Eagles #925 Welcome to Grand Haven Instituted December 14, 1904 May 2015 People Helping People Volume 14 Issue 5 AERIE OFFICERS President David Fritz, Jr. Vice President Roger Wilder Secretary Dean Nash Treasurer Jack Olthof Jr. Conductor Christian Sorensen Chaplain Dave Hamather Trustee Dennis Cherry Trustee John Lemke Trustee Jon Lewis Trustee Tom Jacoby Trustee D. J. Westerhouse Inside Guard Thomas Nelson Outside Guard Kenny Epplett Jr. Past President Chester Cook “Co-Mothers of the Year” Carol Olthof and Kate Kade “Volunteers of the Year Sherri Puisis & Tom Jacoby WORTHY PRESIDENT NEWS Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope all of you are ready to get into spring activities. We are having an outdoor Pig Roast donated by Dave Fritz and Richard Bishop. We are providing the pork and we will have an outdoor baseball tail gate party as we will have the big screen and watch the Tigers game and have cold beer along with good friends. Bring some munchies to share on Saturday, May 16th starting at 1:00 pm and we will have this for our membership. We also would like to let our membership know we now have "pull tab dispenser machines" which you can play! Stop down and check them out as the proceeds we bring in go to the National Guard Association of Michigan, the GH Eagles 925 and State of Michigan Lotto. We are happy to help our service men and women. We are continuing to provide entertainment each weekend! We hope to see our snowbirds back and able to socialize with us this spring, Welcome back! We are in the process of planning many more events so keep an eye on the Social Room monitor and calendar. We are heading into the end of this year’s membership drive, so lets kick it up and get some new members signed up. I ask all members to try to sign up at least one new member as this helps maintain a strong organization and vibrant social room with many activities. Members thank you all for coming down and socializing with fellow members as this helps keeping us growing, strong and successful!!! Thank You Dave Fritz Jr. Worthy President WORTHY SECRETARY NEWS Dear Brothers, Welcome new and re-enrolled Brothers: Armando Z. Anguiano, Gary W Ayers, Jeff Ernst, Mark C. Hartman, Timothy P. Hemphill, Donald Jakubowski, Steve S. Johnson, Lee M. King, John Kleinheksel, Everett W. Kunzelman, Larry Lambert, Roman Marciniak, Douglas Mayersky, Greg A. Penna, Francis Reminder, Thomas R. Renn III, Laird J. Sanders, Zacheriah N. Schimp, Garth Stafford, Clarence Stevens, Joe VanderStel, Troy Young, Our sympathy is extended to the family of Golden Age Eagle Brother Henry Brown who passed away on April 8th and to the family of Jacob Sampson ,son of Brother Glen and Shirley Sampson who lost his life in an auto accident. MAY 2015 HIGHLIGHTS MAY 2ND - Wine & Paint MAY 9TH - Honoring Eagle Mothers and Mother of the Year Please remember in your prayers Brother Edward Kinkema Jr. who is recovering from knee replacement surgery and Brother Evert Jungslager who is recovering from a recent illness. MAY 16th - Parking Lot Pig Roast & Tigers Game Watch Party As most of you know, the Eagles made the first plea for Mothers Day in 1904. On Saturday evening on May 9th, we will be honoring all of our Eagle Mothers and naming our Mother of the Year. MAY 21st - Joint Installation of Officers On Wednesday, May 13th we will be honoring our local safety patrollers for the 61 st year with a pizza party and magic show. We will also present our “Home Town” Builder and “Reverence for Law” awards. Our Aerie golf outing will be held on July 18th at Terra Verde Golf Course. Signup will be June 16 th at 7 pm. Check out page three of the newsletter for more information. Aerie officers’ election for 2015-16 will be held on May 4th in the social room from 2 to 7 pm. It will not be held if we have only one candidate for all open offices. Thanks for signing up new members. Sincerely, Dean A. Nash, Secretary MAY 29th - “Wheelbarrow of Cheer” Raffle (#R31655) Prizes include: *Wheelbarrow filled with assorted Cheer * Weber “Spirit” Gas Grill * Remington 16” Electric Chain Saw Tickets: $2 each or 6/$10 to benefit Eagles Charities Grand Aerie Mission Statement The Fraternal Order of Eagles, an international non-profit organization, unites fraternally in the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness and hope Eagles #925 Page 2 AUXILIARY OFFICERS President Brenda Olson Trustees Danielle Forrest Vice President Huttaluna Wolters June Kostka Secretary Deborah DeYoung Clara Mitchel Treasurer Peggy Briegel Inside Guard Diane Long Conductor Tamara Gargano Outside Guard T.B.A. Chaplain Donna Johnson Jr. Past Pres. Phyllis Button Please contact Debbie DeYoung with any changes in your mailing address: celebrations, illness or deaths [email protected] or by phone at 846-9343 Madam Secretar Secretaryy I would like to start by welcoming our new and re-enrolled members Halle Warmington, Breanne Berg, Andrea Closs, Gena Boyd, Dawn Kardux, Pam Bayes, Stacey Klukos, Amber Holzinger, Cathy Bastiaanse, Tamara Shiflett, Sandra Leach, Kimberly Malek, and Dawn KimballBoy the Auxiliary is growing in leaps and bounds. Sure would be nice to see some of these new faces at our Auxiliary Meetings!!!!!. It’s not too late to sign up for Wine and Paint on May 2, 1:30 p.m. and Mystery Theater on May 9, 7:00 p.m. We have an open license for both days and would love to see all of you there. Joint Installation of Officers is on May 21 at 7:00. Come on down and support your new officers for next year as they take their offices. Be sure to watch newsletter and board at Club for all of the many events going on this summer. Debbi DeYoung, Madam Secretary Wine, Paint Class/Jewelry Sale May 2nd at 1:30 pm 1:30-4:30 pm We will be doing a painting that is young person friendly and you can use any color you choose so it will match YOUR space. There will be specials for Mom and Children under 12. You can register online @ www.dreesefineart.com/paint-parties. GRAND HAVEN EAGLES AUXILIARY PRESENTS MASTER ARTS THEATRE The Cat Screamed at Midnight Murder Mystery May 9, 2015 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM $15.00 per person YOU GET TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY EaglE RidERs’ coRnER Hello Riders, Hope everyone is enjoying the mild weather and getting in some riding time. The Sandy Corley Kick Off Bash dinner was filled with great comradery and good food. A big thanks to our volunteer kitchen crew. Awesome job everyone! Our 5 th annual Toys for Tots Run will be held on Saturday July 11 th. More details in the June newsletter. We are in need of some items for our silent auction for this event. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Patti Schleeter at 616-607-9193. Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday May 3 rd at 2pm. Nomination of officers will be closed at this meeting and you must be present to accept a nomination. If you have a passion to ride and love to help others, come check us out! Here's a thought for the month, a quote by Helen Keller....Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much. Ride safe and always, always watch out for the other guy! Tami Riemersma Eagle Rider Secretary EAGLE RIDERS’ OFFICERS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Chaplain Road Captains Thank Joy Robertson Mark Gillhespy Tami Riemersma Liane Hendrickson Patti Schleeter Sandy French You to Everyone Who Purchased Pudding Shots for the Garry Fox Benefit We raised $1,100.00 for Garry’s cancer expenses Thank You to the Sellers Shelly Young, Sheri Puisis, Christy Zuidema, Carol McNitt and John Lewis www.facebook.com/GrandHavenEagles Eagles #925 Page 3 11th Annual Grand Haven Eagles Aerie #925Golf Tournament Saturday, July 18th, 2015 Registration Begins June 16th @ 7:00 pm sharp, sign up at table (not with bar server) 3 players per team must be Grand Haven Eagle members (Aerie or Auxiliary) Early entries will not be accepted 4 “Person” Scramble (This is an adult tournament) Registration Fee = $200 per team ($50 per person) (Total Amount Due at time of registration) Any rider must pay and each team must have at least 3 golfers 1 hit allowed for each team member (if you have a rider you still get 4 hits) Make Checks out to : Eagle Aerie #925 Golf Tournament WHERE: Terra Verde Golf Course SHOT GUN start at 9:00 am ALL TEAMS MUST BE registered by 8:15am 2 Divisions: Male = any team with 3 or more Men Coed/Female = Any Other Combination Prizes will be based on the number of entries (Limited to 31 teams) Luncheon included. To be held at the Grand Haven Eagles #925. Time 3:00 pm Tournament results will be announced at the luncheon Additional “Luncheon Only Tickets” may be purchased at $10 each a registration or anytime prior to July 2nd 2015 THIS IS NOT A BYOB COURSE (SO DON’T, PLEASE) YOU CAN BRING YOUR OWN EMPTY COOLER Saturday, July 11, 2015 Bike Run, Craft Show & Pig Roast Bike Run Registration 9-11 am 20 N. Second, Grand Haven Mi. Pre-Register by calling Grand Haven Eagles 925 @ 842-4330 $10 Per Bike $10 for Rider Craft Show 10 am– 5pm Pig Roast , Silent Auction & Live Band Beginning at 5pm Featuring Hy Rider Admission is $5 or New Toy Donation for those not participating in Bike Run Detroit Tigers Tailgate Party & Pig Roast Saturday May 16th 1:00 to 6:00 pm on the Big Screen Outside (Weather Permitting) Bring some munchies to share We are Not Open to the Public Membership and Guests Only (Pig Roast donated by Dave Fritz and Richard Bishop) Euchre Tournament May 1, 2015 (Last One) Tournament Starts At 1:00 P.M. Try one of our menu items! NEWSLETTER & WEBSITE If you would like to include any information in the newsletter or on the website, please e-mail to: [email protected] or [email protected](Dean Nash) or [email protected] (Glenn Kade) Please title your subject line “Eagles Newsletter” The deadline for the newsletter is 6:00 p.m. on the 15th of the month Information (including pictures) must have approval from a board member of your group Website Address GrandHavenEagles925.com Social Room (616) 842-4330 *Reuben *Burgers *Pizza *Wet Burritos *Appetizers and more….. Grill Open 6:00-9:00 p.m. Monday Grill Open 5:00-9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday Grill Open 5:00-10:00 pm Thursday Grill Closed 5:00-8:00 p.m. Fish Fry Fridays Grill Open 3:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Saturday (Grill May Open Earlier if Special Event) Grill Open 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Sunday M AY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Euchre Tournament Wine & Paint 3 Free Pool 4 Aerie Riders Meeting Elections 2:00 PM 2-7 pm Aerie Meeting 7 pm Initiations 5 6 Ladies Night $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) 10 Mother’s 12 11 Day Ladies Night Free Pool Auxiliary Meeting 13 19 20 District Meeting Aerie Meeting 2 pm Fruitport 7 pm Initia#3666 tions Ladies Night $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) Memorial Day 26 27 Ladies Night $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) Auxiliary Meeting 31 Free Pool *Wiser Trio 8 9 Mother of the Year Award Mystery Theater 7 pm 14 All Day Safety Patrol Awards $1.00 Beer Night (select beers) 17 Free Pool 18 24 Free Pool 25 7 All Day *Trixy Tang *T.B.D. *Short Circuit 15 16 *Pete Kehoe 21 Pig Roast & Tigers Game 1-6 pm * Rock Shop 22 23 Joint Officer Installations *Gabrial James Lundy *Bleu VanDyke 28 29 30 “Wheelbarrow of All Day All Day Cheer“ Raffle for Eagles Charities *T.B.D. *indicates band name Bands play 8:30 12:00 unless otherwise stated
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