03/22/2015 Newsletter - Goshen Primitive Baptist Church

John 14:1-3
“A Message of Hope”
Goshen Primitive Baptist Church
MARCH 22, 2015– Since 1832 – 183 Years
On the night Jesus was betrayed into the hands of Roman
soldiers, He observed Passover with His 12 closest disciples. He
humbled Himself on that night and became as a servant to
them by bowing down and washing their feet. This was a task
that was reserved for the lowest of the servants; yet, we find
our Lord and Savior willingly bowing to do this. After the
Passover Supper, Jesus talked with His disciples and received
their comments and questions. They did not understand what
was about to take place.
Peter made the statement that he would go with Jesus even if
it meant going to prison or dying. Jesus then made the
declaration that before the rooster crowed, Peter would deny
him three times. Then in His wonderful mercy, Jesus took time
to give as much explanation as this group of men could receive
at the moment. He told them plainly that He was going to
prepare a place for them, and for us. He was going to leave but
He would return and receive them (us) unto Himself.
When we experience suffering in this life, of any sort, Jesus
has prepared a place in our hearts where we can know His
presence is near. We feel the peace that passes all
understanding in suffering, in storms of life, when we feel
persecuted for His name’s sake, in trials, and in sickness. Jesus
has prepared a place of calmness and strengthening that we
might be able to endure. The greatest of places prepared for us
will be experienced when we leave this world and enter in
that glorious home called heaven. Jesus has prepared a place
and reserved it in our name. At that moment when we take
our last breath, Jesus takes our hands and leads us to glory!
We have the assurance of eternity because of the risen Lord
Jesus Christ. He left this grand assurance that night: “Because I
live, ye shall live also.” May we give Him praise and glory as
we honor His holy name.
March 26 - Bruce Martin
March 26 - Bryan Wobbe
March 28 - Glen Sapp
March 29 - Faith Steelman
04-05 – Braeden Anderson
04-12 – Valerie Welch
04-15 – Norman Baker
04-19 – Junetta House
04-21 – Justin Wobbe
04-21 – Shelly Helms
04-30 – Betty M. Sapp
307 Jameson Drive – Ashland, MO 65010
Cell: 573-355-8085 Home: 573-657-1108 [email protected]
Prayers & Concerns:
Sadie Allen (Glen Sapp’s granddaughter) Shirley Calvin (Hospital), Katie Redden (friend of Sarah Taylor),
Jayne Bennett, Cynthia Hutchinson, Sarah Taylor, Helen Smith, Virginia Bennett, Preston Shrum
Unspoken Prayer Request
Please continue to pray for our military men and women; our nation
& its leaders and each other.
Children’s Church
Brother Myron Helms asked the children if they knew what the word FITNESS meant? He said there are 3 types
of fitness. Spiritual, Mental, & Physical. Spiritual fitness is our relationship with God. That can be obtained by
going to church, reading our Bibles and praying. Mental fitness can be found by exercising our minds by
reading, going to school, doing crafts and actually having conversations rather than texting. Physical fitness is
by eating and drinking nutritious foods, getting plenty of rest, and exercising our bodies. It is important to be
all three.
Upcoming Events:
03-24 – Men’s Choir Practice @ Parsonage @ 6:30 p.m.
03-25 – Choir Practice @ Church @ 6:30 p.m.
03-29 – Youth Donation Lunch/Celebrate March & April Birthday’s & Anniversary’s/Business Conference
following lunch (Easter Egg Hunt)
04-03 – Communion Service @ 7:00 p.m.
04-05 – Sunrise Service @ 7:00 a.m./Bible Study @ 9:30/Worship Service @ 10:30
04-30 – 05-3 – Annual Spring Meeting – Elder Jim Bowen, Guest Speaker
05-09 – Mother’s Day Luncheon @ 11:30 a.m.
06-07-11 – Central States Primitive Baptist Church Camp
07-14-16 – Central States Bible Conference
10-06-08 – Central States Ministerial Association Meeting n Meeting
5th Sunday Youth Donation Lunch
Pulled pork, hash brown casserole, baked beans, slaw, chips & dessert
Bro. Steve ask you read Matthew 26-27