Bicheno is a town on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia, 185 km

Bicheno is a town on the east coast of Tasmania, Australia, 185 km north-east of Hobart on the Tasman
Highway, with a population of 853 (2011 census). It is part of the municipality of Glamorgan/Spring Bay. The
town is primarily a fishing port and a beach resort.
The town was named after James Ebenezer Bicheno, the British
Colonial Secretary for Van Diemen's Land from 1843 to 1851.
The first historical reference to the place that was to become
Bicheno was made by James Kelly during his circumnavigation of
Van Diemen's Land. He landed here (when it was known as
Waubs Harbour) to dry his provisions. From 1803 Waubs
Harbour was used as a whaling port. Bicheno was proclaimed a
township in 1866. Bicheno
Post Office opened as a
receiving house on 1
January 1855.
Near the tennis courts is the grave of Wauba Debar (after whom Waub's
Harbour was named), an aboriginal who was stolen from her tribe as a
teenager to become a "sealer's woman". Her bravery in rescuing two sealers
in a storm is commemorated by a headstone.
The hinterland was established for farming in the mid-1840s, which
continues today. Coal was discovered in 1848. In 1854, the harbour was
expanded to provide port facilities for the coal mines at Denison River.
The coal was transported to the port via a 5km horse-drawn tramway.
The use of Bicheno as a coal port was short-lived. The discovery of gold in
Victoria saw most of the residents depart in 1855 and for nearly a century,
Bicheno became a sleepy little fishing village. Fishing has continued to be
the lifeblood of the town with substantial quantities
of crayfish, abalone, scallops and trevally. In recent times it has become a popular tourist destination, with a range
of accommodation, craft shops, two small aquaria, and a visitor centre. Visitors are also attracted to the little
penguin colony on adjacent Diamond Island A nearby point of interest is the Bicheno Blowhole.
In September 2003 a memorial to the Merchant navy was unveiled in Bicheno. Five months later, in February
2004, the town presented a freedom of entry charter to the Australian Merchant Navy, the first time any locality in
the world has granted 'freedom of the city' to the Merchant Navy. Local primary school children have been
appointed custodians of this memorial, built near Wauba Debar's grave.
Location, time and contact details
13th - 17th
BreastScreen Tasmania
Mobile Bus May Shaw Centre Swansea
14th April
Swansea Probus Inc
10 Monthly meeting and BBQ Swansea Golf Club Bill 0411 203 223
17th April
Coast Guard Freycinet
7 pm Terry Charlton Room at the Boatshed. Visitors and new
members welcome. Bill Fry, Admin Officer: 0400 329 973
20th - 24th
BreastScreen Tasmania
Mobile Bus Bicheno Health Centre
24th April
STUFIT (Swansea Town
Ukulele & Folk Instr. Troupe)
7.30 pm at the Swansea Town Hall on Friday 10th April 2015. All
Welcome. Call Steve Mob: 0438 060 047 for further info.
25th April
Swansea RSL
6 am Dawn Service East Coast Heritage Centre followed by breakfast
and refreshments in the club
25th April
Swansea RSL
11 am Wreath Laying Ceremony East Coast Heritage Centre. Those
wishing to march please meet at Swansea Recreational Reserve at 10.30
26th April
2.30 pm Tasmania Guitar Trio All Saints Church
26th April
Friends of Rocky Hills
10 - 12 Eighth Annual Clean Up Day Cressy Beach - Little Swanport
River Followed by BBQ ( BYO drinks) Alison Wallace 0419 090 245
27th April
Haphazards Art Group
10 to 3 Fortnightly meeting All Saints Church Hall Nora 6257 8407
28th April
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
5 pm Monthly Meeting Triabunna Agenda items by 17th April
Editor: Bill Fry
Advertising Coordinator: Jenny Whittaker
Advertising, Stories & Copy Deadline: strictly 12 noon Friday
Advertisements costing $20 or less must be paid in cash at the Centre before publication
Phone: 6257 8806 Fax: 6257 8053 Postal Address: P.O. Box 308 Swansea 7190
Email: [email protected]—articles, letters and photographs welcome!
Printed by Swansea Online Access Centre Opening hours: Monday 10 am - 3 pm; Tuesday 10 am to 3 pm;
Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm; Thursday 10 am - 3 pm; Friday 9 am to 1 pm; Public Holidays by prior arrangement
Wed 15 Apr G Bryan & J
Thurs16 Apr G Olbrey
Fri 17 Apr
S Seipen
Mon 20 Apr J Austwick
Tues 21 Apr S Kean & D
Disclaimer: The Editorial team reserves the right to print any material which is designed to benefit or be
of interest to the local community. Consequently, all views or opinions expressed in material published are
solely those of the writer of that material and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinions of any persons
associated with Great Oyster Bay Community News, the Swansea Online Access Centre or Linc Tasmania.
The editorial team also reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish any material that may be deemed
damaging, misleading or detrimental to our organisation or community. Please refer to our Editorial and
Advertising policies which are located on our website
Care until release of orphaned
wildlife including Wombats, Eastern
Grey kangaroos (Foresters), Bennetts
& Pademelon wallabies & Tasmanian
Devil rescue. Phone Marcia at
Bayview Bush Babies on
0448 714 419.
For advice or care of birds phone
Sherryl Lyn on 0427 796 096.
Collection of bee swarms, please
phone Marcia on 0448 714 419.
Please phone pest control for wasps.
For a safe snake relocation service
throughout the municipality. Phone
Bruce Press on 0400 502 403.
Easy Relaxation for Mind
and Body Every Thursday in
Orford 1pm at the Orford
Community Hall. Contact
Nadine Ozols, Program Coordinator,
6257 9126
[email protected].
Swansea State Library has a
Glamorgan Spring Bay
new phone number 6257 8607. Please Council Monthly
use this number for all enquiries
Meeting 5 pm 21st Apr at
regarding the library
Book Discussion Group at the
Swansea Library. We meet on the
fourth Thursday in the month, next
meeting Apr 23 at 10.30 am. Keep
reading and bring along the book you
are currently reading. Contact
Deirdre Monk on 6257 8584.
Your local SES is looking for
volunteers. If you are interested,
want to know more or just want to
come and have a look. Your local
unit is also on the hunt for your old
unwanted vehicles, if you have got
one that you would like to donate to
the unit for training purposes, please
let us know, we can even arrange
pickup. Contact us at
[email protected] or ring
Kelvin on 0418 376 129
Triabunna. Agenda items by 17th
Music and Mediation 3pm
Wednesdays All Saints Church
this week’s music is Beethoven 's
Pastoral Symphony to celebrate
the grape harvest. A cuppa will be
supplied after the session in the
church hall. All welcome 6257
Community Transport
East Coast the phone number
for the office has changed from
6372 2137 to 6372 4415. A
diversion will be in place until July
but please make note of the
ECCAI 2.30 pm 26th April
Swansea Branch CWA meets
The Swansea Social Croquet
and Boules on Fridays between 11
2nd Wednesday of the month. New
members always welcome. Craft days
alternate months. Contact 6257 8947
for details.
am and 2 pm. Please contact Deirdre
Monk 6257 8584. If you are intending
to continue playing Croquet on
Tasmanian Guitar Trio will be
playing a programme of music
ranging from medieval to
modern. Tickets - $20 or $15
concession available from Bear
Cottage Crafts, or at the
door. Sponsored by ECCAI and
the All Saints Restoration Appeal
Spring Bay Walkers have a
Swansea Probus Club 10 am
Haphazards Art Group 10 -
regular walking calendar of many
interesting local walks. Contact Cath
Willmot on 6257 1096.
April 14 monthly meeting and bbq
Swansea Golf Club Secretary 0411
203 223
Qigong 9.15 am and exercise class
Coast Guard Freycinet next
11.15 am both Monday at Swansea
Golf Club until further notice.
Cranbrook Craft Group Every
Wednesday 10.30 am at Cranbrook
Hall. Cranbrook Contact Edith
6257 8116
Swansea Community Garden
meets on the first Saturday of the
month. Contact Cynthia on
6256 4738.
meeting 1900 Hrs Friday 17th April
Terry Charlton Room at the
Boatshed. Visitors and new members
welcome. Bill Fry, Admin Officer:
0400 329 973
Swansea Community Market
supported by Barkmill Bakery &
Tavern second Saturday of the month
at Swansea Town Hall 10 am - 1 pm
Next month’s market is on 9th May
3 fortnightly meeting All Saints
Church Hall next meeting Monday
27th April Nora 6257 8407
Swansea Online Access
Centre would like to thank all of
the dedicated hard working
volunteers and committee
members who contribute to the
efficient operation of the Centre
and this newsletter, you, our
readers, of this newsletter for it’s
continued success.
Swansea RSL Anzac Day 25th
April Dawn Service 6 am followed
by breakfast. 11 am march &
wreath laying service.
A letter from the editor
Dear readers, in this issue I have included
some small history of Bicheno (page1) and
Swansea (page 9) and over the next few weeks
will include potted histories of the other towns
and places of interest in the municipality.
You are invited to the Swansea Bowls Club on the 10th May for
Mothers’ Day Lunch.
Lunch served between 12 pm
and 2 pm
Roast Lamb And Beef Buffet
with 5 vegetables.
Together with a selection of deserts.
$20 per head Children under 14 years $15
Tables of 6 or more receive a free bottle of wine.
Lucky door prize.
To book a table ring 0427 688 016
This was prompted by a notification from
Oyster Bay in New York on our Facebook
Page. This gives an indication of the reach and
power of the internet and social media.
Next week’s edition is the issue before the
ANZAC Day Centenary and I intend to
devote most of the newsletter to stories,
poems and pictures to this event. If you have
family stories, photos or newspaper articles,
could you please email them to me, or
alternatively, call into the centre and we shall
copy them. All original documents will be
Also if you have any photos of the servicemen
whose names have appeared in the newsletter
over the last few weeks, please contact
Maureen at the East Coast heritage Museum.
Bill Fry (Editor)
Meals on
A community service available to
anyone who would love a meal
delivered to their home, ongoing
or temporary. Cost $8.60 for a two
course meal
Phone 6257 8108
Swansea State Library
has a new phone number
6257 8607. Please use this
number for all enquiries
regarding the library
Council will be restricting the days that all Waste Transfer
Stations in the municipal area are open during the winter
period as follows:
Monday 4th May to Sunday 30th August 2015
2.30 to 4.30pm
Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30pm
2.30 to 4.30pm
Sunday 12.30 to 4.30pm
Any further information can be obtained from Council’s
Manager Works, Tony Pollard on 6256 4777 during office
hours. General Manager Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
Need a FREE business mentor to help you achieve your goals; someone
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Our Mentors are available now.
To access CoacheStuff Business Mentor Services, call 0459 391 093 or
email [email protected] today.
“Word” or “Publisher” Copy by 12 Noon Fridays.
Letters and articles most welcome.
Pictures with articles make for more pleasant reading.
Please send by email to [email protected] or drop in to the Swansea
Online Access Centre
Monday and Wednesday 9 am - 3 pm Tuesday and Thursday 10am -3 pm
Friday 9 am - 1 pm
Public Holidays by prior Appointment
With business experience and
even limited spare time, YOU too
can become a CoacheStuff
Volunteer Business Mentor and
assist Tasmanian small business
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Interested in assisting in this way?
Call 0459 391 093 or email
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Two bedroom flat
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0419 390 736
This Week’s Headstone Quote
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange
Percy Bysshe Shelley
4.08.1792 - 08.07.1822
Last Week’s Headstone : Ludolp van Ceulen spent a major part of his life
calculating the numerical value of the mathematical constant π, using essentially
the same methods as those employed by Archimedes some seventeen hundred
years earlier. He published a 20-decimal value in his 1596 book Van den
Circkel ("On the Circle"), later expanding this to 35 decimals. After his death,
the "Ludolphine number" 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288...,
was engraved on his headstone.
Quotes of the Week
Democracy is the art and science
of running the circus from the
monkey cage. H L Mencken
I don't have a bank account
because I don't know my mother's
maiden name. Paula Pounstone
Do not take life too seriously. You
will never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard
Laugh and the world laughs with
you, snore and you sleep alone.
Anthony Burgess
Tasmanian Guitar Trio
Fish & Chips in our own beer batter or crumbed
All Saints Church, Swansea
2:30pm Sunday 26 April
―Classical with pep. Crossing the boundaries of
Renaissance, Latin, Celtic and original compositions with
shimmering pop textures.‖ THE AUSTRALIAN
The Tasmanian Guitar Trio is the flagship ensemble of
the Tasmanian Guitar Studio, directed by ARIA Award
Winner, Gareth Koch.
The Tasmanian Guitar Trio will be presenting a
programme from medieval to Lennon & McCartney and
contemporary works with every imaginable influence in
between, keeping pace with the guitar’s renegade journey
across music history. (For a preview, go to http://!recordings/c1yi7)
Trio members Darcy O’Malley and Oliver Marshall, still
in their teens, are amongst the most promising guitarists
ever produced in Tasmania. Darcy is an accomplished
classical trumpeter and blues guitarist, while Oliver is
active as an electric guitarist and bassist in contemporary
music. Gareth Koch has released multiple best-selling
albums with ABC Classics. He holds a PhD in Music and
studied at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Royal
Madrid Conservatorium and the Academy of Music in
Vienna. He was a founding member of Saffire – The
Australian Guitar Quartet and has performed throughout
Australia, Europe, Asia and the US.
Tickets $20 and $15 concession available from Bear
Cottage Crafts or at the door. This concert is
presented by ECCAI in conjunction with the All
Saints Restoration Appeal Committee. Profits go to
the All Saints Restoration Appeal.
62578998 – Open every day till 8.00
6 am Dawn Service followed by breakfast in the club.
Any persons wishing to have the Swansea RSL Club
purchase wreaths for ANZAC DAY are asked to contact
the secretary ASAP.
Those who have organised their own wreath but still wish
to place it will also need to contact the Secretary.
All those who intend to march in the 11am. parade are
asked to assemble at the football ground main entrance
prior to10.30 am.
Thank you Tracey Kean Swansea RSL Secretary
Mob: 0407 639 022 Home: 6257 8933
Dear Residents and Visitors,
This year marks a truly special milestone in our nation’s history with the 100th anniversary of the historic
landing at Gallipoli. On 25th April 1915, the legend of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps- or
ANZACS as they are now universally known- was forged against the rugged landscape of the Dardanelles.
This action, our first of hundreds in the ensuing four years of World War One, set in motion a tradition of
service to our country and our community that continues today. And whilst the landings at ANZAC Cove
only account for a relatively small chapter in our history, that undoubtedly had a great influence on our
identity. It is therefore sacrifice and service that we commemorate each ANZAC Day, but in the
acknowledgment of an enduring legacy on who we are.
With this in mind, please join us in commemorating the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli on Saturday 25th April
at the East Coast Heritage Centre. The Dawn Service will commence at 6 am followed by traditional
refreshments at the RSL in Noyes Street. The parade will occur from 10.50 am for an 11 am service in
accordance with newspaper advertisements. Please note:- local road closures will be in force from
approximately 10.30 am . This year, the service will include performances by Swansea Primary School and
other local participants We sincerely look forward to your attendance and support.
Lieutenant Colonel Nick Wilson On behalf of Swansea RSL Sub Branch
A great FREE course of four units
ICA10111 Cert 1 in Information, Digital Media and Technology.
Bistro is now open
Wed—Sat Lunch 12 till 2
Wed—Sat Dinner 6 till 9
Do not forget Friday night spins and members’
Phone: 6257 8188
Workshop will be closed for
Annual Holidays from 4 pm Thursday
23/04/15 Reopening 8 am Tuesday
The online course covers the basics of computing including:
Word processing
File management
Internet use
To enrol contact:
Swansea and Cranbrook Residents
Swansea Online Access Centre on 6257 8806 or call in.
Triabunna, Orford and Buckland Residents
Spring Bay Online Access Centre on 62573698, or call in.
Free computer access provided for the duration of the 8 week course
Places are limited! Be quick! Applications close Wednesday 29th
April 2015
Expressions of interest are also being taken for courses in:
Building a free website, Digital Photos, Photobooks and Online
Small Pool Table
Approx. 1900 x
Balls and Cues
Carpet & Lounge Suite Cleaning
Turbo Tile & Grout Cleaning
Flood Emergency Callouts
High Pressure Cleaning
Fire & Smoke Damage Cleanup
Mattress Sanitising
Exterior House Cleaning
Covering Bicheno, Coles Bay,
Swansea, Orford and Triabunna areas
Truck Mounted Machine
Box 378 Prospect TAS 7250
Swansea Motor
Phone 62578102
Paint &
36 Franklin
Street Swansea
For all your
spray painting &
smash repair
Insurance work
& detailing .
Scott on
0497 928 482
which is now in private hands.
Swansea, Tasmania, Australia is a town in
the heart of Tasmania's east coast, on the
north-west shore of Great Oyster Bay and
overlooking Freycinet National Park. It
was the first municipality in Australia to
be established after Hobart and Sydney.
At the 2011 census, Swansea had a
population of 597.
The first European to explore the
Swansea area was Captain John Henry
Cox sailing from England to Sydney. He
took his ship, the Mercury, up the eastern
coast of Tasmania. On 3 July 1789, having
heard of vast colonies of seals in the area,
he sailed along the western shore of Maria
Island and into a stretch of water he
named Oyster Bay.
Dr Jeff Parsons consults in
Bicheno every Tuesday
afternoon. Please phone 6376
1577 for an appointment or
veterinary advice.
Swansea was not settled until
1821 when George Meredith, his
family and workers arrived
from Pembrokeshire, Wales.
Meredith obtained a grant from
Lieutenant Governor William
Sorell to farm in the area around
Oyster Bay. The land was
developed and made suitable for
seasonal crops and grazing stock
and a tannery and flour mill were
established by the Meredith
River. Whaling stations were also
set up on nearby islands to
enable the export of whale
oil. Swansea was originally called
Great Swanport and Meredith
built the family home, Cambria,
There are other important
buildings in the town including
Morris’ General Store which
has been owned and run by the
Morris family for over 100
years. The Swansea Bark
Mill which processed black
wattle bark was used in colonial
times in the tanning industry
and is now a museum.
Schouten House is a fine
early Victorian colonial house
built in 1844 . Waterloo
Point Post Office opened on 6
September 1832 and was
renamed Swansea around 1863.
Tomorrows heritage today.
Specializing in Restorations,
Houses, Retaining Walls, Stairs,
Garden Features, Paving &
All Types of Stone Work
Compare our work online at
Phone 0409 074 995
Simon P. Clark
Chartered Accountant
“I come to you”
Visiting Swansea the
4th Thursday of each month
21st April
For an appointment please call
Ph: 6391 3007
Visits the Health & Wellbeing
Centre, May Shaw
Dr. Phillip Holmes will be visiting
Swansea from 11 am onwards. April
15th & 29th Please phone 6269 2323
for an appointment or veterinary advice.
Every Tuesday
Slashing of Blocks
Waxing, tinting, manicures &
pedicures, facials, gel nails/toes
Relaxation massage
Swansea - Bicheno - Coles Bay
Ph: Rodney Breadmore
0418 513 973
Phone Sally 0400 837 984
Pest Controller
Richard Lane
Leon Dransfield
0407 299 215
Visiting Bicheno Fri. 1 May
f r app nt nt
Swansea Sat. 2 May
f r app nt
Qualified, Licensed, and because I live
locally, I can offer follow up treatment if
required. For all your
creepy crawly pests.
Spiders, Ants, Fleas
and Flies etc.
environmentally friendly products.
20 Way to leave (4)
21 Number reflecting the weight/height relationship in
humans (4,4,5)
2 Angels depicted as winged children (8)
3 Relating to the eye (5)
4 Bedclothes (7)
5 Not in a million years! (5)
6 Chewed noisily (7)
7 Void (4)
11 Different aspect of something (4,4)
13 Prejudice (7)
14 (Of shoes) open-ended (7)
16 Hi! in Honolulu (5)
1 Musical support? (13)
17 Place for cinema or musical and dramatic
performances (5)
8 "Jesus __" (shortest verse in the King James Bible) (4)
18 Malta's second largest island (4)
9 Childish (8)
10 Military command (to step on it!) (5,5)
12 European manufacturer of the A380, the world's largest
passenger jet (6)
14 Very small (6)
15 French overseas department in the Caribbean, capital
Basse-Terre (10)
19 Refuge from danger — escape route (4-4)
Last weeks solution
Swansea Golf Club Report Saturday 18th April
A good field contested the Monthly medal which was won by Darryl Down with a nett 58 and John McKenna filled
the runner up position, carding a nett 59. Nearest to the pin winners were Jim Morris and Jim Miley. Dale Williams
had the best gross score of the day with a round of 70/61. Other good scores were produced by Malcolm Sinclair
60, Fran Dowling and Ian Wallace 61. Max Hall had the second best gross score of 77and a nett 62.
Members are asked to note that as ANZAC Day falls on a Saturday, it is proposed to hold a 9 hole competition
(ANZAC Shield) 1.30 pm for a 2.00 pm start.(Not as stated in the Roster)
Results D. Down 58 J. McKenna 59 M. Sinclair 60 F. Dowling D. Williams I. Wallace 61 Max Hall 62 M. Willett
P. Donaldson 64 J. Quinn J. Miley 65 R. Dart 67 J. Cotton 69 K. Wadley L. McKenna 70 D. Sinclair 72
J. Morris 75 V. Cleaves 77 V. Kemp 83.
Coming Events
Thursday 16th April: East Coast Veterans. Motley Shield @ Malahide
Saturday 18th April: Stableford Sponsored by Murray Lethborg & Wayne Cargill
Saturday 25th April: ANZAC Shield. 9 hole Stableford. 1.30 for 2.00 pm
Thursday Triples Day 1.30 for 2 pm
Mother’s Day Luncheon see notice on page 4
Last Saturday Swansea 10.8.68 Goals J Brown 3, A Cusick 2, L Wright, J Negri, T Woods, M Williamson, M Evans
1. Best A Priest, J Brown, A Press, A Cusick, M Wiliamson Lost to Peninsula 14.6.96.
We are looking for Volunteers to help in the canteen for the forthcoming season. There are 9 home games and with
a reasonable number for the roster each volunteer may only be required for one shift. Contact Lauren Gardam
0459 101 363.
We are also looking for boundary umpires for the away games. Transport and training will be provided. Contact Bill
Fry 0411 203 223.
Upcoming events
Sat 18th April Swansea vs Bothwell @ Swansea 1.30pm
Cellar Door will be open 7 days a week from 11am
Restaurant will trade 7 days a week till after the Easter Holiday Break.
For Enquiries & Group Bookings for the Restaurant Call Don Monk on 0459 581 316