Bi-weekly newsletter of Glencroft #7 • March 20 - April 2, 2015 The Mark Your Calendar Communicator Friday, Mar. 20 Pizza & Movie Night 5:00pm - Auditorium Monday - Friday Mar. 23-27 Gold Rush Days All day - Campus wide Tuesday, Mar. 24 GCA Birthday Party 3:00pm – Towers Dining Room Thursday, Mar. 26 Residents Round Table 3:00pm – Auditorium Thursday, Mar. 26 Boom Town Burger Bash 5:00pm – Towers Patio Friday, Mar. 27 The Dry Heat Band 6:00pm – Auditorium SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES ON CAMPUS Sunday School 9:00am - Activities Center Community of Faith Worship Service 10:00am - Auditorium 2nd Sunday Sunday, Apr. 12 6:00pm - Auditorium Vespers 3:00pm - Main Dining Room Providence Place Catholic Service 9:00am - Towers Library The Gold Rush Days are coming March 23-27! Try your hand at miniature golf, the shooting arcade and panning for gold. Be sure and check out the special Gold Rush menu items and the great line-up of entertainment at lunch in Romero’s Rusty Nugget Saloon, aka Henry’s Cafè, from 11:00am-1:00pm. Participate in the week long and campus wide Great Gold Rush game. Get your old time photo taken, watch a shoot out, and learn from our various presenters. Don’t forget that we are also offering western movies every day. The week will culminate with a great concert from the popular Dry Heat Band on Friday, March 27 at 6:00pm in the Auditorium. Invite your friends and enjoy the week! Please check the four page, Gold Nugget Gazette that you received last week for a full listing of all of the activities. Glencroft Recycles Our partnership with Glendale Recycling is coming up on our seventh year. As a refresher, we want to review a few of the things that can be put into the recycle bins. • Food cans, empty aerosol cans, aluminum cans • Corrugated cardboard boxes, dry food boxes (remove waxy lining from cereal and cake boxes), paper towel tubes, pizza boxes • All newspaper and inserts, magazines, telephone books • White and colored paper, junk mail, files folders, paper grocery bags, windowed envelopes • All plastic containers that carry the recycling symbol of #1 through #7. If there’s no number on it, throw it away. All recycling items need to be clean, dry and empty (please empty bottles of soda and half used food containers before recycling). Recycling items should be placed loose in your recycling container. Do not bag these items. If you have an item not on this list or you have a question if it is to be recycled, it goes into the garbage! New Phone Number The Dry Heat Band This local band is back to entertain us with a variety of music. Their act includes Western, Country, Folk, Old Standards, Bluegrass and Gospel music. Humor and audience participation are trademarks of The Dry Heat Band. Come enjoy the show on Friday, March 27 at 6:00pm in the Auditorium. Henry’s Café now has an external telephone number, 623-847-3111. The new line was added to make calling from an outside line easier for both guests and residents. You can still reach Henry’s by dialing 2030 when calling from a Glencroft line. New Times The Sunday Vesper’s Service at Providence Place now begins at 3:00pm. The Tuesday Bible Study with Chaplain Cheryl in Providence Place’s Skinner Memorial Chapel now begins at 9:30am. Coming Soon Watch for details on the new Aging in Arizona Educational Series that will be offered the second Wednesday of each month starting April 8 at 10:30am in the Auditorium. Casita Guest Parking There has been an increase in people parking near the grassy areas by the Casitas. There is NO parking allowed there as these areas need to be available for emergency vehicles. Please ask your guests to park in visitor spots or on the street. In Times of Trial A new 8-week women’s Bible Study, "In Times of Trial" by Gene A. Getz, will begin on Thursday, April 9 at 10:00am in the Grand Canyon Room. Please call the Community of Faith office to register so they will have enough materials prepared. "New believers are not in the Church long before they discover that Christians are not exempt from testing and trials. Joseph, last of the four great patriarchs, suffered in ways that adults can identify with today. He was tempted, abused, rejected, misunderstood, falsely accused and lonely. In spite of Joseph's isolation from godly influences for several decades, he proved to be a model of one who obeyed God and pursued godliness in all circumstances. This study will be a source of strength and encouragement to today's Christians as they face temptations, struggle with testing and endeavor to find answers for periods of waiting. From Joseph's experiences, they will be assured that God is silently at work in their lives, as well, bringing them to a new level of maturity that will equip them to be triumphant in times of trial." Campus Distribution Boxes Did you know that we have labeled distribution boxes on our campus that can be used to deliver notes to our independent living residents? The mailbox cubbies are located in the Activity Center. Towers residents will find their distribution boxes located in the Towers lobby and Manor 2 residents will find distribution boxes in their lobby. Please check your box from time to time and feel free to use the boxes to distribute well wishes and birthday greetings to friends and neighbors. New • • • • • • Robert & Lilian Bettley to Casitas Betty Mooney to Casitas Celia Galaviz to Crossings Irene Sosnicki to Manors Mary Clerc to the Villas Dolly Vee Jensen to the Villas Moved • Marion Hall to Manors 1 GCA Birthday Party Time THE CASITAS Marvin Miller Leonard Weingarten Mona Mann Ellen Lowenberg Joyce Poole Lydia Mueller Betty Russell THE CROSSINGS Emily Cox Wallace Patterson THE MANORS 1 & 2 Bill Twigger Lorraine Nagel PROVIDENCE PLACE Mary Perez Oralia Aguirre Willie Ferguson June Davis Luella Griffiths Evelyn Whitcher Helen Timmons Susan Benedict THE TOWERS Stella Bernal Lucille Kobylarcik Marcia Carpenter Carol Laries Linda Myers Robert Thrasher Rosemary Early THE VILLAS Keith Jackson Lillian Gascho Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 25 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Apr. 2 Mar. 23 Mar. 31 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Mar. 21 Mar. 23 Mar. 27 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. 30 Apr. 1 Mar. 31 Apr. 1 You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Did you know that the GCA has a Birthday Party every other month to celebrate our residents’ birthdays? We also greet new residents who have joined the Glencroft family during this celebration. Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesday, March 24th, at 3:00pm in the Towers Dining Room as we celebrate the March and April birthdays on our campus. There will be refreshments. New at Henry’s A new POS (Point of Sale) computer system is being installed to improve the Glencroft dining experience in Henry’s Cafe. Beginning mid April, a server will take your meal selection on a touchscreen device and it will automatically display on a screen in the kitchen, where the cooks will prepare your order. This will enable the servers to continue providing customer service and taking other guests orders without having to walk back and drop the paper ticket off to the cooks and it will speed up the time that you receive your meal. In addition, the new system will be able to take credit card payments for food. Pizza and a Movie On Friday, March 20, bring $5 to the Auditorium at 5:00pm to enjoy pizza and a movie. The movie will be City Slickers. This Western comedy features three friends in a mid-life crisis as they go on a Wild West adventure together. This isn't really a Western movie in the classic sense, but more like a fish-out-of-water comedy. Billy Crystal is hilarious with his sarcasm and cynical sense of humor, and together with Daniel Stern and Bruno Kirby they make up a really fun trio. Jack Palance is memorable as Curly Washburn - an old legendary cowboy who oozes intimidation. If there were ever a contest for most hardcore cowboy in cinema, it would be a close race between him and Clint Eastwood. Passion Week CATHOLIC SERVICE & COMMUNION (Sundays) 9:00amTowers Library (2nd floor) 10:05am Holy Communion (given by a minister from Our Lady of Perpetual Help) CATHOLIC MASS (First Wednesday of each month) • April 1 10:00am Skinner Memorial Chapel (Prov. Place) CATHOLIC GATHERING (First Friday of each month) • April 3 3:00pm Activity Center PRAYING THE ROSARY (Mondays) 10:00am Skinner Memorial Chapel (Prov. Place) LUTHERAN SERVICE - COMMUNION (Third Friday of each month) 3:00pm Skinner Memorial Chapel (Prov. Place) • Mar. 20 Rev. Ellis (Bud) Eskritt VESPERS (Sundays) 3:00pm Main Dining Room of Prov. Place • Mar. 22 Salvation Army Glendale • Mar. 29 Cheryl Paulovich, Chaplain Communion Sunday For questions on any of the above services, contact Rev. Cheryl Paulovich, Chaplain. Upcoming messages by Pastor Joel Eidsness at the 10:00am Sunday worship service. Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Was Jesus Really Convinced He Was God? Isn’t It Offensive To Claim Jesus is the Only Way to God? *Palm Sunday 2nd SUNDAY (Second Sunday of each month) April 12 Trinity Mennonite Church . Called Home John Sluys passed on 3/9/15 Passion Week, also known as Holy Week, is the time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Also included within Passion Week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Passion Week is so named because of the passion with which Jesus willingly went to the cross in order to pay for the sins of His people. Jesus Christ truly revealed His passion for us in the suffering He willingly went through on our behalf. What should our attitude be during Passion Week? We should be passionate in our worship of Jesus and in our proclamation of His Gospel! As He suffered for us, we should be willing to suffer for the cause of following Him and proclaiming the message of His death and resurrection. The Spiritual Life Leadership Team has put together several events during Passion Week to help us focus on Christ. Everyone is invited to participate in the events listed. Wednesday, April 1, 2:30pm • AUD The Passion of Christ Movie Friday, April 3 Good Friday Service • 10:00am • PSMC Catholic Gathering • 3:00pm • AC Good Friday Service • 6:00pm • AUD Saturday, April 4, 9:30am • Channel 4 The Passion of Christ Movie Easter Sunday, April 5 Community of Faith Service 10:00am • AUD Vespers Service • 3:00pm • PP Fingerprint Cards for Volunteers If you are a Glencroft volunteer who is waiting for your official Fingerprint Card from the AZ Department of Public Safety, your card should arrive any day. When you receive it, please take the card to Yuvette, in the Corporate Office, to photocopy and add to your file. When a copy of your card is in your file, the file will be considered complete. If you receive a letter stating that your fingerprints must be retaken, please call Marlene Schrock, GCA Volunteer Coordinator, as soon a possible to arrange for them to be redone.
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