SUB-COMMITTEE – FUTURE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH FOR GUNNEDAH TUESDAY 24 MARCH 2015 AT THE RUGBY CLUB: 6:30PM T F A R D The meeting commenced at 6:40pm Present: Jamie Chaffey, Daniel Martin, Wellington Sardinha, Noel O’Brien (phone) Krysten Barros & Kelly Donnelly (minutes) 1. Apologies: Brendon Mackellar Motion: that the apologies be accepted. (Martin, Sardinha) Carried. 2. Minutes: For previous meeting held 20 January. Motion: that the minutes from 20 January be accepted as a true and accurate record. (Martin, Sardinha) CARRIED 3. Business Arising: • Wellington has spoken to Amy at Workpac and she is happy to answer questions • Wellington to put together questions to send through. • Jamie suggests surveyed questions to labour hire companies that focus on other industries than mining. • Wellington to draft a survey to be circulated to employment companies. • Noel comments that there are more people than there is demand. 4. Correspondence: Invitation to Chamber from Mayor for Sister City –Linhe District (circulated) Briefly discussed by Jamie (attached) • Half the trip itinerary is sight seeing. • A letter was written from Owen Hasler asking for input into the itinerary • Dan asks: should we be targeting different agricultural industries instead of mining? Everyone agrees. • Noel comments: they might have a solution for some of the problems Gunnedah is currently facing. The trip is a gateway to investigate other opportunities for Gunnedah • Jamie: potential foreign investment to add to our agricultural market. Give local farmers more opportunity. • Jamie to suggest reducing the amount of sight seeing days to explore the agricultural possibilities. Economic Profile – New England-North West • Briefly discussed by Jamie; circulated at meeting (attached) • Word is getting around about what the Chamber and the Sub-Committee are achieving Response from Minister for Small Business • Jamie met with the State minister and put together questions relating to Gunnedah’s current economic state. • The minister could not answer all the questions but a response was received after the meeting with the answers to all the questions. (attached) 5. General Business Meet the Candidates Meeting – 10 March 2015 • 54 attendees; lower than what Jamie thought; not a lot of interest from the general public • Negative feedback that If people didn’t like the answer to the question you couldn’t ask further questions • Candidates stayed afterwards to answer any questions • Positive article in the following Tuesday’s paper with great feedback from the event Sponsorship Policy • The draft was tabled at February Chamber committee meeting • The policy was finalised at the March Chamber committee meeting and now uploaded on the Chamber website Gunnedah Chamber of Commerce Survey – March 2015 • The Chamber has put out an online survey to it’s members giving them the opportunity to give feedback • Jamie suggests encouraging others to fill out the survey • Noel completed the survey and comments that the short length of the survey is great but people have the ability to answer the questions as many times as they like. This needs to be managed so there isn’t a biased result due to users having the opportunity to manipulate it. • Jamie to investigate via email to Ann T F A R D 2015 Staff Excellence Awards • Run by Peter Jones • Great opportunity for businesses to recognise their employees • Jamie suggests the committee encourage others to get involved • Noel comments: Gunnedah has run the best awards nights in the past and he is happy to support the awards. Noel to approach Peter Jones directly to discuss how he can support the awards. • The Chamber of Commerce has had a great ‘wrap’ about the awards and there is positive feedback about the new categories included. Brendon Mackellar’s Role • Due to time/work restraints Brendon Mackellar would like to step back from his position and nominate Jarad Ewing to replace him. Motion: that Brendon Mackellar’s request be accepted and the position to be offered to Jarad Ewing. If Jarad does not want the role Jamie will then approach Andrew Baker (Chaffey, O’Brien) CARRIED 6. Reports • Dan to report back at the next meeting • Jamie wants to stick by the original timeline to have a clear direction and plan ready by the AGM. • Discussion about the documents associated with the agenda to be circulated prior to each meeting. General consensus that the process should remain the same and if more information is need by any committee member they will contact Jamie. • Jamie encourages the committeoe to find the time to focus on their individual areas. The report will go out for a revision and will include an action plan. Review to the Chamber committee; by then it will be a new committee after the AGM. 7. Events 17th July 2015 – Tour of China, Sister City • 7 from Chamber including Ann Luke, Jamie Chaffey, Jim and Jenny Farquhar from the committee. • 7 from Council attending • Noel: great that Chamber and Council are attending as they will be focussing on different issues. • Opportunity to meet the management of Shenhua on the 3rd day at their headquarters. • Open to anybody Chamber of Commerce – AGM – 29 July 2015 • Date might change to early July or August Chamber of Commerce networking event at Gunnedah Serviced Apartments: 7th April Next meeting: 14th April 6:30pm Rugby Club • Noel: apologises to the committee for his absence; he has been working on his report from afar. Meeting closed: 7:23pm LETTER FROM COUNCIL RE SISTER CITY CHINA VISIT IN JULY LETTER FROM COUNCIL RE SISTER CITY CHINA VISIT IN JULY NEW ENGLAND-NORTH WEST ECONOMIC PROFILE RESPONSE FROM MINISTER FOR SMALL BUSINESS ENCOURAGING NEW FAMILIES TO MOVE TO TOWN WHEN TAKING UP EMPLOYMENT IN GUNNEDAH MINES AND OTHER RELATED INDUSTRIES (FROM T&I) • The NSW Government’s Regional Relocation scheme is part of ongoing efforts to drive growth and employment in regional areas. • Although the Regional Relocation Grant scheme is now closed, applicants may still be eligible if they purchased a regional property on or before 30 September 2014. Applications can only be made after the completion date of the regional property purchase, i.e. once the purchaser has possession of the property and is registered on the title as the owner. Applications must be made by 31 March 2015. • Funding will be delivered to continue the successful $10,000 Skilled Regional Relocation Incentive, which is tied to secure full-time employment over two years. • Since it was introduced earlier last year, the Skilled Regional Relocation Incentive has helped attract a broad range of professions to regional NSW, including doctors, architects, real estate agents, engineers, mining and farming workers, chiropractors, optometrists, teachers and police officers. • Three-quarters of recipients of the Skilled Regional Relocation Incentive have been under 40 years of age. These people have taken up jobs or set up their own businesses in regional NSW, making a direct contribution to the local economy. • See information above about the Skilled Regional Relocation Incentive Further information on both schemes is available on the Office of State Revenue website at INCENTIVES TO SMALL BUSINESS TO START-UP IN THE GUNNEDAH REGION (FROM T&I) • Small businesses can apply for the Skilled Regional Relocation Incentive upon moving to a regional area. The scheme provides a $10,000 grant for an eligible relocation, paid in two equal instalments. If an application is based on establishing or purchasing a small business in a regional area, then business owners are required to seek business advice from their local Small Biz Connect advisor. • The Small Biz Connect program offers practical support to new and established small businesses across NSW. The program provides opportunities for business owners to meet face to face with a local advisor to develop key business skills. • Local business advisors have a range of tools and real small business experience to assist regional business owners to establish and grow their small business. • Local Small Biz Connect provider is New England North West Business Enterprise phone (02) 6771 2556, email [email protected]. REDUCTION OF RED TAPE AT LOCAL AND STATE LEVELS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT (FROM T&I) • Every regional NSW Council now has a standard planning scheme, which ensures the same rules apply across councils to make it easier for people to move or start a business in any part of NSW. • All 111 regional NSW Councils now have a standard planning approach which reduces red tape and makes the planning system simpler and more efficient for businesses to start up and create new jobs. • These plans have identified land for thousands of new homes near services and infrastructure, on top of more land to give small business and commercial operators opportunity to grow and generate new jobs across the State. REDUCTION OF RED TAPE MORE BROADLY (FROM T&I) • The NSW Government is committed to reducing red tape for business and the community by 20 per cent by June 2015, with an estimated saving to business and the community of $750 million. • Deregulation and regulatory efficiency are critical priorities for small businesses. Between 2011 – 2013, 171 reforms were implemented across government resulting in $488.7 million in cost savings for business and the community. The estimated cost savings for 59 further expected reforms for 2014 is $149.5 million, bringing the estimated total savings to-date to $638 million. • The NSW Government implemented 91 reforms in 2013 generating $259.2 million in cost savings for business and the community. • As part of the one-on, two-off policy a total of 37 principal legislative instruments were introduced and 205 repealed between 2011 and 2013, which is a ratio of 5:1. Similar progress was made in 2013 with the introduction of 10 principal legislative instruments and the repeal of 16. • The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) has developed guidance material for NSW regulators which is a significant regulatory milestone for the NSW Government and is the first of its type in Australia. Its implementation will lift the benchmark on regulatory activity in NSW. The guidelines, which are supported by a diagnostic tool, will assist regulators to implement an outcomes and risk-based approach to regulation, which is required under the Quality Regulatory Services (QRS) initiative. • The Government has identified savings of up to $100 million by slashing red tape and reducing duplication for local councils under the ‘Fit for the Future’ reforms. ELECTION BENEFITS – TAX REFORM AND OTHER POLICIES (VERBAL ADVICE FROM TREASURY) • Treasury advised that there are no major announcements outside of what has already been announced. Local MPs may the best source of information as to recent announcements in their electorate. PAYROLL TAX – INCENTIVES/CUTS/RELIEF FOR REGIONAL BUSINESS – THIS WOULD LEAD INTO MORE INDUSTRY AND DEVELOPMENT IN GUNNEDAH (20-50 EMPLOYEES) AND DECENTRALISATION FROM METRO AREAS. (FROM T&I) • The NSW Liberals & Nationals are committed to supporting employment in the Gunnedah region, and across NSW. • We promised the creation of 100,000 new jobs during our first term, and that target was exceeded after little more than two years in office. • Payroll tax reforms designed to boost jobs were a centrepiece of the 2013-14 NSW Budget. We raised the payroll tax threshold for business from $689,000 to $750,000. • Around 1,300 businesses that would otherwise have paid payroll tax in 2013-14 were made not liable for the tax at all. • We have also extended and increased the payroll tax rebate available under the Jobs Action Plan administered by the Office of State Revenue. The plan provides NSW businesses with a payroll tax rebate of $5,000 when they employ new workers in new eligible employment. • The Jobs Action Plan commenced in July 2011 and was scheduled to operate until 30 June 2013. The program has been extended to operate until 30 June 2015. • We increased the rebate for businesses that employ an additional worker in a new job created after 1 July 2013 by 25%, from $4,000 to $5,000. • To be eligible for the scheme employers must be registered and paying payroll tax in NSW. Any new jobs created must be maintained for a period of at least 2 years. The rebate is paid in two parts, on the first ($2,000) and second anniversary ($3,000) of the new employment. • NSW Trade & Investment actively promotes the Jobs Action Plan to clients across NSW to assist with program take up. • Since July 2011 until 01 October 2014 a total of 74,089 jobs (43,185 full time; 30,904 part time) have been registered under the Jobs Action Plan of which 15,036 jobs or 20.3 % are located in regional NSW. • These initiatives are presently providing tax relief to thousands of businesses, encouraging them to increase hiring. • While the Office of the NSW Small Business Commissioner doesn’t take a strict view of definition of small business, the ABS definition of small business is up to 19 employees. The range given in the Chamber’s question of 20-50 employees might stretch policy that is targeted for small business. JOBS ACTION PLAN FRESH START SUPPORT • The new Jobs Action Plan Fresh Start Support rebate is a one-off amount of $1,000 that can be claimed at the first anniversary of an eligible employee’s employment start date. • This rebate is available to eligible employers who employ a new person who has been made redundant (within the period from 1 January 2014 and 30 June 2015) by an employer who is a designated employer. ATTRACTION OF DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN INVESTMENTS FOR START-UP BUSINESSES IN GUNNEDAH REGION (FROM T&I) • NSW Trade & Investment has 13 offices around the state to help businesses establish or grow their operations. • The Regional Industries Investment Fund (RIIF) provides assistance to secure new projects with strong economic development outcomes in regional NSW. Projects supported under RIIF include assistance to help: - Overcome impediments to investment projects that will create significant new jobs in regional NSW. - Secure projects involving the establishment, expansion or relocation of interstate businesses to regional NSW. - Establish critical economic infrastructure where there is a link to investment projects that will result in the creation of significant new jobs; and helping regional communities to broaden their economic base. • The $110 million Regional Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF) was announced by the NSW Government in the 2014/15 Budget and supports the development and growth of regional tourism by investing in critical visitor economy infrastructure. Up to $50 million of this fund has been reserved for the development of regional airports to facilitate tourism growth. 31 regional airports with regular passenger services currently, or those that had regular passenger services up until 2008 have been identified as eligible for funding, including Tamworth and Armidale. More information is available at business-and-industry-in-nsw/assistance-and-support/regional-tourism-infrastructure-fund • The recently updated State Infrastructure Strategy has allocated a further $300 million for regional tourism and the environment infrastructure. This allocation will be made possible through the long term lease of electricity assets. BENEFITS FOR INVESTORS INTO RESIDENTIAL HOUSING MARKET TO CONTROL COSTS FOR LOCAL FAMILIES AND FIRST HOME BUYERS. (FROM TREASURY – FHOG STANDARD LETTER) • The Government appreciates the challenges faced by many first homebuyers in the current housing market. The recent rise in established house prices reflects a strong increase in demand following a prolonged period of undersupply. Demand has been underpinned by successive cuts in the cash rate by the Reserve Bank since November 2011, which have brought interest rates to historically low levels. • Housing affordability is a key priority of the NSW Government. The Government targets all homebuyer assistance on new homes because experience has shown that assistance for the purchase of established homes adds to demand, without increasing supply, leading to higher prices and less affordable housing. We are delivering improved housing affordability through steady, sustainable policies that provide direct, targeted assistance to homebuyers and boost the residential construction industry to increase housing supply. • We have significantly increased the level of support available to first homebuyers buying new homes to stimulate the housing industry. Eligible first homebuyers purchasing a new home now receive benefits of up to $35,240 in the form of a First Home Owner Grant and stamp duty exemption. • We are also directing infrastructure funding towards boosting the residential construction industry in NSW to improve housing affordability. Under the Building the State package, we have committed $481 million to fund infrastructure to support the delivery of about 134,000 new homes, providing benefits which flow through to homebuyers. • Recent housing figures show a strong increase in the number of new homes approved. This positive turnaround in the State’s critical housing sector suggests that the NSW Government’s policy of targeting incentives towards new housing and expediting the release of new housing lots is working. • While the Government recognises that the full benefits of our approach will only become apparent over time, we are committed to adopting policies that provide sustainable solutions. We are constantly looking at all options to ensure that homebuyers are given every support to own their own home, however, any policy action we take must not jeopardise the progress we have already achieved. FUNDING FOR SERVICES: HOSPITALS, AGED CARE, NURSING HOMES, CHILDCARE. Hospitals (input from Skinners office) • The budget for Gunnedah Hospital in 14/15 is $10.97 million, an increase of $280,000 or 2.6% on the previous financial year. • The hospital continues to treat patients in a timely matter, consistently maintaining at more than 90 per cent the percentage of emergency department patients being treated and leaving the emergency department within four hours. This is well above the NSW average. • Most recent available quarterly figures from September 2014 show that 100% of patients received elective surgery on time at Gunnedah Hospital. • Kevin Anderson, Member for Tamworth, has recently called for a $2 million upgrade of Gunnedah Hospital, identifying upgrades of the roof, kitchen, wards, Central Sterile Supply Department and birthing suites as priorities. Childcare (input from Piccoli’s office) • The Federal Government provides funding for child care through rebates to parents for fees (the Childcare Benefit and Childcare Rebate). These rebates are available for parents to access all over NSW. • If providers are looking at setting up child care facilities, some set-up funding may also be available through the Federal Government for services setting up in areas where the market alone cannot sustain a child care service. • The NSW Government provides funding to over 750 community-based, not-for-profit preschools around NSW. If a not-for-profit community based provider is interested in opening a preschool in Gunnedah, there may be funding from the Preschool Funding Model to support this. More information can be accessed from the NSW Department of Education and Communities funding hotline on 1300 755 426. Aged Care, Nursing Homes (input from Ajaka’s office) • Since July 2012, the Commonwealth Government has had full funding and policy responsibility for both community and residential aged care for people aged over 65 years or 50 years if Aboriginal. • The Department of Social Services website contains information about these services, the reforms in the sector and the funding processes and allocations. FUNDING FOR CULTURAL AND SPORTS RELATED SERVICES/ORGANISATIONS TO ATTRACT FAMILIES THAT ARE ACCUSTOMED TO LOCAL ACCESS TO THESE OPPORTUNITIES. FUNDING THROUGH SPORT AND RECREATION (input from Ayres’ Office) • Sport and Recreation manages approximately $16 million each year in government grants under a range of programs, including: - Sport Facility Program. - Sport Development Program. - Sport and Recreation Events Program. Sport and Recreation Events Program • The Sport and Recreation Events Program helps attract and support financially viable events in NSW and is currently open for funding applications. • In addition to supporting International and National events, the program also supports events that encourage mass participation and provide participation in organised physical activity opportunities at the community level. • Applications opened on 5 November 2014 and close 30 January 2015. Grants are capped at: - $30,000 for International Sporting Events - $15,000 for National Championships • - $10,000 for Community Events. Eligible organisations include National and State Sporting Organisations, recognised industry bodies and incorporated not-for-profit organisations. Sport and Recreation Facility Grant Program • The primary focus of this program is to assist with the funding for the development of local and regional level sport facilities and increase the availability, standard and quality of these facilities in NSW. Enhance existing facilities (e.g. watering systems, safety netting, lighting and upgrade of surfaces). • Incorporated, community based not-for-profit sport clubs and associations and NSW Local Government Authorities operating under the Local Government Act, 1993 can apply for funding. • Provide ancillary facilities at established facilities e.g. sun protection shelters, change rooms, shower and toilet blocks. • Construct new fixed and portable facilities and infrastructure including capital equipment with a life expectancy of 15+ years that have received development consent from the relevant Council or can demonstrate that such consent is not required. • Grants are capped at $25,000 and organisations must contribute 50% or more to the project. • Successful organisations through the most recent round of the Facility Grant Program are expected to be announcement mid-late February 2015. NSW Footy Facilities Fund • The NSW Government has partnered with the National Rugby League to help fund grassroots football clubs in local and regional NSW. • The main objectives of the Footy Facilities Fund are to increase regular and ongoing participation opportunities in Rugby League and to improve the standard of Rugby League grounds and facilities. • The program not only improves facilities at local footy clubs but provides the services needed to enable more young people, particularly those from under-represented groups, to be part of the game. • Grants up to $75,000 are available under this program. • NSW incorporated, community based, not-for-profit organisations that are affiliated with Rugby League are eligible to apply. This includes clubs or district associations. Partnership projects are encouraged and a declaration from Council is required where there is a partnership with Council. • It is a great opportunity for clubs in regional and country towns to access much needed funding for Rugby League facility and ground improvements. • The latest round of the grant program closed 9 January 2015 and the successful recipients are expected to be announced mid-late February. SPORT AND RECREATION PARTICIPATION PROGRAMS Sport and Recreation Centres • Sport and Recreation Centres provide the following participation opportunities: - School camps at eleven Sport and Recreation Centres for primary and secondary children that provide an opportunity for activity learning in outdoor settings. - Active getaway holiday camps for children and families. • Located in many regional areas throughout NSW, the eleven Sport and Recreation Centres are located in a variety of settings including natural bush, beach, river and alpine environments and offer over 40 different activities including adrenaline challenges, water and boating activities, snow sports and getting back outdoors. Lake Keepit Sport and Recreation Centre - Fitness Camp Road Gunnedah NSW 2380 Phone (02) 6769 7603 • Lake Keepit Sport and Recreation Centre has accommodation for up to 210 guests. There’s also a range of facilities with plenty of activities to enjoy. • Accommodation - Modern, air conditioned dormitory style lodges, for up to 14 per lodge - Air conditioned cabins, for up to 8 people - Air conditioned Kilpara Lakeside Cottage, for up to 14 people - You can also organise a campout under the stars, including tents, camp kitchen and amenities. • Facilities and Activities - 25 metre swimming pool - Campout facilities, including BBQ and amenities - Sports field - Multi-purpose hall - Dining room. Swim and Survive Program • For more than 40 years, Sport and Recreation has delivered a community-based learn to swim and water safety program known as “Swim and Survive” throughout regional NSW. • The Swim and Survive lessons cater for children between 18 months and 12 years and provide instruction in water familiarisation through to stroke development in a supportive and caring environment. • The program focuses on servicing those areas of NSW where limited opportunities are provided for communities to access learn to swim programs. • Classes run between November and February and are taught by qualified instructors. • A complete list of pools and program dates is available on Sport and Recreation’s website • The Swim and Survive program was run at Gunnedah pool between 12 – 22 January 2015.
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