Global Citizens Initiative Youth Summit 2015 Engage | Educate | Empower | Eyouth ducate | Earound mpower GCYS brings aEngage select group of 24 scholars from the world (age 16-19) to the Harvard Faculty Club. During the 8 day program, participants investigate the idea of global citizenship, unleashing their potential as future global leaders. They are also empowered to have a voice and take responsibility in today’s complex and digitalized world. GCI Inc. and GCYS are not affiliated with Harvard University. GCYS is an independent program hosted at the Harvard Faculty Club with several Harvard faculty members as speakers and not a Harvard Students: Application open 12/15/14 to 3/1/15: University program or activity. Teachers: We welcome student nominations: Global Citizens Initiative is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) Social enterprise dedicated to nurturing global citizens. 22 Global eadership nleash our potential as a uture global leader and change agent Empower ou to have a voice he Global Citizens Youth Summit GCYS brings a select group o outh The Global Citizens Youth Summit (GCYS) brings a select group of youth scholars rom around the world to engage with thought leaders to the scholars around the Cworld arvard from niversit acult lub to engage with thought leaders to the Harvard University Faculty Club. uring the eight da program participants become During the eight-day program, engaged global citizens he Sparticipants ummit serves become as a springboard communit ngagement and as engaged global or citizens. The eSummit serves collaboration i n t he ear t o c ome a springboard for community engagement and collaboration in the year to come. We Are Looking for: We Are Looking for: 16-19 who are rising Twenty-four students, ages in high school or rising juniors or seniors freshman in university. Our Scholars must be prepared to grapple GCYS Scholars will issues. be with pressing global • • GCYS Scholars will be: A globally diverse student body • with English as one of the languages Multilingual, • Eager to engage and have fun with others Committed to sharing the experience with their community Exposed to thought leaders including Harvard • University professors • agent and spread Inspired to be a change the the Summit in their local community learning at for positive impact • Immersed in a rigorous academic program for intellectually curious and engaged young minds. GCYS uses the Harkness* method of discussion, Exeter Academy faculty. guided by Phillips Chaperoned by U.S. college and graduate student • proctors who will guide and coach the students (one proctor for every four young scholars) Inspired to be a change agent and spread the learning at the Summit in their local community for impact. positive he Harkness method was developed at hillips eter cademy. It continues to be used and taught by hillips eter. For Harkness details http www.ewas admissions .asp *The method developed at Phillips Exeter Academy. It continues to be used and taught by Phillips Exeter. For details: 3 “As we educate the citizens we educate the citizens o of s tomorrow, preparation for tomorrow preparation or living in a global community, living in doing a global and for so cinommunit a positive, and or doing way, so in isaessential. positive constructive Bravo to the w Global constructive a is Citizens essential Initiative taking on these ravo to tfor he G lobal C itizens challenges.” Initiative or ta ing on these challenges — Howard Gardner, Professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard oward Gardner ro essor o Cognition and Education at arvard niversit Global itizenship Global CCitizenship The purpose of this Summit is to nurture our next generation of global citizens at a grassroots exploring competence, level while “global and leadership. global consciousness” Global consciousness way of is defined as a “mindful being in the world today.”** Global competence incorporates the ability to effectively learn, live, and work in multiple countries and to pursue different meaningful engagement with people cultural backgrounds. The program of diverse is guided by the findings of The Good Project, the initiative led by the Harvard Graduate School of Education to identify individuals and institutions that exemplify good work (www.thegoodproject. org). G Global consciousness is maximized by bringing students from various together nationalities table, employing around one the Harkness* discussion-based learning method to exchange ideas. The students are exposed to multiple perspectives while having fun and building friendships. C EC GLOCAL PROJECT: After the program, scholars will take action as a responsible citizen by o ro e implementing their Glocal Project (global issue local solutions) and bringing positive with local community. GCI mentors change to their will support and guide the scholars as they make waves a all over the world. GCI is developing global community of young leaders. eronica oi ansilla Harvard Graduate School of ducation **Veronica Boix Mansilla, Harvard Graduate School of Education 4 iving and learning in the heart o a vibrant cit Living and learning in the heart of a vibrant city Cambridge S Cambridge, MA, USA Participants enjoy the benefits of learning at the Cambridge, MA. Most discussions heart of and activities will be Faculty Club and held at the Harvard participants will take advantage of this global hub of learning. Students are comfortably accommodated at Irving to Harvard University’s campus. The House adjacent residence The is located on a safe residential street. facility allows our group to share a safe, cozy home base within which to share ideas and experiences. by front-desk staff at all The facility is monitored Goodness without knowledge... is weak and without feeble“Goodness yet knowledge without knowledge... is weak and goodness dangerous.... feeble,is yet knowledge oth united form the noblest without goodness is character dangerous.... Both united Global Citizens Initiative times for safety and convenience. o n i character” i form the noblest o n er of e – John Phillips, Founder of Phillips Exeter Academy be educated by veteran Phillips Exeter Scholars will Academy Faculty, and mentored by college and graduate school students from top institutions of higher education. i i e er A Youth Summit 2015 GCI Inc. and GCYS are not affiliated with Harvard University. GCYS is an independent program hosted at the Harvard Faculty Club with several Harvard faculty members as speakers and not a Harvard University program or activity. 5 5 ostering a Global Communit and eveloping the e t Generation o Global eaders en ing o i i en o i o r o r e e o g o rene n frien i fro k of ife o r will i build i these e e ore o Competencies: e en ie Scholars Core Sel wareness Self-Awareness Understanding of their heritage, language, roots and who they are becoming as they grow and learn. be able to identify their “slice of genius” They will humility. be reflective and while exercising They will appreciative of others talents, skills, and resources. Consciousness of o Family amil and and aa Supportive Supportive Network etwor Consciousness Reflect on the influence and importance of their support network. They will family and larger understand the value of strong interpersonal relationships for positive growth in their lives. Leadership eadership Skills S ills Awareness of various leadership styles, and qualities required of leaders, including moral rectitude, excellent listening capability, critical thinking and analysis, strong sense of ethics and responsibility, capacity to synthesize multiple perspectives, and cultural sensitivity. erspectives as a Global Citizen Perspectives as a Global Citizen Ability to grapple with global issues, understand multiple perspectives. will Scholars be aware of the responsibilities of a citizen of the 21st century, and willing to collaborate, cooperate, and communicate on both local and global levels; to think global and act local. “Glocal” is a key away. olistic pproach to take Education Holistic Approach to Education Value education. Scholars will approach education as a life-long learning journey. The program places a premium on multilingualism, multiculturalism, family and a supportive network. Scholars will engage in discussion-based learning to achieve their full potential. o r Wi i ore o e en ie : Scholars Will Build Core Competencies by: • Increasing self aware and developing a • Increasing self-aware and developing a greater sense of identity greater sense cof identity • hinking ritically and understanding multiple perspectives • Thinking critically and understanding • Gaining insight into doing good and multiple perspectives living well • Focusing cultural • Gaining insighton into doingawareness good andand livingsensitivity well • Grappling with global issues within a • Focusing on cultural discussion based awareness structure and i.e. sensitivity leveraging the strong platform of the Harkness ethod . within a • Grappling with global issues • articipating structure in university discussion-based (i.e. level leveraging discussions without fear of failure the strong platform of the Harkness* Method). • periencing community building and collaborative living • Participating in university-level • romoting a sense of responsibility discussions without fear of failure with an emphasis on personal initiative • earning community through a holistic approach • Experiencing building and to e ducation collaborative living • cting as a global citi enship • Promoting a sense responsibility ambassador by ofsharing their with an emphasis on personal initiative e periences at the Summit with others and furthering their Global pro ect • Learning through a holistic approach to • eveloping the leadership skills and education courage to become a change agent in his er home community. • Acting asor ahglobal citizenship ambassador by sharing their experiences at the Summit with others and furthering their Global project • Developing the leadership skills and courage to become a change agent in his or her home community. 6 eet ur acult eet ur acult r ohn lac well acult ember at hillips E eter cadem Mr. r John ohn A. Blackwell lac well Instructor in Science and stronom Faculty Member acult ember aat t Phillips hillips EExeter eter Academy cadem and Astronomy Instructor in Science Instructor in Science and stronom is the Director of the Grainger Observatory Mr. Blackwell as well as the Chair of the Department Exeter Academy. Mr. Blackwell of Science at Phillips was the recipient of the 2010 Thomas J. Brennan Award from the Astronomical Society in teaching of the Pacific (ASP), for excellence high school astronomy. to the faculty in 2004. Mr. Blackwell has a B.S. from He was appointed Daniel from University – Australia. Webster College and a M.S. James Cook r arvard nowles Emeritus acult ember at hillips E eter cadem Mr. r Harvard arvard V. Knowles nowles Emeritus Faculty Academy Member at Phillips Exeter Emeritus acult ember at hillips E eter cadem Mr. Knowles of teaching experience. his teaching has over 40 years He began career at Loomis Academy before Phillips Chaffee joining Exeter Academy. He was named the Thomas S. and Elinor B. Lamont Professor of English, served as a past excellence has been Chair of the English Department. His in the classroom Book Distinguished and the Brown recognized with the Harvard Prize for Teaching which received twice. Mr. Knowles currently Member of Prize, he has serves as Specialization the Advisory Board with in English and in Teacher Supervision and Educational Evaluation at International Consultants. He earned an undergraduate Degree Duke University. degree from Tufts and a Master’s from Dr. r Eimer Eimer Page age Faculty at Phillips Exeter Academy Member ember racult Eimer age at hillips E eter cadem Instructor in English Instructor in English acult isember at hillips E eter cadem at Phillips Exeter Academy as well Dr. Page the Director of Global Initiatives Instructor in English as an instructor in English. She was appointed to the faculty in 2004. Dr. Page her B.A. and Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin as well as her M.A. received from Queen’s University. She received a Fulbright scholarship at Harvard for her on postcolonial University PhD research literature. r homas Simpson acult ember at hillips E eter cadem r Thomas homas SSimpson impson Dr. Instructor in eligion Ethics eter and hilosoph acult Member ember aat t Phillips hillips EExeter cadem Faculty Academy Ethics and hilosoph Instructor n Religion, eligion Instructor iin Ethics, and Philosophy Religion In 2011, he Dr. Simpson is an instructor in at Phillips Exeter Academy. Phillips Academy’s Award. Dr. Simpson has published won Exeter New Teacher personal essays, recently in the academic journal several scholarly and most magazine (2012) and the Canadian literary Religion and American Culture Numero He received the Cinq (2014). his B.A. and Ph.D. from University of Virginia and his from M.T.S. Emory University. 11 7 Global Citizens Initiative dvisors and Summit Spea ers r runo della Chiesa Dr. Bruno della Chiesa education Visiting lecturer on at the Harvard Graduate Education. former School of A and science fiction diplomat editor, among other more exotic jobs, Bruno della Chiesa He joined the OECD is a linguist. within and founded the project entitled “Brain Research and Learning Sciences.” r inda ill Dr. Linda A. Hill Professor of Business the Harvard Administration at Business School. Faculty Initiative, Chair, Leadership and several HBS Executive Education programs, including and High YPO’s seminar Program. Author of Leadership Becoming a Manager, Being the Boss, and Collective Genius. r oward Gardner Dr. Howard Gardner Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Prize Recipient of a MacArthur a Fellowship Fellowship and John S. Guggenheim from the Foundation Memorial books translated Author of 29 into 32 languages. r ac e er Mr. Jack Meyer Senior Managing Partner at Convexity Capital Management L.P. Former President and CEO of Harvard Management which manages the Company, University’s endowment assets, pension funds, charitable trusts and pooled income funds excess of $31 billion totaling in end. by his term’s Mr. Thomas C. Hayden Former Director r homas C ofa College den Placement at Phillips Exeter Academy. Author of the critically acclaimed Insider’s Guide to College Admissions. Insider s Vice President for Admissions, Guide to College dmissions Financial Aid and Research at Oberlin College (Ohio). Dr. Mary Catherine Conroy Principal of the Education r ichard Schubart Resource Group. Development Harvard Ed.D. Vast experience as a teacher and administrator including Baldwin-Wallace College (Ohio), Carlow College (PA), Ireland Institute of Pittsburgh. 8 GCYS Youth Scholar estimonials “This week was an experience I will never ever forget.” GCI is proud to gather an e traordinar group o outh scholars rom around the world ogether we learn share and grow in une pected wa s “The talks given to us at the end of the day by distinguished speakers were amazing. There was so much to think and process at the end of the lecture that I used to feel exhausted. and The deluge of new ideas of the depths of my mind was so conflicting thoughts swarming out overwhelming that I couldn’t wait to reach Irving House to sit down and There was always something to think about everyday write about it. before going to sleep and after waking up every morning. My thoughts bishe India would just stick to the back of my mind like a moth caught in a spider web when flying India to the yellow light bulb.” – Abishek, - Marisa, USA & Japan arisa S apan “Had the best Citizens week with at the Global Initiative Summit for Youth. I can’t amazing madeSor adventures I was believe the friends risten I nited tates able to have, in and out of the classroom. Thanks for putting together program!” States such an amazing – Kristen, United Ghada ordan “One of the most amazing experiences in my life with some of the best people I’ve ever met. I’m going to miss you all so much.” – Ghada, Jordan “Thank you for giving to me the opportunity engage with students from all around the with people with similar world and to connect arishma en a ideas. I loved the way the summit was planned and am proud to be an such an engaging program.” – Karishma, ambassador of Kenya oanne China “Words cannot express my gratitude for your immense efforts that made this spectacular program possible. This trip has been an amazing experience.” – Joanne, China abiola wanda “Just wanted to say thank you so much for this opportunity. I know I this again, so thank for giving me a learning will never get one like you in my life.” – Fabiola, Rwanda experience that provides an impact ierre rance “As I was leaving the Irving House, with almost everybody gone, I had the strangest of feelings. I did not want to walk away from such a great place, where everyone had the greatest fun and where I felt like I belonged. Today is the first day of your remaining life: MAKE IT WORTH IT.” – Pierre, France 9 hat hought eaders re Sa ing about Global Citizens Initiative “In Our Next Generation Global Citizens, Kuwana provides a comprehensive road map and current research to guide in raisingGlobal children with an increasingly ur families e t Generation Citi ens the skills to navigate complex world. Parents will find this a tremendous resource family.” in their quest to create a flourishing flourishing family — Charles W. Collier, Former Senior Philanthropic Advisor, Harvard University, and author of Wealth in Families Charles Collier ormer Senior hilanthropic dvisor arvard niversit and author o We in i ie “How can you prepare your children to be global citizens? Based on research and her extensive experience of working a practical children who have with families, Yumi Kuwana provides guide on how to develop the mindset, competencies and character required to thrive in today’s world. Every parent and educator can benefit by walking through the roadmap Kuwana provides. She does not suggest “one-size-fits-all,” but rather offers insight into what you need to think about in tailoring your approach to the aspirations of your family and the distinctive qualities and talents of your child.” A. Hill, Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration, Faculty Chair, Leadership — Linda Initiative, Harvard School inda ill Business allace rett onham ro essor o usiness dministration acult Chair eadership Initiative arvard usiness School “The concept of global citizenship can be easily misunderstood, underestimated, or over simplified—not so in of Yumi University B.A. and Harvard Business the hands Kuwana, of Pennsylvania, School alumna, and now a well-respected investment advisor!! Having spent her life between America and Japan, a global citizen herself, Ms. Kuwana argues in her writing and seminars that global citizenship is the key to unlocking the potential of the 21st century. Therefore it must be based on a firm foundation of family, language facility, leadership skills and ethics. Families should make decisions, early on, for their children to study the language and culture of nation; they should solid and shared values of the two cultures another instill in their children the involved; encourage their children to acquire leadership experience and the character traits that and they should the them to make the compassionate, careful, and smart decisions by the complex factors will enable demanded shaping our globalizing world.” — Thomas C. Hayden, Former Director of College Counseling at Phillips Exeter Academy and Instructor in homas C a den ormer irector o College Counseling at hillips E eter cadem and Instructor in istor and History, and author of The Insiders’ Guide to College Admission author o e n i er i e o o ege A i ion “Those of us who are parents and grandparents are all concerned, in the Information Age, with how to children and grandchildren to worthy, productive Yumi Kuwana in help our chart a path and happy lives. book “Our Next Generation Citizens” offers map to achieve just her marvelous Global us an accessible road that. She starts by asking us how to discover our children and grandchildren learn and from there to help them grow their social, resilient human, intellectual, and spiritual selves toward making them the adaptive, spirits the globe needs for its well-being while assuring they flourish as individuals. I thank you Yumi as do my children and grandchildren.” ames ughes Jr., r Author of Family eeping it in the itFamily Family he Family: Compact The mong Generations — James (Jay)aE. EHughes Familyealth Wealth: Keeping in the Family, Compact Among and with Keith Whitaker he Cycle of the Gift The Cycle of the Gift Generations, and Susan Massenzio: 10 inspiring each citizen to become a global citizen we can change the world to be a more peace ul and sustainable place Yumi uwana essage rom Yumi uwana resident and ounder o Global Citizens Initiative Message Founder from Yumi Kuwana, President and of Global Citizens Initiative With an undergraduate of Pennsylvania an MBA from degree from the University Wharton School, Harvard Business School, and a 20-year career on Wall Street, people may think that my path to this point has been smooth. It was by Japanese not. I was born in the USA, raised parents and blessed with a solid family foundation including two brothers. My father, a professor with a Ph.D. from Harvard, and my mother always stressed the importance of hard work and education, so I grew up with a deep respect for education and discipline. My personal experience of growing up in Japan and the USA, with exposure to people from around the world has profoundly molded me. Receiving an education in two leading countries with two very different educational systems and and cultures has allowed me to become bilingual, bicultural defines my identity. However, life was not always easy. I felt like I was catching up rather than feeling confident and comfortable in my studies or peer group. My dual education opened up windows into each culture as well as exposed blind spots. Because of this unusual background, I was bullied when I first arrived to Japan at age 8 and again at age 13. As the saying goes, “the nail that sticks out gets hammered.” However, this was a type of character building and developed my “grit” for persevering through tough situations. It has also helped me gain empathy and flexibility in my approach to people and situations. As a teenager, I tried to assimilate and become American rather than to acculturate and pick the best of both cultures. It was difficult to understand what it meant to be both Japanese and American. During my youth, this confusion and lack of self-confidence in my own identity affected me. It was only as an adult that I started to embrace and appreciate both countries and cultures and find my own unique identity. This personal experience combined with my husband’s, as well as our experience in raising three children led to a research based discussion paper on “how to nurture our next generation of global citizens.” This work benefitted from the input and support from academics and thought leaders including those from the Harvard Business School, Harvard School of Education, Harvard College, Phillips Exeter Academy, Hackley School and my community in Tokyo and the greater New York area. My proprietary Global Citizens Roadmap is a framework to assist parents as they nurture their children for the 21st century. Emphasis is placed on the importance of family as a foundation. I feel blessed to have the support and guidance of my family, friends and mentors as I continue to research this field of global education with emphasis on family, language acquisition, cultural sensitivity and character development. Most recently, I have attended the Think Tank on Global Education and Future of Learning (FOL) Conference at the Harvard School of Education, and have launched the Global Citizens Youth Summit in order to start formulating the basis for a holistic global citizenship education blueprint encompassing a student’s family, school, and community. My hopes and goals are to provide an opportunity for an effective global education for all citizens and charter schools) despite the polarization and to create an educational (in public, private taking place blueprint and platform to contribute towards a better and more peaceful world. 11 10 10 Global Citizens Youth Summit GCYS Global Citizens Youth Youth Summit Summit (GCYS) GCYS Global Citizens inancial In ormation and Important ates Financial inancial Information In ormation and and Important Important Dates ates pplication rocess Application pplication Process rocess Submit an Citizens online Global application to the Youth Summit at highly selective nature of the program, Due to the A group of we cannot guarantee admittance. thought will read qualified educators and leaders each application thoroughly. Important Important Dates ates Important ates ecember 5 201 Online December 15,12014: application opens. ecember 15 201 arch 1 2015 March 1,12015: closes arch 2015 Application Earl to id arch 2015 Early Mid-March 2015: Student Interviews (in Earl to to id arch 2 015 person or Skype). Interviews may be required for some applicants. arch 0 2015 March 30,02015: Due to the rolling nature of arch 2015 admissions, admitted scholars will be notified between January 1, 2015 and March 30, 2015. pril 10 2015 April 10, Due pril 102015: 2015Deposit a 1 2015 a 1 2 015 May Final ul1, 2015: 1 2015 Payment Due ul 1 2015 International July 31, 2015: & west coast students arrive ugust 1 ugust ugust 1 ugust August 1 – August 8: Global Citizens Youth Summit in Cambridge, rogram Cost MA USA rogram Cost Program Cost S Students 5 000 S Students 5 000 International students arriving a USA Students: est Coast $5,000 International da earlier est C oast students 5 500 arriving a da earlier & West Coast 5 500 arriving a International students day earlier: $5,500 room, board and all activities. NOT Includes Does include airfare to and from Boston, MA USA. for a Need-based scholarships are available select number GCI of students at each Summit. believes in socioeconomic diversity. globalci org in o contact Please the GCI office at in o globalci org [email protected] for more information. Global Program 2014 Global Citizens CitizensYouth.Summit Youth SummitInaugural Inaugural Program 2014 Made possible by the generous support and contributions of the following: Diamond Global Corporate Sponsor - $50,000 + Gold Corporate Sponsor - $25,000 + Silver - $10,000 + Susan Susan and and Steve Steve Mandel Mandel Family HarvEst Charity Foundation Valedictorians - $5,000 + Janet & Thomas Montag Family Sharlene Oyagi and Family Several Greenwich Family Foundations Annonymous Donor Kathy Matsui and Family Masako Mera Memorial Fund Salutatorians - $2,500 + Jacquelyn and Gregory Zehner Foundation The Mule Family Foundation Yosuke Honjo plus many generous contributions from GCI supporters Scholars Enrolled Schools oin e g o o e en Engage Educate and Empower Horace Mann, Bronx, NY, USA African Leadership Academy, South Africa International Academy of Amman, Jordan Aga Khan Academy, Kenya Kherad High School, Teheran, Iran Ander Deuna Ikastola, Spain Lycee Mansart, Paris, France Andinet International School, Addis Ababa, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH, USA Ethiopia SAPIX-YOZEMI GROUP, Tokyo, Japan Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School, Strathcona Composite High School, Canada New York, NY, USA Taktse School, India Canadian Academy, Kobe, Japan Global CGirls’ iti ens Initiative GCI Inc. is a nonprofit ta Global e empt publicly Think School, Worldsupported Campus Diocesan School, Hong Kong, China organi ation under Sections c and a of the I S Code and is If you are interested in donating to GCYS, please incorporated and registered in Connecticut. visit email [email protected] or call 203-542-7002 Global Citizens Initiative GCI Inc Global Citizens Initiative (GCI Inc.) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization under Sections 501 (c)(3) and 509 (a)(1) of the IRS Code, and is incorporated and registered in Connecticut.
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