Chimes First United Methodist Church of Grand Ledge First United Methodist Church 411 Harrison St. Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-3256 Office Hours Mon.-Thur. 9:00 a.m– 3:00 p.m. Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. CHURCH STAFF Children’s Choir .......... Bethany Zeuch Chimes Coordinator ......... Deb Nichols Choir Director .................... Kyle Zeuch Custodian .........................Lysle Finney Custodian .............................Jan Jacobs Education .......................... Rae Cornell Education .................. Debbie Olmstead Financial Secretary ............ Tina Hoxie Organist ................... Tamar Mikeladze Pastor ................... Rev. Cynthia Skutar Pastoral Asst.. ................. Kim Metzger Secretary .......................... Deb Nichols Treasurer............................ Pat Basgall COMMITTEE CHAIRS Ad. Council ..................Walt Eschtruth Ad. Co. Vice-Chair.. .......Rick Delleree An. Conf. Lay Rep. ............Dave Peake Caring ............................. Janet Haueter Communications ........... Linda Kimball Endowment ..................... Harry Levins Family Ministry .... Courtney Millbrook Finance ........................... Harry Levins Lay Leader ..................... Mike Mowery Leadership .............. Rev. Cindy Skutar Membership ...................... Barb Moyes Memorials ......................... Barb Kelsey Missions ............................ Pat Basgall Music Endowment ................Rita Price Staff/Parish Relations ....... Gary Brown Trustees ......................... Mike Mowery UMM ...............................Lysle Finney UMW................................................... Visitation ........................ Sandie Kinne Worship Support ............... Cecil Miller April 2015 Holy Week and Easter Celebrations of Worship (All services to be held here at FUMC) Palm and Passion Sunday March 29th at 9:30 a.m. Holy Thursday April 2nd at 7:00 p.m. Good Friday Community Ecumenical Worship Service April 3rd at 7:00 p.m. GROUP LEADERS Greeters ..................... Amy Hirschman Guys Lunch Out...............Lysle Finney Liturgists............................ Pat Basgall Quilt Group..................... Janet Haueter Ushers ......................Richard Anderson Women’s Study ........ Sue VanKampen STAFF EMAIL ADDRESSES [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Vol. 18 No. 4 Easter Sunday (One Worship Service) th April 5 at 9:30 a.m. 2. Vol. 18 No. 4 Easter 2015 “After the Sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake… for an angel of the Lord…came and rolled back the stone… But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here. He has been raised from the dead!” Matthew 28 Christ is alive! Christ is here! Easter shouts the news of his resurrection! Sometimes we are looking for Christ in familiar places only to meet him in new and life-transforming ways. The disciples grieved when Jesus died, believing he was gone from them. But they were wild with joy on Easter morning. The good news of resurrection is that God had never left them. Pamela Crosby writes: “The wonderful news of resurrection shouts that Christ is still here! He is still in our presence. But where shall we look? Jesus’ presence can be found in both the obvious and unlikely, in the comforter and stranger, in the successful and the defeated, in enemies as well as in friends. His presence has no limitations.” When we grasp even a tiny fragment of the meaning of Easter, we tremble at the power of God’s love. It is a love that will never leave us. As you come to discover those places in which new life is springing forth, may the blessing of God the Creator, Christ the Redeemer and the Holy Spirit, our Sustainer, be upon you and all of your loved ones. In His Name, Cynthia Skutar Pastor Vol. 18 No. 4 3. SCRIPTURES FOR APRIL 2015 Please refer to them for weekly focus and prayer April 5th Easter Sunday One Celebration of Worship at 9:30 a.m. Scripture: Preaching: Liturgist: Greeters: Valet: Ushers: Acts 10: 34-43, Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24, 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11, John 20: 1-18 Rev. Cindy Skutar William Woods Pat Basgall, Karen Shepherd, John & Candace Haskell Ray DeBar Gary Brown, Paul Duncan, Rick Delleree, Bob VanKampen April 12th nd 2 Sunday of Easter, Sabbath Sunday, Communion, Sabbath Potluck Scripture: Preaching: Liturgist: Greeters: Valet: Ushers: Acts 4: 32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1: 1 - 2: 2, John 20: 19-31 Rev. Cindy Skutar Barb Moyes Dodie Coviak, Bonnie Finney, Pam & Charlie Jennett Mike Moyes Dave & Kathy Oliveto, Kathy Boltz, Bob VanKampen, Rick & Debra Delleree April 19th 3rd Sunday of Easter, Kim Metzger preaching Scriptures: Preaching: Liturgist: Greeters: Valet: Ushers: Acts 3: 12-19, Psalm 4, 1 John 3: 1-7, Luke 24: 36b-48 Kim Metzger Pat Basgall Ray DeBar, Virginia Anderson, Susan Dalebout & Harry Levins Terry Dankenbring Rick & Deb Delleree, Ralph Morr, Bob VanKampen April 26th 4th Sunday of Easter Scriptures: Preaching: Liturgist: Greeters: Valet: Ushers: Acts 4: 5-12, Psalm 23, 1 John 3: 16-24, John 10: 11-18 Rev. Cindy Skutar Mary Lou Hanna Gary & Florence Brown, Bonnie Sackett, Gladys Templin Jerry Welborn Terry & Linda Kimball, Debra Delleree, Bob VanKampen MAGNETIC NAME TAGS The Membership Committee is offering the opportunity for you to purchase magnetic name tags if you are interested. Forms are available at the Welcome Center, and instructions are included on the form. The name tags will be white with your choice of a gold or silver frame. The cost is $8.50 per tag and payment must accompany your order. Questions? Call Kim Metzger at 627-3256, or email her at [email protected]. 4. Vol. 18 No. 4 2015 Camping Corner The Camping Season is upon us and there is much to do. There are many events approaching to help raise the needed funds for our Camp Scholarships. It costs $399 to send one kid to camp for a full week. We need your help and support. Here’s how you can help. 1. Camping Breakfast is on May 3rd following worship. (around 11 a.m.) The camp breakfast will be on one of our Sabbath Sundays, so mark your calendars now! Keep an eye out for more information about this upcoming event and how you can continue to partner with the Camping Committee to raise the needed funds for Camp Scholarships. For this yummy breakfast we are asking for a free will donation. 2. Camp Fund Raising Updates 15 Kids Registered for Camp thus far! Camp Sunday $ 1,099.00 Swiss Steak Dinner $ TBD Silent Auction $ TBD Camp Breakfast $ TBD Endowment $ 2,321.58 Subtotal Money Raised $ 3,420.58 Thank you so much for your continued support! Camping Committee $ 10% of money raised put back into Endowment - 342.06 Total Money Raised To Date $ 3,078.52 Last year we raised $6,608.00 and were able to support sending 23 kids to camp 3. It’s not too late to register for camp! If you are between the ages of 1-99, there is a Christian camp experience waiting for you. There are many types of camps to choose from: kids camp, family camp, father/son camp, grandparents raising grandkids camp, active camp, horse riding camp, and so much more. You can choose a camp based on your schedule or your interests. There are many Methodist camp locations to choose from all around our state. Camp is a great way to meet “kids” your own age, to have a blast, and get to know God better. Camping brochures are on the table just outside the High School Café Room. You can register online and fill out the needed paperwork, or you can pick up a registration packet. If you need help registering or choosing a camp, contact Kim Metzger at [email protected] or call her at the church, 517-627-3256. 4. Thank you to all of you who helped to make this year’s Swiss STeakDinner and Silent Auction such a success! The Camping Committee Vol. 18 No. 4 5. Youth Gathering...Save the Date…. Who: Calling all Youth! 5th - 12th grades What: FUNtastic YOUTH GATHERING and catered lunch Where: Maybelle’s Café 214B South Bridge Street, Grand Ledge, MI 48837 When: Sunday, May 17 @ 11 a.m. Why: To brainstorm and dream about ways we want to spend time together. Connections What is Connections? Connections is a new group forming for anyone living at Independence Village. What do you do there? It is a time to get together, share in a short devotion, pray for each other, play games, and have fun! When is it? The second Monday of each month from 2:00 - 3:00p.m. Where is it? We meet in the Garden Room at Independence Village. For more information contact Kim Metzger @ 517-627-3256 CHURCH PHOTO DIRECTORY Inserted with this month’s CHIMES is a flyer containing the basic information from Life Touch about the directory pictures. 6. Vol. 18 No. 4 ALTERNATE METHODS OF GIVING As a non-profit organization, we are always looking for ways to help raise funds for the church. Did you know that we currently participate in 2 rewards programs? MEIJER COMMUNITY REWARDS Meijer Community Rewards allows us to raise additional funds. Here’s how you can participate. We would like you to join Meijer Community RewardsSM. It’s free and can be done online at, in store by applying for a Meijer Credit Card or by mailing an enrollment application to Meijer 1 Card application processing (address is on the form). The Meijer 1 CardSM is a non-financial card that should be used with cash or a PIN-based debit card to link your purchases to your Meijer Community RewardsSM account. If you already have a Meijer Credit Card, just call 1-800-962-7011 to add Meijer Community RewardsSM to your Meijer Credit Card account. Then simply use your Meijer Credit Card or pay with cash or your PIN-based debit card with your swiped Meijer 1 CardSM whenever you shop at Meijer. Use it for Meijer gas, food, clothing, toys, housewares, jewelry, hardware, garden and more! We’ll automatically receive a percentage of your purchase totals, with double the rewards when you use your linked Meijer Credit Card! SM This program can make a wonderful difference. Meijer Community RewardsSM gives rewards on over 150,000 items! Best of all, the program automatically earns money whenever you shop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any questions, please call the church office or visit the Meijer website at We have sheets of frequently asked questions and answers and the application forms too. AMAZON SMILE AmazonSmile is another way to earn dollars through a rewards program. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates o.5% of the purchase price to First United Methodist Church. Simply bookmark the following link: and support us every time you shop. ELECTRONIC GIVING For Your Convenience We Provide Electronic Giving Electronic Giving is a convenient, consistent way to help our church grow. Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It’s easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. Get started today! Ask for an authorization form in the church office. Or visit our church website. Vol. 18 No. 4 7. MISSIONS MINISTRY SHARE DESCRIPTIONS (2 of 8 informational articles) We promised to explain the use of each of the areas of our Ministry Share donations. Here is the second in a series of eight informational articles. Administrative Funds Every four years 1,000 delegates, including a delegation from the West Michigan Conference, gather from around the world to set direction for the ministries and budget of UMC, and to update the Book of Discipline. Your gifts provide for the administration and safeguarding of the United Methodist Church finances and legal interests and to maintain denominational records. LONG RANGE PLANNING FOR MISSION Offering and Opportunities August - Blessing in a Back Pack In August we will be supporting Blessing in a Back Pack. Our Church joins with many other churches and organizations in the Grand Ledge School District to support this important program. In the month of August we will be focusing on donations for back to school needs. You may also make contributions at any time throughout the year. Looking for someplace to volunteer your time? There is also need for volunteers to help stuff the back packs each week at various times during the school year. Contact Bernie Johnson at 627-6898 if you would like to help with this local mission. See the explanation of this program below Hunger Doesn't Take Weekends Off Immediate Need Volunteers for the Grand Ledge Food Bank Please contact Linda Peach, Director at 627-4348, if you are able to help. The Food Bank serves low income families and persons who are disabled, unemployed, homeless, and those with temporary emergencies living in the Grand Ledge School District, which includes Eagle, Mulliken and Wacousta areas. Weekly pantry hours are on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.; and Thursdays from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Other hours may be available by appointment and emergency need. May 17th – Blanket Sunday In May you will have an opportunity to make a donation of $10 toward the purchase of a blanket in memory or honor of a loved one. These blankets will be distributed in times of disaster within the U.S. and around the world. Please be thinking about this significant mission. We will also have acknowledgement cards that you can mail to those your honoring to tell them about your offering. More information will follow next month. What Do We Do? Blessings in a Backpack provides elementary school children who are on the federal Free and Reduced Price Meal Program with a backpack of food to take home for 38 weekends during the school year. Backpack food includes easy-to-prepare, ready-to-eat foods, like granola bars, juice boxes, mac and cheese, and oatmeal. Why Do We Do It? There are 20+ million children in this country who are at risk of hunger. The consequences of hunger are much more than a growling stomach. Poor nutrition can result in a weaker immune system, increased hospitalization, lower IQ, shorter attention spans, and lower academic achievement. Children are fed during the school week by federal government programs, but we want to make sure they’re getting nutritional meals over the weekend too. Blessings in a Backpack is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization currently feeding over 72,000 children in 700 schools in 44 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. The program is a hybrid of private sector funding and public partnership carried out in public schools. We are feeding the future of America, one school at a time. 8. Vol. 18 No. 4 (continued from page 7) How Much Does it Cost? $80 - $100 feeds one child on the weekends for one 38 week school year through the Blessings in a Backpack program. The Results: Nourished Kids Ready to Learn Students who participate in the Blessings in a Backpack program show marked improvement in school attendance, test scores, behavior, and health. Food is an essential building block, and in this case truly is a blessing, especially to a hungry child! Visit the Get Involved section of our site to find out the various ways in which you can help Blessings in a Backpack feed more children. October 4th – CROP WALK We can help end hunger “one step at a time”. We will join other churches in the community to “Walk for Food”. Seek pledges for your Walk. We encourage families to get involved! More information will follow soon. October 11th through October 17th Volunteers in Mission (VIM) MidWest Distribution Center in Chatham, Illinois Please hold these dates. It is not too early to start planning to experience our national and international outreach in motion. Volunteering at the Distribution Center offers an experience beyond comparison. Be a part of putting kits together, repairing or refurbishing donations, preparing items for shipment. You will be matched to the skills you are able to offer. Stay in a modern facility with many very nice amenities. We would like to see new people experience this event, and will also accept repeater attendees. Jerry and Mary Thompson will lead this group. More information will be provided in the upcoming months. You are encouraged to sign up early. Contact the Office, Pat Basgall – Missions Chair, or Jerry & Mary Thompson – VIM Leaders. We are also excitedly organizing a Youth Mission Trip to the Distribution Center in the near future. Something you would like to do? Questions? Please contact – Pat Basgall – Missions Chairperson CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School teachers needed. If you have ever thought about working with the children of our church, now is the time. There is an opening in the K2nd grade class and one in the middle school class. Class meets from 10-10:45 a.m. every Sunday, except for Sabbath Sunday, until the school year ends May 17th. We will also be needing teachers at the beginning of the new school year in September. If interested please contact Debbie Olmstead at 6277429 or leave a message in the education mailbox by the coat rack. Vacation Bible School Think Summer…and Vacation Bible School! This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held July 21-23 from 5-8 p.m. in the evening. We are looking for volunteers to help lead groups, set up, clean up, help with the meal, and many other jobs. Please leave a message at church or with Debbie Olmstead at 6277429, or Rae Cornell at 622-0432. COMMUNICATIONS Weekly Reminder Did you ever forget to bring your own table service to a church potluck? Or, did you ever neglect to pull your items together in time for the church rummage sale? The Communications Committee believes it has a solution for keeping you abreast of upcoming events and activities at GLFUMC. The Weekly Reminder is an e-mail alert that’s been in the planning stages for the past several months. It has not moved to the next level, i.e., getting out to congregants, due to the minimal number of persons who signed up for this service. As such, we are making another call to folks within the church who have an e-mail account and who, we believe, would find this friendly weekly reminder useful. If you are one of these people and you want to see The Weekly Reminder launched, we would ask that you make sure the Church Secretary, Deb Nichols (627-3256) has your e-mail address on or before April 20th. Look for an update on the status of this project in an upcoming issue of the Chimes newsletter. Linda Kimball, Communications Chair Vol. 18 No. 4 9. UMW Enrichment meeting will be held on Monday, April 6th at 1:00 p.m. in the parlor. CHURCH SOFTBALL! The Orange Crush softball team is gearing up for another season! Games take place every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. starting Tuesday, May 6th. We will have a practice or two and welcome potluck in April! If you've always wanted to play, this is the year! For those of you that want to cheer us on, I will post the schedule as soon as I get it. Please contact Lance Margrif @ 517-898-5078 for questions or additional information. ***Date Change*** SABBATH SUNDAY April 12th The 1st Sunday of each month has been designated as our Sabbath Sunday. On Sabbath Sunday’s we celebrate being in communion with each other in worship and thru a fellowship potluck after the worship service. Easter falls on the 1st Sunday of April this year. Due to this, we will be celebrating Sabbath Sunday on April 12th. Please mark your calendars to reflect this change. MYSTERY BOOK CLUB RUMMAGE SALE It’s time for our Spring Rummage & Bake Sale Get rid of your Stuff Merchandise can be brought in Monday, April 13th Tuesday, April 14th We cannot accept Television donations Sale Dates Wednesday, April 15th 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Thursday, April 16th 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. GLUMDOG April 18 The Grand Ledge United Methodist Dining Out Group will meet at the R-Club at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 18th. The restaurant is located on the West side of Canal Road, across from Auto Owners. Beef, chicken and fish entrees are on the menu. Please call Mary Lou Hanna at 627-4360 or Dodie Coviak at 323-4323 by April 15th to reserve your spot. The Mystery Book Club selection for April will be Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas. The title is drawn from a help wanted ad found by young Thomas Llewelyn, a former scholar down on his luck. The interview process is unique, requiring not just proficiency in office skills, but the ability to observe and demonstrate physical co-ordination. When he passes all tests with flying colors, his new employer tells Thomas that he will be working as an enquiry agent’s assistant. The life of a private detective in 1890’s London proves challenging as Llewelyn and his boss, Cyrus Barker, solve a case of crucifixion in the Jewish section of town that could erupt into a full blown battle. Please join us on April 20th at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor as we discuss the insand-outs of this exciting book. If you have any questions, please call Sue VanKampen at 627-2360. GRAND LEDGE FOOD BANK As Spring approaches, let us remember those still in need. During the month of April, we are asking for your help to keep the shelves full for our local families that use the food bank. Needed items we are collecting for the month of April are: Cooking Oil (10-12 oz. bottles) Salad Dressing (Ranch, Thousand Island, etc.) Canned Chicken All donations can be placed in the basket near the Nursery across the hall from the pastors office. Thank you for your kindness in helping feed those in need. The Mission Committee 10. Vol. 18 No. 4 First United Methodist Church 411 Harrison Street Grand Ledge, MI 48837 Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 97 Grand Ledge, MI Return Service Requested Sale Dates Wednesday, April 15th 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Thursday, April 16th 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. First United Methodist Church April Birthdays 1 Charles Jennett 2 Julie Childs Whitney Maguire 11 Max Millbrook John Young 12 Jennifer Haddix Melanie Vukovich 20 Rita Price Brodrick McPhail Beth Schuchaskie 21 Michele Childs Mary Jenks Shawn Carr 3 Dominick Jones Nancy Hansen 13 4 Rae Cornell 14 Sandy Brush Samantha Gross Bryan Buckhave 22 Cindy McDowell 15 Leslie Algren Mike Chesher BevaLee Smith 24 Maxine Burkhardt Christopher Cornell Jodi Fenton 16 Katie Kappler Holly Dible 25 Jonathon Brush Taylor Mills Paula Richey 5 Melissa Mack Lee Auge 6 Max Hedberg Colleen Jennings Evan Mack 7 Jeff Parks Katie Brush Mollie Woods 8 James Hoxie 9 Cathy Goodman 10 23 17 John Maurer 18 Paul Woods 19 Ben Carter Joyce Morr Marvin Hardy Jody McKean 26 Lisa Lefler Jennifer Kempf Danyelle Hardy Ray Baker Parker Tallent 27 Mary Thompson Patty Sanchez 28 29 Brett Anderson 30 Dorothy Childs Sara MeyerHamelink Reid Olds David Peake Bill Swint Lucas Fredericks
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