Nepal, 10 days on...
Current figures show over 7,500 dead, and more than twice as many injured
Over 153,000 buildings in ruins across the country, and half a million more badly
Many official aid channels are still struggling to get through to the worst affected
rural areas, due to difficult terrain and political and bureaucratic barriers, and
supplies are being held up at Nepal’s borders and airport
Major international donors are frustrated by infighting within the deeply divided
Nepalese government
According to the UN, there are 2 million people needing tents, water, food and
medicine over the next three months, yet currently there is a countrywide scarcity
of adequate shelter materials and foodstuffs
Aid agencies have warned of serious risk of water-borne disease outbreaks, due
to lack of shelter, poor sanitation and contaminated water sources
In Gorkha...
Most villages in the remote north of the district have been completely
destroyed leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless
Vital food and medicine supplies are gradually reaching target areas,
but not quickly enough nor in the quantities needed
Rural district chiefs feel overwhelmed, and admit that hardly 20% of
needs have been met
Rain is a continual threat to relief afforts, and could cause
further landslides in this hill region
With planting season just six weeks away and the monsoon
following soon after, it is a race against time to get villagers sheltered
and prepared
The need
Funds have so far been deployed
in the following areas:
Hygiene & medical supplies
Shelter and bedding materials
Shelter building
Working closely with Nabaraj
Thapa of Himalayan Planet
Adventures, together with other
local colleagues, we have been
able to successfully purchase
and deliver the above supplies
to the village of Bungkot and the
surrounding settlements.
Manpower and tools were
also provided to help salvage
materials from the rubble,
constructing shelters away from
unstable, dangerous structures.
In Bungkot and environs, we were able to supply
1 kilometre of tarpaulin = shelters built for 60+ families
5 large military tents for multiple families
50 blankets
55 large camping mats
Medicine & food
*Clothing supplies were targeted specifically for village
members of the Dalit caste. These groups are the poorest
caste in Hindu society.
Gorkha Foundation
We are also raising awareness and funds for the
relief efforts of Gorkha Foundation, a US / Gorkhabased charity that we are honoured to have
worked with over the past four years.
The foundation are using their local manpower
and extensive geographical knowledge of the
area in coordination with The Red Cross, Medecins
sans Frontieres, Mercy Corps and The Nepalese
Army to provide aid.
Gorkha Foundation have so far
• established a base in Gorkha Bazaar to
expedite a quick & direct response with those on
the frontline of the relief effort.
• secured the purchase of 16,000 tarpaulins
direct from manufacturers in India, and are
bypassing tardy government channels to
transport these into the country
• landed a helicopter with supplies in the Tsum
Valley, the most remote part of the district
What next?
With relief successfully delivered to Bungkot, we
are now turning our attention to the other areas
of Gorkha district which have been identified as
being in dire need.
For as long as donations continue, together with
Gorkha Foundation and our various teams, we are
now focusing on the following in the next phase:
Delivery and construction of more shelters
Clean water and sanitation supplies
Further food, hygiene and medicine supplies
An enormous THANK YOU to our donors so far,
for making this possible:
Charlie & Rich Burn
Monica Mok
Karen Kennan
Karen Cheng
Dave Wilson
Paul Hampton
Paul & Conchita Burn
Becky Gosling
Jennifer Wong
Gail Maxted
Francoise de St Germain
Wong Kwei
Willy Johnston
Jessica Sharman
Ross Bowdler
Dave Hughes
Rory Allen
Maggie Yu & friends
Joan Ho
Miran Nam
Kelvin Lai & friends
Joanne Kim
Geoff Pike
Sharon Keen
Janis Southern
Helena Lim & Pol Fabrega
Jude Griffiths
Molly Cheung
Jon & Jayne Handley
Will Maxted
Adam Brown
Kirsty Porter
Jeff & Wendy Siu
Florian Stein & Diane Arapovic
The Law Office of Alison Yew
Jacqueline Stich
Pol Fabrega & Helena Lim
Sam & Sonia Innes
Winnie Chan
Mark Foster
Karen Johnstone-McCarthy
David Hughes
Melody Siew & John Arndt
Natalie Regazzoni
Simon Robinson
Woodentots Montessori Preschool
Alex Xue
Mikey & Steph Brennan
Andy Macgregor
Ben Macgregor
Luke & Trish Maitland
Amy Wan
Jon Mulshaw
Canford Cliffs Bookkeeping
Janice Mouskis
Mei Yee Chan
Mauricio Tamayo
Gavin & Olga Barratt
Julie Noble
Connie Mak
The Handley Family
Ruchie Farndon-Long
Edith Chan
John & Sheila Maxted
Kelly Jordan & Dave Whiddon
Steve Lee
A Hensler
Laibond Cheng
Chanpen Kittijarujit our anonymous donors.