To: TDCHR Commissioners From: Luis R. Ramos Date: April 17, 2015 Re: April 23, 2015 Commission Meeting ______________________________________________________ There will be a Commission Work Session at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2015, in the 2nd Floor Boardroom at 509 E. 18 Street, Norfolk, VA. An update of the Connect Hampton Roads Plan and other strategic initiatives will be shared with the Commission. Please note that lunch will be provided. Immediately following the workshop, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads Board of Commissioners will be held at 1:00 p.m. This meeting is open to the public, and in accordance with the Board’s operating procedures and in compliance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, there shall be no opportunity for public comment at this meeting. The agenda and supporting materials are included in this package for your review. MEETING OF THE TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT COMMISSION OF HAMPTON ROADS Thursday, April 23, 2015 1:00 p.m. 2nd FLOOR BOARD ROOM 509 E. 18th Street Norfolk, VA AGENDA 1. Call to Order & Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes Approval of the March 26, 2015 Minutes 3. President’s Monthly Report - William Harrell A. Board Updates 4. Committee Reports A. March 2015 Financial Report – Commissioner Hunter/B. Singleton, Chief Financial Officer B. Operations & Oversight Committee - Commissioner Fuller Contract No: 14-65258R Door Locks, Hardware and Key Maintenance Services Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to Shorty Wallin Lock and Security to provide installation of lock hardware, repair of existing hardware and modification of existing hardware to provide security to the entrances of Hampton Roads Transit’s (HRT) facilities not-to-exceed amount of $177,487. This Contract will be awarded for a base period of three (3) years, with two (2) additional one-year options, and will be funded with operating funds. Contract No: 14-67383 Ferry Boat Design and Build Project Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to Armstrong Marine, Inc. to provide the design, construction and delivery of a T-Boat Classification, 149-passenger ferry boat in the amount of $1,957,848, with an option to purchase three (3) additional ferry boats in the amount $5,151,481, for a total of $7,109,329. The Contract period of performance is eighteen (18) months. HRT will have the option to extend the Contract term for an additional two (2) years to facilitate the purchase of additional ferry boat(s). The project will be funded with grant funds. A DBE goal of 4% was established for this solicitation and Armstrong has committed to 7.8% DBE participation. Contract No: 15-68485 Janaf Transfer Center – Demolition and Reconstruction Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to Construction Development Services, Inc. to provide demolition and reconstruction services at HRT’s Janaf Transfer Center in the amount of $80,000. The period of performance for this contract is sixty (60) days, and will be funded with grant funds. A DBE goal of 9% was established for this solicitation and CDSI has committed to 13% DBE participation. Contract No: 14-67414 Mobile Tool Supply Services Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract for mobile tool supply services to Incredible Supply and Logistics in the not-to-exceed amount of $129,500. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year, with four (4) additional oneyear options, and will be funded with operating funds. Contact No: 14-67397 New Bus Procurement Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to Gillig to manufacture and deliver thirty-two (32) new 40-foot buses in the amount of $14,018,400, with an option to purchase an additional forty-five (45) new buses of mixed sizes in the amount of $19,697,100, for a total of $33,715,500. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year, with two (2) additional one-year options, and will be funded with grant funds. Contract No: 14-68477 On-Site Vehicle Inspection Services Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to Transit Resource Center for on-site vehicle inspection services in the not-to-exceed amount of $438,923. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year with four (4) additional oneyear options, and will be funded with grant funds. Contract No: 15-68484 PeopleSoft Consultant Services Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a contract to HyperGen, Inc., ERP Analysts, Inc. and EdgeRock Technology Partners to a PeopleSoft Consultant Services in the estimated amount of $300,000. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year, and will be funded with operating and grant funds. Contract No: 14-67412 Ticket Vending Machines, Fareboxes, Associated Software/ Hardware, Spare Parts & Maintenance Support Services Recommending Commission Approval: Award of a sole source contract to Genfare, to provide fare collection equipment and maintenance support services in the not-to-exceed amount of $5,410,000. The period of performance for this contract is two (2) base years, with two (2) additional two-year options. This project will be funded with grant and operating Funds. C. Planning and New Starts Development Committee - Commissioner Wood D. Paratransit Advisory Sub-Committee - Mr. Donald Fennell E. Transit Ridership Advisory Sub-Committee (TRAC) - Mr. Ronald Broughton 5. Old and New Business 6. Open Comments by Commission Members 7. Closed Session (as necessary) 8. Adjournment The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Board Room at 3400 Victoria Boulevard, Hampton, VA MEETING OF THE TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT COMMISSION OF HAMPTON ROADS Thursday, March 26, 2015 1:00 p.m. 2nd FLOOR BOARD ROOM 3400 Victoria Blvd. Hampton, VA MEETING MINUTES Call to order A quorum was attained and Chairman Moffett of Hampton called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Commissioners in attendance: Chairman Moffett, Hampton Commissioner Harper, Hampton Commissioner Fuller, Chesapeake Commissioner West, Chesapeake Commissioner Openshaw, VADRPT Commissioner Tanner, Newport News Commissioner Woodbury, Newport News Commissioner Toscano, Norfolk Commissioner Winn, Norfolk Commissioner Hunter, Portsmouth Commissioner Branch, Virginia Beach Commissioner Solis, Virginia Beach Hampton Roads Transit Staff in attendance: Kim Ackerman, Chief of Human Resources Ray Amoruso, Chief Planning and Development Officer Amy Braziel, Executive Assistant David Burton, General Counsel Alesia Cain, Chief of Information Technology Gene Cavasos, Director of Marketing & Communications William Harrell, President and CEO Ron Hodges, Director of Business Development Keith Johnson, Manager of Paratransit Operations Rick Justice, Security Manager Mary LaFontaine, Marketing Specialist Sibyl Pappas, Chief Engineering and Facilities Officer Jim Price, Chief Transit Operations Officer 1 Luis R. Ramos, Executive Assistant/Commission Secretary Dyanne Sampson, Director of Procurement Brandon Singleton, Chief Financial Officer Brian Smith, Assistant to the President Others in attendance: Chris Ambrosio, Vandeventer Black Angie Bezik, Williams Mullen Ronald Broughton, TRAC Julie Dime, Williams Mullen Donald Fennell, Paratransit Committee Steve Francillo, City of Chesapeake Bill Franczek, Vandeventer Black Amy Jordan, City of Hampton Ina Kreps, Paratransit Advisory Committee Jeff Raliski, City of Norfolk Bob Samuel, Pender & Coward Seth Schipinski, Citizen Earl Sorey, City of Chesapeake Debbie Wilson, TRAC The March TDCHR meeting package was distributed electronically to all Commissioners and the media in advance of the meeting. The meeting package consisted of: Agenda January Meeting Minutes Monthly Management Report Committee Reports Public Comment Ms. Debbie Wilson thanked the Commissioners and other local representatives for going on “ride alongs” throughout the bus system. Ms. Wilson also commented on the possible bus service to Lackey medical building. Commissioner Woodbury thanked Ms. Wilson for all of her hard work. A motion to close the Public Comment portion of the meeting was made and properly seconded. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Winn, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None 2 Abstain: None Approval of the January, 2015 TDCR Meeting Minutes A motion to approve the January, 2015 TDCHR Meeting Minutes was made and properly seconded. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw, Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Winn, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None Presidents Monthly Report Mr. William E. Harrell, President and CEO, welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr. Harrell stated that he appreciated Ms. Wilson and elaborated on the possibility of adding service to the Lackey medical facility. Mr. Ray Amoruso also commented on a survey has been created and stated that information will be gathered from the riders in the area surrounding the Lackey medical facility. Mr. Harrell noted that HRT had identified State grant opportunities to pursue a “pilot project” to serve the facility but “buy-in” and a budget allocation would be needed from the City of Newport News. Mr. Harrell provided an update on operations stating that HRT will not be reporting ridership this month due to recent snow events and technology glitches in the system. Mr. Harrell stated that the Ridership Report will be available next month. Mr. Harrell also commented on: The recent Snow Plan implementation, stating that there are a few areas that can be improved upon but overall it was a success; Recent internal Town Hall meetings that were held to find areas of efficiency & service improvements (Maintenance Divisions were identified); The FTA quarterly meeting that is being held next week, stating that several members of staff will be meeting with the new regional administrator; A State and HRT Joint Safety Audit that is underway; The disposition of 1500 Monticello Ave. There was some discussion regarding the funds from the sale of this property would be allocated to the Maintenance and Administrative Facility located at 3400 Victoria Boulevard in Hampton; The Development of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget; A Financial software assessment that is underway; 3 The March Cox Business Executive Series in which he was able to be a panelist at the event to discuss our funding challenges and the Connect Hampton Roads Initiative; The Connect Hampton Roads Draft Plan that is under development; and The Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study that is currently in a 45 Public Comment Period. Mr. Amoruso presented the impact study to the Commission and gave a briefing of the impact study and stated that there could be a vote anytime by the City of Virginia Beach in regards to extending light rail. There was also some discussion regarding the Norfolk Southern Right of Way and Mr. Harrell noted the plan to resolve the $5 million RSTP allocation once a Local Preferred Alternative (LPA) decision is made by the Virginia Beach City Council. Mr. Brian Smith gave a Legislative update which included: The HB1887; A Peninsula Multi-Modal Development Corridor Study to be funded by flex of Regional Surface Transportation Program Funds; A Post Session Meeting with lawmakers and ongoing information sharing; Additional partnerships with local governments; Capacity building with a broader coalition; and Important education/ information sharing with key stakeholders. There was some discussion regarding the possible competition for federal funding. It was stated that there will be an event, Stand Up 4 Transportation, on April 9, 2015 at 9:00 am at the Newport News Transfer Center located at 150 35th Street in Newport News. COMMITTEE REPORTS Audit and Budget Mr. Brandon Singleton provided an overview of the FY15/16 Operating and Capital Budgets presentation that was included in the March 2015 Commission Package. There was some discussion regarding how funding is allocated and how funding is recovered, specifically via the farebox. Operations and Oversight Committee Commissioner Fuller reported that there were two (2) items to be presented to the Commission. Dyanne Sampson, Director of Procurement, presented details and requested approval for the following Contract Awards: Contract No: 14-67380R, Elizabeth River Ferry II United States Coast Guard Hull Inspection 4 The recommendation to award the above referenced contract to Colonna’s Shipyard, Inc. was made for hull maintenance and United States Coast Guard inspection of the Elizabeth River Ferry II boat. The Operations and Oversight Committee approved the award of Contract 14-64380R at its meeting of February 12, 2015. As a result of the cancellation of the February 2015 TDCHR Meeting due to inclement weather, the President and CEO awarded the contract on February 27, 2015 per policy provisions in response to the immediate need for the vessel to be ready for the peak Spring/Summer season. The ratification of this contract is being presented to the Commission for formal consideration. Contract No. 13-61654, Modification No. 2 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Maintenance Services. The recommendation to award a contract modification was made to increase the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Maintenance Services contract. A motion was made and properly seconded to ratify Contract 14-67380R and to approve Contract 13-61654, Modification No. 2 as presented. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw, Woodbury, Toscano, Winn, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: Commissioner Tanner (due to conflict of interest) Planning and New Starts Development Committee There was no Planning and New Starts Development Committee meeting held and no report given. Paratransit Advisory Committee Mr. Fennell, Committee Chair, presented his report as enclosed in the March Commission Package. Mr. Fennell also commented on the successful “Legislative Day” and complemented all of the efforts being made to secure dedicated funding for transit. Mr. Price gave an update on the new Paratransit Service contracts and the responsibilities that will be monitored and reported starting in May. Transit Ridership Advisory Committee (TRAC) Mr. Ronald Broughton, Chair of Transit Riders Advisory Committee (TRAC) presented the Board with his report as enclosed in the March Commission Package. 5 Old and New Business Resolution 01-2015, Sale of 1500 Monticello Property was read. An amendment was made changing the date to read March 26, 2015. A FTA Letter in regards to the Disposition of the sale proceeds from 1500 Monticello (to the Northside Maintenance and Administrative Facility) was also included with the Resolution. A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the Resolution. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Winn, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None A Motion to approve a CEO Performance Evaluation Policy & Procedure, and Assessment Tool dated February, 2015 that was discussed in the Executive Committee Meeting prior to the full Commission Meeting was made and properly seconded. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Winn, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None Resolution 02-2015 Stand Up for Transportation Day was read. A motion to approve Resolution 02-2015 was made and properly seconded. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Raliski, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None Comments by Commissioners Commissioner Toscano stated that there have been a couple of very responsible steps taken recently towards overall organizational improvements; specifically, the CEO Performance Evaluation and the land-use decision to sell 1500 Monticello Ave and return it to the tax rolls. 6 Dr. Woodbury stated that there is a third responsible step that was taken which was the innovative strategy to allocate funding for the Peninsula Corridor Study. Commissioner Tanner mentioned that he sits on the Audit and Budget Committee and stated that he was pleased with some of the recent savings made by the Agency. Closed Session A motion was made to convene into closed session for consultation with legal counsel regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice and briefings by staff members or consultants as provided by paragraph 7 of Virginia Code Section 2.23711(A) and properly seconded. A roll call vote resulted as follows Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Raliski, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None Upon return to open session, it was stated that the Commissioner certified to the best of their knowledge that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under the Freedom of Information Act, and only such public business matters, were addressed. A roll call vote resulted as follows: Ayes: Chairman Moffett, Harper, Fuller, West, Openshaw Tanner, Woodbury, Toscano, Raliski, Hunter, Branch, and Solis Nays: None Abstain: None Adjournment With no further business to come before the Commission, the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads March meeting was adjourned at 2:47 p.m. TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT COMMISSION OF HAMPTON ROADS ________________________________ Chairman Will Moffett ATTEST: __________________________ Luis Ramos Commission Secretary March 26, 2015 7 8 Hampton Roads Transit apr 2015 PRESIDENT’S REPORT An investment in our future The challenges we face in meeting our long-term capital needs are well known to this board. Our staff is committed to using every available resource and stretching the dollars we have to the best possible effect. We have seen results of this in bus rebuilding programs where we have extended the operational life of buses that normally might be destined for the scrap heap. The diligent work of our staff has again produced enviable results. I am happy to report today that we present another major step forward in the on-going effort to stabilize our aging fleet with a plan to purchase 32 new 40-foot buses and a new Elizabeth River ferry. The bus plan before you also includes an option to purchase an additional 45 new buses of mixed size during subsequent years, while the ferry contract includes options to purchase an additional three boats. Also included is notice of our intention, with your support, to purchase new ticket vending machines, fareboxes, the associated software and spare parts needed to equip the new buses and replace aging equipment. Today’s actions are a major milestone for us. The average age of our fleet is currently 9.9 years, well beyond what is recommended by the Federal Transit Administration. Older buses are less reliable and require more maintenance. Replacing as much of the fleet as possible is a critical, strategic goal because it will help us to achieve our vision of being the most efficient and customer forced transit agency in Virginia. We have been working on increasing our bus fleet reliability. In 2012-13 we launched a project to rebuild 12 buses. The process essentially restores the equipment to a like-new state. Those buses are now in service and Operations reports their reliability have greatly improved. Our Elizabeth River ferries also have undergone significant upgrades in recent years but they, too, are reaching the end of their service lives. Thanks to the diligent work in Operations and Planning, we have been able to leverage the resources available to us to buy one ferry boat with options to purchase three more. Rarely do we see market conditions that allow us to obtain such value for our money. The new ferry will retain the distinctive paddlewheel look that I know has been the subject of much discussion and will have two doors to allow faster boarding and off-loading during major events. Today, we are asking permission to enter into a contract with a qualified contractor for the design, construction and delivery of a 149-passenger ferry. Under the terms of this agreement, the contractor is required to secure the services of a lead naval architect/designer of record to develop the ferry boat design, provide project plans, specifications, construction cost estimates and project scheduling to include all vessel components. The contractor will be responsible for the delivery of all the ferry boats. Hampton Roads Transit PRESIDENT ’S REPORT While these fleet improvements are impressive, it is important to note they will not solve a core problem at HRT of a fleet that is underwritten by too little capital. These are indeed major upgrades to the core business of Hampton Roads Transit, but I must remind you that during the next bus purchase we are scheduled to buy just three new buses because of capital funding limitations. Overall, we are not replacing our fleet on a schedule that will drive down the fleet’s average age into an acceptable range. The initial new buses, valued at about $14 million, will enter service starting in December. The option for additional buses, if exercised, will take place later and will be valued at $19.6 million. Finally, on Thursday, April 9, Hampton Roads Transit hosted a hugely successful event - Stand Up 4 Transportation - at our Newport News Transfer Center. The transportation industry, in near unanimity, is advocating for a long-term, sustainable and reliable transportation funding bill; not another short-term extension of the current bill, commonly known as MAP 21. The industry has made a strong case with Congress that the lack of a long-term federal funding bill results in tremendous uncertainty at the local level in terms of transportation project planning and it discourages private sector investment based on risks associated with no longterm funding commitment by the federal government. Along with community leaders and activists, guests included Virginia’s Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne, Congressman Bobby Scott, Mike Kuhns, president/CEO of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Bob Fallon, director of facilities and waterfront support, Newport News Shipbuilding, Senator Frank Wagner, 7th Senate District, and Del. Monty Mason, 93rd House District. Sincerely, William E. Harrell President and CEO Hampton Roads Transit MARCH FY2015 FINANCIAL REPORT EMERGING AS THE MOST CUSTOMER DRIVEN AND EFFICIENT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AGENCY IN VIRGINIA. FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE RESULTS KPI Target Actual Variance Average Fare per Rider Average Fare per GoPass365 Rider Average Cost per Rider Local Investment per Rider Farebox Recovery Ratio $0.90 $0.94 $4.68 $1.67 22% $1.00 $1.00 $5.76 $1.90 17% $0.10 $0.06 -$1.08 -$0.23 -5% Average fare per rider is better than budget by 11.5%; average cost per rider falls short of projections by 23.1%. Local investment per rider falls below expectations by 13.9%, and average fare per GoPass365 rider exceeds the budget by 6.8%. The farebox recovery ratio is total farebox revenue divided by operating expense (excluding Paratransit) and is currently at 17%, below the target by 5%. 2 MONTHLY RESULTS Dollars in Thousands Current Year Prior Year Actual Actual $ 1,191.8 57.6 32.4 0.1 $ 1,281.9 $ $ 4,696.0 513.5 1,211.7 122.3 489.7 716.4 124.8 $ 7,874.4 $ 6,592.5 $ $ $ $ YEAR-TO-DATE RESULTS FISCAL YEAR 2015 Variance Budget 1,383.5 67.7 25.4 178.8 0.6 1,656.0 $ 1,374.6 75.0 41.2 178.8 0.4 $ 1,670.0 $ 4,985.4 1,012.3 1,398.3 125.5 422.2 759.0 164.9 8,867.6 7,211.6 $ 4,689.6 684.1 1,250.2 128.0 530.6 748.7 264.2 $ 8,295.4 $ 6,625.4 $ $ $ $ Current Year Prior Year Actual Actual Budget Variance 8.9 (7.3) (15.8) 0.2 (14.0) 0.6% -9.7% -38.3% 0.0% N/A -0.8% Passenger Revenue Advertising Revenue Traffix Revenue Other Transportation Revenue Other Non-Transportation Revenue TOTAL REVENUE $ 12,579.1 605.1 281.4 3.9 $ 13,469.5 $ 12,640.0 1,061.0 236.6 1,430.0 (11.8) $ 15,355.8 $ 13,536.1 675.0 370.5 1,430.0 4.5 $ 16,016.1 $ (295.8) (328.2) (148.1) 2.5 108.4 (10.3) 99.3 (572.2) (586.2) -6.3% -48.0% -11.8% 2.0% 20.4% -1.4% 37.6% -6.9% -8.8% Personnel Services Services Materials & Supplies Utilities Casualties & Liabilities Purchased Transportation Other Miscellaneous Expenses TOTAL EXPENSE SUBSIDY $ 41,764.5 4,541.8 10,904.1 1,027.4 4,808.6 6,315.8 6,315.8 $ 75,678.0 $ 62,208.5 $ 43,621.0 5,537.2 11,646.6 975.4 4,023.5 6,909.9 2,451.1 $ 75,164.7 $ 59,808.9 $ 43,134.9 6,208.7 11,202.0 1,045.5 4,775.2 6,761.4 1,895.8 $ 75,023.5 $ 59,007.4 $ $ $ $ (896.1) -6.6% 386.0 57.2% (133.9) -36.1% 0.0% (16.3) N/A (660.3) -4.1% (486.1) -1.1% 671.5 10.8% (444.6) -4.0% 70.1 6.7% 751.7 15.7% (148.5) -2.2% (555.3) -29.3% (141.2) -0.2% (801.5) -1.4% For the month of March, operating revenues and expenses vary with projections by 0.8%, and 6.9%, respectively. Fiscal year-to-date operating revenues fall below expectations by 4.1%; operating expenses exceed budget by 0.2%. 3 FINANCIALS SUMMARIZED MONTHLY RESULTS Mar-FY15 Mar-FY14 Actual Actual $ 1,281.9 $ 7,874.4 $ 6,592.5 16.3% $ $ $ Dollars in Thousands Variance FY15 Budget 1,656.0 8,867.6 7,211.6 18.7% $ 1,670.0 $ 8,295.4 $ 6,625.4 20.1% YEAR-TO-DATE RESULTS FISCAL YEAR 2015 $ $ $ $ % (14.0) (572.2) (586.2) FY15 FY14 -0.8% REVENUE -6.9% EXPENSE -8.8% SUBSIDY COST RECOVERY Variance FY15 Actual Actual Budget $ 13,469.5 $ 75,678.0 $ 62,208.5 17.8% $ 15,355.8 $ 75,164.7 $ 59,808.9 20.4% $ 16,016.1 $ 75,023.5 $ 59,007.4 21.3% Operating Revenue $ $ $ $ % (660.3) (141.2) (801.5) -4.1% -0.2% -1.4% Operating Expense 2,000 11,000 FY14 Actual FY15 Actual FY14 Actual FY15 Budget FY15 Actual FY15 Budget 10,000 1,800 9,000 1,600 8,000 7,000 1,400 6,000 1,200 5,000 1,000 4,000 Jul 150 ‐100 ‐350 ‐600 ‐850 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Cumulative operating variance Jul 1,600 1,350 1,100 850 600 350 100 (150) Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Cumulative operating variance 4 Jun MONTHLY RESULTS Mar-FY14 Mar-FY15 YEAR TO DATE RESULTS FY14 Variance FY15 MODE Actual Actual Target % 1,165,709 1,141,170 1,360,470 (219,300) 116,999 109,386 140,390 (31,004) -22.1% LRT 17,663 13,202 28,803 (15,601) -54.2% FERRY 26,487 28,446 26,392 2,054 1,326,858 1,292,204 1,556,055 (263,851) -16.1% BUS TRANSIT 7.8% PARATRANSIT -17.0% SYSTEM TOTAL FY15 Variance FY15 Actual Actual Target % 11,203,426 10,717,593 12,244,230 (1,526,637) -12.5% 1,136,783 1,031,484 1,263,510 (232,026) -18.4% 217,167 198,494 259,230 (60,736) -23.4% 228,485 239,497 237,526 1,971 12,785,861 12,187,068 14,004,496 (1,817,428) 0.8% -13.0% Bus 1,450,000 1,250,000 FY14 Bus 1,050,000 FY15 Bus 850,000 LRT & Ferry Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 155,000 105,000 55,000 FY14 LRT FY14 Ferry FY15 LRT FY15 Ferry 5,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Paratransit 35,000 30,000 25,000 FY14 Paratransit 20,000 FY15 Paratransit 15,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 5 Interest expense for the month and fiscal year-to-date is $16,642 and $95,162, respectively. The line of credit balance, as of March 31st, is $13.0 M. 6 Contract No: 14-65258R Title: Door Locks, Hardware and Key Maintenance Services Price: Term $177,487 3 Yrs w/2 1-yr options Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide installation of lock hardware, repair of existing hardware and modification of existing hardware to provide security to the entrances of Hampton Roads Transit’s (HRT) facilities. Background: HRT has a requirement for maintaining security throughout all its facilities/properties in Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, and Portsmouth. Under the terms of this agreement, the Contractor will provide all equipment, labor and materials necessary to replace the existing physical door locks, hardware and keys to ensure that HRT maintains all rights to end-user blanks for more enhanced security. Additionally, the Contractor will provide maintenance services throughout the term of the contract on an as needed basis. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the negotiated competitive procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the negotiated procurement process, the award is based on best value, a combination of technical capability and price. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on December 16, 2014. One (1) proposal was received on January 16, 2015 from Shorty Wallin Lock and Security (Shorty Wallin) in the amount of $52,487 to replace the existing physical door locks, hardware and keys. The contract value will also include an annual allowance of $25,000 for any necessary maintenance services to be performed during the contract term, based on labor rates established in the Price Schedule. As due diligence, Shorty Wallin was invited for discussions and negotiations on March 24, 2015. Negotiations focused on reducing proposed material costs and mark-ups for future work. At the conclusion of negotiations, a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) was requested. Shorty Wallin’s BAFO is not deemed fair and reasonable; however, a business decision was made to recommend award based on concessions made during negotiations. A contractor responsibility review confirmed that Shorty Wallin is both technically and financially capable to perform the work. Shorty Wallin, located in Hampton, provides similar services to Ferguson Enterprises in Newport News, Dominion Terminals Associates in Newport News and Old Point National Bank in Hampton. Shorty Wallin also performs these services for HRT satisfactorily. The period of performance for this contract is three (3) base years with two (2) additional one-year options. No DBE goal was established for this solicitation. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded operating funds. Project Manager: Rick Justice, Security Manager Contracting Officer: Sonya Luther, Assistant Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Shorty Wallin Lock and Security to door locks, hardware and key maintenance services in the not-to-exceed amount of $177,487. Contract No: 14-67383 Title: Ferry Boat Design and Build Project Price: Term: $7,109,329 18 Mos. w/2-yr option Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified Contractor for the design, construction and delivery of a T-Boat Classification, 149-passenger ferry boat, with an option to purchase three (3) additional ferry boats. Background: Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) currently provides daily Elizabeth River passenger ferry services from four (4) pedestrian-only docks. Two (2) are located in Norfolk (Waterside and Harbor Park) and two (2) are located in Portsmouth (High Street and North Landings). Services are provided utilizing the following three (3) ferry boats: the James C. Echols constructed in 1982, the Elizabeth River Ferry II constructed in 1986 and the Elizabeth River Ferry III constructed in 1990. Due to the age of the boats, the structural and mechanical integrity are deteriorating. In order to avoid future costly overhauls or repairs, the boats will need to be replaced. Under the terms of this agreement, the Contractor is required to secure the services of a lead naval architect/Designer of Record (DOR) to develop the ferry boat design, provide project plans and specifications, construction cost estimates, and project scheduling to include the vessel and all indicated and required auxiliary components. The Contractor will also be responsible for the construction and delivery of the ferry boat(s). Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the negotiated competitive procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the negotiated procurement process, the award is based on best value; a combination of technical capability and price. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on October 24, 2014 for the design, construction and delivery of one (1) ferry boat, with an option to purchase one (1) additional ferry boat. Four (4) proposals were received on January 13, 2015 from Armstrong Marine, Inc. (Armstrong), Scarano Boat Building, Inc. (Scarano), Blount Boats, Inc. (Blount) and Miller Marine, Inc. (Miller). Upon review and evaluation of the technical proposals, three firms were rated best to meet the Scope of Work (SOW) requirements. The three firms, Armstrong, Blount, and Miller were invited to discuss their proposals and provide technical clarifications on their approach to the Scope of Work (SOW). At the conclusion of discussions, negotiations were held with two (2) firms (Miller and Armstrong) for the purpose of a possible award. Blount was eliminated because their cost proposal was outside of the competitive range. Negotiations focused on reducing their proposed pricing, incorporating the provision of life vests and other minor mechanical changes to the SOW; as well as, the potential scheduling impact of increasing the number of optional ferry boats from one (1) to three (3). At the conclusion of negotiations, Best and Final Offers (BAFO) were requested based on a revised SOW and a revised Price Schedule that included an option for HRT to purchase up to three (3) additional ferry boats. Contract No: 14-67383 Title: Ferry Boat Design and Build Project Price: Term: $7,109,329 18 Mos. w/2-yr option After a review and analysis of the BAFOs received, HRT staff determined that Armstrong provided the best value based on a combination of technical capability and price. Armstrong’s pricing was deemed fair and reasonable based on a price analysis performed and the fact that the pricing was obtained in a competitive environment. A contractor responsibility review performed confirmed that Armstrong is both technically and financially capable to perform the work. Armstrong is headquartered in Port Angeles, WA; however, the work to be provided under this contract will be performed at their Swansboro, NC facility. Armstrong provides similar services for the United States Department of the Interior’s Voyageurs National Park in International Fall, MN; Wightlink Limited in the U.K; and, Amak Towing in Ketchikan, AK. Comments: The Price Schedule included a line item for proposers to provide pricing for the inclusion of a paddle wheel on the ferry boat(s) as an option. Armstrong’s BAFO for the paddle wheel is $43,057.00 for the first boat. Based on feedback from members of the Operations and Oversight Committee, the design of the paddlewheel includes aluminum construction to minimize operational costs. The Contract period of performance is eighteen (18) months. HRT will have the option to extend the Contract term for an additional two (2) years to facilitate the purchase any additional ferry boat(s). A DBE goal of 4% was established for this solicitation. participation. Armstrong has committed to 7.8% DBE Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by grant funds. Project Manager: Mark Stemple, Director of Technical Services Contracting Officer: Sonya Luther, Assistant Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Armstrong Marine, Inc. to provide the design, construction and delivery of a T-Boat Classification, 149-passenger ferry boat in the amount of $1,957,848, with an option to purchase three (3) additional ferry boats in the amount $5,151,481, for a total of $7,109,329. Contract No: 14-67383 Title: Ferry Boat Design and Build Project Price: Term: $7,109,329 18 Mos. w/2-yr option SOLICITATION RESULTS FERRY BOAT DESIGN AND BUILD PROJECT Offeror Original Offer Best and Final Offer Armstrong Marine, Inc. $3,686,111 $7,109,329 Miller Marine, Inc. $3,867,000 $8,993,000 Scarano Boat Building, Inc. $5,293,100 N/A Blount Boats, Inc. $7,248,350 N/A NOTE: All prices shown include the cost for the paddlewheels. Contract No: 15-68485 Title: Janaf Transfer Center – Demolition and Reconstruction Price: Term: $80,000 60 Days Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified contractor to provide demolition and reconstruction services at Hampton Roads Transit’s (HRT) Janaf Transfer Center (Janaf). Background: Under the terms of this agreement, the Contractor is required to provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary for the demolition and reconstruction of the Transfer Center located at 5900 E. Virginia Beach Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23502. Site plans developed for the project include demolition, slope protection, erosion control, traffic control, landscaping and reconstruction of the Transfer Center. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the Sealed Bidding procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the sealed bidding process, a firm-fixed price contract is awarded at the bid price, to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all material terms and conditions of the solicitation, is the lowest. An Invitation for Bid was issued on February 13, 2015. Two (2) bids were received on March 16, 2015 from Construction Development Services, Inc. (CDSI) and ADIRA Construction, Inc. (ADIRA). A post-bid survey of firms solicited, concluded that most were currently working on other projects or could not meet all of the requirements of the Scope of Work. After review and evaluation of bids received, CDSI was deemed the lowest, responsible (capable to perform) and responsive (in compliance with submittal requirements) bidder. Based on a price analysis performed, and the fact that the pricing was obtained in a competitive environment, CDSI’s bid price of $80,000 is deemed fair and reasonable. CDSI, located in Norfolk, VA has provided similar services Norfolk Redevelopment & Housing, Norfolk Public Schools and Norfolk Naval Shipyard. A DBE goal of 9% was established for this solicitation and CDSI has committed to 13% DBE participation. The period of performance for this contract is sixty (60) days. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by Grant Funds. Project Manager: Dan Hassett, Director, Office of Project Management Contracting Officer: Michele Goode-Bacon, Light Rail Buyer Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Construction Development Services, Inc. to provide demolition and reconstruction services at HRT’s Janaf Transfer Center in the amount of $80,000. Contract No: 15-68485 Title: Janaf Transfer Center – Demolition and Reconstruction Price: Term: $80,000 60 Days SOLICITATION RESULTS 15-68485, JANAF TRANSFER CENTER - DEMOLITION AND RECONSTRUCTION FIRM TOTAL OFFER PRICE Construction Development Services, Inc. $80,000 ADIRA Construction, Inc. $98,523 Contract No: 14-67414 Title: Mobile Tool Supply Services Price: Term: $129,500 1 Yr. w/4 1-yr options Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide mobile tool supply services for approximately seventy-four (74) mechanics on an as needed basis. Background: Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) is required to provide an annual tool allowance of $350 to eligible mechanics each year. Under the terms of this agreement, the Contractor shall provide professional, quality tools designated for the automotive industry in form, fit, function and metallurgical composition. The successful Contractor shall be responsible for all labor, materials, equipment and transportation necessary for the provision of the required tools. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the negotiated competitive procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the negotiated procurement process, the award is based on best value, a combination of technical capability and price. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on January 15, 2015. One (1) proposal was received on February 24, 2015 from Incredible Supply and Logistics (ISL). A post-solicitation survey of vendors concluded that most could not meet the requirements of the Scope of Work due to their geographical location and/or misunderstood the requirements of the RFP. In addition to a technical proposal, Proposers were required to provide unit prices for a list of various tools HRT anticipates its mechanics will need during the life of the Contract. Upon an in-depth review and evaluation of the proposal received, ISL was invited for discussions and negotiations. At the conclusion of negotiations, a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) was requested. As a result of the negotiations, ISL made several unit price concessions in their BAFO. After an analysis of the BAFO received, HRT staff determined that ISL’s proposal provided best value to HRT. ISL’s proposed unit prices are deemed fair and reasonable based on a price analysis performed utilizing current market pricing. A contractor responsibility review performed confirmed that ISL is both technically and financially capable to perform the work. ISL is located in Virginia Beach, VA and provides similar services for VSE Corporation in Alexandria, VA; Northrup Grumman Technical Services in Oklahoma City, OK; and, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in El Paso, TX. ISL has also provided similar services for HRT satisfactorily. This period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year, with four (4) additional one-year options. No DBE goal was established for this solicitation. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by operating funds. Project Manager: Pierre Marcellus, Manager of Materials and Bus Support Contracting Officer: Sonya Luther, Assistant Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract for mobile tool supply services to Incredible Supply and Logistics in the not-to-exceed amount of $129,500. Contract No: 14-67397 Title: New Bus Procurement Price: Term: $33,715,500 1 Base Yr w/ 2 1-yr options Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified Contractor to manufacture and deliver thirty-two (32) new 40-foot buses for revenue service by December 31, 2015, with an option to purchase an additional forty-five (45) new buses of mixed sizes during the subsequent option years, if exercised. Background: Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) has a requirement for maintaining a minimum operating bus fleet. Expanded service requirements and projected equipment shortage by the end of 2014 have necessitated the purchase of additional buses for HRT revenue service. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the negotiated competitive procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the negotiated procurement process, the award is based on best value, a combination of technical capability and price. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on December 1, 2014. Three (3) proposals were received on January 30, 2015 from Gillig LLC (Gillig), New Flyer of America, Inc. (New Flyer) and Nova Bus, a division of Prevost Car (US), Inc. (Nova). Upon review and evaluation of the technical proposals, two (2) firms which rated best to meet the Scope of Work (SOW) requirements, Gillig and New Flyer were invited to discuss their proposals and provide technical clarifications on their approach to the SOW. Based on information presented during the discussions, additional supporting documentation was requested from both firms for further technical evaluation. After a review and analysis of the additional information submitted, HRT staff determined that Gillig offered the best value based on Vehicle construction, systems design, integration with HRT’s current operating infrastructure and price. In an attempt to achieve the most competitive pricing, a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) was requested from Gillig. Gillig’s BAFO is deemed fair and reasonable based on a price analysis performed, and the fact that the pricing was obtained in a competitive environment. In addition, Gillig’s final offer is approximately 2% or $727,137 below their original proposal of $34,442,637. A contractor responsibility review confirmed that Gillig is both technically and financially capable to perform the work. Gillig is headquartered in Hayward, CA and has provided similar buses to HRT satisfactorily. The period of performance for this Contract is one (1) base year, with two (2) additional one-year options. No DBE goal was established for this solicitation. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by grant funds. Project Manager: Michael Perez, Director of Rolling Stock Contracting Officer: Dyanne Sampson, Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Gillig to manufacture and deliver thirty-two (32) new 40-foot buses in the amount of $14,018,400, with an option to purchase an additional forty-five (45) new buses of mixed sizes in the amount of $19,697,100, for a total of $33,715,500. Contract No: 14-67397 Title: Price: Term: New Bus Procurement $33,715,500 1 Base Yr w/ 2 1-yr options SOLICITATION RESULTS NEW BUS PROCUREMENT OFFEROR BEST AND FINAL OFFER ORIGINAL OFFER 40’ Bus 35’ Bus 30’ Bus Gillig LLC $24,742,080 $3,119,080 $6,580,965 $33,715,500 New Flyer of America, Inc. $27,080,277 $3,528,965 N/A N/A Nova Bus, a division of Prevost Car (US, Inc. $27,518,044 N/A N/A N/A Contract No: 14-68477 Title: On-Site Vehicle Inspection Services Price: Term: $438,923 1 Yr. w/4 1-yr options Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with a qualified Contractor to provide on-site vehicle inspections and quality assurance services on an as needed basis. Background: In accordance with Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regulations, Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) is required to provide on-site vehicle inspection and quality assurance services to ensure that overhauled, repowered and new transit vehicles meet all functional tests and Buy American requirements. Under the terms of this agreement, the Contractor shall provide qualified inspector (s) to perform pre-production or start of repair activities; refurbishment or production line inspections; and, reporting and communication concerning HRT’s transit vehicle orders or overhaul/refurbishment. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the Sealed Bidding procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the sealed bidding process, a firmfixed price contract is awarded at the bid price, to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to all material terms and conditions of the solicitation, is the lowest. An Invitation for Bids was issued on February 11, 2015. Three (3) bids were received on March 13, 2015 from Raul V. Bravo and Associates, Inc. (Bravo), Craig Master Auto Technicians, LLC (Craig) and Ameritran Service Corporation d/b/a Transit Resource Center (TRC). After an evaluation of the bids received, the apparent low bidder, Bravo’s bid was deemed non-responsive because the firm made significant changes to the solicited Price Schedule. As a result, TRC was deemed the lowest, responsive (in compliance with submittal requirements) and responsible (capable to perform) bidder, and therefore eligible for award. TRC is located in Winter Springs, FL and provides similar services for the Illinois Department of Transportation; Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission in Woodbridge, VA; and, the Capital District Transportation Authority in Albany, NY. TRC has also provided similar services for HRT satisfactorily. No DBE goal was assigned or this solicitation. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) base year with four (4) additional one-year options. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by grant funds. Project Manager: Pierre Marcellus, Manager of Materials and Bus Support Contracting Officer: Sonya Luther, Assistant Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to Transit Resource Center for on-site vehicle inspection services in the not-to-exceed amount of $438,923. Contract No: 14-68477 Title: On-Site Vehicle Inspection Services Price: Term: $438,923 1 Yr. w/4 1-yr options ATTACHMENT A SOLICITATION RESULTS FIRM TOTAL OFFER PRICE Raul V. Bravo and Associates, Inc. $434,014.29 Ameritran Service Corporation d/b/a Transit Resource Center Craig Master Auto Technicians, LLC $438,923.00 $2,005,498.00 Contract No: 15-68484 Title: PeopleSoft Consultant Services Price: Term: $300,000 1 Yr. Acquisition Description: Enter into a contract with three (3) Consulting Firms (Firms) to provide consultants for project based services for Hampton Roads Transit’s (HRT) PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 and PeopleSoft Financials / SCM 8.4 applications. Background: On a periodic basis, HRT seeks PeopleSoft Functional and Technical consultant assistance to supplement and support its existing resources in areas such as application maintenance; application design and development; and, ongoing PeopleSoft growth. Under the terms of this agreement, the successful Firms shall provide Consultants as needed to support projects on all currently installed HRT versions of PeopleSoft Financials, PeopleSoft HCM and PeopleTools versions and modules, on a task order basis. Contract Approach: In accordance with FTA and Commonwealth requirements, the negotiated competitive procurement process was used for this solicitation. In the negotiated procurement process, the award is based on best value, a combination of technical capability and price. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on February 6, 2015. Six (6) proposals were received on March 5, 2015 from HyperGen, Inc. (HyperGen), ERP Analysts, Inc. (ERP), EdgeRock Technology Partners (Edge Rock), iLynx, Inc. (iLynx), The REMY Corporation (REMY) and TransAmerica Training Management (TransAmerica). In response to the RFP, Proposers were required to provide on-site and offsite billing rates for various levels of consultants in the relevant categories to be used for billing purposes. Upon review and evaluation of the technical proposals, four (4) Firms, HyperGen, ERP, iLynx and EdgeRock were rated best to meet the requirements of the Scope of Work (SOW). The Firms were invited to provide clarification in regards to their technical qualifications and approach to the SOW. At the conclusion of discussions, Best and Final Offers were requested from all four (4) firms, in an attempt to achieve the most competitive pricing. In order for HRT to have the ability to obtain the most skilled resources at the most favorable price when PeopleSoft consultant services are required for any of the installed HRT PeopleSoft applications, a decision was made to award to the three (3) most responsive and responsible proposers HyperGen, ERP and EdgeRock. These firms provided the best value based on a combination of technical capability and price. All three (3) firms provided rates deemed fair and reasonable based on the fact that the pricing was obtained in a competitive environment. A contractor responsibility review performed confirmed that the firms are both technically and financially capable to perform the work. HyperGen is located in Roanoke, VA and provided similar services to Community Transit in Everett, WA; Fresenius Medical Care in Nashville, TN; and, Olin Corporation in Cleveland, TN. ERP is located in Dublin, OH and provided similar services to Detroit Public Schools in Detroit, MI; Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale, VA; and Lower Colorado River Authority in Austin, TX. EdgeRock is located in Tampa, FL and provided similar services to Wyoming Department of Transportation; Virginia Community College in Richmond, VA; and, Anixter International in Glenview, IL. The period of performance for this contract is one (1) year. No DBE Goal is assigned for this solicitation. Contract No: 15-68484 Title: PeopleSoft Consultant Services Price: Term: Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded by operating and grant funds. Project Manager: Glenda Dixon, PeopleSoft Technical Services Manager $300,000 1 Yr. Contracting Officer: Dyanne Sampson, Director of Procurement Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a contract to HyperGen, Inc., ERP Analysts, Inc. and EdgeRock Technology Partners to a PeopleSoft Consultant Services in the estimated amount of $300,000. Contract No: 14-67412 Title: Ticket Vending Machines, Fareboxes, Associated Software/ Hardware, Spare Parts and Maintenance Support Services Price: Term: $5,410,000 2 Yrs. w/2 2yr options Acquisition Description: Enter into a sole source contract, with Genfare, a Division of SPX Corporation (Genfare) for the purchase of Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs), Fareboxes, associated hardware/software, spare parts, and maintenance support services. Background: All TVMs and Fareboxes currently used by Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) are manufactured by Genfare, which holds the proprietary rights to the equipment and software involved. HRT has a requirement for the purchase of new TVMs, fareboxes, associated components and spare parts; as well as, software/hardware, maintenance support and repair parts for the existing fareboxes, TVM’s, vaults and fare management systems that are deemed critical to the revenue management processes. Contract Approach: FTA and Virginia Public Procurement Act guidelines allow non-competitive procurements when only one source is practicably available and the award of a contract is infeasible under small purchase procedures, sealed bids, or competitive proposals. Due to the specific requirements of this solicitation, full and open competition was not a feasible method of Procurement. Sole Source procurements are accomplished through solicitation and acceptance of a proposal from only one source. A solicitation was issued on January 23, 2015 and Genfare provided a responsive proposal on February 6, 2015 which included unit prices for equipment and services specified in the Price Schedule. Unit prices were also established for the option years of the contract. Subsequent to the receipt of Genfare’s proposal, an addendum was issued to incorporate unit prices for the Fast Fare farebox spare parts into the Price Schedule. Based on the result of a price analysis performed using historical data and peer agency pricing, Genfare’s proposed unit prices are deemed fair and reasonable. Genfare is located in Elk Grove Village, IL and currently provides fare collection equipment and maintenance support services to HRT satisfactorily. The period of performance for this contract is two (2) base years, with two (2) additional two-year options. Cost/Funding: This contract will be funded with Grant and Operating Funds. Project Manager: Alesia Cain, Chief Technology Officer Contracting Officer: Michele Goode-Bacon, Light Rail Buyer Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the Commission approve the award of a sole source contract to Genfare, to provide fare collection equipment and maintenance support services in the not-to-exceed amount of $5,410,000. TRAC SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Chair: Ronald Broughton April 2015 TRAC did not meet this month. However, TRAC actively promoted public transportation and conducted additional ride‐alongs. On March 24th, Debbie Wilson representing the City of Newport News facilitated a ride‐along with Sibyl Papas of HRT and Amy Jordan, the Redevelopment Manager for the City of Hampton. 1 TRAC members also attended the April 9th Stand up for Transportation Event at the Newport News Transit Center, in support of a long‐term, sustainable, and reliable federal transportation funding bill. TRAC was excited and appreciative to be a part of this initiative. TRAC will meet on May 6th and will vote for its new Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary for the upcoming year. Ride‐along Summary submitted by Debbie Wilson 1 Rode the Route 114 from HTC to 73rd & Warwick Blvd back to HTC. Discuss shelters and bus stop locations (for example‐ Walmart location off of Pine Chapel Road) Routing of the Route 114 down Mercury Blvd The Net Center‐ removal of trash, shopping carts and adding another shelter Rode the Route 109/120‐ adding shelters and possibility of relocating some bus stops signs Rode the Route 101‐ relocating of bus stop signs, adding shelters and maintenance needed for some bus stop signs
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