilities to allow parking in the front yard. Sales of used vehicles. EXISTING: ZONING LAND USE S-3, Central Shopping District, Section 155.032 with a use variance to allow storage of classic cars (Docket No. 2009-001). Brick building used for storing classic cars. ROAD FRONTAGE North Grand Avenue East 81.25' ~~~------------------- STRUCTURE DESIGNED FOR CONDITION OF STRUCTURE LOTAREA FRONT YARD SIDE YARDS REAR YARD Good Offices. Previously used as a day care center and storage for classic cars. _G..::.....:....oo.:....:d=·-------- _9~·~26=3~s=q~·~ft~·-----------24' ~~--------------------------- West-0' East- 3' 4' ------------------------------- Would the proposed zoning be spot zoning? Is the proposed zoning in accord with the City Plan? If not in accord, is the request an acceptable variation? Yes No No-- PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommend denial. The City Plan indicates that 11th Street, south of North Grand Avenue East might benefit from some commercial development; however, further encroachment should be prevented into residential areas. The uses allowed In the B-1 district often involve objectionable Influences that are Incompatible with residential uses and light retail uses. As such, the request B-1 zoning appears to be contrary to the City Plan. There is concern that granting the variances would create additional traffic congestion at this location. AMENDED: Recommend denial as the B-1 zoning is considered to be contrary to the City Plan. In the alternative recommend approval of a Use Variance in the S-3 zoning district at this location to allow the storage and sale of classic cars with the parking outside. Evidence was provided regarding a parking plan that will minimize the negative impact on the Immediate area. Case# 2014-016, Pg. 1 of 5 Docket 2014-016 City Zoning Case# 2014-016 Sta le Office School Thrift Store Single- Family Re sidence .Ap artments County Zoning e 1RM4lw/t%: !11 City Zoning rmJR s I::Jtt1 ~ OFF r+ti R3 r:;"..:_J12 c:JR1 ~R2 I @====IR2 ~H3 f.c XIB1 ~B3 ~ R1a n~--:4 B2 [3R1 ~B1 ~ OFFc:JA I::JH2 ~PUO Ftt l 0 100 2 I;~;_!_:::):IRJr~ ~ s1 1Bs2 IIIIIJi s2 c:J11 lmJR-t mmJ s3 ~12 C:!JR3b Case# 2014-016, Pg. 2 of 5 Docket 2014-016 J. Michael Houston, Mayor Phone: (217) 789-2255 Far: (217) 789-2366 Mark E. Mahoney, Director OFFICE OF PUBLIC WORKS ROOM 201, MUNICIPAL CENTER WEST CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS 62701 MEMORANDUM TO: Matt McLaughlin, Zoning Administrator Building & Zoning FROM: Nathan Bottom, P.E., City Engineer \'-~'"-~ Lori B. Williams, P.E., Traffic Engineer l.)?U' DATE: May 16,2014 RE: Zoning Agenda- May 21, 2014 Docket# 2014-016 1050 North Grand Avenue East This propetiy is located by a signalized intersection. We would recommend denial of va1ying section 155.111, access to off-street parking facilities, to back out on the rightofway. The intersection is located on two arterial streets and adjacent to a High School. There are more pedestrians in this area due to the school. We would recommend denial ofva1ying section 155.114, regulations for location of off-street parking facilities to allow parking in the required front yard. Since tltis property is located adjacent to a signalized httersection. Parking in the front yard could compromise the sight distance of the intersection. Docket # 2014-019 2721-2939 Veterans Parkway The sign does not meet the Illinois Depm1ment ofTranspo11ation criteria for being adjacent to a state highway, therefore we recommend denial. Docket# 2014-028 2025 South MacAithur Boulevard We have no objections to tbe petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket# 2014-029 1322 South It"' Street This property does not appear to have any parking on site. We would 1:ecommend denial of the petition for tbis reason. Docket# 2014-030 1940 East Jackson Street This property does not appear to have any parking on site. We would recommend denial of the petition for this reason. Docket 2014-016 Docket# 2014-031 929 West Govemor This property does not appear to have the required parking spaces on site for a Duplex. We would recommend denial of the petition for this reason. Docket# 2014-032 1601 East Converse This non confonning use does not have enough parking on site to support the current foot print of the business. We would recommend denial of the petition as all the parking is suppmted on public right of way and is currently maxed out in the block around this business. Docket# 2014-033 2416 Lehigh Drive (fence final) Although this fence is technically in the fi·ont yard, the propetty abuts the back yard of the propetty to the south. Lehigh Drive dead ends at the propetty line. There appears to be no sight distance issues with the location of the fence to either pedestrian ot· vehicular traffic. We would recommend approval of the petition. Docket# 2014-034 1717 SouthLiucolnAvenue We have no objections to the petition as it does not affect traffic in the area. Docket# 2014-035 800 Notth Street We have no objections to the petition. Docket# 2014-036 201 East Madison and 326 Nroth 2"d Street We have no objections to the petition. Docket #20 14-03 7 620 West Browning Road We would recommend 2 years to provide the proper surfaced parking lot on the site based our recommendations for this in past chases askiug for resurfacing relief. Docket# 2014-038 3125 Lake Plaza Dl'lve We have no objections to the petition as long as the parking lot is not affected by outside seating. Docket# 2014-039 334-412 Nmth 2"d Street We have no objections to the petition. CC: Mark Mahoney, Director Public Works Docket 2014-016 Harris, John Sullivan From: Sent: To: Subject: Mlacnik, Dan F [[email protected]] Thursday, April24, 2014 4:31 PM Harris, John Sullivan; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' RE: May planning and zoning agenda and information John, We have reviewed and have no comments on the petitions to be brought forward this month. Thank you for keeping us informed of City Zoning issues. Dan Mlacnik, P.E. Geometries Engineer Illinois Department of Transportation Region 4/District 6 126 East Ash Street Springfield, IL 62704-4792 Phone: (217) 785-5333 Fax: (217) 557-8723 Email: [email protected] From: Harris; John Sullivan [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:01 PM To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]' Subject: May planning and zoning agenda and information Attached is the Agenda and dockets for the May 21, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Thank you John 1 Docket 2014-016 SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RE: Docket No. 2014-016 Date: Apri116, 2014 Address: 1030 North Grand Ave East Motion Made by: Commissioner Oblinger Seconded by: Commissioner Wood MOTION: Grant a 30 day continuence FIRST VOTE y SISK X STROM ABSENT YAZELL ABSENT MOORE X STRATTON X ALEXANDER X OBLINGER X MOSS X WOOD VICE CHAIRMAN MILLS X N SECOND VOTE y N Docket 2014-016 SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RE: Docket No. Date: May 21, 2014 2014-016 Address: 1050 East North Grand Motion Made by: Commissioner Mills Seconded by: Commissioner Wood MOTION: To deny the petition but accept the staff's amended approved recommendation of a Use Variance FIRST VOTE y MILLS X STROM A YAZELL X MOORE X STRATTON X ALEXANDER X OBLINGER X MOSS X WOOD X CHAIRMAN SISK N ISECOND VOTE y I N I I
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