Progress Report Prepared by the GFLJD Interim Secretariat DRAFT December 5, 2012 Introduction This first report provides an update on the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development’s progress since the first meeting of the Interim Steering Committee on February 28, 2012, and outlines the key achievements made possible by the coalition of intellectual partners (across continents, disciplines, and roles) who combined their efforts and expertise in order to achieve a cogeneration of results-oriented knowledge products that will have an impact on development outcomes. In addition, this report aims at: Helping intellectual partners to decide, based on the latest developments, to join additional Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) or Communities of Practice (CoPs) or switch to different ones Allowing the Interim Steering Committee, based on developments since its first meeting on February 28, to provide directions to the Secretariat. Allowing co-leaders and members of each TWG to have the overall picture of the work of other TWGs, avoid overlaps and identify possible synergies in the elaboration of their respective work programs. Assisting potential new intellectual and financial partners in making an informed decision on joining the GFLJD. In view of the above objectives, this report is not meant to be exhaustive. The website is a source of additional information and the Interim Secretariat is also available to provide details upon request at [email protected]. You can also contact Hassane Cisse, [email protected] or Marco Nicoli at (202) 473-0304 [email protected]. Key Achievements Intellectual partners — Based on an indicative categorization, the current 108 partners (as of December 5) include government/quasi government institutions, International Financial Institutions, International Organizations, judiciaries, think-tanks/research institutes/NGOs, and Universities. (cf. Annex I, List of Partners). Governance — The current governance structure is composed of the Interim Steering Committee (founding partners), the Interim Secretariat, five Thematic Working Groups, and several Communities of Practice, some already functioning and other being considered either as sub-groups in the TWGs or to stand alone. Charter and complementary documents — The Charter and a series of complementary documents1 addressing specific topics have been refined through a participatory process with inputs from partners. The final version will be submitted for adoption to the Steering Committee. ICT Platform – Burton Blatt Institute has provided the web site and excellent qualified technical support for all the meetings of the Steering Committee, Thematic Working Groups and Communities of Practice (including a two-week long e-discussion). Some functionalities will be added in the future to support the repository of knowledge. Work Programs — A template work program has been developed and reviewed by few intellectual partners. The use of a standardized template will facilitate the work of the Steering Committee in comparing and be useful for funding partners for decisions on fund allocations. Knowledge activities / products delivered Feb 28: First Meeting of GFLJD Interim Steering Committee Apr 20: Colloquium on Bankruptcy Treatment of Financial Contracts Apr 24: Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 1 May 7: Governance and Anticorruption Thematic Working Group Meeting 1 May 14: Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 2 May 15: Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 1 May 22: Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 1 May 29: Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 1 Jun 11-15: Training Program in Bankruptcy Law for Chinese Judges - Beidaihe, China Jun 11-22: E-discussion on Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities Jun 18: Governance and Anticorruption Thematic Working Group Meeting 2 Jun 20: Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 3 Jun 28: Governance and Anticorruption Thematic Working Group (Meetings of Co-leaders only) Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 2 Jul 5: Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 2 Jul 5: Colloquium on Environmental Justice, Access to Information and Public Participation Jul 10: Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 2 Jul 18: Brainstorming session on Justice and Rule of Law Reform Jul 19: Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 4 Jul 23: Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities CoP Meeting Jul 24: Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 3 Aug 7: Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 3 1 List of complementary documents: Advisory Committee (7/12/12) Access to information (4/5/12) Authorship and copyright (4/13/12) Communities of Practice (CoP)(5/21/12) Evaluation Function (6/6/12) Identifying and managing conflicts of interest (7/25/12) Information and Communication Technology Platform (3/14/12) Involving individuals (2/28/12) Language (7/24/12) Leveraging human capital (2/28/12) Permission for use of logo (2/28/12) Trademark and web domains (2/28/12) TWG Work Program Template (8/23/12) Aug 8: Aug 9: Aug 14: Aug 15: Aug 28: Aug 29: Sep 4: Sep 5: Sep 10: Sep 13: Sep 13: Sep 14-15: Sep 19: Oct 2-3: Oct 4: Oct 9: Oct 10: Oct 11: Oct 16: Oct 25: Nov 8: Nov 13: Nov 21: Nov 26: Dec 4: Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 5 Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 4 Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 3 Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities CoP Meeting 2 Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 4 Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 6 Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities CoP Meeting (Call of Side Event Speakers) Governance and Anticorruption Thematic Working Group (Co-leaders only) Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 4 Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 5 Side Event of the Fifth Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entitled ”Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities - Exploring Challenges and Good Practices” Second International Seminar on Happiness Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 7 Workshop on Counterfeit Medicines: Impact and Potential Solutions Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 5 Colloquium on Suspension and Debarment Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 5 Law and the Economy Thematic Working Group Meeting 6 Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 8 Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 6 Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 9 Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 7 Justice and Rule of Law Reform Thematic Working Group Meeting 6 Environmental & Natural Resources Law Thematic Working Group Meeting 8 Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Thematic Working Group Meeting 9 Knowledge products/activities in pipeline Dec 10-14: Law, Justice and Development Week 2012: (a) sessions coordinated by the TWGs; (b) meeting of GFLJD partners (presentation of TWGs progress report, charter and complementary documents, ICT platform, call for a virtual meeting of the Interim Steering Committee for adoption of the Charter and submission of TWGs work program. Thematic Working Groups and Communities of Practice Partners have engaged in a discussion to identify the nature and scope of different CoPs that will operate as different sub-groups in the TWGs, with their respective agenda and sub-group co-leaders. Partners also identified topics that may generate the creation of a CoP out of the five Thematic Working Groups on cross-cutting issues or specific issues not covered by a TWG. In both cases, proposals will be vetted and articulated by partners as major development challenges, with commitment to produce targeted knowledge products that represent innovative legal solutions to the challenges identified. TWG - Empowerment and Equity for Diverse Communities Co-leaders: Partners for Democratic Change (Lelia Mooney) Women Enabled (Stephanie Ortoleva) Secretariat TWG coordinator: Andrea Testa CoP established (2012): Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities sub-group co-led by Women Enabled (Stephanie Ortoleva), Burton Blatt Institute (Deepti Samant Raja) and World Bank (Marco Nicoli). CoPs proposed by partners for 2013: Children, proposed by European Public Law Organization (Damiano Giampaoli), Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children (Marta Santos Pais). LGBT, proposed by International Development Law Organization (David Patterson). Survivors of Crime, Accidents and Disasters proposed by Association Internationale de Droit Pénal (Emilio Viano). TWG – Environmental and Natural Resources Law Co-leaders: 1. International Development Law Organization-IDLO (Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger) 2. Ministerio Publico do Estado de Minas Gerais (Alceu Jose Torres Marque) 3. George Washington University (Lee Paddock) Secretariat TWG coordinator: Andrea Testa CoPs proposed by partners for 2013: Natural Resources Governance (forests, land tenure, water concessions), sub-group proposed to be led by African Development Bank. Public Participation, Access to Justice and Institutional Frameworks/ Environmental Courts and Tribunals / Alternative Dispute, sub-group proposed to be led by Ministerio Publico do Estado de Minas Gerais. Climate Change (and Climate Finance), sub-group proposed to be led by CISDL. Green Economy (payment for ecosystem services, carbon rights, etc.), sub-group proposed to be led by UNEP. Pollution Prevention and Control. Human Rights and Environmental Law Intersections; Social and Environmental Safeguards in IFI’s/National Law. Sustainable Energy. Sustainable Urban Development, proposed by UN Habitat. TWG – Governance and Anticorruption Co-leaders: 1. African Development Bank (Yvonne Fiadjoe) 2. Ministerio Publico do Estado de Minas Gerais (Alceu Jose Torres Marque, William Garcia Pinto Coelho) 3. OECD (Nicola Bonucci, Pierre-Eric Trimouillas ) Secretariat TWG coordinator: Harold Epineuse CoP established (2012): Suspension and Debarment, sub-group co-led by George Washington University (Dan Gordon) and World Bank (Pascale Dubois). CoPs for 2013 are being discussed. TWG - Justice & Rule of Law Reform Co-leaders: 1. UN Executive Office of the Secretary General (Edric Selous, Miriam Lang, Giovanni Bassu) 2. World Bank (Christina Biebesheimer) Secretariat TWG coordinator: Harold Epineuse CoPs established (2012): Criminal Justice, sub-group co-led by Association Internationale de Droit Penal (Emilio Viano), Basel Institute on Governance (Gretta Fenner and Selvan Lehmann), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Anna Giudice Saget). Role of the Private Sector in Rule of Law Promotion, sub-group led by Association Internationale de Droit Penal (Emilio Viano) and Basel Institute on Governance (Gretta Fenner and Selvan Lehmann). Justice in Fragile and Conflict Settings, sub-group led by African Development Bank (Faith Kamau). M&E in Justice and Rule of Law Reforms, sub-group led by World Justice Project (Alejandro Poncea and Juan Botero). Building Trans-border and Local Competencies to Lead Rule of Law Reforms, , sub-group co-led by Loyola university Chicago school of Law – Prolaw (William Loris) and US Environmental Protection Agency (Timothy Epp). Access to Justice and Legal Empowerment, sub-group co-led by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Anna Giudice Saget) and World Resources Institute (Carole excel). TWG - Law and the Economy Leader: World Bank (Vijay Tata) Secretariat TWG coordinator: Harold Epineuse CoPs established (2012): Public-Private Partnerships, sub-group co-led by Conseil d’Etat (Timothee Paris) and Sara Sigrist (World Bank). Insolvency and Creditor/Debtor Regimes, sub-group co-led by Banca d’Italia (Monica Marcucci) and World Bank (Jose Garrido). Securities Law and Capital Market Development, sub-group co-led by UNIDROIT (Jose-Angelo Estrella-Faria) and World Bank (Sau Ngan Wong). CoPs proposed by partners for 2013: Intellectual Property International Trade and Law Islamic Finance Stand-alone COPs – Proposals for 2013 Counterfeit Medicines Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Annex 1 LIST OF PARTNERS (*) Founding Partners who signed before January 15, 2012 are members of the Interim Steering Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. African Development Bank (AfDB), Tunisia* American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), US* American Bar Association (ABA), US Section of International Law, US* Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI), Lebanon* Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines Assonime – Associazione fra le societa italiane per azioni (Association of Joint Stock Companies incorporated in Italy), Italia Banca d’Italia, Italy* Basel Institute on Governance, Switzerland Bellagio Forum for the Creation of the United Nations World Security and Social Development University, US* Burton Blatt Institute, Syracuse University, US* Centre Européen de Droit et d’Economie (CEDE), France China Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) Law School* Conseil des barreaux européens (CCBE), Belgium Conseil d’Etat, France* Conseil Supérieur du Notariat, France Cornell University Law School, US* Doshisha University Graduate School of Global Studies, Japan Ecole de Formation des Avocats Centre Sud (EFACS) Law School, France* Environmental Law Institute, US Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo - Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil* Escola Paulista da Magistratura, Brazil ESDA Law School, Spain European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), UK* European Club for Countertrade and Offset (ECCO), France European Law Institute (ELI), Austria* European Public Law Organization, Greece Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Liege, Belgium Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation Federal Judicial Center, US Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany* Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ), Germany* Fondation Internationale Pénale et Pénitentiaire (FIPP), Switzerland* George Washington University Law School, US* Global Legal Studies Network (GLSN), France Hague Conference on Private International Law, The Netherlands Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL),The Netherlands* Institut des Hautes Etudes sur la Justice (IHEJ), France Institut Droit et Croissance, France Institut International de Droit d'Expression et d'Inspiration Francaises, France Interdepartmental Center for Research on Victimology and Security (CIRViS), Italy International Association for Water Law (AIDA), Italy* International Association of Prosecutors (IAP), The Netherlands International Criminal Court (ICC), The Netherlands International Development Law Organization (IDLO), Italy* International Development Research Centre, Canada International Finance Corporation (IFC), US International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), Italy* International Journal of Law, Justice and Development, UK International Legal Foundation (ILF), US* Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali, Italy* Italian Society of Victimology (SIV), Italy Judicial Conference Committee on International Judicial Relations, US Kenya Women Judges Association Korea Development Institute Law Faculty Higher School of Economics, Russia Legal Aid Council of Nigeria Legal Atlas Initiative of The University of Montana, US Legal Resources Centre (LRC), South Africa Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies, Belgium Lex:Lead Group, US Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Italy* Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), US* Ministerio Publico Do Estado De Minas Gerais, Brazil* Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France* Ministry of Justice of Turkey Monash University Faculty of Law, Australia* Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), US National Council for Law Reporting, Kenya National Law School of India University* 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), France* Partners for Democratic Change, US* Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA), US* Roxin Alliance, Denmark Société Internationale de Criminologie, Belgium* St. Petersburg State University, Russia State Law Office, Kenya Strathmore Law School, Kenya Supreme Court of Nigeria Supremo Tribunal Federal, Brazil* Swiss Institute of Comparative Law Tsinghua University School of Law, China* Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice (UIHJ), France Union Internationale du Notariat, Italy United Nations Environment Programme, Kenya United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat), Kenya United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Italy* United Nations Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children, US United Nations Secretariat, US* United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), US Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), Peru Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France Université Paris-Dauphine – PSL, France University of Cape Town Faculty of Law (UCT), South Africa University of Geneva Faculty of Law University of Johannesburg Faculty of Law University of Johannesburg, Research Centre for Private International Law in Africa University of Michigan Law School* University of Nagoya Center for Asian Legal Exchange, Japan University of Pretoria Faculty of Law, South Africa University of Sydney Faculty of Law* University of the Witwatersrand, School of Law, South Africa University of Tokyo Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Japan University of Torino Faculty of Law* Women Enabled, US World Bank, US* World Justice Project, US 108. World Resource Institute, US
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