The Hydrogeologist Newsletter of the GSA Hydrogeology Division 2014 Annual Meeting Review The 2014 GSA Annual meeting was held in Vancouver, BC Canada from October 19-22, marking the first time the meeting has gone North of the border since 1998. The meeting drew 6679 attendees, the second largest meeting ever, th second only to the 125 anniversary meeting held in 2013 in Denver, Colorado. 380 of these attendees were from the Hydrogeology Division. The Division sponsored or co-sponsored over 40 oral and poster sessions, in addition to a variety of other events throughout the meeting. The luncheon and awards ceremony has always been a popular event, and this year was no exception. The event was sold out, with over 175 tickets sold. The venue was particularly noteworthy, with an entire wall of windows overlooking Vancouver Harbour with a constant stream of seaplanes taking off and landing. Winter 2015 Issue No. 84 Following the remainder of the afternoon sessions, the final presentation by the outgoing BirdsallDreiss lecturer, Larry Band was given. Immediately after the presentation the everpopular student reception was held drawing over 120 students and dozens of faculty, professionals and other mentors. Past Hydrogeology Division chair Todd Halihan hosted the trivia contest where students can win one of many prizes donated by individuals, corporations and groups (see page 8 for a list of donors). The 2014 meeting was a resounding success, and a great follow up to the 125th anniversary meeting. Next year's meeting returns back to the US, and promises to be just as successful as Vancouver. The 2015 Annual meeting will be held in Baltimore, MD from November 1-4, 2015. Joe Tóth signing one a commemorative t-shirt at the student reception In This Issue: Vancouver Meeting ................................. Chair’s Corner ........................................ Division Luncheon and Banquet ............ Student Reception ................... .............. Birdsall Dreiss Review ............................ 1 2 3 4 6 Where in the World? ........................... Stanley Park ...................................... Student Reception Donors ....... ......... IAH Award Announcement .................. Bulletin Board ..................................... From the Editor ................................... Division Contacts ................................. 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 Chair’s Corner Maddy Schreiber, Chair GSA Hydrogeology Division Greetings from Blacksburg, Virginia! I am honored to be the 2014-15 Chair of the Hydrogeology Division. I first joined the Division as a graduate student at UW-Madison, sometime in the mid- to late 1990s. I fondly remember attending the Division's student reception at GSA during its first few years; at that time, there was just a handful of students who attended (now there over 100!). I recall that at one meeting, I got Drever's Geochemistry of Natural Waters and a copy of Surfer/Grapher -- I was on cloud nine! I owe great thanks to Alan Fryar, and to Todd Halihan, Steve Ingebritsen and Ed Harvey, the preceding Chairs of the Division, for all of their hard work in advancing the Division and for giving me all of their electronic files so I have an idea of what I'm supposed to do and when I'm supposed to do it. As some of the board members know, I am fond of creating manuals, and that has been one of my first orders of business. I doubt the “Hydrogeology Division's Chair Manual” will contribute to my H-index, but I hope it will help future Chairs navigate their way through the position and avoid re-inventing wheels. I would like to introduce and acknowledge the 2014-15 Hydrogeology Division Management Board: Alicia Wilson (1st Vice Chair), Abe Springer (2nd Vice Chair), Eric Peterson (SecretaryTreasurer), and our new student board member, Amanda Pruehs, as well as Andrea Brookfield, our newsletter editor, and Mike Sukop, our webmaster. And to the many Hydrogeology Division members who serve as committee chairs and members, section representatives, liaisons to other societies and groups, and council representatives, we appreciate all of your contributions. In particular, I appreciate the hard work of our technical program chair for the 2014 Annual Meeting, Ben Rostron and our program chair for the upcoming 2015 Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Chris Gellasch. Mark Engle is assisting Chris and will be program chair for the 2016 Annual Meeting. Chris's efforts in reaching out to members in December and January have resulted in a diverse selection of hydrogeology field trips, topical sessions and short courses for the Baltimore meeting. My three goals this year as Chair are: (1) To attract new members to the Division and encourage lapsed members to re-join the Division; (2) To enhance support of the Birdsall-Dreiss lectureship through fundraising efforts (see Larry Band's article on his experiences as the 2014 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer); and (3) To encourage student participation in the Division, starting with our new student board member, Amanda Pruehs. I welcome ideas from all of you. Please contact me ([email protected]) with thoughts and suggestions. Best, Maddy The Hydrogeologist The Hydrogeologist is a publication of the Hydrogeology Division of the Geological Society of America. It is issued twice a year, to communicate news of interest to members of the Hydrogeology Division. During 1998, the publication moved from paper-based to electronic media. The electronic version may be accessed at: <>. Members of the Hydrogeology Division who have electronic mail will receive notification of all new issues. Other members will continue to receive paper copies. Contributions and material are most welcome, and should be directed to the Editor. Submission as a Word or WordPerfect document is most expedient. The deadline for the Fall issue is June 15, 2015. Andrea E. Brookfield, Editor The Hydrogeologist Kansas Geological Survey 1930 Constant Avenue, Moore 414 Lawrence, KS 66047-3726 Voice: (785) 864-2199 Fax: (785) 864-5317 Email: [email protected] 2 Division Luncheon and Awards Banquet The awards continued by recognizing both the outgoing and incoming Birdsall-Dreiss lecturers. Larry Band finished his tour with a lecture at the meeting, and Cliff Voss began his year of travel and lectures. As with every other Hydrogeology Division luncheon and awards banquet that I have reported on, the 2014 event was sold out. Over 178 tickets were sold, and the hall was full of hydrogeologists enjoying the food, the speeches and the view. The awards ceremony began as attendees finished their meals. The first awards handed out were to the hydrogeology students receiving the GSA Outstanding Research Awards who also received the David M. Diodato Travel Grant from the Hydrogeology Division. This year 5 students received the award: 2014 Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer Larry Band reviewing his year on tour. The next award presented was the George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service award, presented to Robert W. Ritzi with citation by Janet Herman. Jason Nolan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Amanda Pruehs, Wayne State University Md. Aminul Haque, University of Manitoba Mark Lusk, University of Florida Charlene King, Colorado State University George Burke Maxey Distinguished Service awardee Robert Ritzi with Janet Herman. Student awardees Mary Lusk (left) and Amanda Pruehs (right) Please see Luncheon on page 6 3 Student Reception The 2014 GSA Hydrogeology Division Student Reception was a success, as it always is. While no official head counts are made, 119 beer tickets were distributed to students as funded by the David M. Diodato Beer Fund. This indicates that at least 119 students were in attendance! Thousands of dollars worth of prizes were donated throughout the year to the Division to be used as prizes for the trivia contest held during the reception. Todd Halihan moderated the contest between teams of students led by (or sometimes held back by) a faculty or professional member. Thank you cards were made available to the students to send to the donors to show our appreciation of their continued support. A complete list of donors is available on page 8. To make a donation for the 2015 reception please contact Kallina Dunkle ([email protected]). The line-up for free beer at the student reception compliments of the David M. Diodato Beer Fund. A trivia contest team tries to get the judge’s attention. Chris Gellasch guarding the prize table at the 2015 student reception. A full list of donors is available on page 8. Writing Thank You cards to the prize donors. 4 Reflections on the 2014 BirdsallDreiss Lecture Tour By: Larry Band I am just completing the 2014 Birdsall-Dreiss Lectureship and am now taking stock of the experience. I am grateful to the Hydrogeology Section of GSA for their hospitality, interesting discussion and intellectual exchange over the last year. I am now in the “recessional limb” of the tour with one or two lectures left which could not be fit into 2014, which will bring the total to about 40. While any lecture tour poses a demanding schedule while still maintaining a “day job,” it brings you to a much broader audience, often outside of the usual set of colleagues and specialty areas we typically work with. Given my two talks, “Critical zone processes at the watershed scale: Hydroclimate and groundwater mediated evolution of forest canopy patterns,” and “Green infrastructure, groundwater and the sustainable city,” I spoke with a wide range of academic groups including earth sciences, engineering, ecology, forestry, urban planning, and public policy, as well as talks to the general public. This required I adjust the talks to different audiences, but in return I had very educational and stimulating experiences. I had terrific questions and discussions with the full range of audiences, and was particularly impressed with the insight and sophistication of graduate and undergraduate students. Scheduling the tour includes trying to cluster geographic locations and dodge the weather. To avoid winter weather delays, I started the lecture tour at Georgia Tech in January, gave a talk at 11a.m., watched the snow start as we walked to lunch, and then the university and entire city shut down after the first inch. Winter weather followed me the first month as universities closed or threatened to close as I was arriving or leaving – perhaps an interesting message. By the time of my last talks at the University of Wisconsin (where the first Birdsall-Dreiss Lecture was given in 1978) I had visited a set of research intensive universities, four year colleges, public agencies, as well as nonacademic talks to public groups on four continents. Receiving direct feedback on how our academic research fits the needs and can benefit public policy in different states and countries was an interesting outcome, particularly for the “Green Infrastructure” talk, and how forest ecosystems respond to subsurface flowpaths across different climates, management, and geological settings was equally useful and stimulating. An interesting intersection of the theme of the two talks came together in China, where the largest forest restoration in the world is taking place to manage water scarcity, flooding and erosion, matched by the highest rate of urbanization with equal interest in the development of sustainable cities, with the re-establishment of urban canopy to mitigate stormwater, water quality and air quality impacts. Both are highly dependent on groundwater dynamics, and interaction with ecosystems and human management. There is significant work for our field in these areas. My thanks again to the Hydrogeology Division for this opportunity and honor, to the many faculty, students, professionals and others who I learned much from. Want to know what’s going on within the Division? Then visit our website at: <> OR Join the GSA Hydrogeology Division facebook group to catch up on the latest events or find out how you can become more involved with our activities 5 Luncheon from page 3 The next award presented was the Kohout Early Career award. This award recognizes a distinguished early career scientist for outstanding achievement in contributing to the hydrogeologic profession through original research and service. This is the third year of this award. The 2014 Kohout award was presented to Peter Knappett with citation by Larry McKay. From left to right: GSA Hydrogeology Division chair Alan Fryar, Holly Michael, 2014 O.E. Meinzer awardee Charles Harvey and citationist Roger Beckie. 2014 Kohout awardee Peter Knappett (center) with citationist Larry McKay (left) and Hydrogeology Division chair Alan Fryar (right) The final award presented at the banquet was the O.E. Meinzer award. The recipient of the 2014 Meinzer award was Charles Harvey with citation by Roger Beckie. The luncheon and banquet was a success, and once over, provided many opportunities for colleagues to socialize before heading to the next set of topical sessions. These opportunities The 2014 O.E. Meinzer awardee Charles Harvey included a discussion between the first O.E. (left) and the 1965 O.E. Meinzer awardee József Meinzer awardee and the most recent awardee; Tóth an excellent photo-op! Do you have an interesting idea for a short scientific article? Perhaps an opinion on a new policy or technique? Any exciting news in your professional life? Upcoming conference? An announcement of interest to the hydrological community? If so, why not publish it in The Hydrogeologist? Send your submission ideas to [email protected] STUDENTS, WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU TOO! 6 Where in the World? This edition’s Where in the World photo is compliments of Division past-chair Ed Harvey. Hint: This continental divide is located in a park celebrating its 100 year anniversary! Submit your guesses to [email protected] I also welcome any and all photos for upcoming newsletters. Show off your field site or your most recent hydrorelated vacation pictures to all our members! Stanley Park in Vancouver British Columbia, Canada For those of you who attended the 2014 Annual Meeting in Vancouver, I hope you got to see a site similar to this. This image is from along the seawall that runs around much of Stanley Park in downtown Vancouver. This urban park was Vancouver’s first park, opening in 1888 and has been designated a national historic site of Canada. This park contains 400 hectares of natural West Coast rainforest that can be viewed from the many kilometers of trails. Along the coast there are several beaches and outlooks from the 22 kilometer long seawall to enjoy the view of English Bay. The park contains several gardens to visit and is home to a wide array of wildlife thanks in part to the diverse habitats within, from coniferous forests to boggy wetlands to rocky shores. A stroll through the park can allow you a glimpse of anything from bald eagles and great View from the seawall around Stanley Park blue herons to harbour seals and beavers. If you overlooking English Bay. (Photo from Google did not get a chance to check out Stanley Park in Maps) October, I recommend checking it out next time you are in the city. 7 Announcing the new IAH USNC International Service Award 2015 NOMINATION DEADLINE: AUGUST 1ST The IAH USNC seeks to recognize the efforts of hydrogeologists based in the United States who have shown an outstanding commitment to assisting the international community with groundwater-related needs. Criteria: The award will be presented to one individual each year who has performed exceptional work in assisting those outside of the US (particularly in developing countries) with developing, managing, or protecting groundwater resources for public and/or ecosystem benefit. Presentation: An engraved plaque will be presented at the Geological Society of America's Annual Meeting at the Hydrogeology Division Luncheon Selection Process: Candidates must be nominated by at least one hydrogeologist other than themselves who is a member of either IAH or GSA. 2015 Nominations should be sent to the IAH US National Chapter's GSA liaison ([email protected]) by August 1st, 2015. Please see our website for details! 8 BULLETIN BOARD 2015 GSA Annual Meeting 2015 Northeastern Section Meeting 2015 Southeastern Section Meeting November 1-4, 2015 Baltimore, Maryland March 23-25, 2015 Bretton Woods, New Hampshire March 19-20, 2015 Chattanooga, Tennessee ections/ne/2015mtg ections/se/2015mtg meetings/2015/ 2015 South-Central Section Meeting 2015 North-Central Section Meeting 2015 Cordilleran Section Meeting March 19-20, 2015 Stillwater, Oklahoma May 19-20, 2015 Madison, Wisconsin May 11-13, 2015 Anchorage, Alaska ections/sc/2015mtg ections/nc/2015mtg ections/cord/2015mtg 2015 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting May 21-23, 2015 Casper, Wyoming From the Editor.... Welcome to the Winter 2015 edition of the Hydrogeologist. This edition is focused on reminding you of all the fun you had at the 2014 Annual meeting in Vancouver (or, is making you wish you went!). This reminder is timely as you soon need to get your abstracts ready for the 2015 meeting in Baltimore! We hope to make this meeting just as, if not more, successful than the 2014 meeting was. Please plan to join us November 1-4 in Maryland! As usual, if you have any comments or article ideas please pass them on to me at [email protected]. 9 Hydrogeology Division Contacts 2014 Management Board Chair: Maddy Schreiber: [email protected] First Vice-Chair: Alicia Wilson: [email protected] Second Vice Chair: Abe Springer: [email protected] Secretary-Treasurer: Eric Peterson: [email protected] Past Chair: Alan Fryar: [email protected] Ad Hoc Committees Section Representatives: Cordilleran - Beth Weinman Northeastern - Todd Rayne North Central - Sue Swanson South Central - Marcia Schulmeister Rocky Mountain - Andrew Manning Southeastern - Joe Donovan International: Prosun Bhattacharya Standing Committees Technical Program Committee: Chris Gellasch (2015 - Baltimore) Nominating Committee: Steve Ingebritsen (Chair), Todd Halihan, Alan Fryar Meinzer Award Committee: David Parkhurst(Chair), Chunmiao Zheng, Karen Johannesson, Charles Harvey, Mike Cardiff Birdsall-Dreiss Lecturer Commitee: Dani Or (Chair), Larry Band, Cliff Voss, Lenny Konikow, Kip Solomon Maxey Distinguished Service Award Commitee: Brian Katz (Chair), Scott Bair, Robert Ritzi Representatives to other Societies: American Geophysical Union - Barbara Bekins American Geological Institute - David Wunsch Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science - Holly Michael National Ground Water Association - Bill Alley International Assoc. of Hydrogeologists - Jack Sharp Society for Sedimentary Geology - Gary Weissman Soil Science Society of America - Michael Young Newsletter Editor: Andrea Brookfield: [email protected] Web Administrator: Mike Sukop GSA Hydro. Division Liaison: Janet Herman Kohout Early Career Award: Steve Van der Hoven (Chair), Kent Keller, Laurel Larson, Peter Knappett, Ward Sanford Hydrogeology Division Website: <> 10
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