D,A.V. PUBTIC SCHOOT, SAINIK COLONY, SECTOR-49, FARIDABAD SESSION 20L5-16 CLASS III SUBJECT ENGLISH SUMMER BREAK ASSIGNMENT Name....,,....,,,.,,.,,.,.,....,...,..,.,.,.,. A word Sec........... Roll No..,....,, that is used instead of a noun is called a pronoun. Q.1.Pick out the pronouns from the following sentences and Write them in the blank spaces:1. Jack's mother gave him an orange ........ . 2. Riya told that she had not done it. .............. 3. Please, tell us a story. .,.......... 4. They went to the market. .......... 5. N4other told us to return home safely. .... . .. 6. He is a shy boy............. Q.2.Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns:1. Reema said that.,....(we,he,she)would take a nap in the afternoon 2. Mother and I decided that .......{we,he,she)would go to the cinema 3. Riddhi and Siddhi said that... . ,(he,she,theyi would play in the evening ' 4. Aman and Raj are best friends. ...... {We,She,They) always help each other. Q.3.Rearrange the words in proper order:- 1. good for health and vegetables fruits are Ans. ...,.........,.......... 2. sister is my playing Ans.,..........,............ with her toys 3. auditorium there is big beautifuland in school my a Ans. ..,.....,.,............. 4. best friends are and Snowy Snoopy Ans, ............,........... Q,4. Do you have apet ? Would you like to have one ? lf you don't have a pet imagine that you have one. What would it be? What would it look like? How would you look after it? Write a short paragraph about it you have Q.5. A robot is a machine which can do allthe work that h uma ns can do lmagine a robot and describe how he works for you and helps everyone at home. (Draw and colour picture of a robot on A-4 Size sheet.) 1 ,---c>^Sosofro - --a* sl qr FTf,,SG"6 *Y-ei-#,S-+rt-uq,qtdTdt6 \ g{-?o?g-?oiq afts-rTl{firer frr-d ff T-c.* $Be *rd' .nan- ffi faqq- Gfr .tt {a fr ff.ar 3{rdr 2rTl 3r} Tdr 6efr +}$ ua{T r{eT{ \'q.f{q:r.nr+'cr€.ft FrB?n ji d q+ arq-F-6-dqr{ a-o1To a€r I F{r aft-rfr ers let6{ ii rrw or aoi aan d:ra 4t} fr S-qr fu.:na d aft "K' I 4lr{ 3lTafui fr trrer+ d qqr ?Tr I rgi sr;fl d-.sT 3lt{ iiqrcT - ?izt-.ET re sfi. wa J slT 3n g3iT | I qol- rTET;rro t "rqr 6{ tdr ur ? qoL alq + J-lllel+ chl ctqL all+1 ql a To- ---------,------ q.3- (16, ffa :rfflq" qo{- {Qd qd_d}- c.5- 3T0 * 11r4-i *tfl rrtjT- 90tl- tldorlrl rllcl- - ----- E- G6 s.Jr 63n ? sala- TisT o;ld-- qo 2- 3.1T suil S trEd sdT3rt- -------"-- 5.- ------------4 t e{ - ----".----*- :q - -----.------Fd- - ------------- Fd - --------- qo 3- Har a?rr qd"{FJ EiqT 3lir4 6d- 4i)aitft "fr 3{q;fl frrFI FqEi 553 e} u1 nrs frfua 3i{ rs* ore} qre or | H l {niGd.(r;lfrffit1 ;r) sl t-fd fr'qT* i rt FAt | --- qo 4 -t€rif*-d tr"qi fl *-6rft qdr+ - tlq.lltl- . rt Br Ir ,-t-.e *' {q"] q-rcqr dftdr t E}-etri fti{{l l s) i{gsr qdl fr rer t I ------** a; f< fS rsrqr dar t f ---- {t €.Eet q-€ET eat q"5-ft'"'Tsqni- q;tC) i{5611 Nl{- ----------- € ts ----- ----;----------- - ?r) F-dr- q) *{5.) 3rt-qlq6- co 6- Sfr 6) ffii+ tr€;4 - Iq) dtd - qr< W ahcn arTrliger , are-;a, gd Esq , q{qq , - en *€d , R-{ q) slg}*, qo 7- FdT 16a 6t-{ g?rt{ dR ,FIES' , ffiq-{ $ a++ vt +d- 6fft {'qRdr d {E) ffi at) F{T q I ff{Tdtlrfrtl 6J {#(+_(l atF 6artr {r\gsnqr 5) rra'5gr fir _ t 6 I I qo 8- 4lFq d;il3fl- 6l q{ - --------------1:---*-- J.l1 rTF 4 q6r{{ 3 :' u; tq1 q" 9- iiqfa'{ $ lo-'10 \r1 t'{ lTE.r.r 3i fr. er*r "pr:i- 3{R} Eil-€dr q< , af2;l d)\ *l oll-1o{ ,91ccf s-=5 tQl <4t rezt - -:{ . 6{f{T - ... l ( I I I l L + .\ DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, Sainik Colony, SEC - 49 Session( 2015 - 2016) Date ....."...'. Subject Class - lll Summer Break Assignment Maths Nane......... Roll No....... class ... . . Section....... the circles :Solve the questlons and draw lines to match the circles of numbers:- 1. Match sa me -9q9 2. A number is assigned to each letter ' Calculate the value of each flower by adding the values assigned to the letter of its name . -28, b-445, c- 43, d-23, e 44, t 55,8' 78, h n-12, i- 89, j-54 , k- 09, l- 56, m -430, 56 ,l - 1-2 , p'76 , q-22,t- 99,s- 08, t- 65, u -780, v-32, w-06,x- 68 ,y- 3. a R- o5- c. L- oU. s- B. L - l- L- 3. Look at the venn diagram and answer the questions :- Pia A. How no ma ny Both G uita r children like to play only a, 6 b. c. 5 pia no ? 3 B. How many children like to play only guitar? a.6b. c.3 5 4. * English Both >c te nc:e eliis h and science A. How many students like bot h"1E:nngl '1"1[ a. 8 b 4 c. I5 ts. How many students like on lv s;ccie n(ce a. b. 4 c_ 5 ? Session 2015-15. DAV PUBIIC SCHOOL, SAII\IIK COLONY, SEC-49 FBD. sUMMER BREAK ASSIGNMENT ctAss lll GSC. NAME: ROLL NO: CHAPTIRS : sEcTicl N MY BODY PLAF.ITS AROUruD U5. lA) At\,jrMAts. Fill in the blanks with appropriate lvords: 1. Cur body has many 2. Tress have 3. We have _ branches- sense organs. 4. har.re hard, strong and woodv stem 5. Oui boclir keeps charTging with 6. We smell the fcoci with our 7. Herbs have 8. Our stefi. is sensitive to tastes. and are example c{ herbs (touch,/r.,, rl il I t] .Ve a ao\e i , ! eo whe n we "norv 11. _ _lfrogldog) lives both on land and in vr'ater. 12.Cen live without waier for nral,; days (carnei,/br.:wn bear). 9 (8) llanre them :1. Two land a nimals 2. Two water an ima ls 3. Tvro Air an irna ls 4. Iwo shrubs 5. Two ireeS 6. Two clirnbe!"s B. Tws herbs €) [r:mpose a poern on "Save Trees and save earth". for a nature waik. Observe different plants. Try to classify them into:D) Go Trees E) Strrubs l-lerbs 1L l-"bnL F) Match ihe f olNowing 1) skin 2) Money plani 3) Eyes 4) \rvater melcrn 5) [a rs 6j Tonrato " EW4unzd4^"t See Creeper ilear Climber Herb Feel Paste*pictureseach of Herbivorous, Omnitrorous and Carnivorcus anlmals in your G,Sc note book. G) diag'tan D.A.V. PUBUC SCHOOI- SAINIK COtONY, SECTOR-49, FARIDABAD sEssloN 2015-16 SUBJECT'S' Sciences CLASS- lll summer Break Assitnment Name..'....',. ,... Section....'........"..'. Roll No..'....'.... """ surn:mer fhe most axv aite{ thne of the year s 6ac? .. . . v acations. It's time to liave fun at.pi.cnics, ^visit t{te JavoLtrite y[aces, fu[[ of ice creLtwLS, Joln h.o66y c[asses anc{ most imyortant - syen{ time with tliefami{y. Akng 'witfi al.f tliis masti, comy fete tliis interesting assigtune nt ctnc{get goof re[is{i mottt f"nu at ering cfishes, enjoy scooys Att /3{E tsT.sf ! gradbs. Q1. Circle the correct option. l.V >cu's farher Sold rs a .......................... in lndian A'my. Mayor ier Colonel 2. An international levei badminton player whose daughter is a film star. Saina Nehwal Prakash Padukone Sunil Gavaskar 3, The art of ma king beautiful designs on the floor wlth colours, flowers etc Painting Rangoli Ka la mka ri 4. vour paler,ral grandparents a'e your Nlother's parents Faiher's parents Both 5. A Surname is the -Family name Neighbour's name Both 6. ldenticalTwins are those whc look exactly Differentl Similar Q2. Riddle Guess time: ihe name of the state: la) YoLr a'e oating pLrranpo'i. You are n (b)You are eating lhLkpa You are in (c) YoL are eatlnB dho.la You are in None of the two (d) You are eating avi\ia1. You are in Q3. ldentify the irersonality in the given picture and answerthe quesiions given -t the personalitythe country where she lives ........... the lndian staie where her relatives live- . Y fiii ^dN .... Q4. ldentify the She stayed in space r'; ctures of . 5he is a f anous l:. lr ! .. .. for .......,............... days. and name the fabrics worn in these seasons L I l l .l FClOD Read lesson OUR FOOD and Q5. Given beiow is an lnccnlP lete list of five ilrinciples of ccm Plete it. 1. Aiways buy it u./ith care. 2. 3. 4. Se rve it bea tifully. 5. Q: 6. Revise t he work dorre .--" ----.-- - .-..=..:.>).-'''.<.- Hevf,. & copy. Nnc,m- gu-[LMf,.R 88.f,=A
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