Announcing the 29th Annual CSUSB Student Research Competition Designed to select students who will represent our campus at the state-wide competition May 1st and May 2nd, 2015 California State University, San Bernardino Procedures and Guidelines Purpose: The competition is held to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments throughout the twenty-three campuses of the California State University. Who May Apply: Undergraduate or graduate students currently enrolled on any CSU campus, as well as alumni/alumnae who received their degrees Spring, Summer or Fall 2014, are eligible. The research presented should be appropriate to the student’s discipline and career goals. Proprietary research is excluded. Presentations from all disciplines are invited. There will be separate undergraduate and graduate divisions for each of the five colleges (unless a division has fewer than three entrants, in which case undergraduate and graduate divisions will be combined). Groups are eligible to participate (all group members must present). • • • • • College of Arts and Letters College of Business and Public Administration College of Education College of Natural Sciences College of Social & Behavioral Sciences How to Apply: Students who wish to participate in the Student Research Competition are required to submit the following: • Registration form • Letter of Support from a faculty member that has supervised the research (on letterhead and signed) • Summary (no more than 5 double spaced pages), (Each page must include Students Name, Coyote ID and Title of the presentation) • Appendices: Bibliography, Graphs, Photos (No more than 3 Pages) Due Date: All applications are due Friday, January 30th, 2015 by 5:00pm, in the Office of Graduate Studies, CH-123, (909) 537-5058. Questions should be directed to the same office. *Please save an electronic version of your application and summary research. Those chosen to move forward to the state competition will need to submit electronic versions. Competition Guidelines: Students will present their work orally before a jury. Students will compete by class standing (undergraduate/graduate), as described in the “Who May Apply”. Each student will have ten minutes for an oral presentation of his or her work and then three minutes to listen and respond to juror questions. All entrants may use audiovisual material as appropriate, and presenters are encouraged to use delivery techniques that promote interaction with the audience. Entrants in the Creative Arts and Design category may present an audio and/or visual record of a performance they have given or a work they have created; their oral presentation should focus on the rationale and historical context underlying their interpretation of the material. Each entry (oral presentation and written summary) will be judged on the following: • • • • • • Clarity of purpose (15%) Appropriateness of methodology (15%) Interpretation of results (15%) Ability of the presenter to articulate the research and creative activity (15%) Organization of the material presented (15%) Presenter’s ability to handle questions from the jury (10%) Presentation: Be aware that you will be speaking to jury of faculty from each of the five colleges on campus and to a general audience at the state competition. For this reason, you will have to briefly define terms, rather than starting with a kind of mini-dictionary. Give a brief, non-technical statement of the background and nature of the problem and then your piece of it; how your study relates to the general issue. State the objectives of your research in clear, simple language. You should state the context, goals, what you did and your results. Be analytical, not just descriptive. Tell your audience what this research or problem means, its implications and significance. Clearly organize your results and then explain the implications of your results. Award: For the campus competition based on the recommendations of the juries, a prize will be provided to the outstanding presenter in both undergraduate and graduate divisions. At the state competition cash awards will be provided to the outstanding presenter and the runner-up in both the undergraduate and graduate divisions of each category. If a category has been combined because there are fewer than three presenters in one division, awards will be provided to the outstanding presenter and the runner-up without regard to class standing. In any division with just three entrants, only one award will be given. In divisions with more than ten entrants, two runner-up awards will be presented. Due Date: All applications are due Friday, January 30th, 2015 by 5:00pm, in the Office of Graduate Studies, CH-123, (909) 537-5058. Questions should be directed to the same office. TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL CSUSB STUDENT RESEARCH COMPETITION February 27th, 2015 Santos Manuel Student Union STUDENT DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM Personal Information Name: Address: STREET CITY STATE ZIP Coyote ID #: E-Mail Address: Telephone: AREA CODE Home Campus: CSU, San Bernardino Degree objective when research was completed: Class standing when research was completed: NUMBER Faculty Mentor: Degree: Undergraduate Major: Graduate Are any disability accommodations or services needed (yes or no)? Please specify what is needed Colleges Arts and Letters Business and Public Administration Education Natural Sciences Social and Behavioral Sciences Program Information Title: Synopsis (25 words or less) Audio-Visual Equipment Required Digital projectors and screens will be available in all rooms. Please specify all audio-visual equipment needed to support your presentation. Demographic Information (optional) Sex: Male Female Age: Race/Ethnicity: American Indian or Alaska Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Asian or Asian American Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Non-Hispanic White Attach this form to the summary of your research and recommendation letter. See the “Procedures and Guidelines” for information about how to prepare this summary paper.
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