DISTRIBUTION Organize and Prioritize Distribution Manage the flow of information between office and field workers more efficiently pdvConnect is an easy to use and efficient workforce management solution that lets managers and administrators not only GPS track their mobile workers but also obtain detailed information regarding field events and status in the field. Back in the office, incoming field data, including photos, GPS locations and voice descriptions, are easily prioritized and managed from a web-based portal and are archived into a customer’s CRM system or used to create valuable reports. Benefits At a Glance Now with iPhone & Android Support • C ommunicate efficiently with detailed data and photos from the field that can be saved to CRM • Improve productivity by reducing inbound calls and on-hold times from field workers • L ocate, track and monitor status and availability of mobile workers to increase performance • P inpoint the time, date, entry/exit at a customer location with Geofencing location alerts pdvConnect helps you prioritize incoming issues by sending messages with customized subject lines into the office. This allows the staff to handle the more urgent messages first rather than the • P roduce activity and management reports (Stop time, Clock In/Out, Begin/End Job) that can help identify opportunities or potential risks typical first in first out method of voice calls. pdvConnect Advantages Job Start/Job End Document when drivers begin and finish work, with or without location to help track status and avoid possible disputes. Customer Refusal /Duplicate Drivers notify customer service of issues in the field without waiting on hold, and can receive additional instructions via text message, improving productivity. Display Verification Drivers provide photo evidence of events in the field and proof of completed work. Send photos to supervisors or experts to get problems solved. COD Issue Drivers send in requests and issues without delays and without wasting productive time. *Available on pdvConnect Pro version only. Improve operational efficiency and enhance customer service with pdvConnect’s workforce management solution. Manage with Operational Ease Monitor Your Mobile Workforce • Reduce incoming voice calls from the field by as much as 50% or more and accomplish more tasks • Include optional photos and location to improve accountability, solve issues and mitigate disputes • Identify the subject of calls before listening to each one to easily prioritize and handle calls based on importance • D rastically reduce time spent on-hold that results in lost productivity • Distribute the workload evenly among all office workers • R educe driver distraction and minimize risk and liability with voice response to text messages • Locate one or more workers at a time on the same map to see their locations, send text, and receive voice replies • Monitor driving speed with tracking and alerts • Compare the workers’ location to the proximity of an address and dispatch workers quickly • C onfirm delivery and service and eliminate illegible paperwork with Mobile Forms • Contact drivers while they are out in the field and get responses faster, and more jobs completed • Confirm that messages were received • Archive, forward and create reports to track customer issues and reduce occurrences proactively • G et answers from the office/managers while in the field to complete jobs and reduce follow up calls Message: #11 Subject: Breakage Reference: 234 Time: 1:23 From: Jeff Mobile: 9876544585 GPS: 99.08769.98.8755 pdvConnect enables drivers to select a pre-defined subject line, voice record, take photos and communicate to call/dispatch centers without delays. Office workers can prioritize incoming communications by scanning message subjects, viewing photos, time and location stamps. Easily pinpoint the location of each driver with color-coded status icons, making it easy to be dispatched in real-time. For More Information: On the web at: pdvconnect.com Call: 866-902-6245 Email: [email protected] Photo and location capabilities are only available in pdvConnect Pro version. For more information on pdvConnect Pro and pdvConnect Standard go to pdvconnect.com. GPS Location: Requires GPS enabled device. GPS reliability varies by environment ©2015 pdvWireless. All rights reserved.
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