Telephone : 01 472 No - REGISTERED POST Sainik School Chittorgarh - 312021 Rajasthan 240217 SSC/3511M12015-16 24 Aprit 2OlS Roll No C/ Result for Class Vl General Cateqorv Rai State: 21018,21046,21051,21092,21093,21270,21649,21755,22049,23165,23170,23230, 2324 5,2335 0, 2 34 0 g, 23 409,234 1 6,23 424, 23426,23 493,23623,238 52,24 1 g3, Defence Cateqorv Rai State: 2 1 629,21 63 1,21 662,,21 67 6,, 23 5 52,2357 3, 24 523 Schedule Gaste Catesorv : 227 1 8,237 03, 2 3709, 237 17,247 05,247 1 9,251 1 9,,26 1o 4 Schedule Tribe Gateqorv 21 853,23969,23990, 23997,23903 General Cateqorv Other State 2 1 1 96,25009,250 1 2,250 1 4,250 1 5, 252 1 0,252 1 2,2522 1,25 523, Defence Cateqorv Other State 25624,25629,25651,25652 Result for Glass lX General Gateqorv Rai State 27 022,27 334,30202,302 1 0, 3097 3,31 Defence Cateqorv Rai State 27364,27405,27429 Schedu le Caste Cateqorv 27587,27613 Schedule Tribe Cateqorv 27803 General Cateqorv Other State 28109 Defence Cateqorv Other State 28504 032 3 0 0 6 5, 3 o 0 6 g 2 FRESH - ADMISSION TO SATNIK SCHOOL" CHITTORGARH Dear Parents, 1. This is to inform you that admission of your son/ward Roll No as listed above has been confirmed for class vl/lx for academic session 2o1s-16. 2. Please bring your child for admission on 06 May 2015 by 0900 hrs on first come first basis for administrative ease for the process of documentation (No representation will be accepted thereafter). A bank draft of Rs 95,500/(Rupees Ninety five thousand five hundred only) for General/Defence candidate and Rs 94,000/- (Rupees Ninety four thousand only) for SC/ST candidates towards annualfees is required to be deposited alongwith the documents and clothing as per Appendices attached to this letter. lt is pertinent to inform to the parents that the fee is due for revision in this academic year. The same can be increased on directions of Board of Governors. Any difference will be adjusted or levied from parents. Total fee is to be paid at the time of admission. 3. No scholarship/subsidy/assistance will be adjusted as advance against fees payable to the school and full fee will be paid as indicated above at time of admission and subsequent installments. On award of the scholarship and subsidy by State GovUMinistry of Defense, the same will be adjusted against the fee paid only on receipt. 4. List of documents required at the time of admission is attached at annexure X!. Documents mentioned at serial number 1(a) to (h) are mandatory at the time of admission. The original are to be produced for verification. In case any document mentioned at serial number 2 & 3 of Annexure Xt is incomplete. 10 (Ten) days will be given to complete the same. Till then, admission will be provisional and thereafter, admission will onlv be provisional till the time all oriqinal documents are provided. 5. List of clothing and articles is attached as Annexure X. to be brought by the student at time of admission 6. Please note that the boy will be admitted to the School ONLY on fulfilling the following conditions :- (a) Submission of all documents completed in all respects as mentioned at Appendix A to this letter. (b) Depositing fees by Bank Draft in favour of Principal, Sainik School, Chittorgarh drawn on State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, Chittorgarh ( Raj) Code 10237. Cash will not (NOT) be accepted. (c) Medical fitness of the candidate.. 3 7. 8. All Legal matters will be covered under District Chittorgarh Jurisdiction only. No costly items or cash will be given to the child, nor any money sent in registered/ordinary post. lf any such items are found with the child, not only will these be confiscated but the boy will also be liable for penalty. 9. No cadet is allowed to use mobile phones in the campus. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the cadet. Also, VCD/Video Game or other electronic gadgets are not allowed. 10. List of documents and items required at the time of admission is also placed on school website www.sschittorqarh 11. Fonrvarded for your information and early action please. Headmaster For Principal Encls : As above Appendix A (Refers para 6(a) of Sainik School letter No SSC/3511M12015-16 dated 24 Aprit 1S) LIST OF DOCUMENTS 1. lncome AffidaviUCertificates. The income affidavit will be on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs10/- (Rupees Ten only) and to be countersigned by Sub Divisional Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate. This will also be scrutinized/verified by the Collector of the District concerned. Specimen of affidavit for different categories of parents are attached as annexure as per details given below : a (a) ANNEXURE -I (b) ANNEXURE - ll/lll Applicable (c) Applicable to Govt & Non Govt salaried parents. to Agriculturist, Business & Other professionals. lV ANNEXURE lncome certificates in respect of Ministry of Defence Scholarship in addition to above annexure. 2. Government and non govt salaried parents/guardians are required to furnish a certificate of their total monthly income (including all allowances) from their Head of DeptU employer. Agriculturalists/farmers are required to furnish a certificate showing details of 3. size of their agricultural land in acres, whether irrigated or non-irrigated, duly verified by the Tehsildar concerned. 4. to Businessmen & other professionals are required furnish a certificate of their annual gross income from the lncome-Tax-Officer concerned. 5. ln case of non-income tax payers, an affidavit to this effect that they are not paying income tax will be submitted on a Rs 10/- (Rupees Ten only) non-judicial stamp paper as per specimen attached at Annexure - V. This affidavit will be countersigned by a Sub-Divisional Magi mstrate/Executive Magistrate. 6. Definition of lncome : Monthly income of both the parents i.e. father and mother or guardian means the gross earnings from self employment in the form of Pay, special Pay, Deputation Pay, allowances and Honorarium, Overtime allowance, Pension and/ or in the from of the rent from property, interest from securities, share dividends, money lending, profit from business, trade, agriculture, farming etc. The income from agricultural land will be determined as under :- Ser No (a) (b) (c) Agricultural land held with aqriculturist lncome from irriqated land lncome from un-iriqated land lncome from un-irrigated land in Jodhpur & Bikaner Division Yearly income to be determined Rs 1000/- per Acre Rs 2001 per Acre Rs 200lper Acre 2 The following will however, be excluded from the total lncome :- (a) (d) (e) House rent allowance (b) Travelling allowance (c) Messing allowance conveyance allowance granted for maintaining conveyance Computer allowance etc. Note : All personnel of above categories who are in possession of land will produce certificate from Tehsildar for land income or a certificate of non possession of land in case no land is held. 7. Domicile Certificate (Bonafide Resident of Raiasthan) (a) This will be obtained from the Collector/Sub Divisional Magistrate of your District. (SADNAGRIK will not be accepted). 8. Gateqorv Certificate. Parents have to furnish original photocopy of the documents mentioned below as applicabre to them :- as well as (a) Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe - Original caste certificate and two Photostat copies (Original will be returned on verification). (b) - Ex servicemen (Defence) original and one photo copy of Discharge Certificate (Original will be returned after verification). (c) Service Peltonnel (Defence) - Full particulars of service with rank & No, duly verified by Commanding Officer (d) Government Pensioners (lncluding discharge certificate ) - Pension certificate from Treasury/ Bank 9. Bond of Aqreement. A specimen of the Bond of Agreement for students paying full fees is attached as Annexure-Vl and specimen of the Bond of Agreement for other than full fee paying students is attached as Annexure - Vll .This will be executed on a Rs 10/- non-judicial stamp paper. Signatures should be attested by any gazetted officer with name, designation and office seal. 10. NDA Bond. A specimen of the bond is attached as Annexure - Vlll. This will be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.10/- (Rupees Ten only) and attested by a First Class Magistrate. 11. TransferCertificate. A Transfer Certificate (TC) will be obtained from the school where your son/ward last studied. A Transfer Certificate (TC) from a school not recognized by the Government will not be accepted. Transfer Certificate must be invariably countersigned by the District Education Officer. 12. Description Of Propertv. Description of property should be submitted as per specimen attached as Annexure-lX duly attested by Tehsildar concerned. 13. 14. 15. lnoculation/vaccination certificate (TIKAKARAN). List of clothing & necessaries is attached as Annexure X. Check list of all documents is attahced as Annexure Xl. Anreneqre-f q.Jr$enq Tf{.h'r{ rt }nE Erf,{fr orsE grfuc{rilfi EF-I aTqel q{ 1q-s rstri h +{ gERFrd rairq q* *, n.............. ........r....... ;rcrt........ ... Trrr... siu vsfrsl (frapfc-&dB-AArwo-sA) iil{ziirn 1. qrfr ri fr-flur fi, sira qa d Sfr-*. q-a, Fldlgrr6 d ae{r..................d d ra z d r& t z qE {dr / .16 {E B, ss+.r fr -m z €<ero B{r-q.FT t q-E dka m-<ar ifr i t ssil fr -ar z mar fr kd rfr t I q{ wri cR. *"r qR-a cfrqro (+t) +n{ fu if +il{ (e) is +d-{ (e) ,ierir€ 11m (q) qfrfrgtu id-{ 2. (q) (s) eiaRq {r6f, 3. erq qt€ G{rq erqa rrrqF enR € errq 4. r1fr s}+t enR iS fr :- frtud -ffr sr=q qi-€ B{rtr cnr 5. s+d +O a;ar qrfua; arrq fis'+{arqr*qunowrifrsv-i-mqn-fl-Oq-da-otqran€trrqrsBe-&B efuO-srftBcrqrnErr+rB t fi q-e rfr e{Tasr*rc tdl ifr sr"rc t-ft errq sqto mE-{ enq t GTRr6' cr€ d fi sn a} rrs Wf 6rr-{fr "T-€ qT qu-s ffi1 aqs fr|sfi 6T e+q at€ ti or &rtsrq {en zq*ft t E9FI: 6EIIqI{ fraia.: AFrcil-q err€ q-ar TdqH qar ordqrcrtr' @ / sqqus Ers{rrfi' +' qfrFffi rqrr ft-aia :- frd{ (ewrer +€{ qFd) rrqfua 3rF1rl-q-o/dterm ercr Frar & frarcfter tnr qqrur sr+m qFfd errq vsrfrd fi "i€ frqim:mrqfo-q +c - qd rrf q, qr{ rr€ r ft +6{ t FraEftn gEqfud ftq sqm q-a das mt I (el) Gnqil fl-qfdq ntlrq s{erfl fr"n-{fi t e]TTft qrfus. }rc errq 6T gInq q=r (q) a-e$-d-qrct unnaffr qfr mrfua-tws6-$I I qRefttrrsq,qwr*eil-{Trcnrt6Tm-SqrOBsi+fr{hBtErrzrTsaqffie*aterrqc-frBdsq-*trQFTerq-r GtTTfr ernr I 2. a) &-arcftrr fr qs cftftE ilri fi enqrq-mdr rfrB t fi *r-ttExuAE - -D affuclrd-qt.hT eTqsl qa 1qs sqi +{ gBRrq-f, rairq tq-q q-r) t {............. il-rt......... rlrr d ra (cfr .. B Z.rO rgr E, .ilrtc-& d tra E-rsa ...... {r<Rur S qe il-q........ ,f rsor fi m Z qrdr,/ ritro m-s {) i f sqfi fr c{rq 6T fa-fluT -61 7 qrdr *Ea --fi Bo .rfi B r q{ cB i-o"i/qrm qTrft rA rrEf, nfrqr€ aircl-{/q{sl-q fr srr-c fr-s-f,r ft-q-iur frq B ._ (et) Gqrqrc/6qznrrq 6-r qlq q=i fu-*q (q) 3. 4. aqTqR/q{q[q 6] qerFr TUf TA {fr fi, sra qa tR-o q-a, Fr$tqrr6 d oeTr.........,........ii wq . 2. f a_rar q)rr sfr-d erq ffit fr srrq tS ertra qrqft qrq enR erq mt{ wrq.Fr sfo ftS ,_ Tfi Tfr, fuFrd B{tfud m-a qrfuo srrq ifr sv-tr-+ qr;r+Tt TEi a-o l-{r f,H G trrqrc E s_fi B efu s-(I $ tsqrqr Tqr B fl qq $I 3{I{Er*Ft i-* d,fu erw i-qt srrq sq-sm Eilfq"d errq t arrero cr{ "T{ a) fl sn +) rm wf ff ffi1 4qs qu-s fi vo-qanr dvw mror =rdt 61a6 51 i11 s1a1 ti 6-)g a;r ft1Sfl-q ren ".rd-{R r E€iIEfi. oq-fgl-{I *qr$ q-ar +dr{H Tflr Rqim:- fr4i6:- +{i (awrqfl erfurrq-fi/*irer6 arsr wr0m'qFfa arrq sdnft-d R-{iH :- ............ +d - fi rr{ si q-& cr{ T{ *6( qtra) r fr q* fl-qtac snq-ft snq ( eT) (q) * sqRd ftq fuarsfrer yqrur q-* rims mt a-e$-erqR t qnq-ft TR rfi sTlqh S" h 3Tr{16-r cTrffi t t t mr Xuf ft-o-<ur s6-$ it onqml srqi 6{rqrc/ q?rsFr e di qrffi s{rq u,r rrr* o=, $rvarcxuea--Tll qErserrq rr{Eh'rt rt srm tIr-c-{R qmq $fi{wa-fi Eh'r eTqer qz 1qs sEr+ *" {t{ gBf}r+a rairq tq-q qc) fr.............. T{dTxl{.. zFQTI.................. (cn TriI......,.... vdrfrsltqafrft-am-t-ar{zmrfiifril, ora .. Gilt6-fir1q-a, ErS}+,rOii tsindrgrz.rEcorB, ssanftar/qrdr/Ti{qi.n ils-shfr-617ry6pcftfr-6r&B drrfr& d s$ ft-rm m-s t) 3{TrI c[t 1. i-acziirTc srft 2. ftr r ts-flq q{ qt nE-a cfrqre Ufrzmr{ + qrffisi enq liq ffit * rrq (ei) &;srr-q ('il-d) fr qdc{.... ...............suo$ (q) w$-4 5 fr-q wr futr-d e{eizil e{frfr--d s-"+"fi qq d q}zs-f, +S futr-d ............. q-s-$ ........... q-s'$ BTRftd (q) Tfr eTfuA-{s d cift-d BFrfl q,-s"fli dil !-qnr rS igfr"r... 3. fRz.mHrr t errq sq-i-tr aedi q?i eidi q-s Gnrrkd g*r urRm en+ itqrf,{amrdqrymrcnifr.sqstnqn-+.rsqEf a-ot-{rf,HGtreilqBw&Beil"<$6$furqTi"&'rTqrB fi q-E lfr s{{t"I i-dl ifr errn *fr errq scri-.F'mB.d srrq t GTferdi sr{ rT{ eil fi sra qi sm qsf 6TTda qrfit Erqq ffi 6T qT er;q mt{ qu-e' ti mr mqrr qqfl I I TEfl;I : fr-{im. : 6GITqI{ oqtItIFI eqr€ q-ar +frqn Tf,r mrdEff ilm'_qftifelsrsu-sqo-sqr{qrfr sft -6rfl rw k+io:(awrer +6{ erfrtrrq-+zqirei-d R{im:mT-qfilq rtrefua fuUb' frqFfter EFr s-qrur trr arcl srtttr qFh srrq wsrR-a fr ,r{ si fffr .n{ q{ r ............ fr {t6{ qle - a-E*aqri S fiiorfter eTrq-ft TE tIR mr Xof tr-q{ur q'{-$ d dtr* mt t qG-f,) fi *' ANNExURE'-IV INCOME CERTIFICATE IN RESPECT OF BOY TN RECETPT OF MINISTRY OF DEFENCE SCHOLARSHIP ""Son Name of the boy............ (with School Number) studying in Sainik School, Chittorgarh Class.,..."" of"""""""' STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR.THE YEAR...... fiom Income flom Any paylpension immovable land, Shares other source including ProPertY etc. of allowances etc. income or business Income from Income Total (Per annum) per month Self/ guardiarl wife's Child's Name AGGREGATE INCOME PER ANNUM I hereby solemnly declare that the above information is true to the best of knowledge and that nothing is kept conceaied. (SIGNATURE,) Parent's/Guardian's Occupation TO BE COUNTE,RSIGNE,D BY FIRST CLASS MAGISTRATE OR CLASS I GAZETTED OFFICER OR REVENI.IE OFFICERNOT BE,LOW TF{E RANK OF TEHSILDAR Date :....... (Office Seal) Signature with Stamp ANNEXIIRE-''V" r55qfuoolNo.....'.'..' """""'Narne ' """"' """"""""""""""':"""' Suardian _ hereby declar:e that Chittorgarh sohool sainik in who is studyinglseeJ<itis admission paying income tax' rrll Dat$,,,,,. "'....,.....,,,".,...,,'. .OOUNTFBSISNATUBE SEAL Signature af Executive Ivlagistrate/S ub-D ivi s i onal Magistrate stamped paper worth Rs. 10/" Note : This affidavit should be on a non-judicial I am not Annexure - VI PAYING STUDENTS AT SAINIK SCHOOLS THIS AGREEMENT is made this day of _2015 Village - S/o Shri Shri PO between Tehsil : District : (hereinafter called the 'Guarantor'which expression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning there of be deemed to include his heirs by the executors, administrators and Legal representatives) of the one part and the Board of Governors Sainik Schools (here in after) called the Governor's which expression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include the Principal of Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Raj) of other part. Sh WHERE AS S/O (hereafter called the student) is son/ward of the guarantor and has at the request of the guarantor been selected for admission to the Sainik School, Chittorgarh inter alia, on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receiving education in a Sainik School. NOW IT lS HEREBY AGREED BY and between the parties hereto as follows:- That in consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to the Sainik School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of the guarantor, he, the guarantor, covenants with the Governors that the student will attend the Sainik School regularly and will observe and comply with all the rules and regulations thereof for the prescribed period and that he, the guarantor, shall pay to Governors regularly and promptly and whenever called upon to do so all the fees prescribed for education in the Sainik School. That the Governors will not be liable for any damages/charge on account of injuries which may be sustained by the student any time during his stay in the school while taking part in sports or other extra curricular activities of the school or on account of any other reason directly or indirectly related to his stay as a student in the school. All expenses that may be incurred in the treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parent / guardian as provided in the rules of the said school. And that if there is any dispute as to the effect or meaning of these presents or in any way touching or arising out of these of presents, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Board of Governors, Salnik Schools, whose decision shall be final. lN WITNESS WHERE OF Shri has set his hand and Reqistrar. Sainik School. Chittorqrh by order and direction of the Board of Governors has set his hand the day and the year first above written. Siqned bv in the presence of (see note (b) below) Note: Siqned bv for and on behalf of the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools in the presence of (a) The agreement form is to he fully stamped. The necessary stamped paper for Rs. 10/- is to be purchased by the guarantor from the Local Revenue Officer. (b) Government servant of gazetted sfafus who should sign together with his seal of office in token of having witnessed the signature of the guarantor. Annexure Vll AGRFEMENT FqRM TO BE EXECUTED BY THE PARENTS/GUARDIANS OF STUDENTS OTHER THAN FULL FEE PAYING AT SAINIK SCHOOLS THIS AGREEMENT s/o is made this day of _2015 (hereinafter Shri between called the Guarantor, which expression shall unless excluded by the context of the meaning thereof the deemed to include his heirs, executors, administrator, and legal representatives) of the one part and the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools Society (hereinafter) called the 'Governors' which expression shall unless excluded by the context or the meaning thereof be deemed to include the Principal of the Sainik School. Chittorgarh. of the other part. WHEREAS (hereinafter called the student) is the son/ward S/o of the guarantor and has at the request of the guarantor been selected for admission to the Sainik School, Chittorgarh inter alia, on the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing for the purpose of receiving education with a view to making the Regular Armed Forces, his profession in life, if considered by the appropriate authority to be suitable and if there is any vacancy and if he be selected. NOW lT lS HEREBY AGREED BY AND between the parties hereto as follows:- That in consideration of the student being admitted by the Governors to the Sainik School for the purpose of the aforesaid education at the request of the guarantor, covenants with Governors that the student will attend the Sainik School regularly and will observe and comply with all the rules and regulations thereof for the prescribed period or until he is declared fit for admission to any institution as may from time to time prescribed by the Governors, for training for entry to the Regular Armed Forces and that he, the guarantor shall pay to the Governors regularly and promptly and when ever called upon to do so all the fees as prescribed, if he is not in receipt of any scholarship. That if for any reasons not beyond the control of either the student or the guarantor the student fails to pursue his studies at the said school before appearing for selection for entry to any institution as may from time to time be prescribed by the Governors for training for entry to the Regular Armed Forces or fails to appear for the said selection or in the event of his not succeeding in the said selection, fails to reappear for selection, till such time as his age permits him to do so, according to the rules and regulations. For the time being in force or having been declared successful at the said selection does not proceed to one of the said institutions to which he may be directed to proceed for being trained for entry into the Regular Armed Forces or having joined the said institutions fails to complete the training there at for the entry 2 into the Regular Armed Forces or fails to join the Regular Armed Forces after completing the training at the said institution, then and if any such case the guarantor shall forthwith pay to the Governors in cash the sum the student has received from the School and / or the State Government / Central Government the value of the scholarships he has received for the period the student was at the said school. That if after admission any of the following viz, proof of domicile, certificate of age and statement of income supplied by the guarantor, is found to be false in any way or not in order the guarantor shall forthwith pay to the Governors in cash the sum the student has received from the school and I or the State Government / Central Government (the value of the scholarships he has received) for the period the student was at the said school. That if after admission, the student is found to be medically unfit in any way at the time which might, according to the opinion of the appropriate medical authority, render him unfit for his future entry to the Regular Armed Forces, the student will be withdrawn at once, but it would be open to the guarantor to retain him at the school on payment of the full fee prescribed by the Governors from the date student is found medically unfit. That the Governors will not be liable for any damages/charges on account of injuries which any be sustained by the student at any time during his stay in the school while taking part in sports or other extra-curricular activities of the school. AII expenses that may be incurred in treatment of such injuries will be borne by the parenUguardian as provided in rules of the said school. And that if there is any dispute as to the effect or meaning of these presents or in any way touching or arising out of these presents, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Board of Governors, Sainik Schools, whose decision shall be final. lN WITNESS WHERE OF Shri has set his hand and Registrar, Sainik School, Chittorgah by order and direction of the Board of Governors has set his hand the day and the year first above written. Siqned bv in the presence of Siqned bv for and on behalf of the Board of Governors, (see note (b) below) Sainik Schools in the presence of Note: (a) The agreement form is to he fully stamped. The necessary stamped paper for Rs.10/- r.s fo be purchased by the guarantor from the Local Revenue Officer. (b) The signature of the guarantor is to be Government seruant of gazetted status. witnessed by any Annexure - Vlll SAINIK SCHOOL. CHTTTORGARH (RAJ) NDA BOND TO BE EXECUTED BY PARENT/GUARDIAN (To be Executed on Non Judicial stamp paper worth Rs.f 0/-l S/o, t, Resident of viil PO : District Tehsil, No: Shri : Father/Mother of School hereby bind myself that if my son/ward does not take the competitive examination of the Union Public Service Commission for admission to the National Defence Academy and after joining the Academy fails to complete the training there at for the entry into Regular Armed Forces or fails to join the Regular Armed Forces after competing the training at the said lnstitution, I will refund to the government the value of Scholarship availed by my son/ward during his stay at Sainik School, Chittorgarh. This will also be the position if he leaves the school at any intermediate state without taking the available examination Signature of the father/Guardian Date : ATTESTED BY FIRST CLASS MAGISTRATE + Annexule - lX FORM OF THE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OF R/O Brief description property and where situated of place Kind of property Whether or immovable movable Realisable value of the property ATTESTTED BY TEHSILDAR Annexure- X S. No Qtv 01 No 1.' 'Shirt white full sleeVes (Terricot) - without pocket pocket. (Terricot) without 01 No 2. Short white 01 No 3. Trouser Black (Pant) (Terricot) - (Civil Pattern) 03 Nos 4. Vest Cotton half sleeves' 03 Nos 5. Undervirear 06 Nos 6. [andkerehief white 04 Pairs 7 Socks white L Socks Black .. 04 Pairs 02 Nos 9. Sleeping Suits( terricoVcotton) 01 No 10. Pagri (Bottle Green for Sikh boys only) 01 No 11. Pagri (Saffron) for Sikh boys only 02 Nos 12. Towei bath 01 No 13. Bed Sheets White (White) 01 Pair 14" Sports Shoes with laces 02 Pairs 15. Shoes Black Leather New Oxford type 01 Pair 16. Slippers (Chappal) 01 No 17. 'Lock Steel box size 26"x16" (Black Cplour) 02 Nos 18. with keys in duplicate with chain 01 No 19 Hold all (medium size) -(Bedding) 01 No 20. Air Bag' (White) 21 Pillow with two covers 01 No 22. Quilt (During winter Season) -With cover white 01 No 10 Nos 23. Hangers Steel 02 Pairs 24. Shirt and Trouser (Private) 25. Woollen Jersey or Coat (Private) - 01No 02 Nos 26 PT Shoes (Canvas shoes) i 27. Other Small ltems. Soap bathing & washing, Soap Dish, Shoe Brush, Tooth Brush, Tooth i . Paste, Boot Polish Black, Blanco white, Hair Oil and Comb, Mirror, , Permanent marker pen, Thread, Needles, Steel Glass for tea, Medium size torch with cells, Geometry Box, Pen, ink, Ball pen, Pencil, Scale, Rubber, Nail Cutter, Coloured Socks & 2 Note bboks. Note. The following items will be provided by the School (from Clothino GranUPocket Monev):- Shirt Khaki half sleeves (Terric6t) with shoulder Flaps & both side pocket with flaps (Army Pattern) 02 Nos Trousers Khaki (Terricot) with 3 belt flaps.(Army Pattern) 03 Nos 3. Rain Coat-with Cap (Khaki) or Umbrella 01 No 4. Khaki Jersey (school pattern) 01 No 5. House Colour.T-Shirts 03 Nos 6. Schbol.Blazer 01 No' 7. Uniform ltems As per requirement. 8. Mattress 6'x3' (On payment of Rs. 1500/-) 01 No 9. Shirt white full sleeves 02 Nos 10. Short whit'e 02 Nos 11. Trouser Black 02 Nos 1. on payment ) Annexure Xl CHECK LIST OF DOGUMENTS 1. Admission docu,ments. These documents are mandatory for admission and original are required to be deposited with the schoor : Name/description of the documen(s) Original date witn -one-?ttesteO of the same for verification. birth certificate Original School Transfer sig.nature of respected DEo/BEolnabr/csr nlgionar Original Report card with Yes / No same for verification. 02 (Two) passport size p postcard size famiry. coror photograph (Father, Mother, brother/sister if an Parents are to be in posse Yes / No card for verification of their parentage and for pioot ot address at time of admission of their ward. Failin! *tri.n gate pass will not be issued for entry inside the-school Cadets information sheet t Yes / No Judicial stamp paper as per the format dury attested by A separate character certifica not more than 03 (Three) months old (ctass Vrulll). Domicile Certificate issued by the appropriaG-District Authorities. Caste Certificate, (only for comp( tent District Authorities case transfer/postin transfer/posting orders to be provided to the schoot. Transfer/posting order not to be older than six montns for direct admission in class Vl & I Bond of agreement as Annexure Vl & Vll Yes / No (As per Annexure SCIS@ ln of - Vilt)@ Service Particulars for Serv Book for Ex-servicemen lnoculationA/accination Govt hosoitals certirica@ Yes / No Annexure Xl 2 2. Scholarship documents. For the purpose of Scholarship, individuals are to submit income certificate (from all sources). The following certificate/affidavit as applicable will be treated as valid. Ser No (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) 3. Name/description of the document (s) Remarks lncome Affidavit duly countersiqned bv District Collector Head of Department/Employers Certificate for salaried parents lncome Certificate from Tehsildar for Farmers Certificate from lncome Department &other professionals Pension Certificate for Pensioners/PPO lncome Tax Affidavit for Non-lncome Tax Payers Certified true copy of the last years lncome Tax Return for income Tax payees Form of Description of the Property duly attested by Tehsildar Yes / No Yes / No Tax Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No - Yes / No Name/description of the document (s) Remarks Other documents Ser No (a) (b) Bond of lndemnity - As per format Declaration & Undertaking by the Parents/Guardians (c) Affidavit (d) (e) (0 & declaration by parents & students for Yes / No Yes / No Anti- Yes / No Raqqinq Demand Draft for Fee Rs. 95,500/-for General & Defence Candidates and Rs. 94,000/- for SC & ST Candidates, drawn in favour of "Principal Sainik School, Chittorgarh" payable at Chittorqarh Aqreement for pavment of increased fee Clothing & necessaries - As per Annexure - X Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No INDEMNITY BOND The President of lndia, ln consideration of whom I am the _ legal/naturaIguardianoeing@inSainikSchooI,Chittorgarh minor of (Rai) Name of Child Date of Birth Father's Name Mother's Name I undertake and agree that neither I nor my executor or administrator or any legal representative will make any_ claim against the Govt or against any gtller Officer/other rank or civilian employees of Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Raj) or against any person in the service of Govt in respect of any loss or any injury to property or person including injury resulting in death which the said minor may-suffer. I to bind my self, my heirs, my executors and administrators to indemnify you and any officer or other rank or civilian employees of Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Raj) and any person in the service of the Govt igainst any claim which may be made by any third party against you or any of them a-rising out of any act of default on the part of the said minor or in connection with the training being imparted at Sainik School. Chittorgarh (Raj). further agree so as (Signature of parenUGuard ian) Witnesses 1. Signature Name 2. : Signature Name: DECLARATION Father/Mother Cadet of School No Sainik School, Chittorgarh (Raj), I declare that I will be responsible for my ward's discipline and good conduct and in the event of being withdrawn from the School, will pay the cost of training as decided by the authorities. I further declare that if my son/ward is involved/found involved in any incident of breach of discipline, I will personally withdraw him from the School without blaming the School authorities and School reputation. Date Signature : Name Shri Address Witnesses 1. Signature Name 2. : Signature Name : UNDERTAKING FROM PARENTS S/o t, hereby undertake, that I will withdraw my child School No from this school, if he does not adjust to the School routine or runs away from School. Being Military based institution, PT, Games and evening stage activities, classes are to be attended by each child. ln case my son/ward is not suited to the busy routine of this School or tries to run from School without permission, I will immediately withdraw my child from the School without blaming School authorities and School reputation. Signature Name Shri Address Date : Witnesses 1. Signature Name 2. Signature Name : I I (?o w i i li |4 .tr 1^ /G l, Mr./Mrs./Ms. fathrer/nrotherlguardian of fl"*f \RDIAN Pry,- (fult name , (full name of student with ) of parent/guardian) adrn ission/r egistration/enrolmeni nunrber) , having been admittecr to sainik school 2j t am futty aware of what consfitutes ragging. 3) I am also fully aware of the penal and admirristrative action that is liable to be taken against my ward in case he is {ound guitty of indutging in or abetting ragging, actiirely or passivery, or being part of a cionspiracy to pnomote ragging. rlll ,1, 4i I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) My ward will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted,as ragging. b) ;lr My ward wiil not participate in or abet or propagate any act of I cornmission or omission that rnay be constituted as ragging. 5) I hereby accept that, if found guifiy of ragging, rny ward is riabre for punishrnent without prejudice to any other criminar action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the tirne being in force. 6) I herehy declare that my ward has not been expelled or debarred from admission in any instittttion in the country on account of being found guilty of, abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote, ragging; and further atfirm that, in case the cleclaration t :*:ri-::.r-: .,..-,- is :t- 7-<-s found to be untrue, the admyss on of ward is liable to be cancelled. ofrieu mid %. day of .. v month of' year. _.- Signature of deponenf Name: Address: Telephone/Mobile No,: eErsauas verified the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. Verified at (place) on thjs the (day) 'rat of (month) , (year). $ignature of deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the (day) of (month) {year) after reading the contents of this affidavit. OATH COfrII\4ISSIONER UNDERTAKING BY THE CA,DET t, admissionlregistrationlenrolment (full name of student with number) $/o d/o shri/$mt. , having been admittod to Sainik School .,,{, am fulty aware of what constitutes ragging. 2J I am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found guilty of indulging in or abetting ragging, actively or passively, or being part of a conspiracy to prornote 3) ir', ragging, " I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behaviour or act that may be constituted as ragging. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission any act that may be constituted as ragging, 4) I hereby affirm that, if found guilty of ragging, I am liable for punishment without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. 5) Declared this -.-- day of month of _ _year. Signature of deponent Name: AFFIDAVIT t, of resident Tehsil S/o Village PO: : District : School No Shri _ father : Name who is studying in class Vl/lX in Sainik School Chittorgarh, hereby declare that I am not paying income tax. Signature Dated : COUNTERSIGNED Seal of Signature of Executive Magistrate/SDM
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