Grab the Torch…Teaching the Art of Philanthropy, Leadership and

Grab the Torch…Teaching the
Art of Philanthropy, Leadership
and Ethics
by Sharon Gaudreau
Director of Marketing and Communications at Pomfret School
lthough Pomfret’s campus is quieter during the
summer months, the dorms, classrooms and athletic
fields are filled with youth attending various athletic
and educational programs. A unique camp that has
been offered during the past two summers – Grab the
Torch – is directly aligned with Pomfret’s mission to
prepare students for lives of productivity, service, and
Founded by Dave Aldrich in 2007 and dedicated to
the late Paul Newman and his Hole in the Wall Gang
Camp (HITWGC) for seriously ill children, Grab the
Torch (GTT) is an organization that delivers an organic and common sense approach for the future of
giving, volunteering and philanthropy to the next generation. The summer camp gives students the opportunity to learn from leading philanthropists and about
many service organizations. James Canton, CEO of
HITWGC considers it a privilege to participate in
GTT’s Philanthropy Camp. “Dave is developing a
new generation of caring, young leaders. What many
of us in the non-profit world have stumbled upon –
the meaning and satisfaction of dedicating one’s life
to the service of others – Dave is presenting as a viable option for those who attend Grab The Torch.
Dave’s visionary program takes a proactive approach
to change our world for the better.”
Dave began working with Pomfret in 2004 with the
Class of 2006 to raise money and awareness for HITWGC. The class of 2004 raised $10,000 and added
125 new members to the HITWGC family. In conjunction with this work, Bill Martin (Pomfret science
teacher) led a group of students, parents and faculty
who took on the climb of the 19,340 foot-high Mount
Kilimanjaro in Tanzania Africa, which raised $20,000
for the same organization.
John Griswold, Jr. ’63 (trustee – 1975-2008), Hannah Leo ’11, Hayden
Clarkin ’13 and Sam Slotnick ’10 at the 2010 Grab the Torch camp at
Pomfret. Other alumni who have attended past summer camps are Tom
Atwood ’09 and Beckam Cela ’09.
Among the organizations on schedule to present at
the 2011 summer camp (HITWGC, Google, Three
Cups of Tea, Champlain Foundation, Board Source,
Brand Hunger and the Hassenfeld Family Initiative) is
the Commonfund Institute, which will be represented
by John Griswold, Jr. ’63 (Pomfret trustee 1975-2008).
According to John, who serves on the Finance Committee for GTT and was a camp presenter in 2009 and
2010, “the purpose of Grab The Torch is twofold: to
expose young people to the enormous diversity of the
nonprofit sector and to begin their education about
the management of philanthropic and charitable organizations. A key component of the Camp is to inspire
them to get involved in philanthropic work, and to
make sure they do so with knowledge and enthusiasm.
Much of the future health of our society will depend
Pomfret Grabs the Torch. Class of ‘04 Mount Kilimanjaro climb
benefits kids at Hole In the Wall Gang Camp.
Pomfret School Bulletin magazine, volume 38, issue 1
to a large extent on the next generation of nonprofit
leaders, and Philanthropy Camp is beginning the process of developing capable and committed volunteers
and professionals to lead these organizations.” Ron
Boss, grandparent of Lexi Dorman ’13, chairman
of the board at A.T. Cross and director of the Russell Boss Foundation, presented at camp in 2009 and
2010 and is scheduled for 2011.
Associate Director of the Annual Fund Louisa Jones,
a key advocate in attracting this innovative program
to Pomfret, is a Curriculum Advisor for GTT and
has worked diligently to inspire new students to get
involved with philanthropy projects. Recently, she
created the new Pomfret Ambassador program that
draws students into the world of philanthropy through
volunteering their time for Pomfret’s Office of Advancement. Many alumni may have already been in
contact with these students via letters, phone calls or
Thanks to the generosity of Dave and his appreciation
of Pomfret’s support since inception, several Pomfret
students and alumni have had the opportunity to partake in this educational and enriching experience. After two years of attending the camp, Hannah Leo ’10
has a different view of philanthropy. “I now believe,”
states Hannah, “that philanthropy is not just volunteerism, or donations, but a way of life. It is an external output of action to express one’s morals, passions,
and beliefs.” Hannah, who is James Canton’s mentee,
was recently appointed the National Chair of GTT’s
Junior Advisory Committee.
According to Dave, he recently had the pleasure of reporting the success of GTT to Joanne Woodward and
how Mr. Newman and HITWGC have influenced
the program. “Pomfret was included in that conversation,” said Dave. “I credit the success of GTT directly
to the support of Louisa Jones, Brad Hastings, Paul
Smith (facilities management) and the entire Pomfret community. It would not have happened without
Ron Boss, grandparent of Lexi Dorman ’13, and director of
Russell Boss Foundation, presents to 2010 campers during their
trip to Narragansett, RI
Dave Aldrich (front left), Alan Hassenfeld of Hasbro and Grab
the Torch inspire youth to give back.
Summer 2010 campers work in Pomfret’s community garden.
Sam Slotnick ’10 meets Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator
Philanthropy, Leadership and Ethics