WWW.GRACETVILLE.ORG • THOMASVILLE, NC • 336-476-4114 • [email protected] GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH MAY 2015 ISSUE 5 JONATHAN CONRAD, PASTOR In Our Community Saturday, May 2 Spring Daze at the Depot Be sure to visit the Thomasville Woman’s Club booth near Monkeez Brew where Scout Troop 57 from Grace will be assisting in a fundraiser to benefit Meals on Wheels of Thomasville. In Our North Carolina Synod Saturday, May 16 The 2015 NC Synod Assembly will take place in Greensboro May 28-30. After faithfully serving for over 18 years, the Rev. Dr. Leonard H. Bolick, bishop of the NC Synod-ELCA, is retiring. An election for the new bishop will be held at the Assembly. Each synod congregation plays an important role in this transition as it contemplates the future of the synod and the gifts needed. Representing Grace in this important vote is Pastor Jonathan as a rostered leader and Mike and Jane Hill, our Grace delegates. Our bishop is “the synod’s pastor,” whose functions include preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments; providing leadership in the mission of the church to strengthen the unity of the church; and overseeing and administering the work of the synod. Who will be our next bishop? All ELCA rostered pastors are eligible for nomination. After the first nominating ballot, the election committee will verify that all nominees are on the ELCA roster. Most probably the election will take multiple ballots spanning several days. Current Assistants to the Bishop and the Director of Evangelical Mission have co-terminus calls, so they would resign their positions. The new bishop would be free to choose his or her staff. The new bishop will take office on August 1. As you can see, this is a decision not to be taken lightly. If you have concerns or ideas about the future of our synod and its leadership, please express them to the Hills. They are our voices and votes. Prior to the gathering, it is important that the entire synod engage in prayer and discernment. For the week leading up to Assembly, the synod’s website, www.nclutheran.org, will post scripture and prayer suggestions in the hope that in this way we will be united as a synod in Word and Prayer. And this is the boldness we have in Christ Jesus, that if we ask according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the requests made of him. (1 John 5:14-15) Lutherans on the Links The golf tournament to benefit Smart Start of Davidson County / School Readiness Program will be held at Lexington Golf Club. The shotgun start will begin after lunch. If you have not already registered, contact info is on the bulletin board in the education building. From the Pastor’s Desk This month our look at the Lutheran Liturgy focuses on the public reading of the Word. One of the reasons we have public readings of the Word is to connect with our Christian ancestors, who would gather and have letters from the Apostles read to them. Why do we stand for the Gospel? Simply put: Reverence. We stand to show the prominence in our midst of this testimony to the living Word, Jesus Christ. By standing we are being active in listening and responding to God’s Word. Another reason, and probably the most important, is that we gather around Sacrament and Word. In our busy world, more and more Christians do not read their Bible on a daily basis. That is why it is important that our worship services provide as much scripture as possible so our people can quench their thirst for God and His Word. To that point, our worship contains up to four readings from the Bible: The First Lesson, Psalm, The Second Lesson, and The Holy Gospel. So where do the lessons come from? When it comes to what lessons are used and heard, our congregation and Protestant congregations around the world use The Lectionary, which is a three-year cycle of readings. Each year focuses on a Gospel: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Fourth Gospel, John, is sprinkled in each year. Why do we use a three-year reading cycle? So that congregations can become familiar with one Gospel for an entire year. In three years, our congregation would have heard a majority of the Bible. So in a way, we are participating in a giant Bible reading class. Game Night with PJ The next youth game night will be Friday, May 8th, from 6-8 pm. Food, Fun, Fellowship with Friends! Adult helpers would be welcomed! The First Lesson comes from the Old Testament except during the Easter Season when they are drawn from the Book of Acts. The Second Lesson can come from one of the New Testament Letters, Acts, or Revelation. The Psalms are wonderful public and private devotional tools. After a hard and difficult week, sometimes the words of the Psalms hit closer to home than any other readings. They feature so many different aspects of the human condition. Martin Luther called The Psalms “a little Bible.” The Word plays a vital and important role in our liturgy. Every one of our worship services IS scripturally based and scripturally centered. The next time you are in worship, take the time to read and find the connections between the readings and the prayers and the sermon. The connections are there. I invite you to let the lessons be your daily/weekly connection with our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Celebrate Pentecost May 24 Pentecost is the fiftieth day of Easter, the conclusion to the Easter season, and we keep the resurrection of Christ by celebrating the Spirit of the risen Christ in our midst. Jesus Christ has not gone away but is here with us, and we stand to greet him and hear his words in the gospel reading. On Pentecost we celebrate that God's Spirit comes to everyone on earth and speaks forgiveness and joy in every language. Our Pentecost festival this year will be held outdoors (weather permitting), with images of fire and wind in the red we wear on this day, the flowing red and orange ribbon banners, and the red balloons swaying in the breezes. Join us at our 10 am worship service — bring a lawn chair if you wish. We will have folding chairs available, too. Grace Women of the ELCA WELCA will meet on May 14th for their regular monthly meeting at 6:30 p.m. However, we will be meeting at The Classic in Denton, not at Grace. The Classic is a buffet-style restaurant located at 42 West Newsom Avenue. Members interested in carpooling or following behind will meet in the Thomasville K-Mart parking lot at 6 p.m. For more information, please contact Leah Pendergrass. We congratulate Mary Catherine Jasperse as she graduates from Queens University of Charlotte with a bachelor of arts degree in English literature on May 9th. She is the granddaughter of Hazel Kay. Lutheran Men in Mission L-Men will meet Monday, May 18th, at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and Bible Study. All men of the church and friends are invited to join us! Ella Bunting Open Arms Thank you to everyone who helped make the BBQ chicken fundraiser a success! Thanks to the kitchen gang, the cooks and bakers, food donors, ticket takers, set up and clean up crew, ticket sellers, and all who supported the project by coming out in spite of the dreary weather! Food was delicious! In Memory of Ron Bryant Given by Dorothy and Lee Beck For Fellowship Hall Bathroom Renovations As graduation season approaches, we want to recognize our graduates and their accomplishments. If you or a member of your family will be graduating from high school or college, please send an announcement to the church office. If you signed up for flowers this summer or if you wish to provide altar flowers, please call Dot in the church office to confirm your date. The entire month of June is available for flower donations. Blooming plants, garden flowers, or farmer’s market bouquets are all welcome reminders of the beauty of God’s creation in our worship. Council Meeting Minutes Summary — April 16 Members in attendance: David Armfield, Eugene Berry, Linda Edgerton, Jane Hill, Cindy Hunnicutt, Marty Musselman, Leah Pendergrass, Teresa Price, Larry Sink, Loretta Wise, Pastor Jonathan Members excused: Brandon Rorie, Bill Venable Bible Study: Pastor Jonathan continued study of the liturgy focused on the public reading of the Word. Devotions: Marty Musselman: “Don’t sit in my pew!” Minutes from previous meetings: Approved, MMSC 2015 Council Members David Armfield 474-0421 Eugene Berry 476-0757 Pastor Jonathan Conrad 476-4114 Linda Edgerton 474-7588 Jane Hill 476-6965 Cindy Hunnicutt 475-1767 Marty Musselman 476-7509 Leah Pendergrass 472-7115 Teresa Price 475-3931 Brandon RoriePlanning Retreat 472-9556 Annual Larry Sink July 19 882-1300 Bill Venable 431-4435 Loretta Wise 475-0364 Unfinished Business: Fellowship Hall Bathrooms Update – Larry Sink to speak to congregation on 4/19 to overview plans and cost of renovating bathrooms across from Fellowship Hall. This project requires the members to vote. Sidewalk – McGee Brothers to begin this project on 4/20 or 4/21, weather permitting, and can be done in two days. Team Ministry Recap – We have collected the names of members participating on the following Team Ministries: Finance, Kitchen, Worship, Christian Ed, Property and Community. We still need Discipleship, Stewardship and Mutual Ministry. New Business: Synod Assembly Attendance – Jane and Mike Hill will attend this gathering on May 28 thru May 30th. Election of a new Bishop will take place. Committee Reports – Leah asked if Team Reports can be printed and set out for members who wish to look them over. Five copies will be made available and if they go we will provide additional copies ongoing. Larry’s Question – Needs a way for the Discipleship Team to determine who regularly attends so that visitation can be targeted to members who are not regular. Pastor will assist with this request. Bishop’s Retirement – Retirement Planning Committee sent a letter requesting funds be donated for a love offering for the bishop. A motion was made to have a special offering collected during an upcoming service so any members who want to donate may do so. MMSC Pastor's Report: Received as information and attached in hard copy. Pastor also indicated he usually spends the mornings in the office and makes 2 to 3 visits in the afternoons. He asked us to consider that we have a choice to be part of a dying church or restoring our church and urged us to find ways to restore. Finance Report: The Finance Committee will publish the amount needed each week to sustain our budgeted items so that members can see the shortfall we deal with quite often. The amount needed is $3837 weekly. Committee Wrap-Up: Fellowship Committee to plan Choir Appreciation day on May 31st by having a covered dish and some other surprises. Leah and Linda to coordinate this event. Fellowship recommended we not have a breakfast for Easter next year as the attendance the past couple of years has been poor. Recommendation was made to offer coffee, juice and donuts. Council agreed. Fellowship looking for volunteers to help set up, serve and clean-up for the Open Arms chicken barbecue dinner on April 25th. Cindy Hunnicutt offered to help and Pastor will announce this request on Sunday. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Next regular meeting will be May 21 at 6:30. Devotions for April– Linda Edgerton Copies of the team ministry reports are available in the education building on the table below the members’ mailboxes. Year-end Repairs and Financial Renovations Information to Grace Property The vote at our congregational meeting approved overwhelmingly our fellowship hall bathroom remodeling project. That will get under way soon. The contractor has been chosen, and the project has been financed through your donor gifts. We recently had concrete work done around our facility. The ramp leading into the narthex was widened to make it more accessible for those who find climbing stairs difficult and for wheelchairs. The sidewalk to the administrative/ handicapped parking lot was widened. We made a new sidewalk from the exit door at the front of the sanctuary to the parking lot. This should make it more convenient for those who may be carrying flowers, plants and supplies to the altar area and sacristy. Finally, the rear parking lot hole near the basketball goal was repaired. Thank you to our volunteers overseeing the project who made these improvements happen. May Sandwich Ministry Collection This month we will collect travel size hairbrushes and combs. Next month’s newsletter will be a summer edition which will encompass June, July, and August. The deadline for articles to be submitted is May 20th. Be sure to alert the church office of any summer dates to add to the calendar. A collection box is located in the narthex. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 26 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Worship 27 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 28 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 29 30 6:45 PM Adult Choir 1 2 3 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Worship 4 10:00 AM Ella Bunting Open Arms 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 5 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 6 7 6:45 PM 6:30 PM Adult Choir Property Committee 8 6:00 PM Game Night with PJ 9 10 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Worship 11 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 12 6:00 PM Finance Committee 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 13 14 6:00 PM WELCA 6:45 PM Adult Choir Carpooling at KMart 6:30 PM WELCA 15 16 Boy Scouts Pack Graduation/Cookout Lutherans on the Links Golf Tournament 17 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Worship 18 19 5:45 PM Worship 6:30 PM Committee Girl Scouts 6:30 PM L-Men Dinner and Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 20 21 6:45 PM 6:30 PM Adult Choir Congregational Council 6:30 PM Stamp-It-Up 22 23 24 Pentecost 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Outdoor Worship 25 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 26 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 27 28 NC Synod 6:45 PM Adult Choir Assembly 29 NC Synod Assembly 30 NC Synod Assembly 31 9:00 AM SS 10:00 AM Worship 11:15 AM Fifth Sunday Potluck Choir Appreciation 1 10:00 AM Ella Bunting Open Arms 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 2 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 3 5 6 4 6:30 PM Property Committee 4 6 8 9 10 16 18 19 Doug Edgerton Nicholas Edinger Jil Palmer Jamie Charles Rachel Sink Brandon Seamon Ethan Moore Linda Edgerton Lauren Edinger Linda Bryant Andrew Vaughan 20 Jean Ridenhour L.W. Conrad Walt Miller 23 Mike Seamon 25 Matthew Moore 26 Michelle Seamon 28 Angela Beck Michael Edinger 29 Tom Muschlitz 30 PaulaSue Okken 31 Dave Herrmann 3 7 12 19 David and Michelle Seamon Richard and Judy Edinger Kenton and Martha Musselman Jerry and Patti Lovell If you are unable to serve on your assigned date, please secure a replacement and advise the church office. MAY 2015 WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Assistant Lector Acolyte Communion Presenter Nursery Altar Flowers Bulletins May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Eugene Berry Robert Black Nicholas Edinger Larry Sink Martha, Rebekah Conrad Vacant J. Bunting Pat Wood Mark Hunnicutt Ethan Moore Rachel Herman Teresa Price, L. Pendergrass Vacant J. Bunting Robert Black Charlotte Yandell Lauren Seamon Charlotte Yandell Kristen Conrad, Ruth Browne Burchetts Vacant Mike Hill Linda Edgerton Sharon Sink Michael, Sherry Edinger Vacant Vacant Doug Edgerton Kenton Musselman Nicholas Edinger Robert Black David, Michelle Seamon Vacant C., P. Okken Altar Guild Serving in May: Ushers Serving in May: Paul and Cindy Myers, Cindy Hunnicutt Bill Armentrout, L. W. Conrad, Randy Dalton, Bill Miller JUNE 2015 WORSHIP PARTICIPANTS Assistant Lector Acolyte Communion Presenter Nursery Altar Flowers Bulletins June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 Margie Venable Cindy Hunnicutt Ethan Moore Linda Edgerton L. Pendergrass, Jil Palmer Vacant Vacant Eugene Berry Mark Okken Lauren Seamon Larry Sink Kim, Abby Moore Vacant Vacant Pat Wood Doug Edgerton Rachel Herman Thom, Melissa Woller Vacant J. Putnam Robert Black Jerry Lovell Nicholas Edinger Charlotte Yandell Martha, Rebekah Conrad Vacant Betty Cox Altar Guild Serving in June: Ushers Serving in June: Teresa Price, Lynn Fitzgerald Robert Black, Ruth Browne, Bob Herman, Mark Hunnicutt GRACE Lutheran Church 115 Unity Street Thomasville, NC 27360 www.GraceTville.org WWW.GRACETVILLE.ORG • THOMASVILLE, NC • 336-476-4114 • [email protected] MAY 2015 ISSUE 5 Cooperative Community Ministry Here’s a cool fact. We were one of 2,000 Lutheran congregations across the U.S. to wave a combined total of a half-million EcoPalms on Palm Sunday. The palms purchased through Lutheran World Relief help palm harvesters and their communities move out of lives of poverty and into futures of promise. CCM has an ongoing need for hygiene products and any non-perishable canned and packaged foods. You may put donations in the boxes by the mailboxes in the education building. Thank you for your continued generosity.
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