N. Stahl*, A. Tenenbaum* and N.I. Galil** *American-Israeli Paper Mill (AIPM) Hedera, Israel. **Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel. (E-mail: [email protected]) Abstract The operation of an activated sludge process at a paper mill (AIPM) in Hedera, Israel, was often characterized by disturbances. As part of a research and development project, a study on new biological treatment was initiated. The study included the operation of three pilot units: a. anaerobic treatment by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB); b. aerobic treatment by two pilot units including activated sludge and membrane bioreactor (MBR), which have been operated in parallel for comparison reasons. The pilot plant working on anaerobic treatment performed COD reduction from 2,365 to 755 mg/L, expressed as average values. Based on the pilot study, a full scale anaerobic treatment system has been erected. During a period of 100 days, after achieving steady state, the MBR system provided steady operation performance, while the activated sludge produced effluent characterized by oscillatory qualities. The following results, based on average values, indicate much lower suspended solids concentrations in the MBR effluent, 2.5 mg/L, as compared to 25 mg/L in the activated sludge. The ability to develop and maintain a concentration of over 11,000 mg/L of mixed liquor volatile suspended solids in the MBR enabled an intensive bioprocess at relatively high cell residence time. This study demonstrates that the anaerobic process, followed by aerobic MBR can provide effluent of high quality which can be considered for economic reuse in the paper mill industry. Keywords aerobic; anaerobic; membrane bioreactor; paper mill Introduction During the last decade, the environmental requirements for discharge of effluent into water bodies have become more severe, therefore existing wastewater treatment facilities have to improve operating performance and provide effluent of higher quality, conforming to more stringent regulation. The direct aerobic biotreatment of wastewater from paper mills is reported as experiencing difficulties of heavy foam, poor biosolids separation and voluminous biological sludge. The activated sludge plant at AIPM in Hedera, Israel, also reported these problems in the past, when operated as the only biological process. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the upgrading of the existing biological wastewater treatment plant. The study covered two basic processes: a) Anaerobic bioprocess – for primary decomposition of complex organic materials, which may disturb the following aerobic process, adversely affecting bio-flocculation and the characteristics of the bio-sludge. The anaerobic process will also reduce the total organic load on the following existing aerobic process, making its current design more suitable to produce the required effluent quality. b) Aerobic bioprocess – for the production of final effluent which will conform to current regulations and quality requirement for disposal to the Hedera River. This paper summarizes the results obtained in the study based on a pilot plant including a membrane biological reactor (MBR) compared to the “conventional” activated sludge process in the aerobic treatment of the effluent obtained from the anaerobic reactor. Wastewater originating from chemical industries may contain compounds, which could Water Science and Technology Vol 50 No 3 pp 245–252 © 2004 IWA Publishing and the authors Advanced treatment by anaerobic process followed by aerobic membrane bioreactor for effluent reuse in paper mill industry 245 N. Stahl et al. adversely affect the treatment processes, mainly, the biological process by either toxic or inhibition effects. Other types of effects include the damage caused by exposing biological cells to hydrophobic compounds like phenol. This may impair the biochemical functions, which are dependent on the intact state of membranes (Sikkema et al., 1992). However, the impairment of cellular functions, following exposure to hydrophobic compounds, is a variable property and was found to be highly dependent on the growth rate. Fast-growing cells of E. coli were found most susceptible to be damaged by hydrophobic compounds, when compared to non growing cells (Sawada et al., 1987). Usually, wastewater and effluent characterization is based on physical, chemical and biological processes (Figure 1). The biological process deals with the organic phase, as well as with part of the inorganic constituents, mainly nitrogen and phosphorous compounds. The high sensitivity of the bioprocess to some chemical compounds, which may be found in the influent, often results in effluent characterized by high turbidity, high concentration of suspended solids, reducing the amount of active biomass in the bioreactor finally leading to a complete failure of the treatment process. One of the most crucial and difficult elements of the bioprocess is its ability to separate between the biosolids and the liquid effluent phase. The use of membrane separation technologies (Figure 1B) has been adopted and successfully implemented also in the biosolids separation, replacing the conventional sedimentation (gravitational) process. The biosolids separation by membrane bioreactors (MBR) which are basically MF and UF processes can thus remove particles in the range of 0.5–10 µm and 0.005–0.5 µm, respectively. (Cheryan, 1998). Yao-po et al. (1998) studied MBR treatment of petrochemical wastewater and reported removal efficiencies of 91% COD, 92% suspended solids, 99% turbidity, 82% phosphorous and 85% ammonia. Brindle and Stephenson (1996) worked with domestic and different types of industrial wastewater. They reported 85% removal of COD. The use of MBR could enhance the removal of microorganisms, chlorinated aromatics, enzymes of cellulose, oil and grease as well as methanogenic bacteria, originating from anaerobic treatment preceding the aerobic process. Saung-Goo and Hak-Sung (1993) and Peys et al. (1997) indicated that MBR effluent could achieve superior quality levels: BOD 5 mg/L and total suspended solids as low as 1 mg/L. Due to the high efficiencies of the membranes in biosolids separation, the mixed liquor (MLSS) in the bioreactor could be increased up to 20,000–30,000 mg/L, 10 times higher compared to a conventional activated sludge process. These elevated biomass concentrations could considerably reduce the bioprocess residence time (thus dramatically reducing required bioreactor volume), increasing cells residence time (CRT) in the system at the same time. The high CRT values, which can be obtained in MBR, are expected to achieve two important goals: a) the biosolids will be more stable as compared to biosolids from activated sludge with CRT in the range of 7 to 10 days; b) the total amount of excess sludge produced will be reduced. These results could substantially reduce investment and operation costs of excess biosolids treatment and disposal, making the process cost effective as compared to the conventional activated sludge. Materials and methods 246 The pilot plant in the paper mill factory included three different treatment units in two stages. First stage: anaerobic treatment utilizing the high rate technology, with internal circulation (UASB IC) with a 60 litre bioreactor operated at 35–37oC, supplied by Paques. Second stage: aerobic treatment was performed by two units operated in parallel: (a) conventional activated sludge, including a 200 litre aerated bioreactor with diffused air, a settling tank for gravitational biomass separation, the air supply system, pumps and control system supplied by Paques; (b) hollow fiber membrane bioreactor (MBR) with operational Sedimentation Tank Aerated Bioreactor Recycled Biosolids Thickening E ffluent Excess Biosolids Stabilization Biosolids Disposal Dewatering A. Biological process based on activated sludge only Aerated Bioreactor Sedimentation Tank Recycled Biosolids Thickening E ffluent Excess Biosolids Stabilization N. Stahl et al. Anaerobic Biotreatment Biosolids Disposal Dewatering B. Biological process with gravitational separation of biosolids Anaerobic Biotreatment Membrane Aerated Bioreactor Recycled Biosolids Effluent Dewatering Biosolids Disposal C. Biological process with membrane separation of biosolids (MBR) Figure1 Biological treatment with different separation of biosolids volume of 150 litre, including the aerated bioreactor, the integrated membrane cartridge, the air supply, pumping and control systems, supplied by Zenon. The experimental system was operated with flow rates up to 30 litre/hr. The work included characterization of the influent and effluent from the first stage (the anaerobic process) and from the second stage (the activated sludge and the MBR processes). The analytical procedure was according to the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th Edition (1998). Results The monitoring of the activated sludge full scale system in the period 10/2000–4/2001 was based on 160 different composite samples and is summarized in Table 1 and in Figure 2. During the above period the activated sludge was the only biological wastewater treatment process at AIPM. The effluent quality clearly reflects relatively high suspended solids in the effluent, on average 65 ± 122 mg/L. Table 1 Aerobic process full size: activated sludge (10/2000–4/2001) Parameter pH COD BOD Total Total TSS mg/L mg/L mg/L Influent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) 6.8 7.0 6.8 0.6 2324 2612 2363 424 1135 1340 1115 277 138 208 223 408 Effluent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) Average removal (%) 7.7 7.9 7.7 0.2 – 195 298 245 181 90 14 32 21 15 98 30 92 65 122 – 247 600 Influent Effluent 400 300 200 100 01 20 01 29 /0 4/ 20 01 14 /0 4/ 20 01 3/ /0 30 15 /0 3/ 20 01 01 20 2/ /0 28 13 /0 2/ 20 01 20 01 29 /0 1/ 20 00 14 /0 1/ 20 00 30 /1 2/ 20 00 2/ /1 15 30 /1 1/ 20 00 20 00 /1 1/ 20 15 0/ 20 /1 31 0/ /1 16 01 /1 0/ 20 00 0 00 N. Stahl et al. TSS (mg/L) 500 Figure 2 TSS concentrations in the activated sludge process full size system. The monitoring of the anaerobic process pilot in the period 10/2000–3/2001 was based on 135 different composite samples and is summarized in Table 2 and in Figure 3. The monitoring of the activated sludge process pilot (after anaerobic process pilot) in the period 11/2000–3/2001 was based on 95 different composite samples and is summarized in Table 3 and in Figures 4 and 5. Table 2 Anaerobic process pilot: upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (10/2000-3/2001) Parameter pH COD BOD Sol. Total TSS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Influent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) 7.3 7.4 7.0 0.3 2340 2656 2365 606 2108 2440 2124 529 1070 1435 1134 353 104 180 140 120 Effluent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) Average removal (%) 6.7 6.9 7.0 0.2 – 697 952 755 276 68 420 581 461 163 78 250 368 289 136 75 146 268 209 227 – 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Influent Figure 3 COD concentrations in the anaerobic process pilot. 20 01 03 / 30 / 20 01 03 / 15 / 20 01 20 01 02 / 28 / 02 / 13 / 20 01 01 / 29 / 20 01 01 / 14 / 20 00 20 00 12 / 30 / 20 00 12 / 15 / 20 00 11 / 30 / 20 00 11 / 15 / 10 / 31 / 10 / 20 00 Effluent 16 / 01 / 10 / 20 00 COD Total (mg/L) 248 COD Total Table 3 Aerobic process pilot: Activated Sludge (AS) (11/2000–3/2001) Parameter pH COD COD BOD Total Sol. Total TSS VSS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L 6.8 6.9 7.0 0.2 647 920 743 290 403 569 450 173 245 368 288 147 138 247 214 256 – – – – Effluent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) Average removal (%) 7.9 8.0 7.9 0.2 – 166 208 176 62 76 132 158 141 47 69 14 26 16 8 94 22 35 25 22 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3500 4420 3300 1260 1420 3430 2510 930 Reactor 50% 80% Average Stdev 2000 Influent 1800 Effluent 1600 COD Total (mg/L) N. Stahl et al. Influent (after anaerobic process) 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 01 25 /0 3/ 20 01 10 /0 3/ 20 01 23 /0 2/ 20 01 08 /0 2/ 20 01 24 /0 1/ 20 01 09 /0 1/ 20 00 25 /1 2/ 20 00 10 /1 2/ 20 00 20 1/ /1 25 10 /1 1/ 20 00 0 Figure 5 TSS concentrations in the effluent of the activated sludge process pilot. 00 1 03 /2 25 / 00 1 03 /2 10 / 00 1 02 /2 23 / 00 1 02 /2 08 / 00 1 01 /2 24 / 00 1 01 /2 09 / 00 0 12 /2 25 / 00 0 12 /2 10 / 11 /2 25 / 11 /2 10 / 00 0 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 00 0 TSS (mg/L) Figure 4 COD concentrations in the activated sludge process pilot. 249 The monitoring of the MBR process pilot (after anaerobic process pilot) in the period 2/2001–5/2001 was based on 25 different composite samples and is summarized in Table 4 and in Figures 6 and 7. Table 4 Aerobic process pilot: Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) (2/2001–5/2001) Parameter pH N. Stahl et al. COD COD BOD Total Sol. Total TSS VSS mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Influent (after anaerobic process) 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) 6.8 7.0 6.8 0.2 651 1708 960 764 470 683 612 448 217 602 363 323 112 478 294 407 105 359 261 349 Effluent 50% of all the results 80% of all the results Average Standard deviation (±) Average removal (%) 7.8 8.0 7.8 0.2 – 124 146 129 30 86 – – – – – 3.5 14.5 7.1 7.0 98 1.6 4.1 2.5 2.1 – 0.7 2.1 1.11 1.2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 15579 20022 14315 6676 11920 16026 11197 5452 Reactor 50% 80% Average Stdev 3500 Influent Effluent COD Total (mg/L) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1 02 /0 5/ 2 00 1 22 /0 4/ 2 00 1 /0 4/ 2 00 1 12 02 /0 4/ 2 00 1 /0 3/ 2 00 1 23 13 /0 3/ 2 00 1 /0 3/ 2 00 1 03 21 /0 2/ 2 00 1 00 /0 2/ 2 11 01 /1 0/ 2 00 1 0 Figure 6 COD concentrations in the MBR process pilot. 10 TSS (mg/L) 8 6 4 2 250 Figure 7 TSS concentrations in the effluent of the MBR process pilot. 20 01 05 / 02 / 20 01 04 / 22 / 20 01 04 / 12 / 20 01 04 / 02 / 20 01 03 / 23 / 20 01 03 / 13 / 20 01 03 / 03 / 20 01 02 / 21 / 20 01 02 / 11 / 01 / 10 / 20 01 0 Discussion N. Stahl et al. The monitoring of the activated sludge process in the period 11/2000–3/2001 led to the following conclusions. (1) COD reduction from 743 to 176 mg/L and BOD reduction from 288 to 16 mg/L, based on average values (76% and 94% removal respectively). (2) The bioreactor could maintain about 2,500 mg/L of volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and a total suspended solids (MLSS) of 3,300 mg/L. (3) The effluent contained average TSS values around 25 mg/L with a high standard deviation of 22 mg/L, thus indicating strong fluctuation in solids separation efficiencies of the AS process, with conventional secondary settling. (4) Events of bulking and/or voluminous–poor settling biomass could be observed. The most important goal of the anaerobic bioprocess – the substantial reduction of the total organic matter, was successfully achieved by the pilot. Since 2002 a full scale treatment internally circulated up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket system has been operated at AIPM-Hedera. The monitoring results obtained in the full scale system indicate good accordance with the pilot plant. However the COD and BOD levels in the effluent clearly indicate the need for additional biotreatment and this could be provided by additional aerobic bioprocess. The monitoring of the MBR process in the period 2/2001-5/2001 lead to the following conclusions. (1) The COD reduction was from 960 to 130 mg/L, and BOD from 363 to 7 mg/L (average removals of 86% and 98%, respectively). (2) The TSS in the effluent was always lower than 5 mg/L with an average value of 2.5 mg/L; that means that all the quality parameters reported for total values are very close to the soluble values. (3) The bioreactor could maintain high levels of MLVSS (11,200 mg/L on average) resulting in long cell residence time (CRT) of the biomass in the MBR. Conclusions The task of the biological treatment process at a paper mill in Hedera, Israel has been divided between a first stage anaerobic and a second stage aerobic treatment. The comparison of activated sludge (AS) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for the second stage aerobic treatment revealed that the MBR could produce an effluent of much better quality in terms of organic matter and suspended solids. The most important advantage of the MBR process is the very low content of suspended solids and low turbidity in the effluent. This could save the need for further filtration in case of disposal of the effluent to the river. It should be mentioned that AS effluent could not achieve a steady suspended solids concentration lower than 10 mg/L, as required in case of ultimate disposal to the river, therefore additional treatment by filtration would be necessary. The MBR could concentrate over 3-4 times higher amounts of biomass, as compared to the AS. 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