7th annual SUNDAY, JUNE 7th, 2015 8:00 a.m. / Annawan, IL Sponsored by Guthrie Auc3on Company LOCATION: Starts and finishes at the Annawan High School Football Field (S.W. corner of town). DIVISION AWARDS: COURSE: Fairly flat, out and back. REGISTRATION: $16.00 Pre-‐Registra4on postmarked on or before May 29th. $20.00 a^er May 29th.. (Note: T-‐shirts for Pre-‐Registra<on par<cipants only). FEATURES: • Refreshments for all par4cipants. • Timers at the 1 and 2 mile markers. • Awards for 1st -‐ 3rd place, male • Carol M. Guthrie Memorial T-‐shirts (early reg. only). and female, in each division. • Cash prize for overall 1st place male & female finisher. ENTRY FORMS: Available at Annawan Hometown Market (322 W. Front St.) & Kewanee YMCA (315 W. First St.). No refunds. Walkers encouraged! 15 & under 16-‐19 20-‐24 25-‐29 30-‐34 35-‐39 40-‐44 45-‐49 50-‐54 55-‐59 60-‐64 65-‐69 70-‐74 75 & over T-‐SHIRT PICK UP / RACE DAY REGISTRATION: Saturday, June 6th -‐ 4:00-‐6:00 p.m. Sunday, June 7th -‐ 6:30 a.m. Annawan Football Shed (501 W. South St.) “This year's proceeds will be donated to the Samuels family who con<nue to support their 6 year old daughter, Gia, as she fights leukemia. Carol Guthrie always had a special place in her heart for Gia's mom, Heather, and we know she'd be proud to support the Samuels' fight.” MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Carol M. Guthrie Memorial 5K Run/Walk Send entry form and payment to Guthrie Auc4on Company: 19262 IL Hwy #78, Annawan, IL 61234. For addi4onal informa4on or entry forms please call Mark Guthrie at 309.935.6918 (home) or 309.945.6120 (cell) or email us at [email protected]. NAME: EMAIL: PHONE: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE/ZIP: T-‐SHIRT SIZE: (circle one) S M L XL XXL (add $3) DOB: _______/_______/____________ I know that running a road race is a poten4ally hazardous ac4vity. I know that I should not enter a run/walk unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official rela4ve to my ability to safely complete the Carol M. Guthrie Memorial Run/Walk. I assume all risks associated with running this event. I also know that although police protec4on will be provided, I assume the risk of running /walking in traffic. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in considera4on of your accep4ng my applica4on and non-‐refundable entry fee, I for myself and anyone en4tled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Village of Annawan, IL, the Guthrie Auc4on Company, and all other sponsors, officials, volunteers, their representa4ves and successors from all claims or liabili4es of any kind arising out of my par4cipa4on in the Carol M. Guthrie Memorial Run. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, recordings or any other record of the Carol M. Guthrie for any legi4mate purpose. SIGNATURE (Guardian if under 18): DATE: To Register Online: Please visit www.getmeregistered.com
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