FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY • THE GRADUATE SCHOOL MANUSCRIPT ACCESS AGREEMENT FORM (Page 1 of 3) (Please Type or Print) STUDENT INFORMATION: NAME: EMPLID: DEGREE AWARDED: MA MFA MM MME MS MSN DM EDD PHD COLLEGE: DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM (If Applicable): SEMESTER OF GRADUATION: YEAR OF GRADUATION: MAJOR (OR CO-MAJOR) PROFESSOR: CO-MAJOR PROFESSOR (If Applicable): TITLE OF MANUSCRIPT: FSU ACCESS AGREEMENT OPTIONS: I hereby grant to Florida State University and its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and distribute, under the conditions specified below, my thesis, treatise or dissertation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, treatise or dissertation. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, treatise or dissertation. I also hereby certify that: l if appropriate, I have obtained a written permission statement from the owner(s) of each third party copyrighted matter included in my thesis, treatise or dissertation (ETD) allowing distribution as specified below, or claim Fair Use of the materials; and l the version of the thesis, treatise or dissertation (ETD) I submitted is the same as that approved by my advisory committee. The manuscript must be made available in its complete and original format. It cannot be subdivided into chapters and disseminated under different distribution options. Revised: 5/11/15 Form# ETD06a FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY • THE GRADUATE SCHOOL MANUSCRIPT ACCESS AGREEMENT FORM (Page 2 of 3) (Please Type or Print) Last Name: EMPLID: I agree that the above mentioned manuscript be placed in Florida State's Digital Repository with the following status (Select Access Option 1 or Option 2): (OPTION 1) WORLD WIDE DISTRIBUTION ACCESS World Wide Distribution is recommended to all of our students. World Wide Distribution Access - This option makes the student's thesis, treatise or dissertation freely available through the World Wide Web via eventual posting in the FSU Digital Repository. Student's work also becomes available to all users of the World Wide Web via an unknown number of search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, etc.). By checking this option, I hereby grant to FSU and its agents the non-exclusive license to permanently archive and make accessible my thesis, treatise, or dissertation in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, treatise, or dissertation. I also retain the right to use in future works (such as articles or books) all or part of this thesis, treatise, or dissertation. Access and Use Authorizations: Users are free to: 1. Copy, distribute, display and perform the form Under the following conditions: 1. User must give the original author credit. 2. User may not use this work for commercial purposes. 3. You may not alter, transform or build upon this work. 4. For any reuse or distribution, user must make clear to others the license terms of this work. 5. Any of these conditions can be waived if user receives permission from author. 6. The author's fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above. (OPTION 2) EMBARGOED ACCESS (24 months) This option requires approval by also completing the FSU Digital Repository Embargo Request Form and ProQuest Embargo Request Form The Embargo Access Option is recommended to students who have a patent application in process or who want to restrict access to their manuscript for a limited amount of time in order to pursue commercial interests or other publication. After the restricted time period, the manuscript will be made freely available through World Wide Distribution. Students may also select to restrict their manuscripts via Campus Community-Only Access after a traditional embargo of their manuscripts has expired. If students want to restrict access of their manuscripts via Campus Community-Only Access after a traditional embargo of their manuscripts has expired, they must select the appropriate "Access Agreement Option After Embargo Request Expires" on the "FSU Digital Repository Embargo Request Form." Approval for Campus CommunityOnly Access after an initial embargo is not automatic and is typically reserved for those who will seek to publish a book from their manuscript. Appropriate justification and approval is required for ALL embargo requests and Campus Community-Only Access requests. Revised: 5/11/15 Form# ETD06a FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY • THE GRADUATE SCHOOL MANUSCRIPT ACCESS AGREEMENT FORM (Page 3 of 3) (Please Type or Print) Last Name: EMPLID: The initial delay in the release of a manuscript shall not exceed twenty-four (24) months from the date the manuscript is approved by The Graduate School. In special circumstances, and upon request, the Dean of The Graduate School may grant an additional delay in twentyfour (24) month increments before the previous embargo expires. In total, an embargo of a manuscript cannot exceed seventy-two (72) months. In order to request renewal embargoes, a case must be made that the delay is in the best interests of all parties, or if publication or commercial interest in the document is still ongoing. Such a request must be made by use of the "FSU Digital Repository Embargo Request Form", and submitted at least one (1) month prior to the expiration of the original period of embargo. It is the student's responsibility for requesting embargo extensions. Adherence to this policy cannot constitute a guarantee that information in the restricted manuscript will not be disseminated by means other than the written thesis, treatise or dissertation. In choosing this option, the "FSU Digital Repository Embargo Request Form" and "ProQuest Embargo Request Form" must be completed and submitted to The Graduate School by the pre-established deadlines and due dates for the semester students intend to graduate. The "FSU Digital Repository Embargo Request Form" , as well as all other required ETD forms and documentation, may be found on The Graduate School's Blackboard, “GradSpace” and/or “Graduate School - Faculty/Staff” site, under the “Manuscript Clearance” submenu. MICROFILMING AND PUBLICATION WITH UMI/PQIL (ProQuest): All dissertations, treatises, and theses will be submitted to University Microfilms Inc. Dissertation Publishing/ProQuest Information and Learning (UMI/PQIL) for archiving, and publication of the abstract. Additionally, students will have a choice of either the Traditional Publishing option or the Open Access publishing option. Both Traditional Publishing and Open Access publishing distribution methods enable worldwide access and commercial sales of the manuscript via the UMI/PQIL website. However, an embargo option of twenty-four (24) months is offered to students. If a student selects an embargo option through UMI/PQIL, only the citation information and abstract will be viewed on the UMI/PQIL database until the embargo has been lifted. Moreover, no one will be able to view or purchase a copy of the manuscript until the embargo has been lifted. Students also have the choice of "Restriction Options," including no search engine access. Please note that The Graduate School is not responsible for ensuring that students' manuscripts are embargoed with UMI/PQIL. If students decide to embargo their manuscripts in Florida State's ETD Digital Repository, it is the students' responsibility to match this embargo with ProQuest. Simply selecting an embargo through Florida State's Digital Repository will not restrict microfilming and publication of the manuscript through UMI/PQIL. UMI/PQIL access and embargo request options must be selected within the UMI/PQIL Administration website http://www.etdadmin.com/fsu. Additionally, if students want to extend their embargoes through Florida State's ETD Digital Repository, then it is each student's responsibility to contact ProQuest to extend the embargo with UMI/PQIL. In order to extend an embargo with UMI/PQIL, contact UMI/PQIL via phone 1-800-521-0600 x 77020, or e-mail [email protected]. APPROVAL: Student (Signature and Date) Student (Print Name) Major (or Co-Major) Professor (Signature and Date) Major (or Co-Major) Professor (Print Name) Co-Major Professor, If Applicable (Signature and Date) Co-Major Professor, If Applicable (Print Name) Revised: 5/11/15 Form# ETD06a
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