2015 EWEA Offshore, Copenhagen, Denmark Lightning Protection Zoning and Risk Exposure Assessment of Wind Turbines S.F. Madsen, A.C. Garolera and K. Bertelsen Global Lightning Protection Services A/S HI Park 445 7400 Herning, Denmark [email protected] Abstract — The present paper discusses attachment processes on wind turbines and wind turbine blades in particular, to set up a simple set of guidelines to achieve effective lightning protection of blades. The first part discusses how downward and upward initiated strikes are intercepted by blades to identify the most likely attachment zones on the blade. An extension of the general principles in IEC 61400-24 [1] for identifying the number of strikes to the wind turbine is made, such that a distinction between upward and downward strikes is suggested for the exposure risk assessment. Besides discussing which current pulses are likely to attach the different zones of the blade, the probabilities of getting such strikes are assessed using the probability density functions in IEC 62305-1 [2] to complete the risk assessment. Different literature discussing lightning attachment distribution is reviewed, which eventually supports the necessity of focusing the LPS effort sin the tip region of the blade. Based on the analysis, the lightning protection Zoning Concept [3] for wind turbine blades published in 2012 is presented, and a refined concept is developed based on findings for blade lengths exceeding 80m. The final part of the paper comments on natural steps in the good blade design process, which ensures that the two main features of LPS design (interception efficiency and current capability) are considered. Keywords – Wind turbine blade, Lightning protection, lightning zoning, exposure risk assessment. I. INTRODUCTION Lightning protection of wind turbine blades can be divided into two main concerns, lightning interception, and lightning current conduction. The first process – and the focus in this paper - defines where the blade is struck, and ultimately forces the lightning protection engineers to think of how to ensure timely and correct inception of the upward or connecting leader. In 2010 the analysis of lightning attachment to wind turbines resulted in the development of the zoning concept for lightning protection of wind turbine blades, refined slightly in 2012 [3]. Based on numerical modeling and field surveys, the analysis considered which areas of the wind turbine blades that were exposed to direct lightning strikes, and which amplitudes were most likely to be experienced on the different parts of the blade. The information from the different means of analysis was structured, and a special zoning concept dividing the blade into zones with different exposure was derived. The concept has been used in numerous wind turbine blade designs, to foresee where to place air terminations, and which parameters to use when simulating or testing the lightning behavior on components in the different zones. In [3] the sketches and descriptions were covering blades up to 40m lengths, in which it was found that direct strikes to inboard sections of the blades were very unlikely and of limited amplitude. Since the blades are only getting longer, the zone where direct strikes are not expected according to the previous zoning concept from 2012 needs an update to consider direct strikes of limited amplitude. Besides the distribution of strikes on the blades, this paper also presents a simple engineering mean of estimating the number of strikes occurring to a wind turbine of certain height, accounting for upward and downward strikes, local ground flash density, estimated turbine lifetime, etc. Knowledge of this information enables a definition of lifetime testing of critical components. II. ATTACHMENT PROCESS TO WINDTURBINES Direct lightning attachment to any structure can be triggered by processes initially formed at the cloud, or by the development of an upward leader at the grounded structure. These important processes when determining which parts of the blade are exposed to the direct attachment will be treated in this section. A. Downward initiated strikes Along with the electrification processes where the development of the charge regions in the cloud appears, the field close to the cloud charge centre and at elevated objects at the ground will increase. For flat terrain with only limited variations in the structure elevation, the field will typically reach the ionization field in the cloud before it happen at the ground (due to the concentrated charge, and the lower field 1 strength required to ionization at higher altitudes = lower pressure), and the inception of a downward moving stepped leader will be the consequence. The downward moving stepped leader will propagate with a velocity in the range of 105m/s towards the ground, with a potential more or less similar to the cloud potential. As the leader progresses, the field around grounded objects will increase, and once the downward moving stepped leader gets close enough to exceed the ionization field strength at ground, an upward moving connecting leader is formed. The downward moving stepped leader and the connecting leader from the ground will then approach one another, and connect to form the final path for the lightning current. Once the path is completed, the charge deposited in the leader branches (as the stepped leader has descended) will be discharged to ground through the wind turbines, and can be measured as a high amplitude current pulse in the structure known as the first return stroke. The attachment process has been completed, the path between cloud and earth has been defined, and the following long stroke current and subsequent stroke pulses will flow in that path. The distance between the tip of the downward moving stepped leader and the structure at the moment when the upward moving leader is incepted is known as the ‘striking distance’ and depends on the field strength between the two. The field strength is determined by the potential at the leader tip, and eventually linked to the charge distribution on the leader - and particularly at the leader tip. Empirical relationships have been defined to correlate the striking distance with the prospective peak current, eventually to define engineering methodologies to place lightning air terminations. The principles are explained by Berger (1972) and Golde (1977) and described in [4]. The relationships are based on investigations of strikes to power lines, and the Electro Geometrical Methods (EGM) are then in lightning standards extended to be used on all ground structures not exceeding 60m in height [2]. Concerning wind turbines and other tall and slender structures, it has been found that the field is enhanced by the structure itself, which plays an important role in the attachment process. It does not only increase the likelihood of upward strikes as discussed in section C, but it can also change the striking distance locally on the structure. The consequence is that when assessing striking distances for downward (DW) strikes of certain amplitudes, the striking distances differ around the structure, making the simple EGM methods with constant striking distance inadequate During the past ten years, numerical methods have been developed to assess the locations where turbines can be struck by strikes with different current amplitude [5], all based on the charge distribution and leader inception criterion proposed by Becerra and Cooray [6] and [7]. The results have led to the zoning concept for wind turbine blades describing which parts of the blades that are exposed to which lightning current amplitudes [3]. B. Upward initiated strikes For tall and exposed structures, a situation may occur during the cloud electrification process where the ionization field is reached at the structure before it is reached in the cloud. This can cause the formation of an upward initiated strike where the leader is incepted at the structure and propagates upward towards the charge centers in the cloud [8]. Some researchers have suggested that the formation of an upward strike may be triggered by inter cloud discharges or distant discharges to earth, such that a rapid redistribution of charge within the cloud can trigger the formation of the upward leader. The predominant upward strike are initiated by a positive upward leader, and lowers negative charge from the cloud to the structure, corresponding to what is known as negative lightning. Besides the structure height determining the likelihood of upward initiated strikes, the elevation of the surrounding area is also important. In this sense, if a turbine is located on a mountain top, the effective height used for assessing the fraction of upward vs. downward strikes must consider the field enhancement due to the presence of the mountain. An example of the 70m tall instrumented tower on the Mount Salvatore used for the lightning research of Berger, is estimated to have an effective height of 270m – 350m due to the elevation of the mountain top in relation to the surrounding area [8]. The principle of effective height assumes that there is a definitive gap between the top of the structure and the cloud base, whereas situation where the cloud bases are at the same elevation as the structure (winter lightning in Japan) the term effective height is not defined. There are several approaches for estimating the effective height, but no universal principle has been agreed. Recent research activities reported at the CIGRÉ 4.36 meetings and published at ICOLSE 2015.as well as in the maintenance C. Empirical Ratio of Upward and Downward strikes Comparing different lightning incidences to structures of various heights, it is found that for structures below 100m of effective height almost all strikes appear to be downward initiated, whereas structures with a height of more than 500m tend to trigger only upward strikes. In 1987, Eriksson published a research on lightning attachments to structures in different countries with heights ranging from 20m to 540m, and derived an empirical relationship between the total number of strikes to a certain structure (including both upward and downward initiated strikes) and the ground flash density [8]. 𝑁 = 24 ∙ 10−6 ∙ 𝐻𝑠2.05 ∙ 𝑁𝑔 In the equation Hs [m] is the structure height and Ng [1/yr·km²] is the annual ground flash density for the site in question. The relationship is believed valid for objects of height taller than 60m. Later Eriksson and Meal (1984) fitted the data with an equation defining the percentage of upward strikes relative to all strikes, valid for structure heights ranging from Hs=78m – 518m where the percentage of upward strikes according to the equation is 0% and 100% respectively [8]. 𝑃𝑢 = 52.8 ∙ ln(𝐻𝑠 ) − 230 Rakov and Uman [8] suggest to estimate the number of strikes to a certain structure, and differentiating between DW and UW strikes, by starting with the general equation for assessing the number of DW strikes to the structure vs. the equivalent collection area, and then subtracting this 2 number from the overall number of strikes. In this sense, the three equations are: NDW = Ae ∙ Ng NTot = 24 ∙ 10 −6 ∙ Hs2.05 ∙ Ng originally published in CIGRE reports [11], and currently being revised by a new CIGRE working group. The accumulated distributions are seen in Fig. 1, indicating the often mentioned mean value of the first short stroke peak current of app. 33kA. NUW = Ntot − NDW Where Ae is the equivalent collection area, which for a slender and tall structure is defined as: Ae = π ∙ R2a β R a = α ∙ Hs Where α and β are empirical constants, where values suggested by CIGRE [9] are 𝛼 = 14 and 𝛽 = 0.6 . Considering a wind turbine with a 150m tip height located on flat terrain with an annual ground flash density of 𝑁𝑔 = 2 as an example, the following results apply: R a = 471m Figure 1. Accumulated probability density function of the First negative short, the subsequent negative short, and the first positive short stroke. Ae = 696,769m 2 NTot = 1.39yr −1 NDW = 0.50 yr −1 NUW = 0.88yr −1 If this wind turbine was located as one out of 50 in a wind farm, and the lightning exposure during 3 years of operation was to be estimated, the following overall number of strikes to the wind turbines would be: NTot_50 = 208 NDW_50 = 75 NUW_50 = 133 In reality the total number of strikes will most likely be lower than 50 ∙ 𝑁𝑡𝑜𝑡 , since the collection areas of the individual turbines often overlap. As experienced with the Japanese winter lightning in section IV, the fraction of UW initiated lightning using the analytical approach above may only be valid for ‘normal lightning environments’ with cloud heights of 5-10km, whereas the winter lighting environment with cloud bases of 1-1.5km will result in a much larger fraction of UW discharges [10]. III. PROBABILITY AND RISK One of the issues which needs to be considered when designing blade LPS, is the probability of having strikes of different amplitudes. This means that even if a strike of a certain type may cause very severe damage, it might be that the probability of having such a strike is insignificant. Evaluating the risk may therefore lead to the decision that the installed LPS doesn’t need to intercept such a strike. To assess these circumstances, the probability density functions as presented in the IEC 62305-1 [2] are discussed. A. Probability Distribution In IEC 62305-1 [2] the probability distributions are identified for the different strike parameters, which are shown in Fig.3. The three proposed distributions are As seen on the probability distributions, the probability of the first short stroke (positive or negative) being smaller than 10kA is only app. 3% for the first positive stroke, and even less for the first negative stroke. The probability for the subsequent negative short stroke is of less importance, since the attachment process is determined by the leader charge defining the first short stroke current. The information of the probability density functions of the strike parameters can be used to assess the risk of attachment and hence damages to the blades in question. B. Risk Interpretation In section 8.2 of IEC 62305-1 [2] the four lightning protection levels LPL1 to LPL4 are described, and associated with the probability distributions as plotted below. Here it is explained how the efficiency of the different LPL is assumed equal to the probability with which lightning current parameters are inside such range. This means that the efficiency of a lightning protection system made to comply with LPL1 is 98%, where the 2% outside the range either have an amplitude which is lower than 3kA (the LPS fails in intercepting the strike - it misses the air termination) or is exceeding 200kA (the LPS is struck correctly, but destroyed by the current). However, it does not state clearly that the LPS must withstand everything between 3kA and 200kA to be in compliance with LPL1, only that the efficiency of the LPS is expected to be equal to the percentage of strikes falling within the same range for LPL1. In IEC 61400-24, covering lightning protection of wind turbines [1], all references concerning LPL1 points towards IEC 62305-1 [2], hence there is no guidance in how to interpret the risk or the range defined for each LPL. Based on the above, there are two typical means of addressing the expected efficiency of LPL1 and hence how to claim responsibility at blade damages, although not explicitly defined in the standard: 1. The blade protection designed (and tested) according to LPL1 is claimed having an efficiency of 98%, meaning 3 2. that the blade must tolerate all strikes with amplitudes between 3kA and 200kA, whereas LPS failure and blade damages are tolerated for peak currents outside this range (Ip<3kA or Ip>200kA). The blade protection designed (and tested) according to LPL1 is claimed having an efficiency of 98%, meaning that for every possible strike occurring to the blade during the turbine lifetime, the blade must remain unharmed in 98% of the events disregarding the amplitudes. The discussion on how to evaluate the LPL1 protection concept and how to describe the principle more clearly is the target for the revision and maintenance of the IEC 61400-24 Ed. 1.0. IV. LITTERATURE REVIEW Many researchers and manufacturers around the world work in fields related to lightning protection of wind turbine blades. In the following sections, a couple of interesting papers are addressed, and the important aspects related to attachment processes to wind turbines are highlighted. A. Winter lightning characteristics, M. Ishii et al. The paper presented at the ICOLSE conference in 2013 [11], describes a measurement campaign on 27 Japanese wind turbines conducted in the past 5 years. The measurements were set up as part of the CIGRE working group WG C4.4: Lightning Protection of Wind Turbines, and the measurements were conducted from 2008 to 2013 on 21 wind turbines on the west coast of Japan (winter lightning area), and 6 turbines in land and on the south/east coast of Japan. The following details are outlined in the paper: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A total of 676 strikes were measured using Rogowski coils, preferably to characterize the waveforms of the lightning strikes occurring to wind turbines in Japan. The 676 strikes were captured during the five lightning seasons from October to April (2008-2013), and further 10 strikes were captured outside this timeframe – but left out of the analysis. Of the 676 strikes, 69% were of negative polarity, 17% were of positive polarity and the remaining 14% were bi-polar flashes. 674 of these 676 strikes were upward initiated corresponding to more than 99.7%. Only a single downward positive and a single downward negative strike were identified. All the negative upward flashes and 95% of the bipolar flashes started with a positive upward moving leader. At a presentation at ICOLSE’2013 it was stated that 252 strikes were recorded on video cameras, and of these 252 strikes, all but one strike attached to the extreme tip (99.6%), whereas the remaining single strike attached 1m inboard the tip. These last data is not included in the ICOLSE paper. Concerning the peak current, only 5 strikes (2 negative and 3 positive) out of 676 strikes (<0.8%) exhibited peak amplitudes in excess of 50kA, corresponding to less than 1% of the strikes. Concerning the specific energy, only 2 strikes out of the 676 strikes exhibited specific energies in excess of 10MJ/Ohm, corresponding to less than 0.3%. The 6. 7. 8. maximum specific energy measured was 19MJ/Ohm with a peak current of +39kA Concerning the charge, 27 strikes (<4%) contained charge levels exceeding 300C, 2 strikes (<0.3%) contained charge levels exceeding 1000C. Most of the charge in the latter case was transferred by positive current, the largest charge content associated with negative current was 606C. Of the 27 strikes, only 11 strikes exceeded a duration of 300ms corresponding to 1.6% of all strikes. The median values of charge levels for the strikes reported are: 45C, 47C and 140C for negative, positive and bipolar flashes. Subsequent strokes were only detected in 13% of the strikes, hence the discharging had a more continuous manner i.e. higher charge levels, longer duration and less peak current. For winter lightning the cloud base is only 1-2km above ground, compared to the typical cloud base height during summer of 8km. This also explains the larger number of strikes, the larger fraction of UW strikes and the lower amplitudes. Consequently the following conclusions apply in relation to the lightning environment defined in IEC 623051 [2]: Attachment point Peak current Charge Specific Energy 99.7% upward initiated strikes, 99.6% of these attached directly to the blade tip. <0.8% exceeds 50kA. IEC 62305-1 [2]: <5% of positive flashes exceeds 250kA, <5% of negative flashes exceed 90kA, fixed LPL1 value of 200kA <4% exceeds 300C, 0.3% exceeds 1000C. IEC 62305-1 [2]: <5% of positive flashes exceeds 350C, <5% of negative flashes exceed 40C, fixed LPL1 value of 300C <0.3% exceeds 10MJ/Ohm. IEC 62305-1 [2]: <5% of positive flashes exceeds 15MJ/Ohm, <5% of negative flashes exceed 0.55MJ/Ohm, fixed LPL1 value of 10MJ/Ohm B. Mitigation of Rapid redistribution of Charge at FAA facilities The paper presented at ICOLSE 2013 by C.M. Graves [13], discusses some incidences happening to air traffic control towers in US airports. In several cases the equipment within the control tower was damaged, but without experiencing a direct strikes. Correlation with NLDN data indicated that large amplitude cloud to ground strikes will trigger upward discharges from the tall towers. The explanation is rapid redistribution of the charge centres within the cloud, enabling triggering of upward discharges from the control towers. Due to the crucial importance of flight safety and reliable air traffic control, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had this type of lightning issues in focus. Attachment point Peak current Charge Specific Energy Upward triggered strikes to tall structures, comparable to attachment to the tip regions of the blade in the Wind turbine analogy Not commented, besides that it is a large but remote stroke triggering the upward discharges from the tall structures. Not commented. Not commented. 4 2. 3. 4. 5. The majority of strikes to wind turbines are expected to be upward initiated. If the tools used today therefore only consider downward strikes, the number of strikes will be heavily underestimated. The rotation of the blades may play an important role, since they may trigger strikes themselves due to their size. The triggering will be upward initiated and hence occur form the tip. When designing protection of electronic systems, one must consider the reflection occurring when current pulses are injected in structures with a large extension. This might be a problem if the rise time is very short, and the structure very large. Bonding between CFC and down conductors must be considered carefully, to avoid internal voltages creating flashovers, and also to consider the path for the static discharge current. It should be considered wether eddy currents induced into the CFC laminate by the lightning current will dissipate energy enough to weaken the structure. Consequently the following conclusions apply in relation to the lightning environment defined in IEC 623051 [2]: Attachment point Peak current Charge Specific Energy Upward triggered strikes are expected to be dominant, attachment to the tip of the blades. Not commented. Not commented. Not commented. D. Proposal of new Zoning concept for wind turbine blades In 2010 at the ICLP and again in a Journal paper in 2012, the idea of a zoning concept for wind turbine blades was published [3]. The Zoning concept was developed to present an engineering tool for assessing which lightning strikes attach to the different regions of the blade. Historically the lightning protection standards have described how the blade should be protected to LPL1 (200kA strike) from the tip and down to 20m from the blade root (radius 20m or R20), whereas no evidence of such exposure was presented. Both numerical simulations defining the attachment point distribution [2] as well as extensive field data provided evidence that the exposure from direct strikes was focused on the tip of the blade, and that the peak current of strokes expected inboard were of limited amplitude. The suggested concept therefore defined regions of the blade that would be exposed to certain peak currents, and then based on the standardized waveforms in IEC 61400-24 [1], the test requirements and input for further numerical modeling could be derived. The concept does not define accurate positioning of air terminations or requirements to The Zoning Concept from 2012 have been used in several design projects for blade lightning protection, and has also been adopted by some of the certifying bodies. 100,0% 80,0% 27,6% 40,5% 1. The zoning concept for wind turbines is derived based on numerical simulation and site inspections. The numerical simulations are conducted for generic blades of 40m lengths, and in this process the distribution of strikes attaching to the turbines at different amplitudes was investigated. The results showed clearly that for downward initiated strikes the majority of strikes attach to the blade tips, and that for lower amplitude strikes, the attachment can move inboard on the blade and attach to other and less exposed parts of the wind turbine (Hub, Nacelle, tower, etc.). The findings were correlated with field inspections, which also pointed in the direction that the blade tips are the most exposed parts of the turbines. For the field inspection, the estimation of the size of damage or attachment point vs. the blade radius was not published, so the tendency from the simulations that high amplitude strikes attach to the tip and smaller amplitude strikes attach further inboard could not be proved. An example of the field data governing the lightning attachment distribution is seen in Fig. 2. 60,0% 40,0% 9,7% The major conclusions are: insulation levels of internal parts, this is identified in a different process called lightning protection coordination. Attachnment point distribution C. Review of current issues in wind turbine lightning protection The paper by F. Rachidi et al. reviews some different issues of wind turbine lightning protection, including attachment points, current distribution in Carbon Fibre Composites (CFC), electronics etc. [14]. 20,0% 0,0% Length of blade [m] Figure 2. Attachment point distribution of 2818 identified lightning attachment points on 120 blades (45m). E. Damage statistics and triggered lightning [15] In the PhD thesis by A.Candela [15], damage statistics from several wind farms in the US is reported. The data considered five years of operation of a total of 508 turbines, all with blades exceeding 35m length. During that period of time, 304 lightning incidences causing damages to the blades are reported, and by visual inspection of all damages, the distributions along the blades are determined. For blades manufactured using only fibre glass (64.8% of the population i.e. 197 blades), the damage distribution is seen on Fig. 3. Concerning blades using CFC structural components, the damage distribution is comparable. The population considered 107 blades, and again the tendency shows that the blade tips are subjected to the largest number of strikes. The distribution is seen in Fig. 4. By analyzing the complete population of blades, it is found that more than 60% of all damages occur to the extreme tip, 90% occur to the outermost 4m, and the remaining 10% is predominantly located from 5-10m from the tip. 5 Such observations are made by other researchers as well, one of these measurement campaigns are to be published by W. Risoon et.al at ICOLSE’2015. V. REVISED ZONING CONCEPT After the first suggestion of the Zoning Concept for three blade rotors, lightning protection systems on blades exceeding 80m lengths have been designed. By conducting the detailed attachment point distribution analysis on such longer blades, it was found that smaller amplitude strikes may attach further inboard on the blades. Figure 3. Location of the lightning damage in percentage for GFRP blades [15]. Figure 4. Location of the lightning damage in percentage for blades containing CFC as structural components and GFRP in the shells [15]. These data obviously focus on blade damages, whereas successful lightning attachments are not registered nor commented. By experience, such attachments occurs to the extreme parts of the blades, and since all the blades are fitted with different air termination concepts in the tip region, it is expected that the attachment point distribution will move even further out. A second finding in [15] shows that large cloud to ground discharges may result in the simultaneous triggering of upward discharges from the wind turbines. These findings were determined by correlating wind turbine SCADA alarms with the data measured by Lightning location systems, and proved in five cases how CG strikes occurring as far as 10km away can trigger the strikes. F. Lightning discharges produced by wind turbines [16] In a publication by J. Montanyà in 2013, evidence is presented explaining how the rotation of wind turbines may play an important role in the triggering of upward lightning strikes. By utilizing 3D Lightning Mapping Arrays (LMA) and video surveillance at a wind turbine site in the northeast of Spain, repetitive discharges correlating well with the rotational speed of the turbines are identified. Pictures are captured showing how multiple upward leaders are incepted from the blade tips, and it is concluded that rotation, and the movement of blade tips relative to the static space charge generation can explain the observations. The process involved the use of numerical models of downward leader propagation and the following inception of upward leaders from the structures proposed by Becerra [7], to determine which parts of the wind turbine are exposed to direct attachment of different amplitudes. The equations outlined in the papers by the Uppsala lightning research team has been implemented in Comsol and Matlab, to enable import of a 3D turbine geometry and analyzing the exposure [5]. For a generic turbine, and considering vertical DW leaders the difference in amplitude is seen on Fig. 5. The dots on Fig. 5 indicate the tip of the downward moving leader at the moment when a successful upward leader is incepted from the turbines. For this configuration of turbine size and vertical incoming leaders, the blade tips will receive all strikes and share the attachments evenly. The plots also indicate that when lowering the current from 40kA to 20kA, the distance between the turbine and the downward leader (the striking distance) decreases, eventually enabling strikes inboard the blade tip at very low amplitudes of 3-5kA. The principle using inclined leaders with prospective peak currents of 3-20kA has been applied on a generic turbine structure with 60m blades. On Fig. 6, the percentages of strikes attaching at each blade radius (averaged over all three blades for different rotor angles) is plotted for different prospective peak currents. Note that the peak of the scale is set to 3%, meaning that the actual fraction of strikes attaching to the tip region for strikes of higher amplitudes cannot be seen. The results indicate clearly that for higher current amplitudes, the attachment tends to move towards the blade tip. Realizing that the 3kA or 5kA strikes may attach further inboard on the blade, changed the original Zoning concept in [6] where strikes only could attach at the outer 20m of the blades. The revised concept shown on Fig. 7 includes a Zone 0A4 enabling direct strikes of 10kA for the entire blade length. The consequence of extending the direct strike zone and using the Zoning Concept for blade LPS design, is then that the inboard sections should also be capable of withstanding direct strikes of 10kA. This may be achieved quite simply for blades with CFC in the shells, which can then be designed to accommodate the direct strikes, but for GFRP blades, the likely hood of a puncture through the root section must be addressed. The revised zoning concept currently used for three bladed rotors is seen on Fig. 7. 6 Figure 5. Simulation of the attachment point distribution for vertical DW leaders at amplitudes of 40kA (top), 20kA (bottom) [5]. Figure 6. Attachment to the blade vs. the blade radius (60m blades). Comparison between the attachment simulation results for different Ipeak=3, 10kA. For current larger than 10kA attachment is most likely within 5m from the tip (between 70-90% of the attachments), while currents around 3kA can attach along the entire length of the blade. Zone 0A1 Zone 0A4 Zone 0A3 Zone 0A2 1m XX m 15m 4m Zone OA1: Tip end to 1m inboard, <200kA Zone OA2: 1m inboard to 5m inboard, <100kA Zone OA3: 5m inboard to 20m inboard, <50kA Zone OA4: 20m inboard to root end, <10kA Figure 7. Zoning concept for three bladed rotors enabling direct attachment on the entire blade surface. The individual zones in the revised Zoning Concept is defined by specific lengths measured from the blade tip, since simulations have shown that the distributions are unaffected by the typical ranges of blade lengths (20-80m). The individual zones are outlined in the following Zone 0A1: The outermost 1m tip section exposed to the full threat - direct attachment with a maximum peak current corresponding to LPL1 in [2] - 200kA, 10/350us Zone 0A2: The section of the blade from 1m inboard the tip to 5m inboard the tip, exposed to direct attachment with current levels of only 100kA, 10/350us Zone 0A3: The section of the blade from 5m inboard the tip to 20m inboard the tip, exposed to direct attachment with current levels of only 50kA, 10/350us Zone 0A4: The section of the blade from 20m inboard the tip to the root end of the blade, exposed to direct attachment with current levels of only 10kA, 10/350us The zoning concept does not dictate where to place receptors or air termination systems, it is only used to assess the possible strike amplitudes to different regions on the blade. Although it is not strictly formulated how to interpret the LPL1 requirements in the IEC 61400-24, it can be interpreted such that strikes with amplitudes between 3kA and 200kA must be safely intercepted and conducted towards ground, whereas damages are tolerated 7 for strikes outside these extremities. In practice concerning the attachment process, it means that since strikes may occur to the inboard sections of the blade (even with a very low probability), the blade must be capable of handling it. Hence impulse current tests to inboard blade sections of 3-10kA has been conducted to provide evidence of only limited damages to the blade at such an exposure. If the probabilities of having such small amplitude strikes to the blades are accounted for by considering the probability density functions described in the lightning protection standard [2], one can come to the conclusion that protection according to strikes of such low amplitudes is unnecessary, because they only occur very rarely or because the likely damage due to interception failure is very limited. The zoning concept do not apply for two bladed rotors, where the profound shielding effect by the blade tips on a three bladed rotor is not as clear. Attachments on two bladed rotors are still favored at the blade tips, but larger strikes may also attach further inboard. VI. DESIGN INPUT Outlining the research on the different lightning exposure of wind turbine blades enables a design guideline or a list of best practices in how to achieve proper LPS on blades. The following statements are derived: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tall structures experience a large portion of upward initiated strikes for normal lightning conditions, a fraction which approach 100% for low cloud bases during winter lightning. Upward lightning are triggered from the blade tips and are in general more frequent, but of lower amplitude and specific energy. Large cloud to ground flashes can trigger simultaneous upward lightning from many turbines. These triggered strikes are of low amplitude, but occur very frequently. The damage distribution experienced on GFRP and CFC blades seems to be very similar, hence the environment and the methodologies to assess the attachment point distribution can be the same. Damages experienced on CFC blades can occur for the same reasons as for GFRP blades, but may also be caused by attachments directly to the CFC structures, explained by inadequately placed air terminations and poor insulation of CFC parts especially in the tip region (outermost 3m of the blade). Another failure scenario for CFC blades is if equipotential bondings have not been implemented, if the bondings are placed wrongly, or if the current carrying capability of the bondings is inadequate. One may note that the external appearance of damage due to lack of equipotential bonding may be very similar to the effects of a direct lightning strike on the blade surface. Therefore, the damages located far inboard should be carefully inspected to not misclassify them as direct attachment. VII. THE GOOD DESIGN PROCESS point analysis, or by just adopting the Lightning Zoning Concept for blades, and deciding the severity of the site (the number of impacts to expect during the lifetime or between scheduled services). Secondly, the number and positions of the air terminations on the blade must be aligned with the blade design, such that analysis and HV strike attachment test can provide evidence that strikes will only be intercepted by dedicated air terminations. Once the design is fixed from an analysis standpoint, the verification tests as described by the IEC 61400-24 can be conducted. Concerning the interception effectiveness, the High Voltage strike attachment test according to Annex D2.1 is performed. The blade is tested in three angles relative to the reference plane, and in four different pitch angles eventually to show that all flashovers attach to the air terminations. The following steps address the good blade design process: A. Fibre glass blades (GFRP) 1. Identify the site, and asses the number of UW/DW strikes following the equations in section 3.4. 2. Assume that all UW strikes happen from the blade tip, and therefore design a proper tip air termination. 3. Identify the probability distribution of DW strikes (either via IEC 62305-1 [2] or via future lightning statistics), and place air terminations within the outermost 5m of the blade to accompany the blade design. 4. Maximize the insulation level for down conductors in the outermost 10m of the blade 5. Install air terminations above connections on the down conductors (i.e. when changing from the insulated down conductor from the tip to a simpler conductor configuration). 6. Conduct the HV strike attachment test [1] on the outermost 20% of the blade length, to identify the air termination effectiveness. 7. Setup a high current test plan based on the expected UW and DW strikes and their distribution, and conduct the test to simulate the expected lifetime of the blade according to [15]. B. Blades containing CFC 1. Identify the site, and asses the number of UW/DW strikes following the equations given above. 2. Assume that all UW strikes happen from the blade tip, and therefore design a proper tip air termination. 3. Identify the probability distribution of DW strikes (either via IEC 62305-1 [2] or via future lightning statistics), and place air terminations within the outermost 5m of the blade to accompany the blade design. 4. Maximize the insulation level for down conductors in the outermost 10m of the blade 5. Install air terminations above connections on the down conductors (i.e. when changing from the insulated down conductor from the tip to a simpler conductor configuration), and where the blade shifts geometry electrically (tip of CFC parts). The first step of blade LPS is to define the exposure, either by doing a site based risk assessment along with an attachment 8 6. 7. 8. Conduct the voltage/current distribution analysis, to identify where to place equipotential bondings and which requirements to apply for each of them. Conduct the HV strike attachment test [1] on the outermost 20% of the blade length, to identify the air termination effectiveness. Setup a high current test plan based on the expected UW and DW strikes and their distribution, and conduct the test to simulate the expected lifetime of the blade according to [17]. This test includes all connection components, equipotential bondings, additional current paths, etc. VIII. CONCLUSION The paper addresses a need for an engineering tool useful for LPS designers and still accounting for the slightly more complex lightning exposure experienced on large wind turbines. The revised Zoning Concept provided along with the short guideline to achieve proper LPS designs for different blade types, will ensure that lightning engineers focus the attention towards the areas of the blades where lightning exposure is highest. During the design phase and for the final verification, the Zoning Concept is also used to assess the test parameters. [11] R. B. Anderson and A. J. Eriksson, ‘Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications’, Electra, vol. 69, pp. 65-102, 1980. [12] M. Ishii, D. Natsuno og A. Sugita, ‘Lightning Current Observed at Wind Turbines in Winter in Japan’, Proceeding of the International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Seattle, WA, USA, 2013. [13] J. C.M. "Chuck" Graves, ‘Assessing and Mitigating Rapid Redistribution of Charge at FAA Facilities’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity, Seattle, WA, USA, 2013. [14] F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, J. Montanyà, J.-L. Bermúdez, R. R. Sola, G. Solà and N. Korovin, ‘A Review of Current Issues in Lightning Protection of New-Generation Wind-Turbine Blades’, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, årg. 55, nr. 6, pp. 2489-2496, 2008. [15] A.C. Garolera, ‘Lightning Protection of flap system for wind turbine blades’, PhD thesis, Tehcnical University of Denmark, September 2014 [16] J. Montanyà, O.van der Velde and E.R. Williams (2014), ‘Lightning discharges produced by wind turbines, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119, doi:10.1002/2013JD020225 [17] Bertelsen, K., H.V. Erichsen and S.F. Madsen: ‘New high current test principle for wind turbine blades simulating the life time impact from lightning discharges’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity 2007, August 28-31, Paris, France. Following the publication and the ongoing revision of the IEC 61400-24, initiated March 2014, the revised zoning concept will be sought implemented in the upcoming version of the standard. By highlighting the special exposure on wind turbines relative to regular buildings the lightning protection system effectiveness will be improved, and most likely also result in a reduction of the cost of the overall LPS. Finally having the methodology described in the international standard, makes the certification process easier for the certifying bodies. IX. REFERENCES IEC 61400-24 Ed. 1.0, ‘Wind Turbines – Part 24: Lightning Protection, IEC, 2010-06. 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