P. Smith Principal May 2015 Principal’s Message Now that the warm weather is here and the grass is growing on the field, students are out at recess and enjoying a variety of activities. A big thanks to the CATCH team for organizing some fun events. Many primary students today had tons of fun blowing and chasing bubbles. We have a new club at Guthrie, ‘Girls With Grit’. Girls in grades K-8 can participate in this club inspiring girls of all ages to become strong, confident, and emotionally and physically fit while having fun. EQAO Provincial Testing Coming up between May 25th-June 5th, students in grades 3 and 6 will have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and achievement by participating in the EQAO assessment. The assessment is comprised of two sections: Mathematics and Language. During this assessment it is very important that students are well rested and are not absent from school. Please avoid scheduling appointments during this time. Thank You. Ms. Smith AIRBANDS! By Mac and Sydney B The Intermediate students of Guthrie PS will be holding their first annual “Airbands” show. This fun night will be held on May 28th. Doors will open at 7:00pm and the show will commence at 7:30 and end at 9:00. Tickets will be sold for $4.00 each and there will be a variety of refreshments and assorted treats for sale, all proceeds will be donated to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. If you’d like to support this cause even further, a 5km run will be taking place at Centennial Park on June 14th. For more info on this event and to donate to Ms. Bagley’s class run in support of diabetes, go to: http://jdrfca.donordrive.com/index.cfm? fuseaction=cms.page&id=1350 The show will be a blast from the past, as all of the dances will be revolved around the 80s and 90s period. We hope to see you there, dawg! A Gentle Reminder… While there are situations where an interruption to instructional time is unavoidable, parents and students are reminded class time begins at 9:10 am sharp and instructional time continues until dismissal at 3:40 pm. Late arrival and early dismissal interrupts both your child’s instructional time and that of their entire class. We ask that you interrupt instructional time only when absolutely necessary. If after-school programs require a student to be picked up, please respect instructional time and arrange for your student to meet you in the office AFTER dismissal at 3:40 pm. This is especially important for students in Grades 3 and 6 as they prepare for EQAO. Thank you for your consideration and support. Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 May 1 ‘’ May 4 May 4-8 ‘’ May 11 ‘’ May 14 ‘’ May 18 May 19 D. Bradley Vice-Principal Up-Coming Dates Yearbook orders due Grade 3 to Simcoe County Museum Parent Council, 7pm, Library Mental Health Week Education Week Guthrie Spring Garden Show County Slam Poetry at Minesing Grade 8s to Georgian Spirit Horse at Orchard Park Victoria Day! (No School) Track & Field at Oro Fairgrounds (rain date: May 21) May 20-22 Book Fair in the Library (9am-4pm) May 24 June Lunch Orders due May 25-June 5 EQAO Grades 3&6: please do not schedule appointments or holidays during this time. May 27 Welcome to Kindergarten 4:30-6pm May 28 Air Band Competition (Gr.7&8)7-9pm June 1 June 2-4 June 3-5 June 5 June 9 June 10 June 18 June 23 June 25 Parent Council, 7pm, Library Grade 8 Grad Trip Grade 7 Trip PA Day—students do not attend school Jump Rope for Heart, Grades K-6 Track & Field Zone Meet at Eastview (rain date: June 12) Teacher Appreciation & Volunteer Lunch Grade 8 Graduation Last Day of School for Students! H ELPFUL I NFORMATION Bell and Break Times: 8:55—9:00am Buses Arrive 9:10 am Entry Bell 9:10-10:50 am Instructional time 10:50 am 1st Nutrition Break 11:10—11:30am 1st Outdoor Play 11:30-1:10pm Instructional Time 1:10 pm 2nd Nutrition Break 1:30—2:00 pm 2nd Outdoor Play 2:00-3:40pm Instructional Time 3:40 pm Dismissal 3:45—3:50 pm Buses Leave Safe Arrival Number: 705-487-2532, Press 1. Please call Safe Arrival each time your child is late or absent. Bus Cancelations: CENTRAL Zone. Visit our NEW WEBSITE: GUT.SCDSB.ON.CA Follow us on Twitter: @GuthriePublic R EGISTER NOW FOR S UMMER S CHOOL Registration is now open for the Simcoe County District School Board’s 2015 summer school courses. This year, the eLearning summer options have been expanded to include Grade 10 Civics and Careers, Grade 12 English, Grade 12 Chemistry and Families in Canada. Also offered is the opportunity for students to travel and earn credits with the summer EduTravel program or to experience camp at the YMCA's Geneva Park location while earning leadership credits. Summer school program details and locations can be found at The Learning Centres website: www.thelearningcentres.com. Online registration for current SCDSB students is available through the student portal. Junior Intramurals ‘Indoor Soccer’ The Junior Intramurals got off to a cracking start with 12 teams and over 60 students. During the soccer games, some of the students had a hard time remembering not to use their hands! There are some interesting team names this term, such as; The Excels, The Whipper Snippers, The Iguanas, and The Hot Shots. Each of the 12 teams will eventually play each other during the next few weeks. So far there has been some great goals scored by Blake B., Noah S., Cole H., Ty S., and Tobin B. There were some amazing saves by Foxton L., and Christian R. Can’t wait until next week! Mr. O’Shea & Mrs. K. Baker PARENT WORKSHOPS OFFERED BY YOUTH HAVEN BARRIE Tuesday evenings at Barrie Central Collegiate Free workshops for parents will be offered at Barrie Central Collegiate (125 Dunlop St. W.) on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m., starting on April 28. Parents of youth aged 14-24 are welcome to attend these evening sessions offered by Youth Haven Barrie. The sessions will include topics such as: communicating with youth, managing stress, positive relationship building and substance abuse. For more information, call Youth Haven Barrie at 705-817-1148 or email [email protected]. Education Week: Celebrating Public Education! Education Week, May 4 to 8, is a province-wide celebration of student achievement and excellence in education. It is an opportunity to recognize the work and accomplishments of Ontario’s publicly funded schools. Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 Our community is one of 180 communities across the province which has been selected for the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study. The study was initiated in 2014 and will continue throughout 2015. Participating in this study, if asked to do so, is an important opportunity to help children and youth in Ontario. The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study is the largest and most comprehensive study on child and youth mental health that has ever been done in Ontario. The study is being conducted by Statistics Canada, in partnership with McMaster University. Statistics Canada has invited over 13,500 families across 180 communities, including ours, with children and youth aged 4-17 years to participate in the study. The information gathered from will provide a more complete overview of our children and youth than ever before. The Ontario Child Health Study was originally conducted in 1983 and found that 1 in 5 children and youth in Ontario have a mental health issue. The findings from that study contributed to over $1 billion in federal and provincial funding towards child and youth mental health initiatives. A lot has changed since 1983 – you can help update these findings. Please do your part to represent our community and say yes if invited by Statistics Canada to participate. Children’s Mental Health Week Children’s Mental Health Week is May 3 to 9. One in five Ontario children and youth struggle with mental health concerns - that's about 500,000 kids. Children's Mental Health Week is about promoting positive mental health, increasing the awareness of signs related to children and youth struggling with mental health problems, decreasing stigma and understanding how to access community supports that are available to improve well-being. For more information, visit www.kidsmentalhealth.ca. Proposed 2015-2016 School Year Calendar On the SCDSB website (www.scdsb.on.ca) under ‘Schools’ – ‘School Year Calendars’, you will find the proposed 201516 School Year Calendars, pending Ministry approval. These calendars were approved by the Board in February for submission to the Ministry of Education. They are awaiting final approval by the Ministry of Education, which usually occurs in early May. The finalized calendars will be posted on the webpage above once they are approved. 2 Circle of Learning Parent Academy Free workshop May 13 on Resilience As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. The final Circle of Learning Parent Academy event for this school year: Resilience: Nine Things Kids Need from their Families, Schools and Communities May 13, 2015, 4 pm at Nottawasaga Pines S.S. and May 13, 2015, 7:30 pm at Eastview S.S. Register on line at: https://www.scdsb.on.ca/Parents/Pages/Circle-ofLearning.aspx To learn more about Dr. Ungar, please visit: http://www.michaelungar.com/ Jump Rope for Heart We are so excited to be fundraising for the Heart and Stroke Foundation again this year through our annual "Jump Rope for Heart" event. Our kickoff assembly on May 1st brings East Oro's skipping team to our school to launch this fantastic event! Our school community is one of the highest fundraisers in all of Simcoe County, you are all so committed to this cause and we are truly making a difference. Further information and Jump Rope envelopes will be going home with students in grades K-6 in the near future. Thanks so much Guthrie for your strong support! TRACK & FIELD On Tuesday May 19th, students in grades 4 to 8 will be participating in Guthrie’s Track & Field day at the Oro Fairgrounds. Students will be bused to the Fairgrounds in the morning, returning for bus time at 3:40. A snack bar will be available (pizza , water, pop, chips for $1 each, granola bars 50¢ each). The cost for the day is $2 per student to help cover the cost of busing. Please keep an eye out for permission forms containing more information, which will be sent home with students in grades 4 to 8 in the near future. Parents, if you are available to volunteer to help at Track & Field (and you have a record check on file) please contact the office 705-487-2532. Thank you! HELP PREPARE YOUR CHILD FOR Stu Saunders (left), YLCC owner and Producer of SOAR, with Juno-nominated singer-songwriter Peter Katz (right). SOAR By Shayla F. and Avery C. On Wednesday April 29th, the grade 8 students here at Guthrie Public School were given the opportunity to attend the first showing of the film, “SOAR” to a student audience at the Orillia Galaxy Cinema. SOAR is an acronym for Students that are Optimistic, Aware and Ready. It was a documentary that displayed different viewpoints on people’s journeys throughout high school. It explained that the transition to high school does not have to be as nerve wracking as people make it out to be. Overall, the film had a great message and the grade eights enjoyed their experience very much. It will definitely help grade 8s across Canada create a peaceful transition into their high school career. We even made it into the Orillia Packet and Times! Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 THE EQAO TEST Students in elementary and secondary schools across Ontario write provincial assessments in reading, writing and mathematics each year. The assessments are developed and scored by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Each student that completes a provincial assessment receives an Individual Student Report (ISR) which describes the student's achievement. School and board achievement data is used to improve teaching practices and to support student learning. This year’s EQAO testing for Grade 3 and 6 students takes place from May 25 to June 5. Further information about the provincial assessments, including resources to help prepare your child for the test, can be found at www.eqao.com. 3 Message from your local Health Unit: ONTARIO EARLY YEARS CENTRE Prevent the bite from mosquitoes and ticks Orillia 80 Colbourne St. W. Phone 705 325-1299 [email protected] West Nile virus is spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. Lyme disease is an infection caused by a bacteria spread by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. It’s important you and your family take precautions to reduce the chances of being bitten by a mosquito or a tick. Steps to protect yourself include: Wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Wear closed footwear and socks. Tuck your pants into your socks. If hiking or spending time outdoors, check for ticks on exposed areas of your skin or clothing. Use a personal insect repellent that has deet (following the manufacturer's directions for use). Apply it to your skin and outer clothing. Avoid your eyes and mouth, as well as cuts and scrapes. Put a tick and flea collar on your pet and check them for ticks periodically. When choosing a repellent, consider a product that meets your needs, and only use personal repellents that are registered in Canada. Never use a product labeled as an insecticide on your body. For more information about West Nile virus or Lyme disease, visit the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit’s website at www.simcoemuskokahealth.org or call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. Presentation: Working Together To Make Our Kids Successful Dr. Bruce Ferguson will focus on how the community, school and family can work together to support children as they develop and grow into healthy citizens at this free event for all parents on May 7. Dr. Ferguson is a Senior Consultant and the founding Director of the Community Health Systems Resource Group at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids). This event is free to all parents in Simcoe County. It takes place May 7 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Liberty North in Barrie (100 Caplan Ave.). Simultaneous language interpretation services will be available for those who request it. Registration is available at: www.smcdsb.on.ca/families/parent_workshop. GRAMS TRIPLE P PARENTING PRO- THE POWER OF POSITIVE PARENTING Tuesday, June 9th, 6:00-8:00 pm. A workshop for parents to learn how to help children develop skills and feel good about themselves. CONFIDENT COMPETENT CHILDREN Tuesday, June 16th, 6:00-8:00 pm. A workshop to help parents learn how to apply positive parenting principles to create a foundation of success at school and in life. RAISING RESILIENT CHILDREN Tuesday, June 23rd, 6:00-8:00 pm. A workshop to help parents learn how to help children to E YE S EE ...E YE L EARN OFFERS EYE EXAMS & FREE GLASSES TO JK STUDENTS The Eye See…Eye Learn program provides comprehensive eye exams by local optometrists to Junior Kindergarten (JK) students. The eye exams are covered under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) when parents show their child’s health card. There is no out-of-pocket cost for the eye exam and if the child requires a pair of glasses, they will receive them free of charge. The Eye See…Eye Learn program was developed to raise awareness among parents about the importance of having their children’s eyes checked upon starting school. The Ontario Association of Optometrists recognizes the important link between eye health and learning, and recommends comprehensive eye examinations for all children entering kindergarten. All children can receive an annual comprehensive eye exam covered by OHIP until their twentieth birthday. The new program for children born in 2011 will begin on July 1, 2015. For further information and a list of participating optometrists in your area, visit: www.eyeseeeyelearn.ca. Guthrie Spring Flower Show 2015 On Monday morning, May 11th, please bring your prize winning, unique, or favourite spring flower— bloom/stem, and/or flowering shrub, and/or a design of fresh flowers and foliage in a mug. This fun and friendly competition is open to all Guthrie students and staff. Entry tags are available from your classroom teacher. Judging begins at 9:30am, and there will be ribbons for the top 3 in each age category. Garden Club winners who place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd will go on to the OMHS evening flower show for consideration of the Nelsons Trophy in all classes. Each child may show one entry per class (there are 3 classes). Spring flowers such as crocuses, daffodils, tulips, forsythia or other spring flower must be from your own yard (not purchased plants). Please bring your flower specimen in a recyclable container (or in a mug if Class 19). We look forward to seeing your entries. Good luck! Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 4 Autism Awareness Month By Hailey, Baxter & Ms.Domianczuk April was National Autism Awareness month. April 2nd was Autism Awareness day and Guthrie recognized this by wearing blue on this day. We raised the flag for autism awareness in hopes to promote acceptance of those with Autism. At Guthrie, we had several fundraisers to raise money for our local chapter Autism Simcoe. We are proud to say that we raised $582.00 to hand over to our local chapter. Autism Simcoe has more than 5000 members who use their services which include small groups like “Girls on the Spectrum”, horseback riding, bowling, snow tubing, trampolining, movie events, social skills groups, drumming, March break events and summer camps. The fundraisers we had at Guthrie were a candy jar guess, an ugly tie vote, selling Autism Simcoe bracelets, and a movie night. We also had a donation tree set up in the school and collected donations all month long. Thank you to Mrs. McCallum, Dannika, Ronan, Emma, and Tyson for writing a blog about Autism Awareness. The website can be found at autismresourcesfored.blogspot.ca. Thank you to Ms. Smith, Ms. Carter, Mrs. Loffelman, and Mrs. McQuade for helping with our fundraiser on movie night. A special thank you to Mr. Bradley and Mr. Beaton for wearing the ugly ties. They looked fabulous! Sometimes kids with autism have a hard time making friends, so try to include them in whatever you are doing. Make sure you explain the rules of the game, and give them time and a chance to be included because nobody likes to be left out. Here are some facts on autism: 1 in 68 kids have autism, boys are 4 times more likely to have autism, no 2 people with autism are alike, kids with autism have a hard time making friends, playing with others and talking to others. Remember people with autism have feelings too. Be sensitive and give them a chance. WHAT'S IN A NET? By: Mr. O’Shea The grade fours' have been learning about nets in geometry. They used success criteria to determine the type of net made and what they could use to place inside the net related to their idea. "The students are not only taught to look 'outside the box', but to look deeper and 'look around the box'. Photos - Erica D. Cole H. Emma W. Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 5 Library News By: Ms. Carter Thank you to all of the performers and families who joined our Chapters Night Fundraiser on a very cold and rainy April 9th. It was an exciting night full of talent! Your support raised valuable funds that will help with the purchase of new reading material for the Guthrie PS Library. A special thank you to all of the volunteers and to Mrs. Williamson without whom this event would not be possible. You are truly appreciated! Our first annual YourWordsMatter Guthrie Poetry Slam was held in the Library on April 25th. A poetry slam is a friendly and supportive but competitive poetry reading where poets share their writing with an audience. Random audience members are invited to contribute scores to a panel of judges. Poems are personal and thought provoking and often tackle big issues. 17 students shared their amazing writing and performing talent with a group of students in grades 6,7 and 8. Congratulations to Zelia and Noah B. who will be representing Guthrie at the County Poetry Slam at Minesing PS on Monday, May 11. All of our slam poets who performed here at Guthrie are invited to attend the County Slam and cheer their teammates on. It will be a valuable experience for all of these young, keen writers! This month marks the end of our OLA Forest of Reading program here at Guthrie. Students in K-2 participated in our Blue Spruce Program. We read the 10 nominated picture books over the past few months and had a wonderful time getting to know some great Canadian writers. Our Guthrie readers chose Roy MacGregor's The Highest Number in the World as their favourite. It was a very close race with The Day My Mother Came to Kindergarten and Young Frank Architect in second and third place. We now wait to hear the announcement of the winner of the Blue Spruce Award as voted on by all participating schools province-wide later in May. We had a small but loyal group of Red Maple Award readers in grades 6-8. Votes are still being collected and we will be eagerly awaiting the provincial results of this award later in May as well. Our Spring Book Fair will be happening in the Library May 19-22 (9:00-4:00). Flyers will be sent home shortly. Yearbook Orders were due May 1. Yearbooks will be delivered in mid-June. Thank you for your orders. The team and our classes have put together a great yearbook! Please note: as a cashless school we do not keep coins, change or a float on hand (with the exception of special events like Movie Night, Book Fair, or similar type events). If for some reason you are sending cash to the school to pay for something (like a yearbook, for example), please ensure you send in exact change because, unfortunately, we are not be able to make change. Thank you for your understanding and your support! Guthrie Gazette, May 2015 6
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