GSMST Newsletter May 4, 2015 Mark Your Calendars May 5, 2015: Band and Orchestra Concert @ 7:00 p.m. May 12, 2015: Honors Night @ 7:00 p.m. May 20, 2015: Last day of school for GSMST students May 21, 2015: Class of 2015 Graduation @ 5:00 p.m. GSMST Class of 2015 Graduation GSMST graduation will be held May 21, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Gwinnett Center Exhibit Hall A/B. Seniors, please check the Senior information page found on the website for important upcoming events and reminders. AP Testing Scheduled for May 4th15th Students taking AP tests are marked ACT all day(school activity).Students are NOT ALLOWED to leave campus and come back on campus until after 3:00 pm. 8am tests: Students are expected to leave campus when released from testing... usually between 11 12:00. Students who choose to stay in the building must eat lunch in our cafe and attend afternoon classes. Noon Tests: Students can choose to come in a little early and eat 2nd lunch (11:35). Students who come to school at regular start time are expected to attend 1st 4th periods. World Quest Team Congratulations to the GSMST World Quest team who competed at the National Academic World Quest competition in Washington, D.C. Team members include Vibhor Khanna, Khadar Haroun, Sebastian Williams, and Aditya Santoki. The team came in 9th out of 44 teams. Way to go studenst! Certificate of Attendance To request a certificate of attendance, the request must be turned in by May 15, 2015. Cost is $1.00 and a 24 hour turn around is needed. Attention: Parents of Seniors We are still in need of snacks, desserts, and drinks to serve at Senior Movie Night on Friday 5/15. If you would like to help, sign up here by Friday (5/8). Senior Letters are due by this Friday (5/8). Letters may be mailed to the school or dropped off at the office. Send letters to the attention of Steve Kuninsky, and put the student's name on the outside of the envelope. For information on graduation and other senior events, visit the senior web page. Honors Night, May 12th @ 7:00 p.m. On Tuesday, May 12th, we will be having our Spring Honors Night. There will be awards given to "Best All Around" in each content area for each garde level. These awards are given to the student who has shown academic excellence all year in a subject area and is chosen by the teachers. Seniors: This is also the night you'll be receiving your cords for graduation. (Honor Graduate, Beta Club, National Honor Society, Community Service, etc) The Rising 11th Grade Summer Junior Fellowship Experience The application process is closed for a summer JFE. For the remainder of May, Ms. D'Antonio is working on placing students who have expressed an interest to this date and who have applied for positions thus far. Even if a student finds a position through his/her own initiative, the summer class roster will not be able to accommodate more students without exceeding a capped enrollment. Students who have a fall semester JFE scheduled should be checking their email over the summer regarding potential opportunities for the fall. GSMST AP Art on display The GSMST AP Art Show is in the gallery space behind the Counseling office. Six AP art students will have their Concentration Series on display through May 8th. Stop by today! Laptop Pickup Schedule Rising 10th grade students will be asked to turn in their laptops and ac power supply on Thursday, May 14th (Time TBD) Rising 11th grade students will be asked to turn in their laptops and ac power supply on Thursday, May 14th (Time TBD) Rising 12th grade students will be asked to turn in their laptops and ac power supply on Thursday, May 14th (Time TBD) Graduating Seniors will be asked to turn in their laptops and ac power supply on Tuesday, May 12th (After Senior Breakfast) 20152016 GSMST PTSA Officers Co President: Malini Naren Co President: Helen Loyd Co Vice President: Sue Spinos Co Vice President: Ebonie Chong Co Vice President: Rozina Lakhani Treasurer: Lynn Holevinski Secretary: Gerri Harris If you have any other nominations or any concerns, please email the Nominating Committee at [email protected] Purchase your yearbook today! Don't forget to purchase your yearbook at SRC Closed on May 6th There will be no study hall after school on Wednesday, May 6th. Students will need to leave the building at 3:00 p.m. Please make arrangements for afternoon transportation. Tutoring Opportunities NHS and Beta Club National Honor Society and Beta Club provide tutoring to all GSMST students for a wide variety of subjects. If you would like help, go to the GSMST eCLASS homepage and sign up on the document available. A tutor will contact you to set up when and where to meet. Tutoring can be done around your schedule, but Ms. Covin's and Mr. Hersch's rooms will be available most days after school for a quiet place to tutor if needed. GSMST Study Abroad Opportunities German:Students can also participate in a June 2015 trip to Germany. There is still time to sign up. Our trip is called Prussia, Bohemia, Bavaria. GSMST STUDY ABROAD GERMANY 2015. There is also the opportunity to stay with a German family and attend a German high school for two weeks in addition to the nineday tour. Chinese: China Trip 2016 check out Ms. Houng's website for more details. GSMST STUDY ABROAD CHINA 2016 GSMST Final Exam Exemption Policy Honor Graduates (cumulative GPA of 90.0 as of January 2015) are eligible to exempt the exam in any class period with 3 or fewer absences (no matter the grade.) Other seniors are eligible to exempt the exam in any class period in which they have 90.0 average (after 10 points added to AP classes) as of 5/1/15 and they have 3 or fewer absences. Click here to review the document. GSMST Upcoming Events and Reminders Last day of school for GSMST students is May 20th. May 18th, 19th, and 20th are Early Release days. No lunch or afternoon buses. Please make arrangements. Purchase your yearbook today at NO SRC on Wednesday, May 6th. All students need to leave at 3:00 p.m. Seniors receiving cords for graduation will be given out at Honors Night. Monday's are reserved for teacher professional development. Students are to leave campus by 3:00 p.m. Visitor Badges must be worn while visiting, volunteering, etc. This is to keep our school safe. GSMST 970 McElvaney Lane Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044 6785186700 STAY CONNECTED Forward this email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. GSMST | 970 McElvaney Lane | Lawrenceville | GA | 30044
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