WWW.GRACETVILLE.ORG • THOMASVILLE, NC • 336-476-4114 • [email protected] GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Pentecost Outdoor Worship May 24th Summer Happenings June 1 June 4 June 9 June 9 June 11 June 12 June 18 June 19-21 June 28 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6-8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. July 2 July 6 July 10 July 14 July 16 July 22 July 25 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 6-8:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. August 3 August 6 August 11 August 13 August 14 August 20 August 24 August 30 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6-8:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. Ella Bunting Open Arms Cancer Support Group Property Committee Meeting WELCA-sponsored meal at CCM Finance Committee WELCA Meeting at Grace Youth Game Night with PJ Congregational Council Meeting NC WELCA Annual Gathering Thrivent Summer Social at Holly Grove Property Committee Meeting Ella Bunting Open Arms Cancer Support Group Youth Game Night with PJ Finance Committee Congregational Council WELCA Devotions at Lutheran Home VBS One Day Event “Christmas in July” Ella Bunting Open Arms Cancer Support Group Property Committee Meeting Finance Committee Meeting WELCA-sponsored meal at CCM Youth Game Night with PJ Congregational Council Meeting District L-Men Meeting Worship/Church Picnic at Creekside Park, Archdale SUMMER 2015 ISSUE 6 JONATHAN CONRAD, PASTOR From the Pastor’s Desk This month our look at the Lutheran Liturgy focuses on the second time during our worship service that we share a confession. Yes, you read that right. There are two moments of confession each and every Sunday. The first is the confession and forgiveness of our sins. The second can be found right after the Hymn of the Day and is called a “Confession of Faith.” However, we call this confession a different name: The Creed. The creeds were originally teaching documents learned by heart by baptismal candidates and then used in the celebration of baptism itself, not in the regular Sunday liturgy. Christians at that time. They met to settle the controversy concerning Jesus being fully human AND fully divine. The church valued it so highly that in ancient times it was chanted in the liturgy every Sunday. As Lutheran Christians we adhere to three ecumenical creeds: The Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed, and The Athanasian Creed. What makes the Creed so powerful and important is it brings Christians all over the world and across time together. The Apostles’ Creed, in its oldest form, dates back beyond 150 A.D. Although it is named after the Apostles, research has been unable to determine whether the apostles themselves had anything to do with drawing it up. Rather, evidence indicates that this creed developed naturally from the confession of faith required of adult converts at the time of the baptism. The Nicene Creed was the result of the first ecumenical council at Nicea, Asia Minor, in 325 A.D. Consider that council like an “all-star game” filled with the leading On Sundays we are confessing the SAME words that can be heard throughout the United States to the most remote regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. The Creeds show us we are not alone. We are surrounded by God and followers of God. Game Nights with PJ Join Pastor Jonathan for PJ’s Game Night for a night full of fun and games (card, board, and video). Kids are invited to bring their favorite games to share and to play with others. This event is also a chance for the moms and dads to go and have a “date night” while their children have a fun time in our fellowship hall. This event is open to youth ages 6 and up. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Parents (and others) are welcome to make a donation to cover the cost of the food. Mark your calendars for: Friday, June 12 Friday, July 10 Friday, August 14 The event lasts from 6-8:00 p.m. Come join us! The Athanasian Creed is named after Athanasius of Alexandria. This Creed focuses on the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and usually is now used only on Holy Trinity Sunday. The purpose of the Creeds is to help us confess our belief in the Trinitarian God. One God, Three persons. All equal. What we do is not just a Grace Lutheran mission. It is the mission of the whole Church. The Creeds help remind us of that. Picnic Season Sunday, June 28, from 4-6:00 p.m. Thrivent members and families are invited to a hotdogs and homemade ice cream social at Holly Grove Lutheran Church picnic grounds. Bring a side dish for hot dogs. RSVP to Charlotte Yandell at 476-8795 by Saturday, June 27. Sunday, August 30, Grace members will worship at an outdoor service followed by an all-church picnic at Creekside Park, Archdale. Mark the date on your calendar now! Women of the ELCA The 29th Annual NC SWO Gathering will be held at Lenoir-Rhyne in Hickory June 19-21. New locations on campus and very special guests will be a part of this weekend. For starters, there will be a Friday evening worship service as part of the Gathering. This will be held in the beautiful, newly constructed Grace Chapel. The majority of our business will be conducted in Belk Centrum on Saturday. Sunday Worship and Installation of new Officers and Board Members will be in Grace Chapel. Bishop Bolick will be delivering his last sermon to us as North Carolina Bishop. NC Women of the ELCA are excited to have as our Keynoter the Rev. Christine Bohr Anderson. She was the first female clergy to be ordained in North Carolina. Several years ago, NC SWO created a scholarship in her honor and bearing her name. Scholarships are awarded annually to one seminary student in the state. This year’s recipient will have the honor of having Pastor Chris personally present the scholarship. There are opportunities to attend Awareness Sessions. A very special one is being presented by Jessie Hagen about The Mugumo Project, the ministry receiving the 2015 Pennies of Hope donations. Jessie is a former young woman guest and committee member with NC Women of the ELCA. Her story is one of hearing a call and accepting it, taking her halfway around the world. Jessie’s passion for the ministry to the children in Kenya speaks so to the strength of her faith journey. Margie Venable will be attending as Grace Lutheran’s delegate and her granddaughter, Lauren, will once again be participating with our younger participants. The Gathering Planning Committee and the Board encourage all Lutheran women to attend as participants. Even if you can only attend Saturday, we believe that you will come away with a renewed sense of being “Created. Called. Empowered.” Prayerfully consider getting a carload together and join us for the day. Costs for attending for the day are $51 for lunch/registration and $62 if you wish to stay through dinner. Registration provides you a copy of The Gathering Planning Report, commonly called the GPR, giving you times, locations, descriptions and other information for the entire weekend. —Patti P. Lovell, Board Member and Gathering Planning Co-chair Grace WELCA will meet Thursday evening, June 11, in the fellowship hall at 6:30 for a business meeting with devotions. Topics of discussion will include the NC SWO Gathering. If you would like to attend, please see Kristen Conrad, Margie Venable, or Lynda Conrad. We are collecting box tops, soup labels, drink can tabs, and pennies to support Crossnore School, Ronald McDonald House, and the Mugamo Project. Items may be placed in the marked folders at the mailboxes. Grace WELCA and guests will travel to Salisbury Wednesday, July 22, to share devotions with residents at Trinity Oaks Lutheran Home. Bingo prizes will be collected to take along, so begin saving stamps, cards, toiletries, quarters, and gently used jewelry. Watch the weekly edition of the Vine for more information on carpooling and times. WELCA members and friends will be serving meals at CCM Tuesday, June 9, and on Thursday, August 13. If you are interested in providing food or assisting with clean-up, please contact Leah Pendergrass or Margie Venable. Lutheran Men in Mission Watch for news in the Vine about an L-Men outing in June to attend a Hi-Toms game. L-Men will not be meeting in July. Monday, August 24th, there will be a district L-Men meeting. Details will be announced later this summer. Adult Choir The choir will not be rehearsing on Wednesday evenings throughout the summer. Anthems will be prepared Sunday mornings at 9:30, so if you’d like to join in without a full-fledged rehearsal commitment, come meet with us in the choir room! Vacation Bible School July 25 Little Lutherans and family, please mark your calendars now! Our Grace Lutheran VBS will be held on Saturday, July 25th, from 9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. This year’s theme will be “Christmas in July”. We will be reminded of how we can share the spirit and miracle of Christmas all year ‘round with games, crafts, music, and snacks! Registration sheets will be availabe the first week of June for our Little Lutherans and friends. We will also need volunteers to help make this a success. Please contact Leah Pendergrass if you would like more information or want to share your time/talents. Upcoming issues of the Vine will have more information beginning in June. Congregational Council 2015 Council Members David Armfield Eugene Berry Pastor Jonathan Conrad Linda Edgerton Jane Hill Cindy Hunnicutt Jerry Lovell Marty Musselman Leah Pendergrass Teresa Price Larry Sink Bill Venable Loretta Wise 474-0421 476-0757 476-4114 474-7588 476-6965 475-1767 746-6493 476-7509 472-7115 475-3931 882-1300 431-4435 475-0364 Annu al Copies of summer council minutes and team ministry reports will be available in the education building on the table below the members’ mailboxes. Pentecost Celebration We enjoyed beautiful weather for our outdoor worship on Pentecost May 24th. We appreciate all the extra hands in readying our lawn worship space for the celebration. We share with you additional images from the day! Ella Bunting Open Arms Cancer Support Group Year-end Financial Information Sincere thanks to each of you who helped out, donated money, food supplies, time, talents, baking skills, for those who helped throughout the day from set up through clean up, and those who shopped for supplies for our recent fundraiser. A special shout out to Lori and Mike Hughes who made a generous donation that spiked up the total raised for the day and helped make our BBQ Chicken Dinner a blowout success. Everyone deserves a standing ovation for all of the service provided that day and for continued support for our ministry. Once again, our Grace family rises to the occasion and meets the need. Words are inadequate at best, but John, Michele and I, along with our entire Ella Bunting Open Arms Cancer Support Group, want you to know how grateful we are for so many who pitched in and those who came to join us for some excellent BBQ chicken. The rain was against us but God and some very dedicated chefs won the day for us. For anyone who had to wait, we do apologize. Like most mere mortals, we hope to learn from any mistakes for next time. We are also thankful to all of you who have jumped in and provided prayer shawls and small blankets for the little ones fighting cancer. We have already given ten prayer shawls and blankets to very thankful cancer patients. We, they and their families thank you for your efforts. As a reminder; we do have many boxes of yarn for this purpose. Catch up with Dot, Estelle, Nancy Joyce, Paula Sue or Leslie to get you hooked up with yarn. We will have our regular support group meetings throughout the summer. Watch the announcement sheets in the Sunday Vine for any updates. Our next meeting will be June 1st. We are planning our Annual Cancer Retreat for October 17th, 2015. Volunteers are always welcome. Thank you all and God Bless, John, Michele, and Leslie Memorials / Honorariums In Memory of Mrs. June Beck given by Nellwood Parrish for Mother’s Day Summer Sandwich Ministry Collection Through the summer months, we will collect toilet paper and facial tissues. We kindly ask that donations of toilet paper come in either the 4-roll packages or individually wrapped rolls. Any regular sized Kleenex/facial tissue boxes will be fine. We greatly appreciate any and all donations of items, funds, and prayers for this outreach ministry of Grace. In Honor of Bobby Hepler given by Mark and Cindy Hunnicutt for the Pay It Forward Campaign A collection box is located in the narthex. 2 3 9 11 13 15 16 17 2 4 5 9 10 11 12 13 2 Franlyna Charles Bob Herman Martha Musselman Melissa Woller JenniferPalmer Margie Venable Bennie Pritchett Addyson Fischer Allyn Fischer Jaime Moore Imma Lou Gainey Stephanie Holmes Bill Venable Cindy Hunnicutt Robert Hughes Betty Stone John Armfield, III Martha Conrad Jerry Lovell Leah Pendergrass 3 Jonathan Conrad 4 Alma Lee Hiatt 5 Ruth Browne 7 Cecil Spencer 8 Dale Putnam 12 Chris Sluder Chris Moore 18 Kim Wilson 21 Faye Embry 19 Del Price Jim Gainey Kristen Conrad 21 Genelda Price 29 Leslie Miller 30 Gwen Hauser Jeanette Putnam Loretta Wise Lynn Fitzgerald 3 4 8 14 16 18 21 Robert and Sue Miller Neal and Martha Blake Chris and Jaime Moore Mark and PaulaSue Okken John III and Dale Armfield Tom and Danielle Kroh Bill and Rachael Armentrout Coy and Nancy Joyce 16 Christie Greene 17 Nancy Joyce 19 Caroline Bayliff Cindi Hill Rose Caulder 21 Kelsey Musselman 24 Deborah Moore 26 Connor Seamon 31 Adelyn Vaughan 12 24 25 30 Ken and Pat Wood Fred and Lucy Souffront Charles and Catherine Sluder Jim and Kathryn Gainey Debbie and Neal Leonard 23 25 26 28 29 10 19 20 30 Winston and Ruth Browne Jonathan and Kristen Conrad L.W. and Lynda Conrad Mark and Cindy Hunnicutt Lynda Conrad Spencer Moore Christopher Okken Madalyn Vanhoy Lee Beck Stewart Kroh 30 Isabella Comer Penny Adams 31 Betty Cox Mike Hill If you are unable to serve on your assigned date, please secure a replacement and advise the church office. JUNE 2015 WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 Assistant Margie Venable Eugene Berry Pat Wood Robert Black Lector Cindy Hunnicutt Mark Okken Doug Edgerton Jerry Lovell Acolyte Ethan Moore Lauren Seamon Lauren Edinger Nicholas Edinger Presenter Linda Edgerton Larry Sink Rachel Herman Charlotte Yandell Nursery L. Pendergrass, Jil Palmer Kim, Abby Moore Thom, Melissa Woller Martha, Rebekah Conrad Flowers Okken Vacant Vacant Vacant Bulletins Vacant Vacant J. Putnam Betty Cox Altar Guild Serving in June: Ushers Serving in June: Teresa Price, Lynn Fitzgerald Robert Black, Ruth Browne, Bob Herman, Mark Hunnicutt JULY 2015 WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 Assistant Mike Hill Margie Venable Eugene Berry Robert Black Lector Deborah Moore Patti Lovell Mike Hill Robert Black Acolyte Lauren Edinger Ethan Moore Lauren Seamon Nicholas Edinger Presenter Sharon Sink Robert Black Linda Edgerton Rachel Herman Nursery T. Price, L. Pendergrass Kristen Conrad, Ruth Browne Michael, Sherry Edinger David, Michelle Seamon Flowers Vacant Wood Burchett Vacant Bulletins Vacant Wood Vacant Vacant Altar Guild Serving in July: Ushers Serving in July: Linda Edgerton, Leslie Miller Dwayne Burchett, Doug Edgerton, Linda Edgerton, Bill Yandell AUGUST 2015 WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS August 2 August 9 August 16 August 23 August 30 Assistant Doug Edgerton Pat Wood Mike Hill Margie Venable Robert Black Lector Bill Venable Mark Hunnicutt Charlotte Yandell Linda Edgerton Kenton Musselman Acolyte Ethan Moore Lauren Seamon Lauren Edinger Nicholas Edinger Lauren Seamon Presenter Charlotte Yandell Larry Sink Robert Black Rachel Herman Linda Edgerton Nursery L. Pendergrass Jil Palmer Kim Moore, Abby Moore Thom, Melissa Woller Martha, Rebekah Conrad T. Price, L. Pendergrass Flowers Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Burchett Bulletins Vacant J. Putnam Vacant Okken Betty Cox Altar Guild Serving in August: Ushers Serving in August: Rachael Armentrout, Carolyn Skeen Eugene Berry, Michael Edinger, Richard Edinger, Phil McRee GRACE Lutheran Church 115 Unity Street Thomasville, NC 27360 www.GraceTville.org If you wish to access the Grace pictorial directory on your computer, go to this site: members.InstantChurchDirectory.com If it is your first time on the site, you will need to create a login by using your email address as you have given it to the church office. You may then create your own password. You will use that each time you wish to log in to the directory online. Only those people with an email address registered with Grace have access to the site. Once you have logged on, you will see individual and family listings. Click on the person or family name to access addresses and phone numbers. As always, you have access to the directory via the smartphone app by searching for “instant church directory”. Install the app to your phone or device. Again, your email address as we have it at Grace is your access to the Grace directory. You may also download the .pdf version of the directory to your computer using this address: http://directory.instantchurchdirectory.com/73863020/booklet.pdf WWW.GRACETVILLE.ORG • THOMASVILLE, NC • 336-476-4114 • [email protected] SUMMER 2015 ISSUE 6 Join us each week 9:00 a.m. Educational Hour 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:15 a.m. Sandwich Ministry
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