MORE IN THIS SERIES EARLY STAGE ADVICE GLOBAL MINE DESIGN DYNAMIC GROUND PROTOCOLS 001 EXCAVATION DESIGN & MONITORING INFORMATION SHEETS 002 ECONOMIC MINE DESIGN 006 004 ROCKMASS RESPONSE 003 ADVICE TO CIVIL ENGINEERS 005 007 EAR L Y - S T AG E S T U DIE S & P RO J E CT E VALU ATIO NS For companies looking to invest in a new venture, whether at an early concept stage, or committing to the extension of an existing asset, Global Mine Design Ltd (GMD) can help extract its maximum potential. Our evaluations are designed to provide practical, bespoke solutions with in-built options to minimise risk. EARLY-STAGE STUDIES & PROJECT EVALUATIONS UK +44 (0)7983 454 361 North America: +1 807 707 0740 Australia: +61 (0)429 859 540 [email protected] GMD’s focus on quality data collection, analysis and interpretation is how we’ve become trusted to provide focussed input and support to mine expansion projects. Starting from a green-field site with no previous data? GMD is highly experienced in gathering critical data and defining key deliverables to keep the project moving forwards. Where a new venture aims to expand an existing asset, GMD can evaluate existing data, from historical mapping to up-to-date records of production and geotechnical data, to identify where existing issues may impact future development. GMD assists clients at all stages of project evaluations. Examples of the type of work we typically carry out include: • Design and review of site investigation and data collection programs • Interpretation of mining and geotechnical data • Risk assessment and “business upside” analyses • Mining method and backfill selection options • Infrastructure and mine layout designs • Undertaking of operational and engineering department audits to ensure compliance to management systems and other regulatory bodies • Provision of advice to project managers and planners to avoid schedule delays GMD uses data to drive decision making, and our goal is always to create great engineering designs that fulfil their brief. © GLOBAL MINE DESIGN 2015 | DESIGNED BY STEPHANIE GREEN GRAPHIC DESIGN “ Our goal is to create great engineering designs that achieve their design brief. ” PHIL EARL TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, GMD R EGI S TER ED OFFI CE: 20-22 WENL OC K ROAD, L ONDON, N1 7GU , U K. GLO B AL MINE DESIGN IS A C OMPANY REGIS T ER ED I N EN GL A N D A N D W A L ES , W I T H C O MPA N Y N UMBER 8665416.
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