ow to find , Regina v Stuart Arthur Chant

How to find Regina v Stuart Arthur Chant, 1998
NSW LEXIS 1723 (NSW 1998)
Due to copyright, the Law Library is unable to directly link to the following case:
Regina v Stuart Arthur Chant, 1998 NSW LEXIS 1723 (NSW 1998)
To locate this case:
1. Go to the Law Library’s homepage: http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/libraries/law/
2. Click on Law Databases on the left-hand side under Services.
3. Click on Key databases for Law in the middle table and scroll down to find:
Lexis.com (not LexisNexis AU)
4. Click on Lexis.com and [CONTINUE TO RESOURCE] at the bottom of the next
screen. If you are not a registered student, you may not be able to proceed
beyond this point.
5. Click on Foreign Law > Australia
6. Tick Australian Unreported Judgements, Combined > Search Selected
In the Terms & Connectors box, add Regina v Stuart Arthur Chant
Click Search to find a full text copy of the case.